how does magento URL access work - magento

Hi i wanted to create a custom form to get input from the user, i can access the form from the url :
but when i uploaded it to a server which has multiple website setup in the magento, i could not access the form like i used to on local server.
i am stumped , i hit a wall i googled, i just don't know what to look for , any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanking anyone in advance

Magento routing is a sort of big topic to cover in a single Stack Overflow answer. You can read about the basics of setting up a controller here, and the probably in too much depth routing process here.
That said, here's some general debugging tips.
Can Magento see the module your controller is a part of? If not, you're probably missing your file in app/etc/modules. (look at the module list in `System -> Configuration -> Advanced -> Disable Module Output)
If your module is installed, Magento probably can't find your controller class. Eitehr because it's not there, of you have a case sensitivity issue. Add some temporary debugging code to the _validateControllerClassName function to determine why Magento can't find your controller.
You can find the _validateControllerClassName function here
#File: app/code/core/Mage/Core/Controller/Varien/Router/Standard.php
protected function _validateControllerClassName($realModule, $controller)
$controllerFileName = $this->getControllerFileName($realModule, $controller);
if (!$this->validateControllerFileName($controllerFileName)) {
return false;
$controllerClassName = $this->getControllerClassName($realModule, $controller);
if (!$controllerClassName) {
return false;
// include controller file if needed
if (!$this->_includeControllerClass($controllerFileName, $controllerClassName)) {
return false;
return $controllerClassName;
Some var_dumps before the return false clauses should tell you why Magento can't find and/or include your controller class file.


Accessing dynamic links in the format of<dynamic_page_name> in CodeIgniter

I am using code Igniter for my PHP project. I want to give provision in my site such that users can create new pages of their own, and access them directly from
But, my developers have raised a concern that, 1000's of dynamic links that are presented in the format of is "not good for site's performance". For some 10-15 pages, it is fine. But, beyond that, it would effect the site's performance.
So, they proposed that the URL format should be like (here, 'something' is the controller name, as they mentioned it)
But, I really can't sacrifice my framework nor my requirement.
Is there any way that I can achieve the format of "" without effecting the site's performance?
Thanks in advance.
No issues on\userpagename.
It's not a framework issues. Codeigniter support this type of can create n no of URL.
Performance will matter how you are handling that particular controller or that particular function.
If may be 10 may be 100 ,work around same way.
You just have to put route accordingly.
$route[userurl/(:any)]=userurl yourfunction/$1`;
What it seems you need is dynamic controller, which can be done using Codeigniter's build in function _remap().
A code example is:
public function _remap($method){
if($method != null){
} else {
// handle the error as you like
public function yourFunction($key){
// your code logic here
All this code block goes inside your controller.
Edit: the performance is exactlu the same as going with What it matters, as stated above, is how you handle the data.

Magento admin - how to create download link to direct file?

I have a PDF file that has been generated in ./var/label/somefile.pdf that I want to provide access to in the shipment area of Magento (specific to an order) as a link, but I am not sure what path to provide for the tag. The preference would be for the link when clicked to start downloading the file to the browser and I only want this link accessible to someone that has been logged into admin.
I've attempted the direct path ( which fails with access error as it should and by trying different versions of getVarDir() to no avail.
Files hacked: sales/order/shipment/view/form.phtml
If you need to check if the visitor is logged into admin you need to pass by a Magento controller.
I assume you know the basis about development with Magento or, at worst, can be helped by someone knowing.
First of all, edit (or create, but you'll also need to create the route) a controller extending Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action and add a new method action downloadShipmentPdf
const SHIPMENT_PDF_BASE_DIRECTORY = "/var/www/magentorootfolder/var/label/";
public function downloadShipmentPdfAction() {
$pdfName = $this->getRequest()->getParam('pdf',false);
if ($pdfName) {
$pdfContent = file_get_contents(SHIPMENT_PDF_BASE_DIRECTORY . $pdfName . '.pdf')
if ($pdfContent) {
$this->getResponse()->setHeader('Content-type', 'application/pdf');
Now you can generate the admin-compliant URL for your PDF by calling
Mage::helper("adminhtml")->getUrl("modulename/controllername/downloadShipmentPdf", array('pdf' => 'thepdfnamewithoutextension');

Joomla - call function model within the model

In a public function of my model I call
In the same model I have
private function get_user_type()
$asd_groups = (int)$config->get('asd_groups');
$ver_groups = (int)$config->get('ver_groups');
jimport( 'joomla.user.helper' );
return $user_type;
The site give me a white page, if I comment the calling line "$this->get_user_type();" then it works...
I really don't understand what is wrong here.
There is not enough information or code here to help you… for example where is $config coming from and what is it? What version of Joomla is this on?
If $config is not defined as a global then that may be the source of the problem depending on your PHP setup.
Things you can do to help yourself find the problem, in Joomla's Global Configuration.
Set Error Messages to "Development" in Joomla (you are using a development site and not a live website right?)
Turn on Joomla's DEBUG mode
Then update your question with details of error messages, Joomla version and where this code is running (you say your model) and where $config is coming from.
Oh sure!
I have missed the two configuration variable when i moved the code from inside a function in a dedicated function.
I copied these two lines on the first row of the function and now it works!
$config = JComponentHelper::getParams(S_APP_NAME);
$user = JFactory::getUser ();

