Efficiently implementing Birman-Schiper-Stephenson(BSS) protocol's delay queue - data-structures

I am using the Birman-Schiper-Stephenson protocol of distributed system with the current assumption that peer set of any node doesn't change. As the protocol dictates, the messages which have come out of causal order to a node have to be put in a 'delay queue'. My problem is with the organisation of the delay queue where we must implement some kind of order with the messages. After deciding the order we will have to make a 'Wake-Up' protocol which would efficiently search the queue after the current timestamp is modified to find out if one of the delayed messages can be 'woken-up' and accepted.
I was thinking of segregating the delayed messages into bins based on the points of difference of their vector-timestamps with the timestamp of this node. But the number of bins can be very large and maintaining them won't be efficient.
Please suggest some designs for such a queue(s).

Sorry about the delay -- didn't see your question until now. Anyhow, if you look at Isis2.codeplex.com you'll see that in Isis2, I have a causalsend implementation that employs the same vector timestamp scheme we described in the BSS paper. What I do is to keep my messages in a partial order, sorted by VT, and then when a delivery occurs I can look at the delayed queue and deliver off the front of the queue until I find something that isn't deliverable. Everything behind it will be undeliverable too.
But in fact there is a deeper insight here: you actually never want to allow the queue of delayed messages to get very long. If the queue gets longer than a few messages (say, 50 or 100) you run into the problem that the guy with the queue could be holding quite a few bytes of data and may start paging or otherwise running slowly. So it becomes a self-perpetuating cycle in which because he has a queue, he is very likely to be dropping messages and hence enqueuing more and more. Plus in any case from his point of view, the urgent thing is to recover that missed message that caused the others to be out of order.
What this adds up to is that you need a flow control scheme in which the amount of pending asynchronous stuff is kept small. But once you know the queue is small, searching every single element won't be very costly! So this deeper perspective says flow control is needed no matter what, and then because of flow control (if you have a flow control scheme that works) the queue is small, and because the queue is small, the search won't be costly!


Kafka: is it better to have a lot of small messages or fewer, but bigger ones?

There is a microservice, which receives the batch of the messages from the outside and push them to kafka. Each message is sent separately, so for each batch I have around 1000 messages 100 bytes each. It seems like the messages take much more space internally, because the free space on the disk going down much faster than I expected.
I'm thinking about changing the producer logic, the way it will put all the batch in one message (the consumer then will split them by itself). But I haven't found any information about space or performance issues with many small messages, neither any guildlines about balance between size and count. And I don't know Kafka enough to have my own conclusion.
Thank you.
The producer will, by itself, batch messages that are destined to the same partition, in order to avoid unnecesary calls.
The producer makes this thanks to its background threads. In the image, you can see how it batches 3 messages before sending them to each partition.
If you also set compression in the producer-side, it will also compress (GZip, LZ4, Snappy are the valid codecs) the messages before sending it to the wire. This property can also can be set on the broker-side (so the messages are sent uncompressed by the producer, and compressed by the broker).
It depends on your network capacity to decide wether you prefer a slower producer (as the compression will slow it) or bigger load on the wire. Note that setting a big compression level on big files may affect a lot your overall performance.
Anyway, I believe the big/small msg problem hurts a lot more to the consumer side; Sending messages to Kafka is easy and fast (the default behaviour is async, so the producer won't be too busy). But on the consumer side, you'll have to look the way you are processing the messages:
One Consumer-Worker
Here you couple consuming with processing. This is the simplest way: the consumer sets its own thread, reads a kafka msg and process it. Then continues the loop.
One Consumer - Many workers
Here you decouple consuming and processing. In most cases, reading from kafka will be faster than the time you need to process the message. It is just physics. In this approach, one consumer feeds many separate worker threads that share the processing load.
More info about this here, just above the Constructors area.
Why do I explain this? Well, if your messages are too big, and you choose the first option, your consumer may not call poll() within the timeout interval, so it will rebalance continuosly. If your messages are big (and take some time to be processed), better choose to implement the second option, as the consumer will continue its own way, calling poll() without falling in rebalances.
If the messages are too big and too many, you may have to start thinking about different structures than can buffer the messages into your memory. Pools, deques, queues, for example, are different options to acomplish this.
You may also increase the poll timeout interval. This may hide you about dead consumers, so I don't really recommend it.
So my answer would be: it depends, basicallty on: your network capacity, your required latency, your processing capacity. If you are able to process big messages equally fast as smaller ones, then I wouldn't care much.
Maybe if you need to filter and reprocess older messages I'd recommend partitioning the topics and sending smaller messages, but it's only a use-case.

