JQGrid - header and column not align - jqgrid

Hope someone could point me to right direction..
I'm facing this problem for quite sometimes.!
I try some of the solutions which I found from stackoverflow
e.g.jqGrid column not aligned with column headers
& other sources but none solved my problem. This problem only arise after upgrading to Chrome 19 and above (I think!) and safari 6. I noticed theres no problem when viewed in my 2nd computer which is using safari 5 and when I reinstall Chrome ver 18.
I try updating some of the js and css file by downloading from trirand.net but come to no solution.
Currently I'm running Safari Version 6.0.1 (8536.26.14) and Chrome Version 26.0.1410.43.
UPDATE 2: after updating to 4.4.5 image http://imgur.com/NlY786x
& I forgot to mention this only happen when I integrate inside lightbox(facebox)
#Oleg I just realise after after updating to 4.4.5 or just paste ur code (inside comment)
I'm not able to use my custom button anymore (working b4).. nothing happen.
I'm using a javascript & a php jqgrid, below is my code:
<div align="center" id="grido"> </div>
<script type="text/javascript">
//var lastSel;
// $('#grido').load('form/housekeeping/dun_grid.php');
<script type="text/javascript">
<!-- dun_grid.js -->
var lastSel;
datatype: "json",
colNames:['DUN ID','DUN Code', 'DUN Name'],
{name:'int_dunid',index:'int_dunid', hidden:true, align:"center", width:50},
{name:'txt_dcode',index:'txt_dcode', editable:true, align:"center", width:150},
{name:'txt_dname',index:'txt_dname', editable:true, align:"center", width:150},
pager: '#pagerdun', //pagination enable
sortname: 'txt_dcode',
sortorder: 'asc',
hidegrid: false, //show/hide grid button on caption header
viewrecords: true, //display the number of total records
loadtext: "Loading Data, Please Wait...",
rownumbers:true, // add row numbers on left side
caption: ' DUN List',
ondblClickRow: function(id){
if(id && id!==lastSel){
jQuery('#dun_grid').editRow(id, true, "", refreshing);
onSelectRow: function(id){
if(id && id!==lastSel){
}); /* end of jqgrid */
jQuery("#dun_grid").jqGrid('navGrid','#pagerdun',{edit:false, add:false, view:false, del:true, search:true},
{}, // edit
{}, // add
{url: 'form/housekeeping/dun.php?mode=delete'}, // delete
{multipleSearch : true},
); //end on navgrid
jQuery("#dun_grid").jqGrid('navButtonAdd','#pagerdun',{caption:"", buttonicon :'ui-icon-plus',
var datarow = {txt_dname:""};
jQuery('#dun_grid').editRow("0", true, "", tiesto);
},//end of onClickButton
title:"New Record",
}); //end of custom button
function refreshing(id){ /* refresh grid */
$.blockUI({ message:"Saving Data!!"});
setTimeout($.unblockUI, 700);
function tiesto(){
$.blockUI({ message:"New Data Saved!!"});
setTimeout($.unblockUI, 700);
}); /*end of document ready*/
<div align="center" class="gridpanel" >
<!--------------------------- ## grid for add/edit ## ------------------------------------------>
<table id="dun_grid" class="scroll" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"></table>
<!-- pager definition -->
<div id="pagerdun" class="scroll" style="text-align:center;"></div>
</div> <!----------------------- grid panel end -------------------------------------->
// include the jqGrid Class
require_once "../../phpgrid/php/jqGrid.php";
// include the driver class
require_once "../../phpgrid/php/jqGridPdo.php";
// Connection to the server
// Tell the db that we use utf-8
$conn->query("SET NAMES utf8");
// Create the jqGrid instance
$grid = new jqGridRender($conn);
$grid->SelectCommand = 'SELECT int_bankid, txt_bank_code , txt_bank_name, txt_bank_address FROM tbl_bank';
// set the ouput format to json
$grid->dataType = 'json';
$grid->table ="tbl_bank";
// Set grid option
"caption"=>" List of Banks",
"loadtext" => "meloading data...",
// Change some property of the field(s)
$grid->setColProperty("int_bankid", array("label"=>"ID", "width"=>50, "align"=>"center", "hidden"=>true));
$grid->setColProperty("txt_bank_code", array("label"=>"Code", "width"=>60, "align"=>"center", "editrules"=>array("required"=>true)));
$grid->setColProperty("txt_bank_name", array("label"=>"Name", "width"=>130, "align"=>"center", "editrules"=>array("required"=>true)));
$grid->setColProperty("txt_bank_address", array("label"=>"Address", "width"=>200, "align"=>"center"));
// enable navbutton
$grid->navigator = true;
$grid->setNavOptions('navigator', array("pdf"=>false,"excel"=>false,"add"=>false,"edit"=>false,"del"=>true,"view"=>false ));
// jscript for adding new row
$reloading = <<<RELOAD
$mycode = <<<NEWBUTTON
jQuery("#grid").jqGrid('editRow', "0", true,'',$reloading);
//jscript for inline editing
$editrow = <<<DOUBLECLICK
if (rowid && rowid !== lastSel) {
jQuery("#grid").jqGrid('restoreRow', lastSel);
lastSel = rowid;
jQuery("#grid").jqGrid('editRow', rowid, true,'',$reloading);
//custom button setting for adding new row
$buttonoptions = array("#pager", array("caption"=>"", 'buttonicon' =>'ui-icon-circle-plus', "onClickButton"=> "js:".$mycode));
// inserting custom button
$grid->setGridEvent('ondblClickRow', $editrow);
$grid->callGridMethod("#grid", "navButtonAdd", $buttonoptions);
$grid->renderGrid('#grid','#pager',true, null, null, true,true);
$conn = null;

