Compile a non-C/C++ project crossplatform from CLI - compilation

Say we have a project in a non-C/C++ language, consisting of a bunch of source files. How can we use make or a similar tool to compile this bunch from commandline? It should just compile every source file in the project directory and create an executable from this. Doesn't sound too difficult, but I can't seem to find a simple answer on this.

Could you be more specific about the language and the platforms you need to compile on?
The compilation process is different for different languages/platforms. For instance, you might not want to use make to compile something written in Java:
Why is no one using make for Java?
(at least, not the same way as for C++)

makes pattern rules are fairly powerful. Suppose you want to build the programs a, b and c from the C# source files a.cs, b.cs and c.cs, the Makefile looks like:
all : a.exe b.exe c.exe
%.exe : %.cs
csc.exe /out:$# $^
The first rule in the file tells make what to do. It is named all by convention. The second rule is a template that defines how file names ending on .exe can be made with the same name ending on .cs by invoking the compiler as given on the next line. Remember to place a tab in front of the last line.
$^ and $# are automatic variables, meaning "target name" and "all prerequisites", respectively.


Makefile to compile Fortran source files in different directories

Here is my problem: I have been using Java for many years and enjoy having many directories separating different areas of the code. For my current project I am writing Fortran code, which should compile under Windows and Unix/Linux. For Windows, I am using Eclipse/Photran with MinGW/gfortran tools to set up Makefiles.
Here is the desired project structure (deep nesting tree-like Java-like would be even nicer)
dir_main/src/*.f or *.f95
I would like to call make Makefile_main.unix, which would set up any Unix-specific variables and then include Makefile_main.any, Makefile_lib1.any, ...
(similar for making on Windows)
I got to the stage where I can see all source files in a given directory, e.g.
SRCS := $(wildcard $(SRC_DIR)/*.$(SRC_EXT))
Now I am struggling with how to make all dependencies as in Fortran 95 each source generates *.o and *.mod.
Is there a way to switch between directories when compiling so that all targets/dependencies do not have dir-path in their names? Note that I am calling make from some other service directory where the Eclipse project lives. Any suggestions how to proceed?
I really do not want to do the usual Fortran style of having just one directory with
all the mess together with the code.
There are two major strategies you can take.
You can place a makefile in each subdirectory and have it support targets like all, clean etc, then use recursive make invocations from the top-level makefile to make the same target (e.g. all) in every subdirectory.
Alternatively, you can handle it all in one make invocation, without recursing, but then you'll have to work with relative paths containing subdirectory names. Personally I don't see a problem with it, and I've maintained a system of makefiles based on this approach.
Here is what you can do in your case, assuming that SRC is set correctly to the list of relative paths to every source you need to compile.
# This replaces the SRC_EXT suffix with .o in each filename
OBJ = $(SRC:%.$(SRC_EXT)=%.o)
$(BINARY_NAME): $(OBJ) command...
%.o: %.$(SRC_EXT)
...compile command...

moving from make to cmake: how to use build target with wildcards

I'm trying to convert an makefile-build to cmake (to avoid the current state of being forced to take care for the windows-build env based on make/msdev and the linux based on make/gcc).
In this project, I've found a directory full of sourcecode files that get, based on a naming convention, compiled to libraries. (e.g. c1223.c => c1223.dll (or .sl) )
The current makefile consists of some directives using wildcards, e.g.:
LIB_NO = $(basename $(subst s,,$#))
OBJ = $(OBJ_PATH)/s$(LIB_NO).o $(OBJ_PATH)/c$(LIB_NO).o\
$(OBJ_PATH)/%.o : %.c
-$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -I$(PWD) -c $< -o $#
-(chmod a+w $#;true)
I've searched for a while but can't find anything that seems to work. Is it even possible with cmake to let it generate a wildcard based build?
Any comments, hints and suggestions are very welcome :)
You can use fairly primitive globbing (there's no regular expression syntax that I can see).
file(GLOB TESTSRCS "test/src/*.cpp")
# Compile the test sources.
add_executable(Tests ${TESTSRCS})
target_link_libraries(Tests ${LIB} gtest gtest_main)
The actual makefiles do not seem to contain wildcard searches inside them. If you add new files you will need to re-run cmake.
What I don't know is how you would manage to wrap up the library creation in a single macro if you have many different library files to generate.
You might be able to do something like this if there's only one c file per library:
file(GLOB libfiles "path/to/libs/c*.c")
foreach(libfile ${libfiles})
GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(libname ${libfile} NAME) # remove the '.c' part (untested, hopefully this will work)
add_library(${libname} ${libfile})
If anybody else has a better solution, I would also like to learn it.
CMake does not generate makefiles that have wildcard-based rules in them. It generates specific rules for the files that it knows about.
In your example, you are explicitly listing the .o files that comprise your library. In CMake, you would instead explicitly list the source files that contribute to your library, and then let CMake take care of the rest.
Do you need makefiles that have wildcard-based rules in them for some reason?
Couldn't you simply construct a list of the source files, and then, for each element in the list, do an "add_library" call with the source file and a library name constructed from the source file name?

