How to get order store config variable in Admin - magento

I created a module where it return via xml the payment details in Magento Admin order page.
It works very well with a single store config data.
But if I have diferents payment credentials for Store Id 1 and store Id 2 [p.e. for backoffice key 1111-1111-1111-1111 (store 1) and other 2222-2222-2222-2222 (store 2), I only can return the default values for admin view with this function...
$subent_id = Mage::getStoreConfig('payment/multibancopayment/subentidade');
Does any one khow how i can get store specific data based in order store id?
Example: in admin order page details, if the order was made in store 1 I need 1111-1111-1111-1111, but if was made in store 2, I need 2222-2222-2222-2222. For now I'm just getting default values with the function above.

Did you try
$subent_id = Mage::getStoreConfig('payment/multibancopayment/subentidade', $storeIdHere);
See /app/Mage.php
* Retrieve config value for store by path
* #param string $path
* #param mixed $store
* #return mixed
public static function getStoreConfig($path, $store = null)
return self::app()->getStore($store)->getConfig($path);
Entire class here


Laravel 8 Mail Notifications

I'm using Laravel 8, and my Client asks to be able to modify the mailables content.
I need to show the different notification templates, and let the users add text, action buttons, etc.
I'm thinking on building a DB structure to store the different fields with the corresponding order, but I'm not sure if it is possible to apply that on the toMail method.
For example: a NotificationTemplate Model that hasMany NotificationField (this can have type and content).
And then try to use it as a query builder:
* Get the mail representation of the notification.
* #param mixed $notifiable
* #return \Illuminate\Notifications\Messages\MailMessage
public function toMail($notifiable)
$fields = NotificationTemplate::where('name', 'example')->fields;
$mail = (new MailMessage);
foreach($fields as $field){
if($field->$type = 'line'){
return $mail;
Is this possible? Or is there another way to allow the admins of a Laravel 8 app to modify the Mail notificiation message from the frontend?
Thanks, HernĂ¡n.
You can simply give the admin a textarea where he can customize the content of email.
I use this package armincms/option to stock the content and in your template email you can use option()->content

How to implement system wide conditions in Laravel 5.4

I am creating a Laravel (v5.4) app in which a user can create several 'organisations' and each organisation can have several 'projects'. But at any given time, the user will be working on one organisation only. The user can select the current working organisation by selecting from the list of organisations displayed in the top-menu along with the user`s name. Now, I want that when a project create page is displayed, rather than providing a dropdown to select the organisation, the system should know the selected organisation and create the project under this organisation only. There are many other things to be created like, surveys, tasks etc. and the system must select the default organisation instead of getting it from a dropdown list.
Till now, I have tried to accomplish it by setting the 'organisation_id' in session and retrieving it from session on all the create forms but I was wondering if there is any better way of achieving this?
The session is a very appropriate place to store this information. You could add a layer using a middleware to check that the organization_id is stored in session between requests and also as a security against user's somehow accessing organizations they don't belong to by checking that the user's id does belong to it. For example:
class CanAccessOrganization
* Handle an incoming request.
* #param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
* #param \Closure $next
* #return mixed
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
if (!session('organization_id')) {
// default to the user's first organization.
session(['organization_id', Auth::user()->organizations->first()->id]);
} else {
// does this user belong to the organization?
$organization = Organization::find(session('organization_id'));
if (!in_array($organization->id, Auth::user()->organizations->pluck('id')->all()) {
// unauthorized! stop the request
// set (or reset) the session
session(['organization_id', $organization->id]);
return $next($request);