I had this same problem and was able to fix it by adjusting the CSS. I had set padding on the th which caused the issue.
It's possible that your th is inheriting padding which is messing up the alignment.
If the padding on the th is different than the grid cells (especially padding-left and right) it will break the alignment.

Try setting the property shrinkToFit as true;
shrinkToFit : true,
As given in the wiki
This option, if set, defines how the the width of the columns of the grid should be re-calculated, taking into consideration the width of the grid. If this value is true, and the width of the columns is also set, then every column is scaled in proportion to its width. For example, if we define two columns with widths 80 and 120 pixels, but want the grid to have a width of 300 pixels, then the columns will stretch to fit the entire grid, and the extra width assigned to them will depend on the width of the columns themselves and the extra width available.

Add this code into the gridComplete event of your grid. Don't forget to replace the gridName with your grid id:
var objHeader = $("table[aria-labelledby=gbox_" + gridName+ "] tr[role=rowheader] th");
for (var i = 0; i < objHeader.length; i++) {
var col = $("table[id=" + gridName+ "] td[aria-describedby=" + objHeader[i].id + "]");
var width= col.outerWidth();
$(objHeader[i]).css("width", width);
Works with v.4.6.0.

My Case
jqgrid version 4.6.0
Group Headers in the grid
shrinkTofit did not work
I called the following function in gridComplete event
function alignColumnsWithHeadersGENEL(gridName) {
var objHeaders = $("table[aria-labelledby=gbox_" + gridName + "] tr[class=jqg-first-row-header] th");
var objColumns = $("table[id=" + gridName + "] tr[class=jqgfirstrow] td");
for (var i = 0; i < objHeaders.length; i++) {
objHeaders[i].style.width = objColumns[i].style.width;
The structure of the HTML produced for my grid was something like the following(deleting the unnecessary fillings)
Somehow there were disrepancies between widths of the headers and columns


