How can I use a Boost Interprocess allocator with a CGAL Nef_polyhedron_3? - boost

There are two types of 3D polys in CGAL, Polyhedron, and Nef_polyhedron. The former allows one to specify an allocator as its fourth template:
However, Nef_polyhedron_3 doesn't seem to have that.
What it does have however is iostream operators, to parse to/from an internal string representation:
But that is extremely slow indeed.
Looking at that SNC parser code however, it seems internally it still uses an allocator for its internal structure (an snc object). But even if I could get these to be allocated to my static buffer (to be passed to another process), I can't see anything in the Nef_polyhedron_3 constructors or accessor functions that allows me to reconstruct one.
EDIT: Looking into this a little further, I notice there IS a constructor from an SNC stucture :
Nef_polyhedron_3( const SNC_structure& W, SNC_point_locator* _pl,
bool clone_pl,
bool clone_snc) {
And the SNC_structure uses allocators for its internal data (but not for itself):
Trouble is, that seems to only be set on a compile time basis - I only need to allocate to a specific buffer for polys I know I need to send to another process.
EDIT 2: I just noticed that one of the Nef_polyhedron_3 superclasses is Handle_for:
class Nef_polyhedron_3 : public CGAL::Handle_for< Nef_polyhedron_3_rep<Kernel_, Items_, Mark_> >,
public SNC_const_decorator<SNC_structure<Kernel_,Items_,Mark_> >
In there, that itself uses an allocator too:
I'm still unclear how exactly I plug that in.

Nef_polyhedron_3 currently doesn't support custom allocator. However, it is possible to make CGAL use a different allocator through the CGAL_ALLOCATOR macro. However, this will affect all CGAL headers which might be too much. However, it should be possible to add allocator support to the existing code without too much trouble.


In C++, how can one predict if move or copy semantics would be invoked?

Given the latitude that a C++ compiler has in instantiating temporary objects, and in invoking mechanisms like return value optimization etc., it is not always clear by looking at some code if move or copy semantics will be invoked (or how many).
It almost feels as if these primitives exist for incidental optimizations. That is, you may or may not get them. It seems like it's difficult to design any kind of resource management strategy that leverages moves, when it is hard to control the invocation of moves themselves.
Is there a way to predict clearly (and simply) where and how many copies and moves might occur in some code? Ideally, one would not need to be an expert in compiler internals to be able to do this.
It seems like it's difficult to design any kind of resource management strategy that leverages moves, when it is hard to control the invocation of moves themselves.
I would contradict here. Leveraging move semantics when designing a resource handling class should be done independently of how or when copy- or move-construction occurs in the client code. Once move-ctor/assignment is there, client code can be designed to leverage the existence of these special member functions.
Is there a way to predict clearly (and simply) where and how many copies and moves might occur in some code?
A bit hard to tell what simply means here, but this is how I understand it:
Given that a class has no move ctor/assignment operator, you will always get a copy. This is trivial, but important to keep in mind when working with e.g. classes in a legacy code that have user defined destructors and/or copy-ctor/assignment, because the compiler doesn't generate move ctors/assignment in this case.
Return value optimization. The question is tagged C++11, so you don't have guaranteed copy elision for initialization with prvalues brought by C++17. However, it is fair to assume that identical mechanism are already implemented by your compiler. Hence,
struct A {};
A func() { return A{}; }
can be assumed to construct the instance of A to which the function return value is bound on the calling side in place. This causes neither move nor copy construction. The same behavior can optimistically be assumed if the returned object has a name, as long as func() has no branching that renders NRVO impossible.
As an exception from this guideline, function return values that are also function parameters do not qualify for return value optimization. Hence, move/forward them to prevent copy in case A is move-constructible:
A func(A& a) { return std::move(a); }
The object created by the return value of func(A&) will hence be move-constructed.
Function parameters do not reveal per se how they behave, it depends on the type and its special member functions. Given
void f1(A a1) { A a2{std::move(a1)}; };
void f2(A& a1) { /* Same as above. */ };
void f1(A&& a1) { /* Again, same. */ };
the instances a2 are move-constructed if A has a move ctor, otherwise, it's copy.
There is a lot to discover beyond the exemplary cases above, I am neither capable of going into more detail, nor would this fit into the desired simplicity of an answer. Also, the scenario is different when you don't know the types you are dealing with, e.g. in function or class templates. In this case, a good read on how to deal with the related uncertainty of whether copies or moves are made is Item 29 in Eff. Modern C++ ("Assume that move operations are not present, not cheap, and not used").