Change the customer password field Magento

Can anybody explain how magento customer login works.
In fact, I have a bit weird situation. I need to copy all the customer from existing website to new magento website (I want my customers to use the same username password to login to new website). I know how the passwords have been encrypted in the old website (using normal php encrypt() function with salt) but I can't decrypt them. So I thought of adding a new field in customer account called 'oldpassword' (I followed this blog to create new field in customer account).
What I want now is, when importing the customers, save the old encrypted passwords in 'oldpassword' field. When customer tries to login, it should match the password with oldpassword field using the old encryption method. If password, matches, it should generate the standard magento password and save that in default password field. So next time when customer tries to log in, it should check if default password field is not empty, then just login normally.
Still waiting for help
I have overwritten the customer->advanceContoller but not quite sure what changes to make in loginPostAction.
Please go to page: app/code/core/Mage/Customer/Model/Customer.php
You can see function public function authenticate($login, $password)
Also you can see
* Validate password with salted hash
* #param string $password
* #return boolean
public function validatePassword($password)
if (!($hash = $this->getPasswordHash())) {
return false;
return Mage::helper('core')->validateHash($password, $hash);
* Encrypt password
* #param string $password
* #return string
public function encryptPassword($password)
return Mage::helper('core')->encrypt($password);
* Decrypt password
* #param string $password
* #return string
public function decryptPassword($password)
return Mage::helper('core')->decrypt($password);
Please check this file.

Passing variables before controller URI segment in CodeIgniter

I would like to pass some site-wide validated variables before controller segment in URL.
Default URL would be:
Sometimes I'd like to have also URL like this to refer to user created sub-configuration of this site (theme, menus, ...), so user could share this site URL nicely and others would see the site though his custom configurations.
Here username is custom part of base_url. It should be validated against database and set as session variable to use it later in my controllers and change theme for example. Also all the links on the site would start to use as base_url after website is entered with this username in the URL.
One way to solve this would be routing it like this:
...and the add the implementation to every single controller in my project. But this is not an elegant solution.
Is this what you're after:
$route['(:any)/(:any)'] = '$2/$1';
where all your function definitions have the username as the last parameter:
class Controller{function page(var1, var2, ..., varn, username){}}
Or, if you only want in on one specific page you could do something like this:
$route['(:any)/controller/page/(:any)'] = 'controller/page/$2/$1'; //This will work for the above class.
Or, if you want it for a number of functions in a controller you could do this:
$route['(:any)/controller/([func1|func2|funcn]+)/(:any)'] = 'controller/$2/$3/$1';
After messing with this problem for a day I ended up with adding custom router class to my project. I'm working in CodeIgniter 2.0, so the location of this file should be application/core/MY_Router.php
My code is following:
class MY_Router extends CI_Router {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Validates the supplied segments. Attempts to determine the path to
* the controller.
* #access private
* #param array
* #return array
function _validate_request($segments)
if (count($segments) == 0)
return $segments;
// Does the requested controller exist in the root folder?
if (file_exists(APPPATH.'controllers/'.$segments[0].EXT))
return $segments;
$users["username"] = 1;
$users["minu_pood"] = 2;
// $users[...] = ...;
// ...
// Basically here I load all the
// possbile username values from DB, memcache, filesystem, ...
if (isset($users[$segments[0]])) {
// If my segments[0] is in this set
// then do the session actions or add cookie in my cast.
setcookie('username_is', $segments[0], time() + (86400 * 7));
// After that remove this segment so
// rounter could search for controller!
return $segments;
// So segments[0] was not a controller and also not a username...
// Nothing else to do at this point but show a 404

Drupal: Getting user name on user account page without breaking performance

I have multiple blocks shown on the user profile page, user/uid
On each of them, I need to print the user name.
I've been doing a $user = user_load(arg(1)); print $user->name; on each block. Since there is no caching, as you can image the performance is HORRIBLE.
Is there either a way to get the user name more efficiently or to cache user_load.
Just add an intermediate function to provide the static caching yourself:
* Proxy for user_load(), providing static caching
* NOTE: Only works for the common use of user_load($uid) - will NOT load by name or email
* #param int $uid - The uid of the user to load
* #param bool $reset - Wether to reset the static cache for the given uid, defaults to FALSE
* #return stdClass - A fully-loaded $user object upon successful user load or FALSE if user cannot be loaded.
function yourModule_user_load_cached($uid, $reset = FALSE) {
static $users = array();
// Do we need to (re)load the user?
if (!isset($users[$uid]) || $reset) {
$users[$uid] = user_load($uid);
return $users[$uid];
Use menu_get_object() which is the proper way to retrieve an object (user, node, etc.) loaded from the URL of a properly declared page. It will return the user object that has already been loaded using the uid found at arg(1) for a menu item which use %user in its path (ie. $items['user/%user'], $items['user/%user/view'], etc. in user_menu().
$account = menu_get_object('user');
The user is a global.
function myfunction() {
global $user;