Remote update cell content in kendo grid

Here I have a code to update a cell contet when pressing a button.
It works fine, but it doesn't set the flag, that indicates, that the cell has been changed.
It should look like this with the litle red triangle:
The code:
<a id="button" href="#">Click me</a>
<div id="grid"></div>
var dataSource, grid;
$(document).ready(function () {
dataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({
data: [
{ category: "Beverages", name: "Chai", price: 18},
{ category: "Seafood", name: "Konbu", price: 6}
grid = $("#grid").kendoGrid({
dataSource: dataSource,
editable: true,
$('#button').click(function (e) {
var data = grid.dataItem("tr:eq(1)");
data.set('category', 'Merchandice');
Here is the update based on #tstancin: Kendo example.
Thank you for the answer - I had thought of it to.
I am wondering if it's possible to do the update in a more clean way with some binding through som MVVM perhaps?
Kind regards from Kenneth
If that's all you want then you should expand your button click code with the following:
$('#button').click(function (e) {
var data = grid.dataItem("tr:eq(1)");
data.set('category', 'Merchandice');
$("#grid tr:eq(1) td:eq(1)").addClass("k-dirty-cell");
$("#grid tr:eq(1) td:eq(0)").prepend("<span class='k-dirty'></span>");
But if you, for instance, manually change the value of name column from Chai to something else, and then click the click me button, the dirty marker in the name column will disappear.
You should use flags for every cell and set them before data.set(). Then, in the grid's dataBound event you should inspect every cell's value and assign the dirty marker if it's needed. For manual changes you should handle the save event and set flags there.
I wrote a script that makes it posible to use a call like this:
SetCellData(id, columnName, value);
So with an id, a columnName and a value, I can update a value in a grid and the flag will be set on the cell.
function SetCellData(id, columnName, value) {
var dataItem = grid.dataSource.get(id);
dataItem.set(columnName, value);
var columnIndex = GetColumnIndex(columnName);
if (columnIndex > -1) {
var cell = $('tr[data-uid*="' + dataItem.uid + '"] td:eq(' + columnIndex + ')')
if (!cell.hasClass("k-dirty-cell")){
cell.prepend("<span class='k-dirty'></span>");
function GetColumnIndex(columnName) {
var columns = grid.columns;
for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++)
if (columns[i].field == columnName)
return i;
return -1;
I have the code here : example

Refers to: jqgrid: how to set toolbar options based on column value in row selected

my question refers to http://goo.gl/f0Boc
The code works fine for me, but now I want to enable/disable the "Edit-Button" when the value in a cell is "Yes" or "No".
In this example is written:
// you can use getCell or getRowData to examine the contain of
// the selected row to decide whether the row is editable or not
I need an explanation how I could change the code so that the code runs with jqGrid('getCell',rowid,'cellContent')?
What I need is if cellContent is "Yes" then disable "Edit-Button".
Thanks in advance for your efforts,
best regards
<script type="text/javascript">
datatype: 'xml',
mtype: 'GET',
colNames:['User ID','Name', 'Firstname','CDS-ID','E-mail','Password', 'Registration
Date','Account Activated', 'Account Activation Date', 'Role'],
colModel :[
{name:'idUser_registration', index:'idUser_registration', width:55,
editable:true, editoptions{readonly:true},search:true},
{name:'account_activated', index:'account_activated', width:150, align:'right',
edittype:'checkbox',editoptions: { value:"Yes:No" }, editable:true,
... ],
pager: '#pager',
sortname: 'idUser_registration',
sortorder: 'asc',
viewrecords: true,
gridview: true,
caption: 'My grid',
editurl: 'example2.php',
beforeSelectRow: function(rowid) {
var selRowId = $(this).getGridParam('selrow'),
celValue = $(this).getCell('getCell', selRowId, 'list_account_activated'),
tr = $("#"+rowid);
// you can use getCell or getRowData to examine the contain of
// the selected row to decide whether the row is editable or not
if (selRowId !== rowid && !tr.hasClass('not-editable-row')) {
// eneble the "Edit" button in the navigator
$("#edit_" + this.id).removeClass('ui-state-disabled');
$("#del_" + this.id).removeClass('ui-state-disabled');
else {
// unselect previous selected row
// disable the "Edit" and "Del" button in the navigator
$("#edit_" + this.id).addClass('ui-state-disabled');
$("#del_" + this.id).addClass('ui-state-disabled');
return true; // allow selection or unselection
loadComplete: function() {
// just one example how to mark some rows as non-editable is to add
// some class like 'not-editable-row' which we test in beforeSelectRow
{}, //options
{closeAfterEdit:true,mtype:'GET',editCaption: "Activate
Account",height:400,reloadAfterSubmit:true },
{reloadAfterSubmit:false}, // del options
{} // search options
$("#edit_").click(function() {
var gr = jQuery("#list").jqGrid('getGridParam','selrow');
if( gr != null ) jQuery("#list").jqGrid('editGridRow',gr,{});
var gr = jQuery("#list").jqGrid('getGridParam','selrow');
if( gr != null ) jQuery("#list").jqGrid('delGridRow',gr,{mtype:'GET',reloadAfterSubmit:true});
I modified the referenced demo for you. The main part of the code is the following
onSelectRow: function (rowid) {
var thisId = $.jgrid.jqID(this.id),
isCompleted = $(this).jqGrid("getCell", rowid, "isCompleted");
// you can use getCell or getRowData to examine the contain of
// the selected row to decide whether the row is editable or not
if (isCompleted !== "Yes") {
// eneble the "Edit" button in the navigator
$("#edit_" + thisId).removeClass('ui-state-disabled');
$("#del_" + thisId).removeClass('ui-state-disabled');
} else {
// unselect previous selected row
// disable the "Edit" and "Del" button in the navigator
$("#edit_" + thisId).addClass('ui-state-disabled');
$("#del_" + thisId).addClass('ui-state-disabled');
You can see new demo here.