Change older makefile system to take advantage of parallel compiles

We use Microsoft NMAKE to compile a large number of native C++ and some Intel Fortran files. Typically the makefiles contains lines such as this (for each file):
$(LINKPATH)\olemisc.obj : ole2\olemisc.cpp $(OLEMISC_DEP)
$(CCDEBUG) ole2\olemisc.cpp
$(GDEPS) ole2\olemisc.cpp
It works fine, but compiles one file at a time. We would like to take advantage of multi core processors and compile more than one file at a time. I would appreciate some advice about the best way to make that happen, please. Here is what I have so far.
One: GNU make lets you execute parallel jobs using the --jobs=2 option for example and that works fine with GCC (we cant use GCC sadly). But Microsoft's NMAKE does not seem to support such an option. How compatible would the two name programs be, and if we did start using GNU MAKE, can you run two cl.exe processes at the same time? I would expect them to complain about the PDB (debug) file being locked, or does one of the newer cl.exe command line arguments get you around that?
Two: cl.exe has a /MP (build with multiple processes) flag, which lets you compile multiple files at the same time if passed together via the command line, for example:
cl /MP7 a.cpp b.cpp c.cpp d.cpp e.cpp
But using this would require changes to the makefile. Our make files are generated by a our own program from other files, so I can easily change what we put in the makefiles. But how do you combine the dependencies from different cpp files together in the makefile so they get compiled together via one cl.exe call? Each .obj is a different target with a set of commands to make it?
Or do I change the makefile to not call cl.exe, but rather some other little executable that we write, which then collects a series of .cpp files together and shells out to cl.exe passing multiple arguments? That would work and seems doable, but also seems overly complicated and I cant see anyone else doing that.
Am I missing something obvious? There must be a simpler way of accomplishing this?
We do not use Visual Studio or a solution file to do the compiles, because the list of files is extensive, we have a few special items in our makefiles, and theoretically do not want to be overly tied to MS C++ etc.
I thoroughly recommend GNU make on windows. I tend to use cygwin make as the environment it creates tends to be very portable to Unix-like platforms (Mac and Linux for a start). Compiling using the Microsoft toolchain, in parallel and with 100% accurate dependencies and CPU usage works very well. You have other requirements though.
As far as your nmake question goes, look up batch-mode inference rules in the manual. Basically, nmake is able to call the C compiler once, passing it a whole load of C files in one go. Thus you can use the compiler's /MP... type switches.
Parallel compiling built into the compiler? Pah! Horribly broken I say. Here is a skeleton anyway:
OBJECTS = a.obj b.obj c.obj
f.exe: $(OBJECTS)
link $** -o $#
$(OBJECTS): $$(#R).c
# "The only syntactical difference from the standard inference rule
# is that the batch-mode inference rule is terminated with a double colon (::)."
cl -c /MP4 $<
If each .obj has its own dependencies (likely!), then you simply add these as separate dependency lines (i.e., they don't have any shell commands attached).
a.obj: b.h c.h ../include/e.hpp
b.obj: b.h ../include/e.hpp
Often such boiler plate is generated by another tool and !INCLUDEd into the main makefile. If you are clever, then you can generate these dependencies for free as you compile. (If you go this far, then nmake starts to creak at the seams and you should maybe change to GNU make.)
One further consideration to keep in mind here is this: You basically have to define one batch rule for each path and extension. But if you have two files with the same name in two different source directories with a batch inference rule for both of those directories, the batch rule might not pick the one you want.
Basically the make system knows it needs to make a certain obj file, and as soon as it finds an inference rule that lets it do that, it will use it.
The work around is to not have duplicate named files, and if that cant be avoided, dont use inference or batch rules for those files.
Ok, I spent some time this morning working on this, and thanks to bobbogo, I got it to work. Here are the exact details for anyone else who is considering this:
Old style makefile which compiles one file at a time has tons of this:
$(LINKPATH)\PS_zlib.obj : zlib\PS_zlib.cpp $(PS_ZLIB_DEP)
$(CC) zlib\PS_zlib.cpp
$(LINKPATH)\ioapi.obj : zlib\minizip\ioapi.c $(IOAPI_DEP)
$(CC) zlib\minizip\ioapi.c
$(LINKPATH)\iowin32.obj : zlib\minizip\iowin32.c $(IOWIN32_DEP)
$(CC) zlib\minizip\iowin32.c
Note that each file is compiled one at a time. So now you want to use the fancy Visual Studio 2010 /MP switch "/MP[n] use up to 'n' processes for compilation" to compile multiple files at the same time. How? Your makefile needs to make use of batch inference rules in nmake, as follows:
$(LINKPATH)\PS_zlib.obj : zlib\PS_zlib.cpp $(PS_ZLIB_DEP)
$(LINKPATH)\ioapi.obj : zlib\minizip\ioapi.c $(IOAPI_DEP)
$(LINKPATH)\iowin32.obj : zlib\minizip\iowin32.c $(IOWIN32_DEP)
#Batch inference rule for extension "cpp" and path "zlib":
$(CC) $(CCMP) $<
#Batch inference rule for extension "c" and path "zlib\minizip":
$(CC) $(CCMP) $<
In this case, elsewhere, we have
Note that nmake inference batch rules do not support wildcards or spaces in the paths. I found some decent nmake documentation somewhere that states that you need to create a separate rule for every extension and source file location, you can not have one rule if the files are in the different locations. Also, files that use #import can not be compiled with /MP.
We have a tool that generates our makefiles, so it now also also generates the batch inference rules.
But it works! The time to compile one large dll went from 12 minutes down to 7 minutes! Woohoo!

