Implementing Remember Me in Padrino 0.11 with new admin interface - ruby

I'm trying to implement a 'Remember Me' feature in the new Padrino 0.11 Admin interface, but having a little bit of trouble due to the differences between it and Rails. Basically, I'm following along with
I've managed to get the Remember Me and auth_token working handily, and I can see the cookie in the Dev console when I go to look at it. I am having a lot of trouble figuring out how to get the application to do autologin on the cookie when it is present though. I'm sure it's something stupid, but this is where I'm up to.
For instance, I've got the actual Remember Me creating an auth_token and setting it fine to the cookie (I can see it on localhost) in the dev console on Chrome via this in the sessions controller.
post :create do
if account = Account.authenticate(params[:email], params[:password])
if params[:remember_me]
response.set_cookie('da_app', value: account.auth_token,
expires: ( + 1.year +
flash[:success] = "You've successfully logged in as #{}."
redirect url(:base, :index)
params[:email], params[:password] = h(params[:email]), h(params[:password])
flash[:error] = pat('login.error')
redirect url(:sessions, :new)
However, due to my inexperience with padrino, a little stumped as to where I'd put the bit of logic which triggers before an incoming request, checks for the cookie and then logs the user in. I tried the following, which is not perfect but which is definitely not working (though not sure why... =< ) and in fact, the code block to detect the cookie does not even seem to be firing (which seems pretty basic.).
admin/app.rb (not sure this is the right place for it actually)
before '/*' do
if request.cookies['da_app'].exists?
redirect url(:base, :index)
So, I'm sure it's probably dead simple to solve but a bit stumped on this one (and also, am really trying to avoid using a gem plugin like padrino-warden or the like at the moment and implement this from scratch as an exercise.).
(Also, bonus karma points on helping solve this one as I'm implementing this as part of some pro bono work for a global conservation charity.)


Requesting An Access Token from Google API Returns 302

I'm trying to get an access token from Google API in my Ruby on Rails app, as part of an overall goal of setting up a raketask. I am able to get an Auth Code fine, but when I make a post request to get an access token, I am getting a 302 error. I'll describe my current code first, and afterward list how I've tried to solve the problem so far.
Current code:
def auth_access
client =
:authorization_uri => '',
:token_endpoint_uri => '',
:client_id => ENV['OAUTH_CLIENT_ID'],
:client_secret => ENV['OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET'],
:scope => '',
:redirect_uri => 'http://localhost:3000/google/auth_callback'
redirect_to client.authorization_uri.to_s
This part works fine so far. It redirects to the consent page, and when the user agrees it then redirects them to the page with the auth code in the url parameters. Next I take that auth code and try to make a POST request to API for an access token:
def auth_callback
http ='')
path = '/o/oauth2/token'
data = "code=#{params['code']}&client_id=#{ENV['OAUTH_CLIENT_ID']}&client_secret=#{ENV['OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET']}&redirect_uri=http://localhost:3000/auth_final&grant_type=authorization_code"
response =, data)
This when I run into a problem. The Google API returns a 302, and includes a message saying something akin to "we moved to ''".
Here's how I've tried to fix the problem so far:
I assumed that the problem was that the method is making a call to an http and not https.
I've tried including
http.use_ssl = true
http.ssl_version = :SSLv3
This returns the error "SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server hello A: wrong version number".
I can take a guess at what this means, but I am still unsure of what the actual problem is and how to solve it. Googling the error message has not been a help.
In a similar vein, I tried using gems to make the https call for me, in particular HTTParty and Typheous, although I was not able to make any progress with them (and am still not even sure that it's an http/https problem).
I've tried using the Signet-Rails gem. This was the most productive method by far, making a successful API call and returning the information. However, it either wasn't saving the refresh token or I cannot find where it is being saved. As I need access to that token to run the rake tasks, I gave up on Signet-Rails.
I tried using Legato, and was constantly running into various problems. Overall, Legato left me with the impression that it did not integrate getting the auth code, consent and tokens into the app, instead requiring the developer to set those up in advance outside of the app's scope. I want to be able to set up the auth code as part of the app. If I am understanding Legato properly, then it is not the gem I need.
I've also tried other various odds and ends but to no avail. The above solutions were the tactics I kept coming back to. Primarily I'm looking for an answer to what is going wrong in my code, and what is the best avenue to fix it (and if I was going down the right track with any of my attempted solutions above, which one?)
Thanks for taking the time to read this and answer!
(on a complete sidenote, those last three list items should be 2, 3, 4, but the stackoverflow text editor thinks it knows better than me...)
Specify the port:
http ='', 443)
Source: SSL Error on HTTP POST (Unknown Protocol)

