Carrot2 circle chart - user-interface

Anyone know how to create circle chart like the one used in carrto2?

The mbostock/d3 gallery has good visualizations for Carrot2 output.
This carrot2-rb ruby client for Carrot2 returns an object with a clusters array. The scores and phrases attributes can be used in a simple doughnut chart.
More dynamic visualizations like expandable dendrograms are possible with tree structures like flare.json.
Here is a zoomable wheel based on Carrot2 results.
This is the coffeescript code I wrote to create flare.json using the documents elements.
clusters = [{"id":0,"size":3,"phrases":["Coupon"],"score":0.06441151442396735,"documents":["0","1","2"],"attributes":{"score":0.06441151442396735}},{"id":1,"size":2,"phrases":["Exclusive"],"score":0.7044284368639101,"documents":["0","1"],"attributes":{"score":0.7044284368639101}},{"id":2,"size":1,"phrases":["Other Topics"],"score":0.0,"documents":["3"],"attributes":{"other-topics":true,"score":0.0}}]
flare = get_flare clusters
get_children = (index, index2, clusters, documents) ->unless index == (clusters.length - 1) # If not last cluster
orphans = {'name': ''}
intr = _.intersection(documents, clusters[index2].documents);
if intr.length > 0 # continue drilling
if index2 < (clusters.length - 1) # Up until last element.
# Get next layer of orphans
orphan_docs = _.difference(intr, clusters[index2 + 1].documents)
if orphan_docs.length > 0
orphans = {'name': orphan_docs, 'size': orphan_docs.length}
if _.intersection(intr, clusters[index2 + 1].documents).length > 0
return [orphans, {'name': clusters[index2+1].phrases[0], 'children': get_children(index, (index2 + 1), clusters, intr)}]
return [orphans]
# At second to last cluster, so terminate here
return [{'name': inter}]
else # No intersection, so return bundle of current documents.
return [{'name': documents}]
return [{'name': _.intersection(clusters[index].documents, clusters[index2].documents)}]
get_flare = (clusters) ->
# Make root object
flare =
name: "root"
children: []
children = flare.children
_.each(clusters[0..(clusters.length - 2)], (cluster, index) -> # All clusters but the last. (It has already been compared to previous ones)
#All documents for all remaining clusters in array
remaining_documents = _.flatten( clusters[(index + 1)..clusters.length], (c) ->
root_child = {'name': cluster.phrases[0], 'children': []}
# Get first layer of orphans
orphan_docs = _.difference(cluster.documents, remaining_documents)
if orphan_docs.length > 0
root_child.children.push {'name': orphan_docs, size: orphan_docs.length}
for index2 in [(index + 1)..(clusters.length - 1)] by 1
if _.intersection(cluster.documents, clusters[index2].documents).length > 0
root_child.children.push {'name': clusters[index2].phrases[0], 'children': get_children(index, (index2), clusters, cluster.documents)}
children.push root_child

You can buy their Circles Javascript component:


How do I get historical candlestick data or kline from Phemex Public API?

I need to be able to extract historical candlestick data (such as Open, Close, High, Low, and Volume) of a candlestick in differing intervals (1m, 3m, 5m, 1H, etc.) at a specified time (timestamps) from Phemex.
Other exchanges, such as Binance or FTX, seem to provide REST Websocket API for this, yet I can't seem to find one for Phemex. Mind helping me resolve this issue? Thank you so much.
Steps I have taken, yet found no resolution:
Went to
Went to
None of the items listed in 'Market Data API List' seem to do the task
This code will get the candels and save them to a csv file. Hope this helps:)
exchange = ccxt.phemex({
'options': { 'defaultType': 'swap' },
'enableRateLimit': True
# Load the markets
markets = exchange.load_markets()
curent_time = int(time.time()*1000)
one_min = 60000
def get_all_candels(symbol,start_time,stop_time):
counter = 0
candel_counter = 0
data_set = []
t = 0
while t < stop_time:
if data_set == []:
block = exchange.fetch_ohlcv(symbol,'1m',start_time)
for candle in block:
if candle == []:
last_time_in_block = block[-1][0]
counter += 1
candel_counter += len(block)
print(f'{counter} - {block[0]} - {candel_counter} - {last_time_in_block}')
if data_set != []:
t = last_time_in_block + one_min
block = exchange.fetch_ohlcv(symbol,'1m',t)
if block == []:
for candle in block:
if candle == []:
last_time_in_block = block[-1][0]
candel_counter += len(block)
counter += 1
print(f'{counter} - {block[0]} - {candel_counter} - {last_time_in_block}')
return data_set
data_set = get_all_candels('BTCUSD',1574726400000,curent_time)
with open('raw.csv', 'w', newline='') as csv_file:
column_names = ['time', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume']
csv_writer = csv.DictWriter(csv_file,fieldnames=column_names)
for candel in data_set:

multisearch give diffrent total hits in different runs

I'm using Elasticsearch 6.8 and python 3.
I'm running on my laptop with 1 node, and there are no threads/processes that insert/update/delete docs into the index while I'm running the multi search
I'm running the following multi search command:
es = Elasticsearch()
search_arr = []
# search-1
search_arr.append({'index': 'test1', 'type': 'type1'})
search_arr.append({"query": {"term": {"confidence": "1"}}})
# search-2
search_arr.append({'index': 'test1', 'type': 'type1'})
search_arr.append({"query": {"match_all": {}}, 'from': 0, 'size': 2})
request = ''
for each in search_arr:
request += '%s \n' % json.dumps(each)
res = es.msearch(body=request)
print("First Query, num of results = ", res['responses'][0]['hits']['total'])
print("Second Query, num of results = ", res['responses'][1]['hits']['total'])
Each time I run this code, I'm getting different results (as I wrote before, there are no processes that insert/delete/update documents)
Why I'm getting different result each time ?
And what I need to do in order to fix it and get consistent results ?
I found the problem cause.
I needed to add refresh = True after the first time I added new data.
(I bulked thousands of new documents and right after use the multi search).

Clarification needed for children_ attribute of sklearn's AgglomerativeClustering

To start with, it seems to me that I am making a silly mistake somewhere. Hence, your help is much appreciated to locate this mistake.
The documentation for sklearn's AgglomerativeClustering model states this:
children_ : array-like, shape (n_nodes-1, 2)
The children of each non-leaf node. Values less than n_samples
correspond to leaves of the tree which are the original samples. A
node i greater than or equal to n_samples is a non-leaf node and has
children children_[i - n_samples]. Alternatively at the i-th
iteration, children[i][0] and children[i][1] are merged to form node
n_samples + i
Now, here is my model.children_ output, with 1093 being the biggest index, which is (n_samples-1)*2 -1):
agglo_children = [[67, 256],[13, 400],[70, 309],[15, 35],[181, 416],[391, 546],[311, 486],[420, 516],[80, 240],[75, 314],[26, 254],[76, 338],[134, 536],[258, 455],[152, 411],[481, 500],[170, 243],[24, 37],[428, 514],[8, 453],[93, 301],[163, 214],[74, 498],[206, 318],[17, 217],[121, 395],[306, 394],[12, 362],[169, 287],[16, 408],[224, 426],[61, 263],[136, 187],[0, 18],[21, 22],[89, 361],[175, 531],[105, 465],[294, 547],[31, 68],[308, 468],[417, 430],[266, 456],[278, 449],[127, 549],[36, 373],[151, 448],[213, 365],[100, 343],[180, 567],[77, 216],[220, 555],[159, 435],[146, 445],[54, 503],[57, 336],[42, 452],[399, 472],[49, 562],[564, 565],[274, 487],[235, 412],[247, 540],[162, 522],[1, 538],[207, 497],[79, 480],[125, 528],[85, 345],[478, 485],[447, 603],[160, 592],[535, 544],[303, 319],[132, 282],[55, 457],[4, 509],[479, 588],[227, 470],[2, 402],[117, 