Query by Enum in RavenDB - enums

I have used the convention:
store.Conventions.SaveEnumsAsIntegers = true;
Enums are now being persisted as integers correctly, but, when i try to query using an enum the query gets translated with the enums in their string representation, which gives me no results.
session.Query<Entity>().Where(x => x.EnumProp == MyEnum.Value1);
It was my impression that SaveEnumsAsIntegers converts both when persisted and when querying as per this post:
Querying an enum property persisted as an integer is not working
Can anyone help ?

I have tested this against RavenDB 2330 and it is working as expected.
See the passing unit test here.
If there's something you are doing differently, please update your question. Thanks.


DocumentDB LINQ query not converting enums correctly

According to this and this, The DocumentDb LINQ provider is supposed to use custom JsonConverters when generating queries that use enums (as far back as version 1.10.0). But we're not seeing that behavior.
My project is referencing Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDb 1.13.1 and we're still seeing a LINQ query that converts an enum to its numeric value. A Where() predicate like this
request => request.Source == sourceId && request.State == state
generates a query like this
{SELECT * FROM root WHERE ((root["Source"] = "5c196602-1a60-406a-81cd-1be5ac23eb18") AND (root["State"] = 0))) }
State is an enum and is correctly serialized/stored in the DB as its string value, per our serializer settings on the docdb client object. This is not a problem with serializing/deserializing the objects to/from documents - that works as expected.
What might we be doing wrong? Is it documented somewhere how to enable/utilize this capability? Do we have to register the JSON converters with the LINQ provider or something?
1.13.1 is a version with query serialisation issues so it is a bug with the SDK.
Those issues where fixed after 1.19.1 as you can see here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cosmos-db/sql-api-sdk-dotnet#a-name11911191
Fixed a bug in which the custom JsonSerializer settings were not being honored for some queries and stored procedure execution
You will have to upgrade to a post 1.19.1 version of the SDK.

MSCRM 2011 EntitCollection and LINQ empty resultset

I have an EntityCollection ec in C# which has been populated with all Accounts.
Now I want another List or EntityCollection from ec which has all the accounts with status active.
I am using Linq for the same.
But both form of LINQ returns a an empty result while ec has 354 number of records
var activeCRMEC = (from cl in ec.Entities
where cl.Attributes["statecode"].ToString()=="0"
select cl);
var activeCRMEC = ec.Entities.Where(x => x.Attributes["statecode"].ToString() == "0");
Each time the resultset is empty and I am unable to iterate over it. And 300 or so accounts are active, I have checked.
Same thing happens when I use some other attribute such as name etc.
Please be kind enough to point out my mistake.
You can Generate Early Bound Classes to write Linq Queries.
or Else
You can Write Linq Queries Using Late Bound Using OrganizationServiceContext Class.
For Your Reference:
OrganizationServiceContext OrgServiceCOntext = new OrganizationServiceContext(service);
var RetrieveAll = OrgServiceCOntext.CreateQuery("account").
ToList().Where(w => (w.GetAttributeValue<OptionSetValue>("statecode").Value ==0)).Select(s=>s);
I'll give you a few hints, and then tell you what I'm guessing your issue is.
First, use early bound entities. If you've never generated them before, use the earlybound generator, you'll save yourself a lot headaches.
Second, if you can't use early bound entities, use the GetAttribute() method on the Entity class. It'll convert types for you, and handle null reference issues.
Your LINQ expressions look to be correct, so either the ec.Entities doesn't have any entities in it that match the criteria of "statecode" equaling 0, or you possibly have some differed execution occurring on your IEnumerables. Try calling ToList() on the activeCRMEC immediately after the LINQ statement to ensure that is not your issue.
The statecode is an OptionSetValue, you should cast it in this way
((OptionSetValue)cl.Attributes["statecode"]).Value == 0
cl.GetAttributeValue<OptionSetValue>("statecode").Value == 0
Both ways are valid and you should ask for the Value that it is an int.
Hope this can help you.