Devise not working well with multiple subdomains on RoR3 application

I have seen a lot of questions about this topic, but a lot of them have contradictory information, and for some reason it didnt work for me.
I have:
a top level domain: i.e. (development).
each user has subdomains: i.e.
The login form is in the top level domain:
I want:
If an user logs in, the session needs to be shared between all the subdomains. I mean, the session needs to be active in and
If an user logs out from it should work, and if the user logs out from it should work also.
I tried
Setting in an initializer the following:
MyApplication::Application.config.session_store :cookie_store, :key => '_mykey', :domain => :all
What happened?
I can login in, I am correctly redirected to and if I go to it works great. I can also logout from BUT if I try to logout from it doesn't work. The destroy action in Devise SessionsController is executed and everything, but the session doesn't die.
According to,
The trick here is the :domain option. What this does is sets the level
of the TLD (top level domain) and tells Rails how long the domain is.
The part you want to watch out for here is that if you set :domain =>
:all like is recommend in some places, it simply won’t work unless
you’re using localhost. :all defaults to a TLD length of 1, which
means if you’re testing with Pow ( it won’t work either
because that is a TLD of length 2.
So, after reading that I also tried
MyApplication::Application.config.session_store :cookie_store, :key => '_mykey', :domain => ''
What happened?
I can login in, I am correctly redirected to and if I go to it doesn't work, i have no session there. If I go back to my session has disappeared. What happened there?
What else?
Then, after reading rails 3.2 subdomains and devise I changed my initializer line to
MyApplication::Application.config.session_store :cookie_store, :key => '_mykey', :domain => ''
Note the "." before the domain name.
According to the post in SO:
This allows this cookie to be accessible across subdomains and the
application should maintain it's session across subdomains. May not be
100% what you are looking for but it should get you going in the right
What happened?
Nothing, it didn't work. Same behavior if compared with the last thing I tried.
I finally tried What does Rails 3 session_store domain :all really do? , creating a custom class to handle the cookies. But I had no luck.
Of course that I deleted all the cookies and temp files before each attempt. Also I changed the name of the cookie.
Any help? Thanks!
According to this guy here: Rails: how can I share permanent cookies across multiple subdomains? You need to set the domain manually? Googling around it looks like '' with the dot at the beginning really is the way to go.
If you inherit from Devise::SessionsController you can manually set it on create
class SessionsController < Devise::SessionsController
def create
# modify the cookie here
I am setting up a working example to test that out, I'll post back afterwards, cheers!
And here is my Edit
Forget tempering with the token on create. The problematic is this, you need to have the token domain set to '' that's all there is to it, but domain: '' just doesn't do anything. Here is my proof of concept and ultimately it boiled down to a single change inside a controller:
class HomeController < ApplicationController
def index
cookies[:_cookietest_session] = {domain: ''}
In Chrome the token would look like this
And that for, and any other subdomain I tried. I can sign_in/sign_out from any and the session is created/destroyed accordingly.
Now I wouldn't advise doing it the way I did, I liked the middleware approach I think it would work just fine if setup properly. Let me know if you need further help on this.
Ok last thing
I went back and tried domain: :all because it really ought to work as you have expected. If I access I get a cookie with but if I got to I get one that reads
I think the issue is that :all adds a . to the so you would stay logged in with which doesn't do you much good.
:all seems to work if your original login is from the root domain and you then redirect to a subdomain. but you can't log in through a subdomain with it set that way.
MyApplication::Application.config.session_store :cookie_store, :key => '_mykey', :domain => ''
looks like the correct way to specify this.
Make sure you restart rails after making change.
Make sure you clear cookies out for your domain before testing again. You can leave remnant cookies behind that are confusing between tests.