jqgrid: Change editable cell to not editable according to the cell value in form editing

My problem is that i want to change the cell being editable or not in the edit form according to the content of the cell of the row that is selected to be edited.
I used Oleg's example to this link: JQGrid: Dynamically set a cell to uneditable based on content to figure out how to change the cell from editable to not editable but i cannot get the cell value in order to compare it and decide if i want to change the edit option of the cell.
var Setcelluneditable=function(form) {
return function (form) {
var id = jQuery(list).getGridParam('selrow');
var ret = jQuery(list).jqGrid('getRowData',id);
if (ret.Arrived=='Yes')
jQuery(list).setCell(id,'Arrived','',{color:'red'}, editable:'0'});}
jQuery(list).jqGrid('navGrid',pager,{edit:true,add:true,del:true,search:false,view:true, reload:true},
closeAfterEdit: true,
recreateForm: true,
ajaxEditOptions: {cache: false},
beforeInitData : Setcelluneditable("#editmod")
closeAfterAdd: true,
recreateForm: true,
drag: false
This does not seem to work because i change the Grid that has already been constructed.
I think i found out the way to do that but it does not seem to me the best one can have:
onSelectRow: function(id){
var ret = jQuery(list).jqGrid('getRowData',id);
if (ret.Arrived=='Yes')
else { jQuery(list).setColProp('Arrived',{editable:true});}}
I change the ColProp every time one Selects a Row.
selRowId = $(list).jqGrid ('getGridParam', 'selrow');
var cm = $(list).jqGrid('getGridParam', 'colModel');
for(x=0; x<cm.length; x++){
if(cm[x].name == 'ID'){
$('#' + selRowId + '_' + cm[x].name).attr('disabled', true);
code in onSelectRow event