Achieve concurrency in Kafka consumers

We are working on parallelising our Kafka consumer to process more number of records to handle the Peak load. One way, we are already doing is through spinning up as many consumers as many partitions within the same consumer group.
Our Consumer deals with making an API call which is synchronous as of now. We felt making this API call asynchronous will make our consumer handle more load. Hence, we are trying to making the API call Asynchronous and in its response we are increasing the offset. However we are seeing an issue with this:
By making the API call Asynchronous, we may get the response for the last record first and none of the previous record's API calls haven't initiated or done by then. If we commit the offset as soon as we receive the response of the last record, the offset would get changed to the last record. In the meantime if the consumer restarts or partition rebalances, we will not receive any record before the last record we committed the offset as. With this, we will miss out the unprocessed records.
As of now we already have 25 partitions. We are looking forward to understand if someone have achieved parallelism without increasing the partitions or increasing the partitions is the only way to achieve parallelism (to avoid offset issues).
First, you need to decouple (if only at first) the reading of the messages from the processing of these messages. Next look at how many concurrent calls you can make to your API as it doesn't make any sense to call it more frequently than the server can handle, asynchronously or not. If the number of concurrent API calls is roughly equal to the number of partitions you have in your topic, then it doesn't make sense to call the API asynchronously.
If the number of partitions is significantly less than the max number of possible concurrent API calls then you have a few choices. You could try to make the max number of concurrent API calls with fewer threads (one per consumer) by calling the API's asynchronously as you suggest, or you can create more threads and make your calls synchronously. Of course, then you get into the problem of how can your consumers hand their work off to a greater number of shared threads, but that's exactly what streaming execution platforms like Flink or Storm do for you. Streaming platforms (like Flink) that offer checkpoint processing can also handle your problem of how to handle offset commits when messages are processed out of order. You could roll your own checkpoint processing and roll your own shared thread management, but you'd have to really want to avoid using a streaming execution platform.
Finally, you might have more consumers than max possible concurrent API calls, but then I'd suggest that you just have fewer consumers and share partitions, not API calling threads.
And, of course, you can always change the number of your topic partitions to make your preferred option above more feasible.
Either way, to answer your specific question you want to look at how Flink does checkpoint processing with Kafka offset commits. To oversimplify (because I don't think you want to roll your own), the kafka consumers have to remember not only the offsets they just committed, but they have to hold on to the previous committed offsets, and that defines a block of messages flowing though your application. Either that block of messages in its entirety is processed all the way through or you need to rollback the processing state of each thread to the point where the last message in the previous block was processed. Again, that's a major oversimplification, but that's kinda how it's done.
You have to look at kafka batch processing. In a nutshell: you can setup huge batch.size with a little number (or even single) of partitions. As far, as whole batch of messages consumed at consumer side (i.e. in ram memory) - you can parallelize this messages in any way you want.
I would really like to share links, but their number rolls over the web hole.
In terms of committing offsets - you can do this for whole batch.
In general, kafka doesn't achieve target performance requirements by abusing partitions number, but rather relying on batch processing.
I already saw a lot of projects, suffering from partitions scaling (you may see issues later, during rebalancing for example). The rule of thumb - look at every available batch setting first.

What exactly is the queue Abstract Data Type?