Using Oracle 10g CLOB with Grails 2.0.1

I'm working on a project using Oracle 10g and Grails v2.0.1.
I'm trying to use a CLOB data type for a text input field in my Domain class, and it doesn't seem to be working. My first attempt was based on what I read here about GORM, where is says to use type: 'text', like this example:
class Address {
String number
String postCode
static mapping = {
postCode type: 'text'
Grails mapped that to a LONG data type in my DB, which is not desirable
2nd attempt was to try type: 'clob'. That WAS effective in getting my DB datatype to be CLOB, but resulted in a class cast error because the property itself was defined as a string, i.e. String postCode. (Note that I've never seen type:'clob' in documentation, but I could deduce from the dialect class that clob might be a valid input there)
I subsequently tried defining the property as a java.sql.Clob, i.e. Clob postCode;, and that didn't work at all. No error messages, but nothing was getting persisted to the DB either.
I took a final step of keeping the Clob approach, but using a transient String property in which the getters/setters attempt to map the transient String value to the persistent Clob field. But I cannot figure out how to get my string value into the Clob. Grails doesn't throw an error, but the println() after my attempted assignment never prints. I've tried using myClob.setString(1, theString) to make an assignment, but with no success.
So to make a long story short, I can't seem to use a Clob in my scenario, and I'm wondering if anyone else has seen this and been able to overcome it. If so, can you tell me what I might be doing wrong?
OR... is there a way to override the datatype Grails chooses such that I could force it to map postCode type: 'text' to a CLOB? I'm not proficient with Hibernate, so I'm not sure how to go about that if there's a way.
Side note: prior to our upgrade from Grails 1.3.7 to 2.0.1, I'm pretty sure the type: 'text' did, in fact, map to a CLOB in Oracle. So this might be new to 2.0.1.
I think I found an answer tucked into the documentation on Custom Hibernate Types.
In that case, override the column's SQL type using the sqlType attribute
This appears to be working.
Looks like I'm able to use that to force my DB type to be CLOB while keeping the java type a String. In other words, maybe type chooses both a DB type and a Java type for handling the field? But sqlType gives a little more granularity to specify the DB type to use.
So the sample Domain class above should look like this in my case:
class Address {
String number
String postCode
static mapping = {
postCode sqlType: 'clob'
I gleaned this from another StackOverflow question on the topic (the question itself clued me in, whereas the accepted answer misled me!):
How do I get Grails to map my String field to a Clob?
I spent a day trying to figure this all out, and it was incredibly frustrating. So maybe my notes on the topic here will help someone else avoid that experience!
And while I'm keeping notes here... this post proved somewhat useful in terms of troubleshooting how to get more specific in my mappings:
Interesting code from that is reproduced here:
//CONFIG.GROOVY (maps a custom SixDecimal type)
grails.gorm.default.mapping = {
'user-type'( type: SixDecimalUserType, class: SixDecimal )
Probably too late but I have found a really simple solution to this problem:
class MyDomain{
String myField
static mapping = {
myField type:'materialized_clob'
Nothing else is required, writes and reads works like charm! :D
Hope it helps.
Ivan's answer works for me. MaterializedClob is the Hibernate JDBC type for a Java String.

MS CRM QueryExpression ConditionExpression w/ CRMBoolean type

I'm using Microsoft's CRM software (4.0) and I'm trying to build a query expression. It works fine with querying only String values, but now I need to include a field that is of type CRMBoolean. I should also mention I'm querying custom entities.
So previously, in my query I would only search by a few fields, but they were all of type String. Now I need to add another ConditionExpression for a CRMBoolean. The type of custom entity I'm searching for has a field called "Condition" - which will either have a value of "true" or "false". In CRM the attribute is defined as a bit, but I didn't think that would make a difference.
Here is my code I'm trying to use to find records that have a condition of "true":
oCondition = New ConditionExpression()
oCondition.AttributeName = "myEntity_condition"
oCondition.Operator = ConditionOperator.Like
Dim bool As New CrmBoolean
bool.Value = True
oCondition.Values = New Object() {bool}
I don't get an error, but nothing really happens. The number of records that is returned never changes one way or another. Has anyone done this before?
Thanks in advance!
Instead of putting a CrmBoolean object in the oCondition.Values array, just put a regular true/false boolean. I would also concur with benjynito on changing it to ConditionOperator.Equals instead of Like.
I don't know how the like operator is suppose to behave on a boolean. I wonder if its being ignored. Try ConditionOperator.Equal.

OrderBy("it." + sort) -- Hard coding in LINQ to Entity framework?

I have been trying to use dynamic LINQ to Entity in my application for specifying the OrderBy attribute at runtime. However when using the code as described in the majority of documentation:
var query = context.Customer.OrderBy("Name");
I received the following exception:
System.Data.EntitySqlException: 'Name' could not be resolved in the current scope or context. Make sure that all referenced variables are in scope, that required schemas are loaded, and that namespaces are referenced correctly.
After much searching I found this MSDN page:
Which included the following code example:
ObjectQuery<Product> productQuery2 = productQuery1.OrderBy("it.ProductID");
This prompted me to change my code to the following:
var query = context.Customer.OrderBy("it.Name");
After this the code works perfectly. Would anyone be able to confirm that this is indeed the correct way to get OrderBy working with LINQ to Entity? I can’t believe that the framework would have been implemented in this way, perhaps I have overlooked something?
Thanks, Matt
The it.Name syntax is ESQL and is indeed specific to the EF. There are good reasons to use this sometimes (e.g., collation specifiers), but it's not what I normally do.
Usually I use standard LINQ expressions:
var query = context.Customer.OrderBy(p => p.Name);
You can also use System.Linq.Dynamic, if you download it from Code Gallery, and then your original query:
var query = context.Customer.OrderBy("Name");
...will work.
No nice way, so far
My answer to this question was to create a stored procedure which has parameter to control sorting.
