Breeze JSON Parse Error for Metadata -

I just upgraded my Breeze nuget package from 1.1.3 to 1.2.7. I was getting error about some of my classes that had "ComplexType" items, so after upgrade I am getting the error below when reading the Metadata from my MVC4 Web API. Everything was working properly before that with the exception of ComplexType, so I know for sure everything is in place, since I was getting the Metadata, and was able to show the data on the screen.
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token o
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token o breeze.debug.js:12561
ctor.fetchMetadata.ajaxImpl.ajax.success breeze.debug.js:12561 jquery-1.9.1.js:1037
jQuery.Callbacks.self.fireWith jquery-1.9.1.js:1148
done jquery-1.9.1.js:8074

I was having the exact same problem and I noticed that when you issue a GET against the metadata location (/api/Context/Metadata), it returned an xml document formatted as json. I also think there is a related question, but in a slightly different context. In this case however, the error was raised at ctor.prototype.fetchMetadata in a line containing JSON.parse(). But I'm pretty sure is the exact same underlying cause.
Just update Breeze from Nuget (both the the dll and the js files) and that would do the trick.
Notice that you might have to manually delete the breeze files from the /Scripts folders.


MIP SDK file handler prints "MIP Error: XPath returned no results" after upgrading to 1.9

File handler was throwing error for some png file so I updated the SDK to 1.9.90 from 1.8.102.
Now it works fine but printing error for CreateFileHandlerAsync() method saying " MIP Error: XPath returned no results (`anonymous-namespace'::GetXmlNodesFromPath:src\protection\rest_clients\license_parser.cpp:209"
This will likely require investigation by engineering. I’d recommend opening a support case so we can get all of the required logs. Can you reproduce the error on other files, or newly protected files?

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<' in app.js in Gcloud

I'm very new to Gcloud after 4 attempts I deployed local Laravel + Vue Project to Gcloud. It worked fine in local env, but the app showing blank page after deployment and the console showing below error message.
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<' app.js.
Even the resource files also not visible.
App link:
Can anyone suggest what went wrong?
This error typically gets thrown when in js file you have put html.
Try checking if you have html inside js file and remove it.
Regarding the error you mentioned in your post, as you can see here, this error is most likely the result of a 404 page or a redirect to a page that serves regular html instead of the JavaScript files.
On the other hand, I am not sure if you deployed a new version but currently, the error I see if I go to your site is "There is no existing directory at "C:\xampp\htdocs\LMS_project\storage\logs" and its not buildable: Permission denie". So, as I can see these errors are because you are not change correctly the paths in your app. You need to ensure the right paths in order to avoid this errors.

Having Nikola ignore certain files

So basically all I want is to add data to my Nikola post folder (CSV, KML, ESRI Shapefiles, JSON, XML...), my posts are written in Jupyter notebooks so naturally need to reference data for writing posts and I would like for those who view the blog to access to data to replicate the results (though I'm flexible on that point). For a while I was able to place extra folders and CSV files in the post folder without Nikola throwing a fuss that those are not a post. But now when I add new files to the posts folder and run nikola build it throws an error, so I may have either forgotten the method I used the first time or messed something up along the way.
Here's the error:
Scanning posts....[2017-12-16T01:18:56Z] ERROR: Nikola: Missing date in
file posts/SnowGIS_SHP/README.txt
[2017-12-16T01:18:56Z] ERROR: scan_posts: Error reading post
[2017-12-16T01:18:56Z] ERROR: Nikola: Error reading timeline
[2017-12-16T01:18:56Z] ERROR: Nikola: Error loading tasks. An unhandled exception occurred.
[2017-12-16T01:18:56Z] ERROR: Nikola: ValueError: Missing date in file posts/SnowGIS_SHP/README.txt
[2017-12-16T01:18:56Z] NOTICE: Nikola: To see more details, run Nikola in debug mode (set environment variable NIKOLA_DEBUG=1)
I'm so silly, basically all I had to do was remove the README.txt file.

What is the GlobalIdentity and how do I set it in the FileNet web service?

I'm trying to upload a document into filenet via CEWS, but I'm getting this error:
“The unexpected exception is chained to this exception. Message was: com.filenet.apiimpl.core.GlobalIdentity incompatible with com.filenet.apiimpl.core.RepositoryIdentity“
Our Filenet people don't seem to know what that means. They've provided working code that basically looks the same as mine (but which I can't compile directly at the moment because it references parts of their project I don't have.)
So is the GlobalIdentity something I need to pass in through the web service? If so, how? If not, where is it configured?
Ok I finally spotted my mistake.
I had incorrectly set crt.TargetSpecification.classId to the name of the repository I was trying to use rather than to the correct classId.

in kendoui.web.2013.2.716 requiring kendo.culture.xx-XX.min.js produces an invalid request for kendo.core.min.js

I have just upgraded from kendoui.web.2013.1.514 to kendoui.web.2013.2.716 and have noticed that in the parts of the code where I require (through require.js) a certain kendo.culture.xx-XX.min.js file that also an unsuccessful request for kendo.core.min.js happens and I get an error in the console.
This did not happen with kendoui.web.2013.1.514 and I think this part inside the kendo.culture.xx-XX.min.js files might be to blame:
("function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define:function(e,n){return n()})(["../kendo.core.min"]
Also this reference to kendo.core appears to only be present in the minified versions. Note that I already have kendo.web.min.js fully loaded and the app works fine even with the invalid request so is this a bug?
If you are using the bundles (i.e. kendo.web.min.js) then you shouldn't use RequireJS to load them or any culture files.
I'm sorry that the documentation didn't mention it, I just added a section to explain this.
