I'm currently looking for on how to determine the CRC produced from the machine to PC (and vice-versa).
The devices are communicating using serial communication or RS232 cable.
I do only have data to be able for us to create a program to be used for both devices.
The data given was from my boss and the program was corrupted. So we are trying for it to work out.
I hope everyone can help.
Thanks :)
The sequence to use for the CRC calculation in your protocol is the ASCII string
starting from the first printing character (e.g. the 'R' from REQ)
until and including the '1E' in the calculation.
It's a CRC with the following specs according to our CRC calculator
which means:
CRC width: 16 bit (of course)
polynomial: 1021 HEX (truncated CRC polynomial)
init value: 0000
final Xor applied: 0000
reflectedInput: No
reflectedOutput: No`
(If 'init value' were FFFF, it would be a "16 bit width CRC as designated by CCITT").
See also the Docklight CRC glossary and the Boost CRC library on what the CRC terms mean plus sample code.
What I did is to write a small script that tries out the popular 16 bit CRCs on varying parts of the first simple "REQ=INI" command, and see if I end up with a sum of 4255. This failed, but instead of going a full brute force with trying all sorts of polynoms, I assumed that it was maybe just an oddball / flawed implementation of the known standards, and indeed succeeded with a variation of the CRC-CCITT.
Heres is some slow & easy C code (not table based!) to calculate all sorts of CRCs:
// Generic, not table-based CRC calculation
// Based on and credits to the following:
// CRC tester v1.3 written on 4th of February 2003 by Sven Reifegerste (zorc/reflex)
unsigned long reflect (unsigned long crc, int bitnum) {
// reflects the lower 'bitnum' bits of 'crc'
unsigned long i, j=1, crcout=0;
for (i=(unsigned long)1<<(bitnum-1); i; i>>=1) {
if (crc & i) crcout|=j;
j<<= 1;
return (crcout);
const int width, const unsigned long polynominal, const unsigned long initialRemainder,
const unsigned long finalXOR, const int reflectedInput, const int reflectedOutput,
const unsigned char message[], const long startIndex, const long endIndex)
// Ensure the width is in range: 1-32 bits
assert(width >= 1 && width <= 32);
// some constant parameters used
const bool b_refInput = (reflectedInput > 0);
const bool b_refOutput = (reflectedOutput > 0);
const unsigned long crcmask = ((((unsigned long)1<<(width-1))-1)<<1)|1;
const unsigned long crchighbit = (unsigned long)1<<(width-1);
unsigned long j, c, bit;
unsigned long crc = initialRemainder;
for (long msgIndex = startIndex; msgIndex <= endIndex; ++msgIndex) {
c = (unsigned long)message[msgIndex];
if (b_refInput) c = reflect(c, 8);
for (j=0x80; j; j>>=1) {
bit = crc & crchighbit;
crc<<= 1;
if (c & j) bit^= crchighbit;
if (bit) crc^= polynominal;
if (b_refOutput) crc=reflect(crc, width);
crc^= finalXOR;
crc&= crcmask;
With this code and the CRCs specs listed above, I have been able to re-calculate the following three sample CRCs:
10.03.2014 22:20:57.109 [TX] - REQ=INI<CR><LF>
10.03.2014 22:20:57.731 [TX] - ANS=INI<CR><LF>
10.03.2014 22:20:59.323 [TX] - ANS=INI<CR><LF>
I failed on the very complex one with the DEF= parts - probably didn't understand the character sequence correctly.
The Docklight script I used to reverse engineer this:
Sub crcReverseEngineer()
Dim crctypes(7)
crctypes(0) = "CRC:16,1021,FFFF,0000" ' CCITT
crctypes(1) = "CRC:16,8005,0000,0000" ' CRC-16
crctypes(2) = "CRC:16,8005,FFFF,0000" ' CRC-MODBUS
' lets try also some nonstandard variations with different init and final Xor, but stick
' to the known two polynoms.