469],[95, 580],[120, 142],[401, 576],[52, 316],[591, 594],[380, 575],[339, 467],[233, 600],[48, 458],[38, 346],[246, 568],[53, 265],[221, 355],[335, 560],[196, 344],[135, 226],[201, 238],[72, 190],[239, 518],[248, 459],[150, 586],[414, 515],[520, 629],[143, 272],[58, 307],[477, 604],[543, 574],[204, 450],[328, 405],[237, 621],[164, 496],[101, 442],[323, 376],[444, 570],[495, 512],[33, 333],[464, 473],[441, 471],[398, 460],[633, 649],[418, 609],[82, 174],[103, 182],[374, 572],[577, 639],[88, 261],[25, 291],[69, 466],[6, 563],[371, 566],[385, 505],[504, 524],[492, 608],[168, 578],[474, 598],[255, 488],[558, 634],[137, 491],[228, 357],[155, 403],[192, 556],[87, 624],[610, 626],[34, 605],[147, 529],[183, 622],[178, 384],[84, 209],[45, 647],[386, 490],[130, 409],[62, 98],[312, 661],[44, 407],[203, 589],[148, 584],[140, 635],[210, 606],[527, 653],[73, 425],[363, 534],[310, 667],[358, 625],[288, 298],[599, 623],[351, 397],[297, 382],[43, 245],[10, 324],[602, 673],[99, 230],[299, 415],[23, 451],[611, 678],[561, 677],[614, 681],[277, 356],[111, 421],[499, 654],[65, 617],[259, 484],[585, 630],[40, 352],[569, 657],[131, 637],[212, 669],[454, 613],[205, 273],[50, 628],[108, 462],[5, 114],[177, 387],[59, 185],[81, 662],[521, 674],[198, 275],[331, 571],[30, 537],[341, 672],[123, 691],[3, 129],[250, 429],[315, 593],[63, 64],[251, 293],[284, 632],[119, 141],[153, 436],[194, 597],[86, 573],[636, 682],[78, 393],[173, 727],[184, 651],[262, 718],[27, 532],[195, 197],[253, 286],[66, 327],[11, 377],[381, 513],[138, 552],[139, 257],[413, 687],[71, 730],[541, 659],[313, 694],[47, 502],[369, 664],[419, 734],[28, 229],[507, 640],[236, 583],[106, 686],[551, 668],[124, 305],[724, 754],[158, 188],[218, 279],[9, 102],[582, 697],[326, 349],[354, 508],[51, 696],[545, 698],[643, 646],[41, 671],[104, 378],[260, 601],[360, 790],[711, 783],[20, 705],[422, 706],[359, 704],[292, 751],[701, 755],[332, 763],[161, 320],[431, 707],[208, 439],[383, 690],[97, 443],[501, 778],[109, 252],[716, 746],[348, 767],[234, 761],[438, 728],[122, 638],[115, 590],[539, 619],[225, 595],[631, 759],[553, 642],[302, 322],[242, 396],[94, 717],[133, 709],[771, 774],[249, 267],[530, 735],[432, 792],[364, 812],[559, 785],[641, 776],[612, 679],[476, 542],[525, 652],[660, 749],[317, 353],[695, 756],[329, 685],[368, 607],[334, 375],[46, 179],[244, 482],[116, 281],[280, 721],[379, 693],[112, 742],[410, 722],[424, 811],[342, 743],[533, 791],[390, 782],[475, 680],[714, 740],[285, 713],[773, 807],[14, 167],[202, 489],[655, 839],[437, 463],[91, 337],[92, 330],[264, 741],[32, 232],[748, 829],[616, 840],[699, 794],[145, 703],[60, 200],[189, 554],[725, 823],[423, 815],[813, 837],[366, 670],[404, 676],[29, 855],[832, 871],[627, 758],[290, 787],[579, 806],[171, 644],[154, 805],[388, 523],[268, 656],[96, 581],[90, 276],[692, 702],[193, 739],[789, 830],[506, 700],[295, 769],[596, 689],[803, 831],[289, 645],[762, 866],[283, 764],[128, 864],[325, 897],[738, 