cp: silence "omitting directory" warning - bash

I'm using the command cp ./* "backup_$timestamp" in a bash script to backup all files in directory into a backup folder in a subdirectory. This works fine, but the script keeps outputting warning messages:
cp: omitting directory `./backup_1364935268'
How do I tell cp to shut up without silencing any other warnings that I might want to know about?

The solution that works for me is the following:
find -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec cp {} backup_1364935268/ \;
It copies all (including these starting with a dot) files from the current directory, does not touch directories and does not complain about it.

Probably you want to use cp -r in that script. That would copy the source recursively including directories. Directories will get copied and the messages will disappear.
If you don't want to copy directories you can do the following:
redirect stderr to stdout using 2>&1
pipe the output to grep -v
script 2>&1 | grep -v 'omitting directory'
quote from grep man page:
-v, --invert-match
Invert the sense of matching, to select non-matching lines.

When copying a directory, make sure you use -R
cp -R source source_duplicate_copy_name
-R, -r, --recursive copy directories recursively
--reflink[=WHEN] control clone/CoW copies. See below
--remove-destination remove each existing destination file before
attempting to open it (contrast with --force)
--sparse=WHEN control creation of sparse files. See below
--strip-trailing-slashes remove any trailing slashes from each SOURCE


How to write a bash script to copy files from one base to another base location

I have a bash script I'm trying to write
I have 2 base directories:
I want to go through all the directories in ./tmp and copy the *.html files into the same folder path in ./src
if I have a html file in ./tmp/serve/app/components/help/ help.html -->
copy to ./src/app/components/help/ And recursively do this for all subdirectories in ./tmp/
NOTE: the folder structures should exist so just need to copy them only. If it doesn't then hopefully it could create the folder for me (not what I want) but with GIT I can track these folders to manually handle those loose html files.
I got as far as
echo $(find . -name "*.html")\n
But not sure how to actually extract the file path with pwd and do what I need to, maybe it's not a one liner and needs to be done with some vars.
something like
for i in `echo $(find /tmp/ -name "*.html")\n
cp -r $i /src/app/components/help/
going so far to create the directories would take some more time for me.
I'll try to do it on my own and see if I come up with something
but for argument sake if you do run pwd and get a response the pseudo code for that:
get response
if that directory does not exist in src create that directory
copy all the original directories contents into the new folder at /src/$newfolder
(possibly running two for loops, one to check the directory tree, and then one to go through each original directory, copying all the html files)
You process substitution to loop the output from your find command and create the destination directory(ies) and then copy the file(s):
# accept first parameters to script as src_dir and dest values or
# simply use default values if no parameter(s) passed
while read -r orig_path ; do
# To replace the first occurrence of a pattern with a given string,
# use ${parameter/pattern/string}
# Use dirname to remove the filename from the destination path
# and create the destination directory.
dest_dir=$(dirname "${dest_path}")
mkdir -p "${dest_dir}"
cp "${orig_path}" "${dest_path}"
done < <(find "${src_dir}" -name '*.html')
This script copy .html files from src directory to des directory (create the subdirectory if they do not exist)
Find the files, then remove the src directory name and copy them into the destination directory.
for i in `echo $(find src/ -name "*.html")`
file=$(echo $i | sed 's/src\///g')
cp -r --parents $i des
Not sure if you must use bash constructs or not, but here is a GNU tar solution (if you use GNU tar), which IMHO is the best way to handle this situation because all the metadata for the files (permissions, etc.) are preserved:
find ./tmp/serve -name '*.html' -type f -print0 | tar --null -T - -c | tar -x -v -C ./src --strip-components=3
This finds all the .html files (-type f) in the ./tmp/serve directory and prints them nul-terminated (-print0), then sends these filenames via stdin to tar as nul-terminated literals (--null) for inclusion (-T -), creating (-c) an archive which is then sent to another tar instance which extracts (-x) the archive printing its contents along the way (optional: -v), changing directory to the destination (-C ./src) before commencing and stripping (--strip-components=3) the ./tmp/serve/ prefix from the files. (You could also cd ./tmp/serve beforehand, using find . instead, and change -C to ../../src.)