crctypes(3) = "CRC:16,1021,FFFF,FFFF"
crctypes(4) = "CRC:16,1021,0000,FFFF"
crctypes(5) = "CRC:16,1021,0000,0000"
crctypes(6) = "CRC:16,8005,FFFF,FFFF"
crctypes(7) = "CRC:16,8005,FFFF,0000"
crcString = "06 1C 52 45 51 3D 49 4E 49 0D 0A 1E 43 52 43 3D 30 30 30 30 0D 0A 1D"
For reflectedInOrOut = 0 To 3
For cType = 0 To 7
crcSpec = crctypes(cType) & "," & IIf(reflectedInOrOut Mod 2 = 1, "Yes", "No") & "," & IIf(reflectedInOrOut > 1, "Yes", "No")
For cStart = 1 To 3
For cEnd = 9 To (Len(crcString) + 1) / 3
subDataString = Mid(crcString, (cStart - 1) * 3 + 1, (cEnd - cStart + 1) * 3)
result = DL.CalcChecksum(crcSpec, subDataString, "H")
resultInt = CLng("&h" + Left(result, 2)) * 256 + CLng("&h" + Right(result, 2))
If resultInt = 4255 Then
DL.AddComment "Found it!"
DL.AddComment "sequence: " & subDataString
DL.AddComment "CRC spec: " & crcSpec
DL.AddComment "CRC result: " & result & " (Integer = " & resultInt & ")"
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Public Function IIf(blnExpression, vTrueResult, vFalseResult)
If blnExpression Then
IIf = vTrueResult
IIf = vFalseResult
End If
End Function
Hope this helps and I'm happy to provide extra information or clarify details.
I am not getting the correct memory sizes of all the component selected in the component page.
Please give me a solution how the total memory selected for all the components should be correct?
The memory size is displayed on the label at the bottom of the page.
If in the [files] section check flags are used, not all flags can be processed by Inno-setup. Especially if you created check flags which rely on the [code] section.
In my setup a created an array of all files.
In this record I have a selected flag, and a filesizeflag.
An example looks like:
files[index].selected := // true or false depending on your wizard flow
files[index].filesize := {#filesize(..)} // on the .. the source file, including path
Before calling the dir page wizard page you go through a procedure which counts the file sizes and adds them to the file size already counted.
Yhe file size already counted is for every setup different, depending how much code you have in the code section is my experience.
My example code for counting the space is a good start (I hope)
Procedure GetSetUsedDiskSpace();
// This procedure counts an displays the used disk space
TempS, SearchString, NumberString, diskspace : String;
Position, p2 : Integer;
Tot_disk, TempSpace : Longint;
TempS := InitDiskSpace; // wizardform.DiskSpaceLabel.Caption;
SearchString := 'MB';
Position := pos(SearchString, TempS);
NumberString := copy(TempS, 1, Position-2); // exclusive the space before the MB
p2 := 0;
repeat // find the space before the number
p2 := pos(' ', NumberString);
NumberString := copy(NumberString, p2 + 1, length(NumberString) - p2);
until p2 = 0;
p2 := pos(',', NumberString);
if (p2 = 0) then
begin // Some languages use the period as a decimal separator
p2 := pos('.', NumberString);
if (p2 > 0) then
NumberString := copy(Numberstring, 1, p2-1) + copy(NumberString, p2+1, 1);
// If there is a need to more shifting we add some code
TempSpace := StrToInt(NumberString);
TempSpace := TempSpace * 1024 * 1024; // Conversion to bytes
TempSpace := TempSpace / 10; // We replaced the decimal separator once
CountSpace; // Count the space for our selection
Tot_disk := UsedDiskSpace + TempSpace; // The total in bytes
UsedDiskSpace := Tot_disk; // We need this for the control panel
Tot_disk := Tot_disk / 1024; // The total in kilobytes
Tot_disk := Tot_disk / 1024; // The total in MB
diskspace := IntToStr(Tot_disk);
TempS := SetupMessage(msgDiskSpaceMBLabel);
StringChangeEx(TempS, '[mb]', diskspace, True);
WizardForm.DiskSpaceLabel.Caption := TempS;
I have a little problem. I have written a program which asks for user for a code which contains 11 digits. I defined it as string but now I would like to use every digit from this code individually and make an equation.
for example if code is 37605030299 i need to do equation:
(1*3 + 2*7 + 3*6 + 4*0 + 5*5 + 6*0 + 7*3 + 8*0 + 9*2 + 1*9) / 11
and find out what's the MOD.
This is a calculation for an ISBN check digit.
