jQuery maintain fullscreen mode on ajax request with the URL change - ajax

I have my project developed in ajax with HTML5 URL history to change / update.
Have any suggestions keepin fullsceen mode also on page change? when loading new pages the browser exits fullscreen mode.
I need to avoid updating the URL and only do when the user exits from fullscreen mode? Do you know what can be the problem? Any advice?


Is it possible to programmatically reload JavaScript files in mobile browsers on page refresh?

I am developing a web application and while working on a desktop, I am used to force reloading pages using Ctrl-F5 in the browser to clear any cached copies when I make changes to javascript files.
I am not able to do that in mobile browsers since they don't have a Ctrl-F5 or forced reload feature. I want to refrain from using version numbers in the javascript's querystrings to force a reload files whenever I make changes.
Is there any client-side or server-side way to force a mobile browser to refresh javascripts when reloading a webpage?
Sure. The following method can be used to load in a JavaScript file programmatically.
function LoadJsFile(jsUrl)
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
script.setAttribute("src", request);

Persistant Chat Window? Like Facebook or OkCupid

I saw this question asked here 18 months ago, but without (a correct) answer: Window like facebook chat
Both Facebook and OkCupid have messaging windows which stay open even when you click to another page on their website. Literally the IM window (and friend list, on Facebook) don't so much as flash or "blink" as if they were reloading quickly. If you refresh the website (F5 or such) then the messages will disappear, at least for a moment.
The only thing I can think of is that the entire website never actually changes addresses, but just pushes the new URLs to your browser so it looks like the URL changed, but you never really left the same file.
How are they offering this persistent chat?
My guess is they are using something similar to qjuery-pjax:
From their docs:
pjax works by grabbing html from your server via ajax and replacing the content of a container on your page with the ajax'd html. It then updates the browser's current url using pushState without reloading your page's layout or any resources (js, css), giving the appearance of a fast, full page load. But really it's just ajax and pushState.
This means clicking a link on the page will load only part for page and leave the chat windows untouched (no flicker). If you hit F5, the browser is initiating the refresh which will not use ajax/pushState. This causes the chat windows to flicker.

Missing cookies on iframe in safari 5.1.5

This is for Safari 5.1.4 and 5.1.5 only. It works on older Safari versions.
if you go to:
and click on the button you get a Online Booking inside a iframe
If you the click on a green day and then a time you are presented with a "Your session has expired".
If you check the cookies you dont have any cookies.
Safari is rejecting the session cookies and this started around the Safari/Google issue where Safari became more strict about 3rd party cookies. Version 5.1.4+
How can I solve this? How can I set the cookies in the iframe?
I send the correct P3P headers. I've tried a lot of things I just cant get it working.
It works in all other browsers than Safari 5.1.4+
Maybe ,The following link would be helpful to you .
Safari 3rd party cookie iframe trick no longer working?
Certainly, To set a cookie for your domain and refresh the opener and then closes,
you must prepare dummy page(ex...safari_cookie_fix.php)
In Our project , We prepare its dummy page as Good-looking(Not bad usability!) loading page.
I experimented a similar problem.
A web "parent" page open my "child" website in a jquery fancybox i-frame cross-domain.
Not problem at all with Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Opera and even with Safari (5.8.1) on MAC.
But with iPhone, iPad and mini iPad, the session in the i-frame is lost.
That's mean that at every click on an element in the i-frame (web site is in aspx) a new session started.
We solve the problem in a very simple way:
when the parent website start, it call a page in the child site directly (not in an i-frame). In this page I just set a session variable and I redirect to the parent website.
Now when the child website is open in an iframe, the session is kept.

Browser OnLoad event handler

I have made an google chrome extension recently. It is working fine except that it works only when user clicks it. I want it to update status even if it is not clicked. So, there is any browser onload action so that I can start updating the status continuously using AJAX.
Thanks :)
Create a background page for your extension.
The background page is loaded as soon as the extension is enabled, so any code in your background page will get executed without needing the user to click anything.

Web page expired message in browser

I am implementing a web application using ASP .Net and C#. One of the pages has a requirement that it always needs to be fetched from the server, rather than from the local browser cache. I have been able to achieve this.
We have a back button in the application, which simply invokes javascript:history.back() method. The problem is that when the back button is clicked to navigate to the page which is always to be reloaded from the server, the browser displays a "Web page expired message".
The intent here is to force the browser to reload the page rather than display the web page expired message.
Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks a ton in advance.
You will probably need to change the implementation to make the browser load the URL explicitly:
window.location.href = 'http://....';
instead of invoking the back button, since the intention of the back button is to get the last page from the cache.
(If browsers would not act that way, they would re-send your form data multiple times when using the back button during a registration process or similar.)
You mean you want to control browser behaviour, which is not possible. I doubt you can solve it that way. You could set the expiration time to a small value (1 minute perhaps?) so that the page is still valid if one navigates back quickly.
