separating text and image regions from an image code - image

Separating image and text regions from an image is a very old problem and many papers have been written about it. One of the recent ones can be found here.
But I didn't find any existing code for this. Before implementing one, I thought it might be a good idea to ask SO community if anyone knows of an existing one.
Please point me to an existing code (preferably Java) if you know.

I haven't read your PDF completely but from what I saw you can find a similar algorithm implemented in C# in AForge.Net. Converting the code to Java shouldn't be a big deal.
See HorizontalRunLengthSmoothing Class and VerticalRunLengthSmoothing Class


How can I do what this app does? How is this technique called?

recently I saw an app in the playstore:
(Not trying to make this political, I couldnt find another example)
Basically, you give an image of a given size to the app and the app will put the image inside the video, resizing and transforming the image automatically so it looks like it is part of the video.
So the programmer have to let the app know where the image should be placed and how it should be transformed.
Example video:
I tried searching information, but couldnt find much, maybe I am not using the right terms.
It probably looks like a broad question, but I'm just looking for the name of the technique or a small introduction (preferably Python, but other languages would be fine too).
Thank you!

OpenCV FaceRecognizer - facial recognition. Does anyone know of a link

With the class FaceRecognizer of OpenCV anybody has a link to somewhere explaining with available source code how to use it to save a model from images (say cropped tags of the same person in photos) and then with any other image that wasn't used to make the model load the model saved of the person(s) (possibly previously stored in db) and find a match on a photo from the stored model therefore calling it facial recognition? This would be a breakthrough for a small social network I have that already uses facial detection to tag people now I need the facial recognition to be able to implement automatically tagging in photos recognizing the users in the images.
Been looking but can't find source code, it's been over a year since the class has been released, for facial detection there's source code as to detect nose, ears, eyes, eyebrows, mouth, etc but not for facial recognition.
Have tried from the official opencv site with the documentation they have, they do post source code in chunks making you think how to put the code in order but haven't been able to compile what I had created to save the model "trained" from an array of photos.
I am afraid you are more than mistaken. There are lots and lots of face
recognition documentation.
Just a quick search on google,
Is this the documentation you are talking about? There are many examples, pretty clear cut and straight forward with source code. Which part are you having problems from the documentation? The codes are not in chunks, and it's the whole code by itself. Do comment on my answer so I can help you.
If this is not the documentation you talking about, then have a look at it. Example source code all included inside. Cheers.
Last but not least, when you say trained, you are talking about classifier? If you already have trained it, there's no need to compile it, just insert the path of the classifier into the program.

find similar image in library to photo

I work at a printer where we generate thumbnails of artwork for orders and store them in a folder before printing.
I'm looking for a code library that will allow us to take a photo of a printed item and look through the library of thumbnails for the design.
Just wondered if anyone knows of a library or api that could do this?
pHash is one solution.
There are others but that mainly depends on your requirements: do you only want to identify identical images, if not, what types of transformations do you want to be able to capture etc.
In general you should look for near duplicate image search.
#david-jennings there are numerous methods to look for similar images in libraries. Remember that google already does this in google images.
Your problem falls under the scope of Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR), which aims at looking for images with similarities in their content. MPEG-7 is a standard established many years ago to address these issues and the research field is very active with new techniques being developed constantly.
The main idea in CBIR is to extract some kind of a signature from an image and try to match it with all previously extracted signatures of all images in your database. Which method to use depends upon the specifics of your problem... According to your initial post I suppose that probably the use of SHIFT is going to do the work for you...
You may implement such a system using OpenCV with C/C++/Java/etc., or something more "scientific" using MATLAB.

Image processing - reusable code

I am going to start working on a image processing project and would like a little information about basic character recognition from an image as simple as reading just a number from an image.
All I am looking for is the logic and some reusable code will be great as well.
I used this long back for my side project. Hopefully it is something that you are looking for
If you need to read a character from an image, you will need to use Optical Character Recognition (OCR).
There are many question on this subject on stackoverflow and codeproject that you can take a look at like the following:

What article discusses "Viewing code from 10000 feet"?

A few years ago I read an article about a neat way to analyze a large code-base.
The idea was to zoom out so far that patterns of indentation and block length are all that is really visible.
The author wrote about printing out code with very small fonts and looking at the results from 10 feet back. I believe the author also had some tools for reformatting code and producing images for this technique, in such a way that paper could be avoided.
I can't find the right search query to bring this up. Anyone have any ideas?
The text editor Sublime Text has a zoomed-out overview of your code on the left of the window, and can be used to scroll.
I've done this myself, that is print to paper with very small fonts and step back. If you want to avoid the paper route then perhaps you can print to PDF?
Or use and editor that can zoom in and out by changing font size. I use SciTE and Komodo Edit, both based on the Scintilla code editing engine and both allow me to hold down the ctrl key and use the mousewheel to change font size (just like web browsers).
With a bit of Google-fu I found references that this (ctrl+mousewheel) may also be implemented in Visual Studio and XCode. Can anyone confirm?
I think you are referring to Software Visualization? If you search for Code Visualizer, you maybe able to find a few products out there that does it but there are more focusing on aggregating the measurements information/metrics together for software comprehension and not necessary as a way to view or navigating to code only.
Some of the tools include Code city, code crawler or code visualizer. Michele Lanza and his team did some great work in this area in the recent years, however some only has support for certain language/platform so be mindful if they are going to be useful for you.
Could extract all the types, classes, etcetera, and put them into a tool such as graphviz and generate a graph.