jqgrid Subgrid as a Grid: Edit, Add, Search Icons not appearing in Subgrid

This is the code for my Grid. But for some reason the edit, add, and search icons are not displaying in subgrid:
var gridwidth = $('.tableContainer').width();
gridwidth = gridwidth-40;
var myGrid = jQuery("#list");
editSettings = {
addSettings = {
url:'projects.cfc?method=getProjects&returnformat=json&_cf_nodebug=true', //CFC that will return the projects
datatype: 'json', //We specify that the datatype we will be using will be JSON
complete: function(jsondata, stat) {
if (stat == "success") {
myGrid = jQuery("#list")[0];
} else {
alert('Error processing JSON');
colNames:[ .....],
colModel :[{ ...}], //it the operators available during search
pager: $('#pager'), //The div we have specified, tells jqGrid where to put the pager
rowNum: 150, //Number of records we want to show per page
rowList:[20,30,40,50,75,150], //Row List, to allow Initiative to select how many rows they want to see per page
sortorder: "asc", //Default sort order
sortname: "PROJECTS.PROJECTID", //Default sort column
viewrecords: true, //Shows the nice message on the pager
imgpath: '/images', //Image path for prev/next etc images
caption: 'Initiatives', //Grid Name
recordtext: "Record {0} - {1} of {2}",//Pager information to show
rownumbers: false,//Do not show row numbers
sortable: true,
height:'auto', //I like auto, so there is no blank space between. Using a fixed height can mean either a scrollbar or a blank space before the pager
toolbar:[true,"bottom"], //Shows the toolbar at the top. We will use it to display Initiative feedback
subGrid: true,
subGridRowExpanded: function(subgrid_id, row_id) {
// we pass two parameters
// subgrid_id is a id of the div tag created within a table
// the row_id is the id of the row
// If we want to pass additional parameters to the url we can use
// the method getRowData(row_id) - which returns associative array in type name-value
// here we can easy construct the following
var subgrid_table_id, pager_id;
subgrid_table_id = subgrid_id+"_t";
pager_id = "p_" + subgrid_table_id;
jQuery("#"+subgrid_id).html("<table id='"+subgrid_table_id+"' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' class='scroll'></table><div id=’" + pager_id + "’ class=’scroll’></div>");
datatype: "json",
colNames:['SEQ','ID','MILESTONE','TREND','DUE DATE','STATUS','OWNERS','%','COMMENTS'], //Column Names
//The Column Model to define the data. Note you can make columns non sortable, specify width, alignment, etc.
colModel :[
{name:'PROJECTID',index:'PROJECTID', editable:false},
{name:'MILESTONE',index:'MILESTONE', width:150, sorttype:"text",align:"center",
{name:'TREND',index:'TREND', width:100, align:"center",sorttype:"text",
{name:'DUE_DATE',index:'DUE_DATE', width:150, editable:true,editoptions:{size:12,dataInit: function(el) {
$(el).datepicker({ dateFormat: 'mm-dd-yy'} );
defaultValue: function() {
var currentTime = new Date();
var month = parseInt(currentTime.getMonth() + 1);
month = month <= 9 ? "0" + month : month;
var day = currentTime.getDate();
day = day <= 9 ? "0" + day : day;
var year = currentTime.getFullYear();
return month + "-" + day + "-" + year ;
editable:true,edittype:"select",editoptions:{value:"In Progress:In Progress;Complete:Complete"},
{name:'ASSIGNMENT',index:'ASSIGNMENT', width:125,align:"center",sorttype:"text",
{name:'PERCENT_COMP',index:'PERCENT_COMP', width:50, sorttype:"int",align:"center",
{name:'COMMENTS',index:'COMMENTS', width:200,
editable:true,edittype:"textarea",editoptions:{rows:3, cols:30},
],//searchoptions parameter is used to limit the operators available during search,
rowNum: 20, //Number of records we want to show per page
rowList:[20,30,40,50], //Row List, to allow Initiative to select how many rows they want to see per page
sortorder: "asc", //Default sort order
sortname: "SEQUENCENUM", //Default sort column
viewrecords: true, //Shows the nice message on the pager
imgpath: 'images/', //Image path for prev/next etc images
caption: 'Milestones', //Grid Name
recordtext: "Record {0} - {1} of {2}",//Pager information to show
rownumbers: false,//Do not show row numbers
sortable: true,
height:'auto', //I like auto, so there is no blank space between. Using a fixed height can mean either a scrollbar or a blank space before the pager
toolbar:[true,"bottom"], //Shows the toolbar at the top. We will use it to display Initiative feedback
shrinkToFit: true,
//The JSON reader. This defines what the JSON data returned from the CFC should look like
jsonReader: {
root: "ROWS", //our data
page: "PAGE", //current page
total: "TOTAL", //total pages
records:"RECORDS", //total records
cell: "", //Not Used
id: "0", //Will default to first column
subGrid: {
root : "ROWS",
repeatitems: true,
cell: "" //Not Used
editurl:'projects.cfc?method=addeditMilestone&projectid='+row_id, //The Add/Edit function call
pager:('#' + pager_id)
}).navGrid('#' + pager_id, {
search:false,//title set for hover over display
edit:true,edittitle:"Edit Milestone",width:200,
add:true,addtitle:"Add Milestone",width:200,
del:true,deltitle:"Delete Milestone"
// Edit Options. save key parameter will keybind the Enter key to submit.
{editCaption:"Edit Milestone",edittext:"Edit",closeOnEscape:true,closeAfterEdit:true,savekey: [true,13],errorTextFormat:commonError,width:"500"
,reloadAfterSubmit:true,bottominfo:"Fields marked with (*) are required",top:"60",left:"5",right:"5"},
