Check argument error text - ruby

Using rspec how do I check what an argument's error text is?
I have a method where if you supply an zero to it, an ArgumentError should be raised.
if amount_paid <= 0
raise ArgumentError, 'Please insert Money'
The rspec code I have to check this is:
lambda {#method.check_money("Cola","0.00")}.should raise_exception ArgumentError
This test passes. When I supply the method with zero the argument error is raised. However how do I also check the text of the argument error? I have different argument errors in my code and I want to ensure that it is the correct one.

The RSpec docs on matching errors have you covered. Their example:
expect { raise StandardError, 'this message exactly' }.to raise_error('this message exactly')


How to write an rspec for raise, rescue block

I want to write rspec to test this method
def path_exception
# #path value need to mocked/stubbed if needed.
raise if Dir[File.join(#path, '**/*.rb')].empty?
puts 'Not appropriate path found'
I have written this rspec and calling only the method but its still giving success without any expectation
context '#wrong_path_exception' do
it 'raises exception when path is not valid' do
what is the correct way to write rspec for raise if condition true/false and rescue.
Although your method calls raise, that exception isn't visible to the outside because of rescue, which turns it into output to stdout.
You could set an expectation via the output matcher, e.g.:
expect { operation.path_exception }.to output('Not appropriate path found').to_stdout
Note that you don't need exceptions to generate output. You can just use control expressions like your if expression:
def path_exception
if Dir[File.join(#path, '**/*.rb')].empty?
puts 'Not appropriate path found'
But according to the method's name (path_exception) I think you actually want to raise an exception. So the actual fix might be to remove rescue:
def path_exception
if Dir[File.join(#path, '**/*.rb')].empty?
raise 'Not appropriate path found'
along with the raise_error matcher:
expect { operation.path_exception }.to raise_error('Not appropriate path found')

Re-use failure message in rspec custom matcher

I have a custom matcher that uses expects in it's match block (the code here is simplified)
RSpec::Matchers.define :have_foo_content do |expected|
match do |actual|
expect(actual).to contain_exactly(expected)
expect( contain_exactly(
Normally the error message would look like this
expected collection contained: ["VLPpzkjahD"]
actual collection contained: ["yBzPmoRnSK"]
the missing elements were: ["VLPpzkjahD"]
the extra elements were: ["yBzPmoRnSK"]
But when using a custom matcher, it only prints this, and important debug information gets lost:
expected MyObject to have_foo_content "foobar"
So, is it possible to re-use a error message from the match block as a failure message? I know I can provide custom failure messages with
failure_message do |actual|
# ...
But I don't know how you could access the failure message the error above has raised.
You can rescue RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError in your match to catch the failed expectation message:
match do |object|
expect(object).to be_nil
rescue RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError => e
#error = e
failure_message do
Expected object to meet my custom matcher expectation but failed with error:
Don't forget to re-raise in the rescue, otherwise it won't work
There is no direct method available to yield original error, I would suggest you to write your own logic to generate similar message.
If you still want to use the existing method, there is a private method which you can call and it will return the default error message. You may need to set some instance variables expected_value, actual_value etc.
reference code