What is the rationale of Go not having the const qualifier?

I'm a C++ senior programmer. I'm currently doing some Go programming. The only feature I really miss is the const qualifier. In go, if you want to modify an object, you pass its pointer. If you don't want to modify it, you pass it by value. But if the struct is big, you should pass it by pointer, which overrides the no-modification feature. Worse, you can pass an object by value, but if it contains a pointer, you can actually modify its contents, with terrible race condition dangers. Some language types like maps and slices have this feature. This happens in a language that's supposed to be built for concurrency. So the issue of avoiding modification is really non-existent in Go, and you should pass small objects that do not contain pointers (you must be aware that the object does not contain a pointer) by value, if they aren't gonna be modified.
With const, you can pass objects by const pointer and don't worrying about modification. Type-safety is about having a contract that allows speed and prevents type-related bugs. Another feature that does this too is the const qualifier.
The const type qualifier in C/C++ has various meanings. When applied to a variable, it means that the variable is immutable. That's a useful feature, and one that is missing from Go, but it's not the one you seem to be talking about.
You are talking about the way that const can be used as a partially enforced contract for a function. A function can give a pointer parameter the const qualifier to mean that the function won't change any values using that pointer. (Unless, of course, the function uses a cast (a const_cast in C++). Or, in C++, the pointer points to a field that is declared mutable.)
Go has a very simple type system. Many languages have a complex type system in which you enforce the correctness of your program by writing types. In many cases this means that a good deal of programming involves writing type declarations. Go takes a different approach: most of your programming involves writing code, not types. You write correct code by writing correct code, not by writing types that catch cases where you write incorrect code. If you want to catch incorrect code, you write analyzers, like go vet that look for cases that are invalid in your code. These kinds of analyzers are much much easier to write for Go than for C/C++, because the language is simpler.
There are advantages and disadvantages to this kind of approach. Go is making a clear choice here: write code, not types. It's not the right choice for everyone.
Please treat it as an expanded comment. I'm not any programming language designer, so can't go deep inside the details here, but will present my opinion as a long-term developer in C++ and short-term developer in Go.
Const is a non-trivial feature for the compiler, so one would have to make sure whether it's providing enough advantage for the user to implement it as well as won't sacrifice the simplicity of syntax. You might think it's just a const qualifier we're talking about, but looking at C++ itself, it's not so easy – there're a lot of caveats.
You say const is a contract and you shouldn't be able to modify it at any circumstances. One of your arguments against using read only interfaces is that you can cast it to original type and do whatever you want. Sure you can. The same way you can show a middle finger to the contract in C++ by using const_cast. For some reason it was added to the language and, not sure I should be proud of it, I've used it once or twice.
There's another modifier in C++ allowing you to relax the contract – mutable. Someone realised that const structures might actually need to have some fields modified, usually mutexes protecting internal variables. I guess you would need something similar in Go in order to be able to implement thread-safe structures.
When it comes simple const int x people can easily follow. But then pointers jump in and people really get consfused. const int * x, int * const x, const int * const x – these are all valid declarations of x, each with different contract. I know it's not a rocket science to choose the right one, but does your experience as a senior C++ programmer tell you people widely understand these and are always using the right one? And I haven't even mentioned things like const int * const * * * const * const x. It blows my mind.
Before I move to point 4, I would like to cite the following:
Worse, you can pass an object by value, but if it contains a pointer,
you can actually modify its contents
Now this is interesting accusation. There's the same issue in C++; worse – it exists even if you declare object as const, which means you can't solve the problem with a simple const qualifier. See the next point:
Per 3, and pointers, it's not so easy to express the very right contract and things sometimes get unexpected. This piece of code surprised a few people:
struct S {
int *x;
int main() {
int n = 7;
const S s = {&n}; // don't touch s, it's read only!
*s.x = 666; // wait, what? s is const! is satan involved?
I'm sure it's natural for you why the code above compiles. It's the pointer value you can't modify (the address it points to), not the value behind it. You must admit there're people around that would raise their eyebrow.
I don't know if it makes any point, but I've been using const in C++ all the time. Very accurate. Going mental about it. Not sure whether is has ever saved my ass, but after moving to Go I must admit I've never missed it. And having in mind all these edge cases and exceptions I can really believe creators of a minimalistic language like Go would decide to skip on this one.
Type-safety is about having a contract that allows speed and prevents
type-related bugs.
Agreed. For example, in Go, I love there're no implicit conversions between types. This is really preventing me from type-related bugs.
Another feature that does this too is the const qualifier.
Per my whole answer – I don't agree. Where a general const contract would do this for sure, a simple const qualifier is not enough. You then need a mutable one, maybe kind of a const_cast feature and still – it can leave you with misleading believes of protection, because it's hard to understand what exactly is constant.
Hopefully some language creators will design a perfect way of defining constants all over in our code and then we'll see it in Go. Or move over to the new language. But personally, I don't think C++'s way is a particularly good one.
(Alternative would be to follow functional programming paradigms, which would love to see all their "variables" immutable.)