{addCaption:"Add Milestone",closeOnEscape:true,closeAfterAdd:true,savekey: [true,13],errorTextFormat:commonError,width:"500"
,reloadAfterSubmit:true,bottominfo:"Fields marked with (*) are required",top:"60",left:"5",right:"5"},
//Add Options
{url:"projects.cfc?method=delMilestone",caption:"Delete Milestone",closeOnEscape:true,errorTextFormat:commonError,top:"60",left:"70",
reloadAfterSubmit:true} //Delete Options
shrinkToFit: true,
//The JSON reader. This defines what the JSON data returned from the CFC should look like
jsonReader: {
root: "ROWS", //our data
page: "PAGE", //current page
total: "TOTAL", //total pages
records:"RECORDS", //total records
cell: "", //Not Used
id: "0" //Will default to first
loadComplete: function() {
} else {
var page = $('#list').getGridParam("PAGE");
var records = $('#list').getGridParam("RECORDS");
var recordsPP = $('#list').getGridParam("rowNum");
var x = records/recordsPP;
var returnArray = [];
if(x < page) {
iterLimit = records%recordsPP;
} else {
iterLimit = recordsPP;
for(var i=1; i<=iterLimit; i++) {
var emitid = $('#'+i).children ('td:first').next().text();
$('#'+i).children('td:first').next().click(function() {
emitid = $(this).text();
//window.alert(emitid + ":" + page + ":" + records + ":" + recordsPP + ":" + x);
var link = 'viewInitiative.cfm?projectid='+emitid
//returnArray = orderList.find(ord);
var truefalse = typeof returnArray;
if(truefalse != 'boolean') {
loadError:function(xhr, st, err) {
alert('loaderror on quote request grid - ' + st)
editurl:"projects.cfc?method=addeditProject", //The Add/Edit function call
ondblClickRow: function(rowid, ri, ci) {
var p = myGrid[0].p;
if (p.selrow !== rowid) {
// prevent the row from be unselected on double-click
// the implementation is for "multiselect:false" which we use,
// but one can easy modify the code for "multiselect:true"
myGrid.jqGrid('setSelection', rowid);
myGrid.jqGrid('editGridRow', rowid, editSettings);
search:true,searchtitle:"Search",//title set for hover over display
edit:true,edittitle:"Edit Initiative",width:1000,
add:true,addtitle:"Add Initiative",width:1000,
del:true,deltitle:"Delete Initiative"
// Edit Options. save key parameter will keybind the Enter key to submit.
{editCaption:"Edit Initiative",edittext:"Edit",closeOnEscape:true,closeAfterEdit:true,savekey: [true,13],errorTextFormat:commonError,width:"1250"
,reloadAfterSubmit:true,bottominfo:"Fields marked with (*) are required",top:"60",left:"5",right:"5"},
{addCaption:"Add Initiative",closeOnEscape:true,closeAfterAdd:true,savekey: [true,13],errorTextFormat:commonError,width:"1250"
,reloadAfterSubmit:true,bottominfo:"Fields marked with (*) are required",top:"60",left:"5",right:"5"},
//Add Options
{url:"projects.cfc?method=delProject",caption:"Delete Initiative",closeOnEscape:true,errorTextFormat:commonError,top:"60",left:"70",
reloadAfterSubmit:true}, //Delete Options
//Search Options. multipleSearch parameter lets it know we are going to use the new advanced search feature
{errorTextFormat:commonError,Find:"Search",closeOnEscape:true,caption:"Search Initiatives",multipleSearch:true,closeAfterSearch:true}
caption:"Export to Excel",
onClickButton: function(){
function exportExcel()
var mya=new Array();
mya=$("#list").getDataIDs(); // Get All IDs
var data=$("#list").getRowData(mya[0]); // Get First row to get the labels
var colNames=new Array();
var ii=0;
for (var i in data){colNames[ii++]=i;} // capture col names
var html="";
for (var k=0;k<colNames.length;k++)
if(colNames[k] == "PROJECTID") {
} else if (colNames[k] == "PROJECT_TITLE") {
} else if (colNames[k] == "PROJECT_TYPE") {
} else if (colNames[k] == "PROJECT_TYPEID") {
} else if (colNames[k] == "SUB_TEAM") {
} else if (colNames[k] == "OVERRIDE") {
} else if (colNames[k] == "EM_EXECUTION_TOP_TEN") {
} else {
html=html+colNames[k]+"\t"; // output each Column as tab delimited
data=$("#list").getRowData(mya[i]); // get each row
html=html+data[colNames[j]]+"\t"; // output each column as tab delimited
html=html+"\n"; // output each row with end of line
html=html+"\n"; // end of line at the end
document.forms[0].action='http://bfops01.edc.cingular.net/excel/csvExport.php'; // send it to server which will open this contents in excel file
//Function will be called when add/edit encounters an error. The returned message is what will be shown to Initiative
function commonError(data){
return "Error Occured during Operation. Please try again";
You should verify your code in the http://www.jslint.com/. It has many syntax errors. For example, you forget to declare variables iterLimit and j, you should replace ';' after var myGrid = jQuery("#list") to ',' and many other small problems. I recommend you additionally to use integer values for width parameter in many places of the code like jqGrid use ifself.
You main problem seems to me exist because the <div> for the subgrid will be either not created or has no or wrong id element. The code
jQuery("#"+subgrid_id).html("<table id='"+subgrid_table_id+
"' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' class='scroll'></table><div id=’" +
pager_id + "’ class=’scroll’></div>");
contain special character ’ instead of '. It should be replaced to
jQuery("#"+subgrid_id).html("<table id='"+subgrid_table_id+
"'></table><div id='" + pager_id + "'></div>");
You use very very old syntax for HTML elements and use retro parameters like imgpath which are deprecated since version 3.5 of jqGrid.