What does "all" stand for in a makefile?

I read some tutorials concerning Makefiles but for me it is still unclear for what the target "all" stands for and what it does.
Any ideas?
A build, as Makefile understands it, consists of a lot of targets. For example, to build a project you might need
Build file1.o out of file1.c
Build file2.o out of file2.c
Build file3.o out of file3.c
Build executable1 out of file1.o and file3.o
Build executable2 out of file2.o
If you implemented this workflow with makefile, you could make each of the targets separately. For example, if you wrote
make file1.o
it would only build that file, if necessary.
The name of all is not fixed. It's just a conventional name; all target denotes that if you invoke it, make will build all what's needed to make a complete build. This is usually a dummy target, which doesn't create any files, but merely depends on the other files. For the example above, building all necessary is building executables, the other files being pulled in as dependencies. So in the makefile it looks like this:
all: executable1 executable2
all target is usually the first in the makefile, since if you just write make in command line, without specifying the target, it will build the first target. And you expect it to be all.
all is usually also a .PHONY target. Learn more here.
The manual for GNU Make gives a clear definition for all in its list of standard targets.
If the author of the Makefile is following that convention then the target all should:
Compile the entire program, but not build documentation.
Be the the default target. As in running just make should do the same as make all.
To achieve 1 all is typically defined as a .PHONY target that depends on the executable(s) that form the entire program:
.PHONY : all
all : executable
To achieve 2 all should either be the first target defined in the make file or be assigned as the default goal:
Not sure it stands for anything special. It's just a convention that you supply an 'all' rule, and generally it's used to list all the sub-targets needed to build the entire project, hence the name 'all'. The only thing special about it is that often times people will put it in as the first target in the makefile, which means that just typing 'make' alone will do the same thing as 'make all'.
The target "all" is an example of a dummy target - there is nothing on disk called "all". This means that when you do a "make all", make always thinks that it needs to build it, and so executes all the commands for that target. Those commands will typically be ones that build all the end-products that the makefile knows about, but it could do anything.
Other examples of dummy targets are "clean" and "install", and they work in the same way.
If you haven't read it yet, you should read the GNU Make Manual, which is also an excellent tutorial.

Using make to add m4 preprocessing to an arbitrary language

We have an ActionScript (Flex) project that we build using GNU make. We would like to add an M4 preprocessing step to the build process (e.g., so that we can create an ASSERT() macro that includes file and line numbers).
We are having remarkable difficulty.
Our current strategy is:
Create a directory "src/build" (assuming source code is in src/ and subdirectories).
Within src/build, create a Makefile.
Run make inside src/build.
The desired behavior is, make would then use the rules we write to send the *.as files src/ and its subdirs, creating new *.as files under build. For example:
src/ -> m4 -> src/build/
src/a/ -> m4 -> src/build/a/
The obvious make rule would be: : ../
echo "m4 --args < $< > $#"
This works for but not a/, apparently because make is being "smart" about splitting and re-packing directories. make -d reveals:
Trying implicit prerequisite `a/../'.
Looking for a rule with intermediate file `a/../'.
but we want the prerequisite to be "../a/". This (what we don't want) is apparently documented behavior (
Any suggestions? Is it possible to write a pattern rule that does what we want?
We've tried VPATH also and it does not work because the generated .as files are erroneously satisfying the dependency (because . is searched before the contents of VPATH).
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
One option is to use a different extension for files that haven't been preprocessed. Then you can have them in the same directory without conflict.
As Anon also said, your source code is no longer Flex - it is 'to be preprocessed Flex'. So, use an extension such as '.eas' (for Extended ActionScript) for the source code, and create a 'compiler' script that converts '.eas' into '.as' files, which can then be processed as before.
You may prefer to have the Extended ActionScript compiler do the whole compilation job - taking the '.eas' direct to the compiled form.
The main thing to be wary of is ensuring that '.eas' files are considered before the derived '.as' files. Otherwise, your changes in the '.eas' files will not be picked up, leading to hair-tearing and other undesirable behaviours (head banging, as in 'banging head against wall', for example) as you try to debug code that hasn't changed even though the source has.
