Animate cclayergradient colors - animation

Is there a way to animate the colors of a CCLayerGradient over time?
I'm thinking of some CC*** function like CCBezierTo...
Is there something to animate arbitrary values of an object?

Use CCActionTween for this. It allows you to change the value of a property over time by providing the property's name.
Only works with integral data types such as int, float but not structs such as CGPoint, CGRect. But it's easy enough to create a category with (for example) positionX and positionY properties which update the corresponding x/y value of a CGPoint property.


Passing list as a parameter: player vs the world

I'm creating a top-down 2D game.
Classes in question are Level and Entity.
In Level I have a Map, but let's just think of that class as a list of items like walls and other stuff you can imagine will have a body, which is actually a XNA's Rectangle.
Now, in Level's Update function, I'll be putting Entity's function that will resolve all collisions (walls, pickups, other entities, traps, etc), and I am questioning the best way of letting each Entity know what's around him. By doing that I want to achieve the freedom of creating different Entityes such as different players, enemies, bosses... Goal is a good parent class for everything that should feel alive to the player playing the game.
So, I want to get a good performance for this function (that'll resolve collisions), because I plan on making maps that'll have around 1000 different items and many entities, and can't decide how to go about it.
The structure is something like this: Level has a list of items (walls, pickups, traps...) and a list of entities (players, enemies, bosses, pets, mounts, whatever...), and in each update of level I loop trough entities and do Update for each.
Question Do I:
1) send whole list of items to each entity('s update method) and calculate distances from each item and resolve collision
2) calculate closest items to the entity in level's update method and then send smaller list of items to the entity, which will then resolve collision
3) (this I just thought of) pass list of XNA's Rectangles and type of item (that could mean I must make a new class or new function for map class that will return 2 lists: rectangles and item types)
4) pass the whole map, but in a matix (because map will be a grid, not items nor player's rectangles will rotate) of integers that'll have something like "1 for wall, 0 for nothing, 2 for trap, 3 for health-pack, etc). But this will resolve only the map, because other entities won't all be in grid coordinates (wall's positions will be like 32x32, 0x64, etc, and all will be 32x32, but entities won't. They'll be 32x16, and their position may vary. That also crossed my mind just now.
Note that both entities and items will most likely have much more than Rectangle for body. There will be textures, animations, and other basic types of variables for different purpose, and most of them won't be needed for entities collision resolution with that item. When colliding with a wall, entity won't need that items image to resolve collision, but it will need items (lets say) X value if that item is a healt potion.
How would you resolve this so the code is efficient, or how did you resolve this in your game?
I am looking for simpicity and efficiency, and that's what I will be looking for in your answer.
I haven't tested this code at all, so if it doesn't work, thats why.
Given that Entity is a struct with the following code,
struct Entity{
Rectangle pos;
Texture2D tex;
bool hasAgency;
public Entity(Rectangle pos, Texture2D tex, bool hasAgency){
this.pos = pos;
this.tex = tex;
this.hasAgency = hasAgency;
then this should work.
List<Entity> entityList = new List<Entity>//your entities are here
for(int testIndex=0; testIndex<entityList.Count; testIndex++){
for(int entityBeingTested = 0; entityBeingTested<entityList.Count; entityBeingTested++){
if(testIndex!=entityBeingTested && entityList[testIndex].hasAgency)
//hit logic here

Snap SVG animating existing matrix

I use Snap.svg to create a simple card game. I loaded drawed cards from file and moved them to specific location using matrix translate.
It's svg element now looks kinda like this:
<g id="card11" inkscape:label="#g3908" transform="matrix(1.5621,0,0,1.5621,625.1085,529.3716)" cardposition="4" style="visibility: visible;" class="card inhand hand-4 ofplayer1">...</g>
However, now I'm trying to animate them to a specific position (same for all cards) using this:
function animateTo(object, x, y, scaleX, scaleY, time) {
var matrix = object.transform().localMatrix;
var added = new Snap.Matrix();
added.translate(x, y);
added.scale(scaleX, scaleY);
object.animate({transform: added}, time);
or something like this:
function animateTo(object, x, y, scaleX, scaleY, time) {
object.animate({transform: "t100,100"}, time);//this one I tried to use to understand how snap animations works
And here is my problem - when it animates, it allways first deletes the animation matrix of object and start animate from it's original location with blank matrix (where the object would be without transform attribute).
For example, when I tried:
var matrix = object.transform().localMatrix;
object.animate({transform: matrix}, time);
I expected it will do nothing, but my object blinks to the top left corner (blank matrix) and animates to position where it should stay.
What am I doing wrong? I need to animate that object from some matrix state to another (ideally the same one for every object). Is it somehow possible? Like I can specify start transform attribute somehow?
According to Ian's advice, I've used toTransformString:
object.animate({transform: matrix.toTransformString()}, time);
but of course, I had to use it in previous transformations too using
object.attr({transform: added.toTransformString()});//this
//object.transform(added);//instead of this
However, getting local matrix still works as expected. Animation now works and I can use matrix.translate() - to relative move the object or object.animate({transform: "t100,100"}, time).
I also can modify a,b,c,d,e,f attributes of the matrix directly. (or use transform: "T100,100")
It works!