Accessing warden login information in Sinatra test response

Practically everything I am looking for is said in the title - I need to access warden user variable in test to check whether authentication worked. Another way is also possible for me, just trying to test authentication nicely :)
should "authenticate" do
post "/login", {:login => "test_login", :password => "password"}, {"HTTP_HOST" => ""}
assert last_response.redirect?
assert_equal last_response.env["warden"].user.login, "test_login"
You can't get at the internal request environment in a rack-test-style full-stack test. If you want to verify that you've been logged in as a specific user you'll need to look at something like the redirect URL (if it redirects to a user-identifiable URL) or follow the redirect (easy with rack-test's follow_redirect! helper) and then look for evidence of the User ID in the HTML.
I would have thought that you don't really need to test Warden itself, but you will want to make sure you're providing the correct information to it, and aren't mangling it in the middleware stack.
You might find something like Cucumber handy for doing genuine form-filling and submission.
Finally, Warden has its own test helpers (which definitely work with rack-test) so you can set up a request to be logged in without having to actually run through the logging in request/redirect cycle in each test - has more details.

401 error with Ruby OAuth for Twitter

xI've been working for days to get Twitter to authenticate with Ruby, but I'm not having any luck.
My first attempt was something like this:
class TwitterController < ApplicationController
def index
#callback_url = ""
#auth= :consumer_key => "xxx", :consumer_secret => "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" )
#rtoken = #auth.request_token :oauth_callback => #callback_url
#token = #rtoken.token
#secret = #rtoken.secret
#link = #rtoken.authorize_url
session['token' ] = #token
session['secret'] = #secret
redirect_to #link
def auth
#auth.authorize_from_request(session[:rtoken], session[:rsecret], params[:oauth_verifier])
And a very similar way but with the Twitter gem, and the same with the OAuth gem directly. No matter what OAuth::Consumer::token_request dies with a 401 error.
So, out of desperation I attempted to git clone Snitter, add my Twitter creds, and try it, but it too dies with a 401.
I've tried using localhost:300/twitter/auth,, and a for each of the former 2. Nothing works.
Any help?
EDIT: Of course I would forget to do the most logical thing to do and delete my secrets. (They've been changed ;)).
You may want to edit your consumer secret out. With that, anyone can make requests on behalf of your app.
That said, make sure your system time is synced to an ntp server. If your system time has drifted fast or slow, OAuth requests will fail, since their include a timestamp and relatively short TTL. I had this exact problem a while back.
Failing that, you can crack open the oauth gem and turn on HTTP debugging, which will show you the full HTTP transaction including any error message returned.

POSTing an HTML form to remote.cgi - written in Ruby?