Replacing memset() on classes in a C++ codebase

I've inherited a C++98 codebase which has two major uses of memset() on C++ classes, with macros expanded for clarity:
// pattern #1:
Obj o;
memset(&o, 0, sizeof(o));
// pattern #2:
// (elsewhere: Obj *o;)
memset(something->o, 0, sizeof(*something->o));
As you may have guessed, this codebase does not use STL or otherwise non-POD classes. When I try to put as little as an std::string into one of its classes, bad things generally happen.
It was my understanding that these patterns could be rewrited as follows in C++11:
// pattern #1
Obj o = {};
// pattern #2
something->o = {};
Which is to say, assignment of {} would rewrite the contents of the object with the default-initialized values in both cases. Nice and clean, isn't it?
Well, yes, but it doesn't work. It works on *nix systems, but results in fairly inexplicable results (in essence, garbage values) when built with VS2013 with v120_xp toolset, which implies that my understanding of initializer lists is somehow lacking.
So, the questions:
Why didn't this work?
What's a better way to replace this use of memset that ensures that members with constructors are properly default-initialized, and which can preferably be reliably applied with as little as search-and-replace (there are unfortunately no tests). Bonus points if it works on pre-VS2013.
The behavior of brace-initialization depends on what kind of object you try to initialize.
On aggregates (e.g. simple C-style structures) using an empty brace-initializer zero-initializes the aggregate, i.e. it makes all members zero.
On non-aggregates an empty brace-initializer calls the default constructor. And if the constructor doesn't explicitly initialize the members (which the compilers auto-generated constructor doesn't) then the members will be constructed but otherwise uninitialized. Members with their own constructors that initialize themselves will be okay, but e.g. an int member will have an indeterminate value.
The best way to solve your problems, IMO, is to add a default constructor (if the classes doesn't have it already) with an initializer list that explicitly initializes the members.
It works on *nix systems, but results in fairly inexplicable results (in essence, garbage values) when built with VS2013 with v120_xp toolset, which implies that my understanding of initializer lists is somehow lacking.
The rules for 'default' initialization have changed from version to version of C++, but VC++ has stuck with the C++98 rules, ignoring even the updates from C++03 I think.
Other compilers have implemented new rules, with gcc at one point even implementing some defect resolutions that hadn't been accepted for future inclusion in the official spec.
So even though what you want is guaranteed by the standard, for the most part it's probably best not to try to rely on the behavior of initialization of members that don't have explicit initializers.
I think placement new is established enough that it works on VS, so you might try:
#include <new>
new(&o) T();
new(something->p) T();
Make sure not to do this on any object that hasn't been allocated and destructed/uninitialized first! (But it was pointed out below that this might fail if a constructor throws an exception.)
You might be able to just assign from a default object, that is, o = T(); or *(something->p) = T();. A good general strategy might be to give each of these POD classes a trivial default constructor with : o() in the initializer-list.