text-decoration problem in Firefox, jQuery and jqgrid

I have issue wuth Firefox not displaying style "text-decoration: line-through".
I am using jqGrid for displaying list of medications. If medication is not active, it has to be crossed. In my afterInsertRow event I do this:
$('#' + rowid).css({ 'text-decoration': 'line-through', 'color': 'red' })
It works fine for IE and Chrome, but Firefox displays only red text without crossing line.
When I look into firebug output, I can see that <tr> element has style definition including text-decoration, but it is simply not displaying the way I need.
If you modify your code to
$('#' + ids[1] + " > td").css(
{ 'text-decoration': 'line-through', 'color': 'red' });
if will works. If you use rownumbers: true and don't want the row number be strikethrough, you can use
$('#' + ids[1] + " > td:not(.jqgrid-rownum)").css(
{ 'text-decoration': 'line-through', 'color': 'red' });
One more small recommendation: use gridview: true to fill jqGrid more quickly. In this mode the whole table contain will be filled by jqGrid as a siring and will be inserted with one jQurey.append operation. The usage of afterInsertRow event break the rule, because every row will be inserted with a jQurey.append operation and then will be called afterInsertRow. So my recommendation: use gridview: true and don't use afterInsertRow. To make changes of css use loadComplete or gridComplete instead like:
loadComplete: function() {
var ids = jQuery('#list').getDataIDs();
for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
$('#' + ids[i] + ' > td:not(.jqgrid-rownum)').css(
{ 'text-decoration': 'line-through', 'color': 'red' });
// ...