Use a loop instead. (I'm only showing the total value and check digit calculation - you need to get the user input first into a variable named UserISBN yourself.)
function AddCheckDigit(const UserISBN: string): string;
i, Sum: Integer;
CheckDigit: Integer;
LastCharValue: string;
Assert(Length(UserISBN) = 10, 'Invalid ISBN number.');
Sum := 0;
for i := 1 to 10 do
Sum := Sum + (Ord(UserISBN[i]) * i);
{ Calculate the check digit }
CheckDigit := 11 - (Sum mod 11);
{ Determine check digit character value }
if CheckDigit = 10 then
LastCharValue := 'X'
LastCharValue := IntToStr(CheckDigit);
{ Add to string for full ISBN Number }
Result := UserISBN + LastCharValue;
This is a tough one to google for. I have an XML document that's a million lines long, and I'm using Ruby to parse it and remove entries I don't care about. One my my criteria is the date created. These XML blocks have funny looking dates in them
<attribute name="datemodified" type="date">362895460.21263897418975830078</attribute>
<attribute name="datecreated" type="date">356831173.15324598550796508789</attribute>
I've never seen dates formatted like that exactly. They look similar to if you did something like Even so I don't know how I'd turn those into Ruby DateTime objects. If you can even identify how these times are created, or what they mean, that would be super helpful.
If it helps, this XML file was originally created by a Mac OS X application known as "Things".
Thanks for reading!
Update: I've created two more entries and recorded the times at which i created them:
From JULY-02-2012 9:57 AM
<attribute name="datemodified" type="date">362941035.01687598228454589844</attribute>
<attribute name="datecreated" type="date">362940986.89370900392532348633</attribute>
From JULY-02-2012 9:58 AM
<attribute name="datemodified" type="date">362941107.69538801908493041992</attribute>
<attribute name="datecreated" type="date">362941080.53793197870254516602</attribute>
I couldn't get down to the second on accuracy, but i did make them about minute apart... Which makes it seem that these are in fact seconds... But... from some random date. Maybe the developer's birthday :)
Doing some quick math, it would appear that the randomish date is right around 2000-12-31 16:09:43 -0800, or perhaps 01/01/01, for ease of memory... And 978336000 in seconds.
The method translates from seconds since 1970 to a Time instance:
[1] pry(main)> 362895460.21263897418975830078
=> 1981-07-02 00:17:40 -0400
If that date isn't right, but the units are seconds, you could add a constant to get to the correct date, e.g.
[2] pry(main)> Time.parse('2001-01-01') -
=> 978325200.0
The numbers look to me like the integer part is a Julian date and the fraction part is the fraction of a day. I haven't investigated that in detail. For reference the code in Saxon for converting date/time from "Julian instant" is:
public static DateTimeValue fromJulianInstant(/*#NotNull*/ BigDecimal instant) {
BigInteger julianSecond = instant.toBigInteger();
BigDecimal microseconds = instant.subtract(new BigDecimal(julianSecond)).multiply(DecimalValue.BIG_DECIMAL_ONE_MILLION);
long js = julianSecond.longValue();
long jd = js / (24L * 60L * 60L);
DateValue date = DateValue.dateFromJulianDayNumber((int)jd);
js = js % (24L * 60L * 60L);
byte hour = (byte)(js / (60L * 60L));
js = js % (60L * 60L);
byte minute = (byte)(js / (60L));
js = js % (60L);
return new DateTimeValue(date.getYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDay(),
hour, minute, (byte)js, microseconds.intValue(),0 , true);
public static DateValue dateFromJulianDayNumber(int julianDayNumber) {
if (julianDayNumber >= 0) {
int L = julianDayNumber + 68569 + 1; // +1 adjustment for days starting at noon
int n = (4 * L) / 146097;
L = L - (146097 * n + 3) / 4;
int i = (4000 * (L + 1)) / 1461001;
L = L - (1461 * i) / 4 + 31;
int j = (80 * L) / 2447;
int d = L - (2447 * j) / 80;
L = j / 11;
int m = j + 2 - (12 * L);
int y = 100 * (n - 49) + i + L;
return new DateValue(y, (byte) m, (byte) d, true);
} else {
// add 12000 years and subtract them again...
DateValue dt = dateFromJulianDayNumber(julianDayNumber +
(365 * 12000 + 12000 / 4 - 12000 / 100 + 12000 / 400));
dt.year -= 12000;
return dt;
This question already has answers here:
How to convert a column number (e.g. 127) into an Excel column (e.g. AA)
(60 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
How would you determine the column name (e.g. "AQ" or "BH") of the nth column in Excel?