Operating on multiple specific folders at once with cp and rm commands

I'm new to linux (using bash) and I wanted to ask about something that I do often while I work, I'll give two examples.
Deleting multiple specific folders inside a certain directory.
Copying multiple specific folders into a ceratin directory.
I succesfully done this with files, using find with some regex and then using -exec and -delete. But for folders I found it more problematic, because I had problem pipelining the list of folders I got to the cp/rm command succescfully, each time getting the "No such file or directory error".
Looking online I found the following command (in my case for copying all folders starting with a Z):
cp -r $(ls -A | grep "Z*") destination
But when I execute it it says nothing and the prompt won't show up again until I hit Ctrl+C and nothing is copied.
How can I achieve what I'm looking for? For both cp and rm.
Thanks in advance!
First of all, you are trying to grep "Z*" but it means you are looking for Z, ZZ, ZZZZ, ZZZZZ ?
also try to execute ls -A - you will get multiple columns. I think need at least ls -1A to print result one per line.
So for your command try something like:
cp -r $(ls -1A|grep "^p") destination
cp -r $(ls -1A|grep "^p") -t destination
But all the above is just to correct syntax of your example.
It is much better to use find. Just in case try to put target directory in quotas like:
find <PATH_FROM> -type d -exec cp -r \"{}\" -t target \;

rsync : Recursively sync all files while ignoring the directory structure

I am trying to create a bash script for syncing music from my desktop to a mobile device. The desktop is the source.
Is there a way to make rsync recursively sync files but ignore the directory structure? If a file was deleted from the desktop, I want it to be deleted on the device as well.
The directory structure on my desktop is something like this.
The directory structure that I want on the device is:
rsync -a --delete --include=*.mp3 --exclude=* \
pathToSongs/Theme*/Artist*/. destuser#desthost:Music/.
would do the job if you're path hierarchy has a fixed number of level.
WARNING: if two song file do have exactly same name, while on same destination directory, your backup will miss one of them!
If else, and for answering strictly to your ask ignoring the directory structure you could use bash's shopt -s globstar feature:
shopt -s globstar
rsync -a --delete --include=*.mp3 --exclude=* \
pathToSongsRoot/**/. destuser#desthost:Music/.
At all, there is no need to fork to find command.
Recursively sync all files while ignoring the directory structure
For answering strictly to question, there must no be limited to an extension:
shopt -s globstar
rsync -d --delete sourceRoot/**/. destuser#desthost:destRoot/.
With this, directories will be copied too, but without content. All files and directories would be stored on same level at destRoot/.
WARNING: If some different files with same name exists in defferents directories, they would simply be overwrited on destination, durring rsync, for finaly storing randomly only one.
May be this is a recent option, but I see the option --no-relative mentioned in the documentation for --files-from and it worked great.
find SourceDir -name \*.mp3 | rsync -av --files-from - --no-relative . DestinationDir/
The answer to your question: No, rsync cannot do this alone. But with some help of other tools, we can get there... After a few tries I came up with this:
rsync -d --delete $(find . -type d|while read d ; do echo $d/ ; done) /targetDirectory && rmdir /targetDirectory/* 2>&-
The difficulty is this: To enable deletion of files at the target position, you need to:
specify directories as sources for rsync (it doesn't delete if the source is a list of files).
give it the complete list of sources at once (rsync within a loop will give you the contents of the last directory only at the target).
end the directory names with a slash (otherwise it creates the directories at the target directory)
So the command substitution (the stuff enclosed with the $( )) does this: It finds all directories and adds a slash (/) at the end of the directory names. Now rsync sees a list of source directories, all terminated with a slash and so copies their contents to the target directory. The option -d tells it, not to copy recursively.
The second trick is the rmdir /targetDirectory/* which removes the empty directories which rsync created (although we didn't ask it to do that).
I tested that here, and deletion of files removed in the source tree worked just fine.
If you can make a list of files, you've already solved the problem.
find /path/to/src/ -name \*.mp3 > list.txt
rsync -avi --no-relative --progress --files-from=list.txt / user#server:/path/to/dest
If you run the script again for new files, it will only copy the missing files.
If you don't like the list, then try a single sentence (but it's another logic)
find /path/to/src/ -name \*.mp3 -type f \
-exec rsync -avi --progress {} user#server:/path/to/dest/ \;
In this case, you will ask for each file, each time, since by the type of sentence, you cannot build the file list previously.