Routing document-relative static urls in MVC3

I'm integrating a JavaScript library into an ASP.NET MVC3 web app. The library assumes it will be installed next to the page that references it, and so it uses document-relative URLs to find its components.
For example, the default directory layout looks like
However, I want to reference the library from the view in /Home/edit. I install the library in the default Scripts\jslibrary\ When I reference the library in the view in Views\Home\edit.cshtml, the library's document-relative links like
end up as requests to
which results in a File Not Found (404) error. How do I construct a route to look for
and serve up
(full disclosure: I'm still on IIS 6 in Production, and not much chance of going to IIS7 any time soon, so if this is better done at the IIS level, please account for IIS6. Thanks!)
You could create a controller for handling you redirect logic - for example an "Images"controller. Register a global route in your Global.asax file, using the pattern (more on this type of pattern here:
"Images", // Route name
"{xyz}/{controller}/{path}", // URL with parameters
new {controller = "Images", action = "Index", path= UrlParameter.Optional} // Parameter defaults);
In your controller:
public ActionResult Index(string path)
//format path, parse request segments, or do other work needed to Id file to return...
return base.File(path, "image/jpeg"); //once you have the path pointing to the right place...
Not sure if this solution will work for you, wish I could come up with something more elegant. Best of Luck!
Short of rewriting the library and having it check for the appropriate directory the only solution I can think of is to include the views, library and supporting files in a directory structure that the library can access. This of course would break MVC's convention over configuration way of finding views, so you would have to write a custom override of the way Razor looks for views, which is not too complex to do, but you might be making life more difficult for yourself down the road depending on your application. Your call which is the lesser of the two evils :) (I'd go for fixing the library)
Make a help function
public string AbsoluteUrl(string relativeContentPath)
Uri contextUri = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url;
var baseUri = string.Format("{0}://{1}{2}", contextUri.Scheme,
contextUri.Host, contextUri.Port == 80 ? string.Empty : ":" + contextUri.Port);
return string.Format("{0}{1}", baseUri, VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(relativeContentPath));
#AbsoluteUrl("~/Images/myImage.jpg") <!-- gives the full path like: http://localhost:54334/Images/myImage.jpg -->
This example are from

How to change a single querystring parameter, possibly via a control action?

In the last three days I've struggled trying to find a way to accomplish what I though was supposed to be a simple thing. Doing this on my own or searching for a solution in the web, didn't help. Maybe because I'm not even sure what to look for, when I do my researches.
I'll try to explain as much as I can here: maybe someone will be able to help me.
I won't say how I'm doing it, because I've tried to do it in many ways and none of them worked for different reasons: I prefer to see a fresh advice from you.
In most of the pages of web application, I have two links (but they could be more) like that:
Option A
Option B
This is partial view, retured by a controller action.
User can select or both (all) values, but they can't never select none of them: meaning that at least one must be always selected.
These links must che accessible in almost all pages and they are not supposed to redirect to a different page, but only to store this information somewhere, to be reused when action needs to filter returned contents: a place always accessible, regarding the current controller, action or user (including non authenticated users) (session? cookie?).
This information is used to filter displayed contents in the whole web application.
So, the problem is not how to create the business logi of that, but how (and where) to store this information:
without messing with the querystring (means: keeps the querystring as empty/clean as possible)
without redirecting to other pages (user must get the current page, just with different contents)
allow this information to persists between all views, until user click again to change the option(s)
My aim is to have this information stored in a model that will contains all options and their selection status (on/off), so the appropriates PartialView will know how to display them.
Also, I could send this model to the "thing" that will handle option changes.
Following Paul's advice, I've took the Session way:
private List<OptionSelectionModel> _userOptionPreferences;
protected List<OptionSelectionModel> UserOptionPreferences
if (Session["UserOptionPreferences"] == null)
_userOptionPreferences= Lib.Options.GetOptionSelectionModelList();
_userOptionPreferences= Session["UserOptionPreferences"].ToString().Deserialize<List<OptionSelectionModel>>();
if (_userOptionPreferences.Where(g => g.Selected).Count() == 0)
foreach (var userOptionPreferencesin _userOptionPreferences)
userOptionPreferences.Selected = true;
UserOptionPreferences= _userOptionPreferences;
return _userOptionPreferences;
private set
_userOptionPreferences= value;
Session["UserOptionPreferences"] = _userOptionPreferences.SerializeObject();
Following this, I've overridden (not sure is the right conjugation of "to override" :) OnActionExecuting():
protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
private void GetOptionSelections()
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["optionCode"])) return;
var newOptionCode = Request["optionCode "];
foreach (var userOptionPreferencesin UserOptionPreferences)
if (userOptionPreferences.OptionCode == newOptionCode )
userOptionPreferences.Selected = !userOptionPreferences.Selected;
This code I think can be better, but right now I just want to make it work and it doesn't.
Maybe there are also other issues there (quite sure, actually), but I believe the main issue is that OnActionExecuting is called by each action in a controller that inherit from BaseController, therefore it keeps toggling userOptionPreferences.Selected on/off, but I don't know how to make GetOptionSelections() being called only once in each View: something like the old Page_Load, but for MVC.
Last update AKA solution
Ok, using the session way, I've managed to store this information.
The other issue wasn't really on topic with this question and I've managed to solve it creating a new action that take cares of handling the option's change, then redirects to the caller URL (using the usual returnUrl parameter, but as action parameter).
This way, the option change is done only once per call.
The only thing I don't really like is that I can't simply work with the UserOptionPreferences property, as it doesn't change the session value, but only the value in memory, so I have to set the property with the new object's status each time: not a big deal, but not nice either.
This is a place to use session.
The session will keep your setting between requests while keeping it out of the url querystring. It seems that you have probably tried this already, but try it again and if you have problems ask again. I think it will be the best way for you to solve this problem.