I am working on a website hosted on microsoft's office live service. It has a contact form enabling visitors to get in touch with the owner. I want to write a Ruby script that sits on a seperate sever and which the form will POST to. It will parse the form data and email the details to a preset address. The script should then redirect the browser to a confirmation page.
I have an ubuntu hardy machine running nginx and postfix. Ruby is installed and we shall see about using Thin and it's Rack functionality to handle the script. Now it's come to writing the script and i've drawn a blank.
It's been a long time and if i remember rightly the process is something like;
read HTTP header
parse parameters
send email
send redirect header
Broadly speaking, the question has been answered. Figuring out how to use the answer was more complicated than expected and I thought worth sharing.
First Steps:
I learnt rather abruptly that nginx doesn't directly support cgi scripts. You have to use some other process to run the script and get nginx to proxy requests over. If I was doing this in php (which in hind sight i think would have been a more natural choice) i could use something like php-fcgi and expect life would be pretty straight forward.
Ruby and fcgi felt pretty daunting. But if we are abandoning the ideal of loading these things at runtime then Rack is probably the most straight forward solution and Thin includes all we need. Learning how to make basic little apps with them has been profoundly beneficial to a relative Rails newcomer like me. The foundations of a Rails app can seem hidden for a long time and Rack has helped me lift the curtain that little bit further.
Nonetheless, following Yehuda's advice and looking up sinatra has been another surprise. I now have a basic sinatra app running in a Thin instance. It communicates with nginx over a unix socket in what i gather is the standard way. Sinatra enables a really elegant way to handle different requests and routes into the app. All you need is a get '/' {} to start handling requests to the virtual host. To add more (in a clean fashion) we just include a routes/script.rb into the main file.
# cgi-bin.rb
# main file loaded as a sinatra app
require 'sinatra'
# load cgi routes
require 'routes/default'
require 'routes/contact'
# 404 behaviour
not_found do
"Sorry, this CGI host does not recognize that request."
These route files will call on functionality stored in a separate library of classes:
# routes/contact.rb
# contact controller
require 'lib/contact/contactTarget'
require 'lib/contact/contactPost'
post '/contact/:target/?' do |target|
# the target for the message is taken from the URL
msg =, target)
redirect msg.action, 302
The sheer horror of figuring out such a simple thing will stay with me for a while. I was expecting to calmly let nginx know that .rb files were to be executed and to just get on with it. Now that this little sinatra app is up and running, I'll be able to dive straight in if I want to add extra functionality in the future.
The ContactPost class handles the messaging aspect. All it needs to know are the parameters in the request and the target for the email. ContactPost::action kicks everything off and returns an address for the controller to redirect to.
There is a separate ContactTarget class that does some authentication to make sure the specified target accepts messages from the URL given in request.referrer. This is handled in ContactTarget::accept? as we can guess from the ContactPost::action method;
# lib/contact/contactPost.rb
class ContactPost
# ...
def action
return failed unless #target.accept? #request.referer
if send?
# ...
ContactPost::successful and ContactPost::failed each return a redirect address by combining paths supplied with the HTML form with the request.referer URI. All the behaviour is thus specified in the HTML form. Future websites that use this script just need to be listed in the user's own ~/cgi/contact.conf and they'll be away. This is because ContactTarget looks in /home/:target/cgi/contact.conf for the details. Maybe oneday this will be inappropriate, but for now it's just fine for my purposes.
The send method is simple enough, it creates an instance of a simple Email class and ships it out. The Email class is pretty much based on the standard usage example given in the Ruby net/smtp documentation;
# lib/email/email.rb
require 'net/smtp'
class Email
def initialize(from_alias, to, reply, subject, body)
#from_alias = from_alias
#from = ""
#to = to
#reply = reply
#subject = subject
#body = body
def send
Net::SMTP.start('localhost', 25) do |smtp|
smtp.send_message to_s, #from, #to
def to_s
From: #{#from_alias}
To: #{#to}
Reply-To: #{#from_alias}
Subject: #{#subject}
Date: #{DateTime::now().to_s}
All I need to do is rack up the application, let nginx know which socket to talk to and we're away.
Thank you everyone for your helpful pointers in the right direction! Long live sinatra!
It's all in the Net module, here's an example:
#net = '', 80
#params = {:name => 'doris', :email => ''}
# Create HTTP request
req = 'script.cgi', {} )
req.set_form_data #params
# Send request
response = #net.start do |http|
http.read_timeout = 5600
http.request req
Probably the best way to do this would be to use an existing Ruby library like Sinatra:
require "rubygems"
require "sinatra"
get "/myurl" do
# params hash available here
# send email
You'll probably want to use MailFactory to send the actual email, but you definitely don't need to be mucking about with headers or parsing parameters.
CGI class of Ruby can be used for writing CGI scripts. Please check:
By the way, there is no need to read the HTTP header. Parsing parametres will be easy using CGI class. Then, send the e-mail and redirect.
