How to remove theme tab name from magento - magento

I am using Queldorei theme after installation it create its custom tab on top just beside system tab.
How can i remove this?
I do not want to remove theme.

Just go to theme module config.xml file, in this file find <menu> tag and comment this <menu> tag
after doing this clear your cache and you are done.

You can either
Comment out the <menu> in either adminhtml.xml or config.xml
Removing it using local.xml or a custom module (if you want to avoid making changes to that modules) see Magento remove "Promo" Item


how to remove layerd navigation on checkout page in magento

I have tried to remove layered navigation on by using checkout.xml using following code
But it still remains there,I want to remove it only from checkout page only are keep it on other pages.What I have to do here ???
Please check following thing:
in your current theme's checkout.xml search for handler <checkout_onepage_index translate="label"> and add following line <remove name="left"/>. if in current theme no checkout.xml then copy paste checkout.xml file from base theme and add it to your current theme and then do changes. Do not forget to clear cache!!
If option-1 is not works then right click on left side panel and check in main div what class is assigned and try to find that block name and then add
In worst case you can change your checkout onepage layout from 2column-left.phtml to 1column.phtml. To do create local.xml file in your layout directory and add following code and clear cache.

Package’s local.xml not loading when a custom theme with local.xml is active

I have a design package from ThemeForest installed, which has been working just fine, but I am trying to create a new custom theme that consists of a custom.css stylesheet, and a local.xml layout file which only adds a reference to custom.css.
In Magento Admin, the value of System > Configuration > General > Design / Package / Current Package Name is set to the design package I installed. That works fine until I set Design / Themes / Default to my new custom theme, which causes the local.xml file of the design package to be ignored. I can verify this by removing the local.xml of my custom theme or by replacing it with the one from the design package.
The same thing happens when I set Design / Themes / Layout to another theme, now the local.xml file from the package, and the one from Design / Themes / Default are ignored. I could work around this problem by combining the contents of all the local.xml files into a single one under Design / Themes / Layout, but that’s obviously not a desirable solution.
I have made custom themes before but this is the first time I have had this problem, does anyone have a solution?
You have run into a limitation of Magento’s design fall back hierarchy. The way it works is to search backwards from most specific location, to least specific.
... if your custom theme calls for a CSS file called ‘styles.css’ but the Magento application is unable to find the file in your custom theme, Magento will go to the next theme in the hierarchy to find the file ... it will continue working down the hierarchy of themes until it’s able to locate the file called ‘styles.css.’
This method of building design is called fall backs, because the application ‘falls back’ to the next possible source of required files in order to retrieve and load a requested file.
What this means for you is that the layout file local.xml can only be sourced from one location, and it will be whatever is the most specific to the current theme. So Magento will search for it in the following priority:
The important thing to realize is that each of these files overrides the next one down, rather than adding to them. I have heard that Magento 2.x may address this situation, but for 1.x we need to work around this.
A Possible Solution
The way I would go about solving this is to create a simple extension that just loads your custom css file in a separate layout file. Then you do not need the local.xml file in your new theme and it will continue to fall back to default.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<layout version="0.1.0">
<reference name="head">
<action method="addCss"><stylesheet>css/my_theme.css</stylesheet></action>
This uses Magento’s design fall back method to load the file as well. So you could put this at skin/frontend/$package/$theme/css/my_theme.css or in the $package/default/css/ subdirectory.

Disable a Module in Certain magento Theme

Is it possible to disable certain modules when running a certain theme? I'm working on a mobile friendly version of our Magento store and I've run into some issues with a few extensions. Rather than customize them, the default iphone theme is sufficient, so I'd like to just disable those modules so it runs the default code when on a mobile device. Is this possible?
You can disable that module in local.xml. Just paste this xml in your theme's local.xml.
In admin panel
system -> configuration -> advanced
here you can disable certain module

Magento: Howto overwrite one template file

There is this template file:
I first just changed it but I learned I should have made an overwrite somehow to avoid problems with updates. So I tried to find a tutorial for that but like this question I could not find any that works with Magento
I know I have to create a new template folder and recreate the folder structure catalog/product.
But where do I place this folder?
How do I tell Magento to use it?
Can I somehow skip the xml config stuff?
Create a folder app/design/frontend/mycompany/default/template
Then you should can configure this so called new package/theme in the backend
System -> Configuration -> Design -> Package = mycompany
Themes: default (no change should be necessary)
Now your shop uses a completely new theme: yours! But all files that are not defined in your theme will be pulled from base/default (fallback)
To overwrite a template simply copy it to mycompany/default(with same directory structure, so: app/design/frontend/mycompany/default/template/catalog/product/view.phtml) and change whatever you have to change
There should be no need to create any XML files in the layout folder of your theme. In case you need to customize anything with the layout definitions, create a layout/local.xml and make layout updates there. Do not copy for example catalog.xml from the base/default to your theme as this can cause problems with a Magento update.
You should have defined your own theme and copied the exact path and file to your own theme and change it there.
if you want to use the same file the you can copy and paste from default theme to your theme.
But if you want to use your define file then you can use below code in local.xml
and put the newly created file in template folder of your or default theme.
<reference name="">
<action method="setTemplate"><template>yourfolder/customfile.phtml</template></action>
So above file will override default view.phtml
I hope this will help you.

How to activate new adminhtml theme in Magento?

I developed a new module under Magento, it works well. I designed a new adminhtml theme, however I don't find from where to activate it. I browsed all the backend and found only [design change] which change the store theme..
Is there a way to tell Magento to use my theme?
Within config.xml under etc folder of your module, add the following
Assuming you created your theme under app/design/adminhtml/NameSpace/theme