bash script for copying files between directories

I am writing the following script to copy *.nzb files to a folder to queue them for Download.
I wrote the following script
#This script copies NZB files from Downloads folder to HellaNZB queue folder.
for a in $(find ${DOWN} -name *.nzb)
cp ${a} ${QUEUE}
rm *.nzb
it gives me the following error saying:
HellaNZB.sh: line 5: =/home/user/Downloads/: No such file or directory
HellaNZB.sh: line 6: =/home/user/.hellanzb/nzb/daemon.queue/: No such file or directory
Thing is that those directories exsist, I do have right to access them.
Any help would be nice.
Please and thank you.
Variable names on the left side of an assignment should be bare.
echo "$foo"
Here are some more improvements to your script:
#This script copies NZB files from Downloads folder to HellaNZB queue folder.
find "${down}" -name "*.nzb" | while read -r file
mv "${file}" "${queue}"
Using while instead of for and quoting variables that contain filenames protects against filenames that contain spaces from being interpreted as more than one filename. Removing the rm keeps it from repeatedly producing errors and failing to copy any but the first file. The file glob for -name needs to be quoted. Habitually using lowercase variable names reduces the chances of name collisions with shell variables.
If all your files are in one directory (and not in multiple subdirectories) your whole script could be reduced to the following, by the way:
mv /home/myusuf3/Downloads/*.nzb /home/myusuf3/.hellanzb/nzb/daemon.queue/
If you do have files in multiple subdirectories:
find /home/myusuf3/Downloads/ -name "*.nzb" -exec mv {} /home/myusuf3/.hellanzb/nzb/daemon.queue/ +
As you can see, there's no need for a loop.
The correct syntax is:
for a in $(find ${DOWN} -name *.nzb)
# escape the * or it will be expanded in the current directory
# let's just hope no file has blanks in its name
cp ${a} ${QUEUE} # ok, although I'd normally add a -p
rm *.nzb # again, this is expanded in the current directory
# when you fix that, it will remove ${a}s before they are copied
Why don't you just use rm $(a}?
Why use a combination of cp and rm anyway, instead of mv?
Do you realize all files will end up in the same directory, and files with the same name from different directories will overwrite each other?
What if the cp fails? You'll lose your file.

How can I delete all files in my folder, except Music -subfolder?

Unable to remove everything else in a folder except FileA
I guess that it is slightly similar to this:
delete [^Music]
However, it does not work.
Put the following command to your ~/.bashrc
shopt -s extglob
You can now delete everything else in the folder except the Music folder by
rm -r !(Music)
Please, be careful with the command.
It is powerful, but dangerous too.
I recommend to test it always with the command
echo rm -r !(Music)
The command
rm (ls | grep -v '^Music$')
should work. If some of your "files" are also subdirectories, then you want to recursively delete them, too:
rm -r (ls | grep -v '^Music$')
Warning: rm -r can be dangerous and you could accidentally delete a lot of files. If you would like to confirm what you will be deleting, try looking at the output of
ls | grep -v '^Music$'
The ls command lists directory contents; without an argument, it defaults to the current directory.
The pipe symbol | redirects output to another command; when the output of ls is redirected in this way, it prints filenames one-per-line, rather than in a column format as you would see if you type ls at an interactive terminal.
The grep command matches lines for patterns; the -v switch means to print lines that don't match the pattern.
The pattern ^Music$ means to match a line starting and ending with Music -- that is, only the string Music; the effect of the ^ (beginning of line) and $ (end of line) characters can also be achieved with the -x switch, as in grep -vx Music.
The syntax command (subcommand) is fish's way of taking the output of one command and passing it over as command-line arguments to another.
The rm command removes files. By default, it does not remove directories, but the -r ("recursive") option changes that.
You can learn about these commands and more by typing man command, where command is what you want to learn about.
So I was looking all over for a way to remove all files in a directory except for some directories, and files, I wanted to keep around. After much searching I devised a way to do it using find.
find -E . -regex './(dir1|dir2|dir3)' -and -type d -prune -o -print -exec rm -rf {} \;
Essentially it uses regex to select the directories to exclude from the results then removes the remaining files. Just wanted to put it out here in case someone else needed it.
