How to change the default redirect page for logged out or unregistered users? - joomla

As the title says, I would like to change the default redirect page that Joomla redirects users, when they are logged out or unregistered. I just can't find which file I should edit. I am talking about Joomla 1.5.26 version.

You don't have to edit any files.
If your users are using the mod_login module to Logout you can specify a Logout Redirection Page (i.e. a menu item) in the module itself.
If you're using a "User Menu" with a Logout menu item you can specify in the menu item a Logout Redirection URL — note this a URL not a specific menu item as with the module.


Joomla 2.5 redirect to requested page after login

In joomla 2.5 user's are taken to predefined page after they have logged-in.
But i need to redirect users to the previous page after they have logged-in, i have tried to search for it every where but i am unable find proper solution explaining what core file i need to modify ?
All you need is an article with a little piece of javascript to browse the history of the user and call the page before the login form. Redirect the user on it on log in.
If you have a menue item (User/Login Form), there is, on the right hand side of the screen, a tab called Basic Options. The first field is called "Login Redirect". Put the article's URL there.
If you use the module: Again in the tab "Basic Options", you can redirect to Any menue item you want, so set a menue item (it has not to be actually showing up somewher) for the article

How do I make the user login the same as the administrator login page?

I want to use the administrator login page as the standard user login page as well. How do I make this the default login page?
For example, my administrator login at: localhost/administrator/index.php is what I want to display when going to: localhost/index.php?option=com_users
Ideally, when a user is not logged in and they go to localhost, I want to redirect to the administrator login page, and then that page will redirect to the Administrator back-end, or the front-end, depending on their credentials.
To do so you need to create a new template, then set up a menu item for your login page and set your newly created template for that menu item.
If you want to copy the code from the actual login page you can find it here:
Remember to update the paths for any dependencies (eg. CSS files etc) or alternatively copy them to your new template directory.

Magento redirect to product page after add to wishlist for user who is not logged in

When user is not logged in
What i want:
- When User click on wishlist
- Magento Redirect to Login Page
- After Successful login user need to redirect to recently used page i.e product page
What is happening:
- User redirected to dashboard after login
Your question is not clear.
But try this if you are searching for it.
You can change the setting in admin
System->Configuration->Customer->Customer Configuration->Login option
Change the setting Redirect Customer to Account Dashboard after Logging in to No.
There are also free extension available.
Your Question is clear and here is your Answer.
You can override the add to wishlist action in the wishlist controller and make it redirect to the referrer.
Override this method Mage_Wishlist_IndexController::addAction() and replace this:
$this->_redirect('*', array('wishlist_id' => $wishlist->getId()));
with this:

Change Joomla's 'Login to Readmore' url from login page to register page?

I have a blog page on Joomla which shows 'register to read more' link after each articles intro text.
Clicking this brings the user to a login page, with no 'register' option.
How would I change this to bring a user to the register page instead, and preferably revert the user back to the article after login? I have a login box on the register page so it allows the user to choose either login or register.
If you're using Joomla 2.5 and you don't see a link saying something like "Don't have an account?" then you have User Registration turned off.
Go to the Users menu and select User Manager and then click on the Options icon in the toolbar. Under the Component tab set the first option Allow User Registration to Yes.
Save you changes and then click on one of the "Register to read more…" links and you should now see the extra "Don't have an account?"
If you want more than the basic Joomla! options for site access then you may want to look at the Joomla! Extensions Directory (JED) and the section on Site Access

Missing Itemid on url at login pages

I'm on Joomla 2.5.
I created a menu item named "Login Form" with Itemid=626 . Also I created a menu item named "Article" with access level "Registered".
The Problem
When a user click on the "Article" menu item on the frontend, he goes to login page index.php?option=com_users&view=login I need this url to contain Itemid=626 so it could be index.php?option=com_users&view=login&Itemid=626
Please advise
I think you can't override standard joomla login page just creating a menu item.
To create easily some rules and redirect the users you can use this component, Chameleon.
If you don't need complex rules you can just auto redirect all users from standard login to your page.