adjusting row height in R image() function

I'm drawing several heatmaps using the image() function in R.
The sizes of the heatmaps are quite variable, so every heatmap has a different height, however I want the row heights be uniform across heatmaps.
So I create heatmaps from these two matrices, and the heights of each cell are different between two heatmaps:
m1<-replicate(40, rnorm(20))
image(1:ncol(m1), 1:nrow(m1), t(m1), axes = FALSE,xlab="",ylab="")
m2<-replicate(40, rnorm(10))
image(1:ncol(m2), 1:nrow(m2), t(m2), axes = FALSE,xlab="",ylab="")
For the life of me, I can't figure out how can I specify the row height. It must be a very easy fix, but I can't figure it out.
You give very limited information. E.g., do you want to create PDFs? Or place several plots on one page?
Here is one solution:
image(1:ncol(m1), 1:nrow(m1), t(m1), axes = FALSE,xlab="",ylab="")
image(1:ncol(m2), 1:nrow(m2), t(m2), axes = FALSE,xlab="",ylab="")
I am sure there are more elegant solutions depending on what you actually want to do with the graphs.
Just set a common maximum number of rows for all the heatmaps using the ylim parameter:
m1<-replicate(40, rnorm(20))
m2<-replicate(40, rnorm(10))
image(1:ncol(m1), 1:nrow(m1), t(m1), axes=FALSE, ann=FALSE, ylim=c(0, max(sapply(list(m1,m2),nrow)) ))
image(1:ncol(m2), 1:nrow(m2), t(m2), axes=FALSE, ann=FALSE, ylim=c(0, max(sapply(list(m1,m2),nrow)) ))
You may want to manually specify the ylim argument and have that be the same between the 2 plots:
image( 0:ncol(m1), 0:nrow(m1), t(m1), axes=FALSE, xlab='', ylab='',
ylim=c(0,nrow(m1)) )
image( 0:ncol(m2), 0:nrow(m2), t(m2), axes=FALSE, xlab='', ylab='',
ylim=c(0,nrow(m1)) )

Create a scale key for jvectormap region colors

I'd like to create a key to my map that shows the values associated with the different colors, as at the bottom of the drawing:
I can make a series of boxes easily enough. Is there a method somewhere I can input a value to get the color back that the map would use for that value?
First you need a map object. If you have created a map with jvm.WorldMap constructor you have it already, otherwise if you have created a map using jQuery wrapper you can do:
var map = $('#map').vectorMap('get', 'mapObject');
Then to convert the value to color do the following:
var color = map.series.regions[0].scale.getValue(someValue);

Convert a given point from the window’s base coordinate system to the screen coordinate system

I am trying to figure out the way to convert a given point from the window’s base coordinate system to the screen coordinate system. I mean something like - (NSPoint)convertBaseToScreen:(NSPoint)point.
But I want it from quartz/carbon.
I have CGContextRef and its Bounds with me. But the bounds are with respect to Window to which CGContextRef belongs. For Example, if window is at location (100, 100, 50, 50) with respect to screen the contextRef for window would be (0,0, 50, 50). i.e. I am at location (0,0) but actually on screen I am at (100,100). I
Any suggestion are appreciated.
Thank you.
The window maintains its own position in global screen space and the compositor knows how to put that window's image at the correct location in screen space. The context itself, however doesn't have a location.
Quartz Compositor knows where the window is positioned on the screen, but Quartz 2D doesn't know anything more than how big the area it is supposed to draw in is. It has no idea where Quartz Compositor is going to put the drawing once it is done.
Similarly, when putting together the contents of a window, the frameworks provide the view system. The view system allows the OS to create contexts for drawing individual parts of a window and manages the placement of the results of drawing in those views, usually by manipulating the context's transform, or by creating temporary offscreen contexts. The context itself, however, doesn't know where the final graphic is going to be rendered.
I'm not sure if you can use directly CGContextRef, you need window or view reference or something like do the conversion.
The code I use does the opposite convert mouse coordinates from global (screen) to view local and it goes something like this:
Point mouseLoc; // point you want to convert to global coordinates
HIPoint where; // final coordinates
PixMapHandle portPixMap;
// portpixmap is needed to get correct offset otherwise y coord off at least by menu bar height
portPixMap = portPixMap = GetPortPixMap( GetWindowPort( GetControlOwner( view ) ) );
QDGlobalToLocalPoint(GetWindowPort( GetControlOwner( view ), &mouseLoc);
where.x = mouseLoc.h - (**portPixMap).bounds.left;
where.y = mouseLoc.v - (**portPixMap);
HIViewConvertPoint( &where, NULL, view );
so I guess the opposite is needed for you (haven't tested if it actually works):
void convert_point_to_screen(HIView view, HIPoint *point)
Point point; // used for QD calls
PixMapHandle portPixMap = GetPortPixMap( GetWindowPort( GetControlOwner( view ) ) );
HIViewConvertPoint( &where, view, NULL ); // view local to window local coordtinates
point.h = where->x + (**portPixMap).bounds.left;
point.w = where->y + (**portPixMap);
QDLocalToGlobalPoint(GetWindowPort( GetControlOwner( view ), &point);
// convert Point to HIPoint
where->x = point.h;
where->y = point.v;