Edit: A language-agnostic algorithm to determine this is the main goal here.
I once wrote this function to perform that exact task:
public static string Column(int column)
if (column >= 0 && column < 26)
return ((char)('A' + column)).ToString();
else if (column > 25)
return Column(column / 26) + Column(column % 26 + 1);
throw new Exception("Invalid Column #" + (column + 1).ToString());
Here is the cleanest correct solution I could come up with (in Java, but feel free to use your favorite language):
String getNthColumnName(int n) {
String name = "";
while (n > 0) {
name = (char)('A' + n%26) + name;
n /= 26;
return name;
But please do let me know of if you find a mistake in this code, thank you.
A language agnostic algorithm would be as follows:
function getNthColumnName(int n) {
let curPower = 1
while curPower < n {
set curPower = curPower * 26
let result = ""
while n > 0 {
let temp = n / curPower
let result = result + char(temp)
set n = n - (curPower * temp)
set curPower = curPower / 26
return result
This algorithm also takes into account if Excel gets upgraded again to handle more than 16k columns. If you really wanted to go overboard, you could pass in an additional value and replace the instances of 26 with another number to accomodate alternate alphabets
Thanks, Joseph Sturtevant! Your code works perfectly - I needed it in vbscript, so figured I'd share my version:
Function ColumnLetter(ByVal intColumnNumber)
Dim sResult
intColumnNumber = intColumnNumber - 1
If (intColumnNumber >= 0 And intColumnNumber < 26) Then
sResult = Chr(65 + intColumnNumber)
ElseIf (intColumnNumber >= 26) Then
sResult = ColumnLetter(CLng(intColumnNumber \ 26)) _
& ColumnLetter(CLng(intColumnNumber Mod 26 + 1))
err.Raise 8, "Column()", "Invalid Column #" & CStr(intColumnNumber + 1)
End If
ColumnLetter = sResult
End Function
Joseph's code is good but, if you don't want or need to use a VBA function, try this.
Assuming that the value of n is in cell A2
Use this function:
This works 2 letter columns (up until column ZZ). You'd have to nest another if statement for 3 letter columns.
The formula above fails on columns AY, AZ and each of the following nY and nZ columns. The corrected formula is:
Ruby one-liner:
def column_name_for(some_int)
some_int.to_s(26).split('').map {|c| (c.to_i(26) + 64).chr }.join # 703 => "AAA"
It converts the integer to base26 then splits it and does some math to convert each character from ascii. Finally joins 'em all back together. No division, modulus, or recursion.
FROM wcm:
If you don't want to use VBA, you can use this
replace colnr with the number you want
Please be aware of the fact that this formula is volatile because of the usage of the ADDRESS function. Volatile functions are functions that are recalculated by excel after EVERY change.
Normally excel recalculates formula's only when their dependent references changes.
It could be a performance killer, to use this formula.
And here is a conversion from the VBScript version to SQL Server 2000+.
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[GetExcelColRef]
#col_seq_no int
RETURNS varchar(5)
declare #Result varchar(5)
set #Result = ''
set #col_seq_no = #col_seq_no - 1
If (#col_seq_no >= 0 And #col_seq_no < 26)
set #Result = char(65 + #col_seq_no)
set #Result = [dbo].[GetExcelColRef] (#col_seq_no / 26) + '' + [dbo].[GetExcelColRef] ((#col_seq_no % 26) + 1)
Return #Result
This works fine in MS Excel 2003-2010. Should work for previous versions supporting the Cells(...).Address function:
For the 28th column - taking columnNumber=28; Cells(1, columnNumber).Address returns "$AB$1".
Doing a split on the $ sign returns the array: ["","AB","1"]
So Split(Cells(1, columnNumber).Address, "$")(1) gives you the column name "AB".