How to raise multiple exceptions in ruby

In ruby you can resque, multiple excetions like this:
rescue Exception1, Exception2
rescue Exception1
rescue Exception2
But I do not know how to raise multiple exceptions:
1] pry(main)> ? raise
From: eval.c (C Method):
Owner: Kernel
Visibility: private
Signature: raise(*arg1)
Number of lines: 13
With no arguments, raises the exception in $! or raises
a RuntimeError if $! is nil.
With a single String argument, raises a
RuntimeError with the string as a message. Otherwise,
the first parameter should be the name of an Exception
class (or an object that returns an Exception object when sent
an exception message). The optional second parameter sets the
message associated with the exception, and the third parameter is an
array of callback information. Exceptions are caught by the
rescue clause of begin...end blocks.
raise "Failed to create socket"
raise ArgumentError, "No parameters", caller
Or I cannot figure this in the raise doc
The purpouse of this is that I have an API call, this call tries to create an object in the API.
Then the APi could return all the problems in the object, from Activerecord Validators, So I can get thinks like that such as:
422 "The Item is not even","The Item needs too be bigger than 100"
422 "The Item is not even"
200 OK "Item created"
500 "I'm a tee pot
The idea is to capture this and raise exceptions like this
rescue ItemnotEven,ItemnotBigger
do something
retry if
rescue ItemnotEven
retry if
rescue Connection error
Log cannot connect
Exceptions shouldn't be used for validations. Basically you shouldn't traverse the stack for validations in general.
What you fundamentally are doing is:
X is top level and can handle everything. X calls Y. Y calls Z. Z performs validations and does something after that, raising an exception if validation failed.
What you should be doing is:
X calls Y. Y calls V and X. V performs validations and returns result based on if the thing was valid. Y doesn't get to call X if V said the thing was invalid. Y propagates the invalidness or the successful result to X. X does what it would have done with if/else on the validity, rather than rescue.
But lets say you really want to do it. You should use throw/catch instead:
def validate_date(date)
errors = []
errors << 'Improper format' unless date.match?(/^\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{4}$/)
errors << 'Invalid day' unless date.match?(/^[0-3]\d/)
errors << 'Invalid month' unless date.match?(/-[12]\d-/)
errors << 'Invalid year' unless date.match?(/[12][90]\d{2}$/)
throw(:validation, errors) unless errors.empty?
def invoke_validation_and_do_stuff(date)
puts "I won't be called unless validation is successful for #{date}"
def meaningless_nesting(date)
def more_meaningless_nesting(date)
def top_level(date)
validation_errors = catch(:validation) do
if validation_errors
puts validation_errors
puts 'Execution successful without errors'
top_level '20-10-2012'
# I won't be called unless validation is successful for 20-10-2012
# Execution successful without errors
top_level '55-50-2012'
# Invalid day
# Invalid month
I don't think you can raise multiple exceptions, it'll raise the first exception it finds and will be caught by the innermost rescue statement if multiple exist or depends on the type of exception you raise and type of rescue
No such concept exists, in any language that I am aware of.
You can raise a single exception consecutively, but not raising multiple exceptions at one time, and even if working on multiple threads to raise "simultaneously", it is still a single exception being raised on different control flows.
When an exception is raised, control flow goes to that exception. You have two options: do something about it, or crash. There is no third option, and no separate control flow popped up and is continuing on until this exception is dealt with accordingly.
If you want to see multiple failures as you stated in a comment, then you will still be doing it one at a time, as is how they would be raised. Exception gets raised, you inspect, log, do whatever, suppress it, and see the next if one gets raised for something else.
If you are asking how multiple unhandled exceptions can be raised, then it really doesn't make sense. It is akin to asking how to be in two places at once.

What does the fail keyword do in Ruby?

I am learning Ruby and encountered the fail keyword. What does it mean?
if password.length < 8
fail "Password too short"
unless username
fail "No user name set"
In Ruby, fail is synonymous with raise. The fail keyword is a method of the Kernel module which is included by the class Object. The fail method raises a runtime error just like the raise keyword.
The fail method has three overloads:
fail: raises a RuntimeError without an error message.
fail(string): raises a RuntimeError with the string argument as an error message:
fail "Failed to open file"
fail(exception [, string [, array]]): raises an exception of class exception (first argument) with an optional error message (second argument) and callback information (third argument).
Example: Assume you define a function which should fail if given a bad argument. It is better to raise an ArgumentError and not a RuntimeError:
fail ArgumentError, "Illegal String"
Another Example: You can pass the whole backtrace to the fail method so you can access the trace inside the rescue block:
fail ArgumentError, "Illegal String", caller
caller is a Kernel method which returns the backtrace as an array of strings in the form file:line: in 'method'.
With no arguments, raises the exception in $! or raises a RuntimeError
if $! is nil. With a single String argument, raises a RuntimeError
with the string as a message. Otherwise, the first parameter should be
the name of an Exception class (or an object that returns an Exception
object when sent an exception message). The optional second parameter
sets the message associated with the exception, and the third
parameter is an array of callback information. Exceptions are caught
by the rescue clause of begin...end blocks.
Source: Ruby Documentation on the Kernel Module.
Rubocop says about usage of both words;
'Use fail instead of raise to signal exceptions.'
'Use raise instead of fail to rethrow exceptions.'
Here is an example.
def sample
fail 'something wrong' unless success?
rescue => e
logger.error e
fail == raise
In other words, fail is just a popular alias for raise error-raising method. Usage:
fail ArgumentError, "Don't argue with me!" is your friend. When I googled rubydoc fail "Kernel" was the first hit. My advice is, when in doubt, go to the definitive source for definitional stuff like this.

rspec: raise_error usage to match error message

I raised an error using raise(
I tried to test this with rspec:
expect {
}.to raise_error(ConfigurationError, message)
But this doesn't work. How can I test this? The goal is to match message.
You can match error message with regex:
it { expect{ }.to raise_error(NoMethodError, /private/) }
This will check if NoMethodError raised with private method message not undefined method.
Will be useful because didn't pass tests even with same error message.
Make sure you are using rspec > 2.14.0 and take a look at this commit:
it "passes if an error instance is expected" do
s =
expect {raise s}.to raise_error(s)
An alternative solution is to use a block where you assert on various properties of |error|. Using the names in the original question:
expect { Base.configuration.username }
.to(raise_error do |error|
expect(error).to be_a(ConfigurationError)
expect(error.message).to eq 'My configuration message'