I am not clear on the idea of a Queue. It seems that this term is ambiguous or at least I am confused about it.
While it seems that the most common explanation of a queue (e.g. in wikipedia) is that it is an Abstract Data Type that adheres to the FIFO principle, in practice this term appears to have a broader meaning.
For example, we have
Priority Queues where each item is retrieve according to a priority,
we have a stack which also is a form of inverse queue (LIFO),
we have message queues, which seem to be just a list of items with no
ordering, there by classifying a simple list as a queue etc
So could someone please help me out here on why exactly a queue has so many different meanings?
A queue is inherently a data structure following the FIFO principle as its default nature.
Let us treat this queue as a queue in our natural day-to-day lives. Take an example of a queue on the railway station for purchasing tickets.
Normal queue: The person standing front-most in the queue gets the ticket, and any new person arriving stands at the end of the queue, waiting for his turn to get a ticket.
Priority queue: Suppose you are a VIP standing in the middle of that queue. The ticket vendor immediately notices you, and calls you to the front of the queue to get your tickets, even though its not your turn to purchase. Had you not been important, the queue would have kept playing its usual role, but as soon as any element is considered more important than the other, its picked up, irrespective of its position in the queue. But otherwise, the default nature of the queue remains the same.
Stack: Let's not confuse it with the queue at all. The purpose of the stack is inherently different from that of a queue. Take an example of dishes washed and kept in your kitchen, where the last dish washed is the first one to be picked for serving. So, stack and queue have a different role to play in different situations, and should not be confused with each other.
Message queue: As is the case with priority queue, the default nature of this queue is that the message that comes first is read first, while the upcoming messages line up in the queue waiting for their turn, unless a message is considered more important than the other and is called to the front of the queue before its usual turn.
So, the default nature of any type of queue remains the same, it continues to follow its FIFO principle unless its made to do otherwise, in special circumstances.
Hope it helps
In general, a queue models a waiting area where items enter and are eventually selected and removed. However, different queues can have different scheduling policies such as First-In-First-Out (FIFO), Last-In-First-Out (LIFO), Priority, or Random. For example, queueing theory addresses all of these as queues.
However, in computer science/programming, we typically use the word "queue" to refer specifically to FIFO queues, and use the other words (stack, priority queue, etc.) for the other scheduling policies. In practice, you should assume FIFO when you hear the word queue, but don't completely rule out the possibility that the speaker might be using the word more generally.
As an aside, similar issues arise with the word "heap" which, depending on context, might refer to a specific implementation of priority queues or to priority queues in general (or, in a mostly unrelated meaning, to an area of memory used for dynamic allocation).
Priority Queue: Its not a queue. Take a look: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/PriorityQueue.html it does not implement the Queue interface.
Stack: Its not a queue. Take a look: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/Stack.html it does not implement the Queue interface.
Message queue: I do not know what it is.
Queue: Queue has only one meaning, whoever comes first also get served first.
Queue ADT: It is an interface, meaning it has bunch of functions. Most common ones: add-adds to the end of the line, remove-removes from the beginning of the line. http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/Queue.html

Is it possible to declare a maximum queue size with AMQP?

As the title says — is it possible to declare a maximum queue size and broker behaviour when this maximum size is reached? Or is this a broker-specific option?
I ask because I'm trying to learn about AMQP, not because I have this specific problem with any specific broker… But broker-specific answers would still be insightful.
AFAIK you can't declare maximum queue size with RabbitMQ.
Also there's no such setting in the AMQP sepc:
Depending on why you're asking, you might not actually need a maximum queue size. Since version 2.0 RabbitMQ will seamlessly persist large queues to disk instead of storing all the messages in RAM. So if your concern the broker crashing because it exhausts its resources, this actually isn't much of a problem in most circumstances - assuming you aren't strapped for hard disk space.
In general this persistence actually has very little performance impact, because by definition the only "hot" parts of the queue are the head and tail, which stay in RAM; the majority of the backlog is "cold" so it makes little difference that it's sitting on disk instead.
We've recently discovered that at high throughput it isn't quite that simple - under some circumstances the throughput can deteriorate as the queue grows, which can lead to unbounded queue growth. But when that happens is a function of CPU, and we went for quite some time without hitting it.
You can read about RabbitMQ maximum queue implementation here http://www.rabbitmq.com/maxlength.html
They do not block the incoming messages addition but drop the messages from the head of the queue.
You should definitely read about Flow control here:
With qpid, yes
you can confire maximun queue size and politic in case raise the maximum. Ring, ignore messages,broke connection.
you also have lvq queues (las value) very configurable
There are some things that you can't do with brokers, but you can do in your app. For instance, there are two AMQP methods, basic.get and queue.declare, which return the number of messages in the queue. You can use this to periodically get a count of outstanding messages and take action (like start new consumer processes) if the message count gets too high.

How to dedupe parallel event streams

Is there a standard approach for deduping parallel event streams ? Before I attempt to reinvent the wheel, I want to know if this problem has some known approaches.
My client component will be communicating with two servers. Each one is providing a near real-time event stream (~1 second). The events may occasionally be out of order. Assume I can uniquely identify the events. I need to send a single stream of events to the consuming code at the same near real-time performance.
A lot has been written about this kind of problem. Here's a foundational paper, by Leslie Lamport:
The Wikipedia article on Operational Transformation theory is a perfectly good starting point for further research:
As for your problem, you'll have to choose some arbitrary weight to measure the cost of delay vs the cost of dropped events. You can maintain two priority queues, time-ordered, where incoming events go. You'd do a merge-and on the heads of the two queues with some delay (to allow for out-of-order events), and throw away events that happened "before" the timestamp of whatever event you last sent. If that's no better than what you had in mind already, well, at least you get to read that cool Lamport paper!
I think that the optimization might be OS-specific. From the task as you described it I think about two threads consuming incoming data and appending it to the common stream having access based on mutexes. Both Linux and Win32 have mutex-like procedures, but they may have slow performance if you have data rate is really great. In this case I'd operate by blocks of data, that will allow to use mutexes not so often. Sure there's a main thread that consumes the data and it also access it with a mutex.