Taken from How to convert Excel column numbers into alphabetical characters
' The following VBA function is just one way to convert column number
' values into their equivalent alphabetical characters:
Function ConvertToLetter(iCol As Integer) As String
Dim iAlpha As Integer
Dim iRemainder As Integer
iAlpha = Int(iCol / 27)
iRemainder = iCol - (iAlpha * 26)
If iAlpha > 0 Then
ConvertToLetter = Chr(iAlpha + 64)
End If
If iRemainder > 0 Then
ConvertToLetter = ConvertToLetter & Chr(iRemainder + 64)
End If
End Function
APPLIES TO: Microsoft Office Excel 2007 SE / 2002 SE / 2000 SE / 97 SE
I suppose you need VBA code:
Public Function GetColumnAddress(nCol As Integer) As String
Dim r As Range
Set r = Range("A1").Columns(nCol)
GetColumnAddress = r.Address
End Function
This does what you want in VBA
Function GetNthExcelColName(n As Integer) As String
Dim s As String
s = Cells(1, n).Address
GetNthExcelColName = Mid(s, 2, InStr(2, s, "$") - 2)
End Function
This seems to work in
Public Function Column(ByVal pColumn As Integer) As String
pColumn -= 1
If pColumn >= 0 AndAlso pColumn < 26 Then
Return ChrW(Asc("A"c) + pColumn).ToString
ElseIf (pColumn > 25) Then
Return Column(CInt(math.Floor(pColumn / 26))) + Column((pColumn Mod 26) + 1)
Throw New ArgumentException("Invalid column #" + (pColumn + 1).ToString)
End If
End Function
I took Joseph's and tested it to BH, then fed it 980-1000 and it looked good.
In VBA, assuming lCol is the column number:
function ColNum2Letter(lCol as long) as string
ColNum2Letter = Split(Cells(1, lCol).Address, "$")(0)
end function
All these code samples that these good people have posted look fine.
There is one thing to be aware of. Starting with Office 2007, Excel actually has up to 16,384 columns. That translates to XFD (the old max of 256 colums was IV). You will have to modify these methods somewhat to make them work for three characters.
Shouldn't be that hard...
Here's Gary Waters solution
Function ConvertNumberToColumnLetter2(ByVal colNum As Long) As String
Dim i As Long, x As Long
For i = 6 To 0 Step -1
x = (1 - 26 ^ (i + 1)) / (-25) - 1 ‘ Geometric Series formula
If colNum > x Then
ConvertNumberToColumnLetter2 = ConvertNumberToColumnLetter2 & Chr(((colNum - x - 1)\ 26 ^ i) Mod 26 + 65)
End If
Next i
End Function
Considering the comment of wcm (top value = xfd), you can calculate it like this;
function IntToExcel(n: Integer); string;
Result := '';
for i := 2 down to 0 do
if ((n div 26^i)) > 0) or (i = 0) then
Result := Result + Char(Ord('A')+(n div (26^i)) - IIF(i>0;1;0));
n := n mod (26^i);
There are 26 characters in the alphabet and we have a number system just like hex or binary, just with an unusual character set (A..Z), representing positionally the powers of 26: (26^2)(26^1)(26^0).
FYI T-SQL to give the Excel column name given an ordinal (zero-based), as a single statement.
Anything below 0 or above 16,383 (max columns in Excel2010) returns NULL.
; WITH TestData AS ( -- Major change points
SELECT -1 AS FieldOrdinal
SELECT 16383
SELECT 16384
WHEN FieldOrdinal < 0 THEN NULL
WHEN FieldOrdinal < 26 THEN ''
WHEN FieldOrdinal < 702 THEN CHAR (65 + FieldOrdinal / 26 - 1)
WHEN FieldOrdinal < 16384 THEN CHAR (65 + FieldOrdinal / 676 - 1)
+ CHAR (65 + (FieldOrdinal / 26) - (FieldOrdinal / 676) * 26 - 1)
+ CHAR (65 + FieldOrdinal % 26)
FROM TestData
ORDER BY FieldOrdinal
I currently use this, but I have a feeling that it can be optimized.
private String GetNthExcelColName(int n)
String firstLetter = "";
//if number is under 26, it has a single letter name
// otherwise, it is 'A' for 27-52, 'B' for 53-78, etc
if(n > 26)
//the Converts to double and back to int are just so Floor() can be used
Double value = Convert.ToDouble((n-1) / 26);
int firstLetterVal = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(value))-1;
firstLetter = Convert.ToChar(firstLetterValue + 65).ToString();
//second letter repeats
int secondLetterValue = (n-1) % 26;
String secondLetter = Convert.ToChar(secondLetterValue+65).ToString();
return firstLetter + secondLetter;