C++ why is noexcept required in the context of Move Constructors and Move Assignment Operators to enable optimizations?

Consider the following class, with a move constructor and move assignment operator:
class my_class
double *my_data;
uint64_t my_data_length;
my_class(my_class&& other) noexcept : my_data_length{other.my_data_length}, my_data{other.my_data}
// Steal the data
other.my_data = nullptr;
other.my_data_length = 0;
const my_class& operator=(my_class&& other) noexcept
// Steal the data
std::swap(my_data_length, other.my_data_length);
std::swap(my_data, other.my_data);
return *this;
What is the purpose of noexcept here? I know that is hits to the compiler that no exceptions should be thrown by the following function, but how does this enable compiler optimizations?
The special importance of noexcept on move constructors and assignment operators is explained in detail in
Basically, it doesn't enable "optimisations" in the traditional sense of allowing the compiler to generate better code. Instead it allows other types, such as containers in the library, to take a different code path when they can detect that moving the element types will never throw. That can enable taking an alternate code path that would not be safe if they could throw (e.g. because it would prevent the container from meeting exception-safety guarantees).
For example, when you do push_back(t) on a vector, if the vector is full (size() == capacity()) then it needs to allocate a new block of memory and copy all the existing elements into the new memory. If copying any of the elements throws an exception then the library just destroys all the elements it created in the new storage and deallocates the new memory, leaving the original vector is unchanged (thus meeting the strong exception-safety guarantee). It would be faster to move the existing elements to the new storage, but if moving could throw then any already-moved elements would have been altered already and meeting the strong guarantee would not be possible, so the library will only try to move them when it knows that can't throw, which it can only know if they are noexcept.
IMHO using noexcept will not enable any compiler optimization on its own. There are traits in STL:
STL containters like vector etc use these traits to test type T and use move constructors and assignment instead of copy constructors and assignment.
Why STL use these traits instead of:
Answer: to provide strong exception guarantee.
First of all I would remark that in move constructors or move assignment nothing should throw and there seems to be no need to this ever. The only thing which must be done in constructors/assignment operator is dealing with already allocated memory and pointers to them. Normally you should not call any other methods which can throw and your own moving inside your constructor/operator has no need to do so. But on the other hand a simple output of a debug message breaks this rule.
Optimization can be done in a some different ways. Automatically by the compiler and also by different implementations of code which uses your constructors and assignment operator. Take a look to the STL, there are some specializations for code which are different if you use exceptions or not which are implemented via type traits.
The compiler itself can optimize better while having the guarantee that any code did never throw. The compiler have a guaranteed call tree through your code which can be better inlined, compile time calculated or what so ever. The minimum optimization which can be done is to not store all the informations about the actual stack frame which is needed to handle the throw condition, like deallocation variables on the stack and other things.
There was also a question here: noexcept, stack unwinding and performance
Maybe your question is a duplicate to that?
A maybe helpful question related to this I found here: Are move constructors required to be noexcept?
This discuss the need of throwing in move operations.
What is the purpose of noexcept here?
At minimum saving some program space, which is not only relevant to move operations but for all functions. And if your class is used with STL containers or algorithms it can handled different which can result in better optimization if your STL implementation uses these informations. And maybe the compiler is able to get better general optimization because of a known call tree if all other things are compile time constant.

How to achieve a recursive deftype

I'm curious as to how to do a Clojure deftype that contains a reference to itself, e.g.
(deftype BinaryTree [^BinaryTree left ^BinaryTree right])
This doesn't work... however I see no intrinsic reason why it shouldn't be possible since the underlying Java class is perfectly capable of referring to itself.
What am I doing wrong here?
Currently ^Class hints on fields (in opposition to ^primitive hints) are discarded, so there's no gain in trying to put them. This may change in the future.
However auto reference in a type definition (eg in method bodies, not in fields) somewhat works but the implementation is a bit of a hack. There's little incentive to fix auto-reference in the current java compiler given the promise of the rewrite of the compiler in Clojure.