857],[493, 801],[304, 620],[118, 885],[511, 587],[367, 849],[222, 715],[144, 172],[708, 780],[744, 777],[733, 848],[615, 726],[271, 843],[215, 321],[176, 766],[223, 347],[156, 890],[186, 300],[684, 851],[269, 510],[434, 440],[820, 884],[650, 795],[149, 519],[340, 389],[19, 39],[406, 446],[658, 836],[550, 886],[860, 865],[113, 665],[56, 392],[802, 804],[881, 891],[370, 752],[816, 906],[712, 900],[548, 796],[648, 846],[427, 483],[350, 833],[107, 165],[719, 921],[231, 800],[784, 877],[683, 750],[157, 675],[720, 896],[788, 905],[710, 911],[770, 874],[557, 918],[372, 876],[850, 934],[241, 914],[879, 947],[745, 882],[461, 852],[737, 927],[817, 936],[110, 858],[270, 880],[841, 904],[166, 723],[757, 901],[7, 898],[126, 826],[663, 862],[753, 818],[736, 892],[732, 929],[875, 966],[781, 920],[747, 913],[845, 945],[731, 808],[834, 853],[868, 895],[870, 968],[935, 949],[899, 915],[219, 902],[433, 517],[211, 952],[872, 959],[526, 786],[688, 859],[296, 950],[910, 933],[838, 847],[922, 979],[775, 976],[618, 760],[199, 893],[869, 981],[797, 955],[956, 973],[842, 867],[768, 908],[765, 931],[835, 919],[827, 984],[917, 946],[793, 974],[814, 819],[948, 990],[798, 825],[729, 854],[883, 888],[930, 987],[903, 943],[856, 964],[844, 993],[83, 666],[821, 977],[809, 928],[907, 967],[822, 1004],[940, 951],[958, 971],[894, 960],[970, 978],[963, 1014],[954, 989],[828, 861],[191, 988],[972, 1012],[772, 975],[986, 1008],[941, 1013],[992, 994],[799, 1022],[938, 999],[996, 1011],[925, 942],[953, 1021],[1000, 1010],[957, 985],[494, 983],[962, 1019],[932, 1027],[1005, 1028],[889, 909],[824, 1001],[1006, 1023],[980, 1016],[923, 926],[1026, 1031],[873, 1041],[1003, 1025],[1007, 1043],[944, 1009],[937, 995],[1002, 1048],[887, 916],[998, 1018],[1020, 1038],[1047, 1053],[779, 1033],[991, 1045],[939, 961],[1040, 1042],[997, 1036],[1024, 1052],[965, 1039],[912, 1035],[1032, 1056],[982, 1051],[878, 1015],[1059, 1066],[1017, 1067],[1030, 1037],[1044, 1065],[1050, 1064],[1054, 1057],[1071, 1074],[924, 1063],[1069, 1075],[1072, 1077],[1055, 1070],[1029, 1060],[1068, 1076],[1046, 1061],[810, 969],[1078, 1083],[1062, 1084],[1080, 1082],[1073, 1079],[863, 1058],[1085, 1086],[1081, 1088],[1087, 1089],[1034, 1091],[1049, 1092],[1090, 1093]]
My problem is that I cannot map these to the original data. The end goal is to have a Newick parse of this and build a hierarchy from it. But once I do that, I have indexes in the hierarchy that are > n_samples, which makes no sense.
Here is my parsing, on the front-end:
var agglo_data = d3.stratify()
.id((d,i) => i + numSamples)
.parentId((d, i) => {
var parIndex = agglo_data.findIndex(e => e.includes && e.includes(i + numSamples));
if (parIndex < 0) {
return parIndex + numSamples;
Here is what I get:
As you can see, there are indexes that are bigger than n_samples, which makes no sense to me.
Can anyone spot the mistake?

Breadth-first algorithm implementation

I am trying to implement a "Breadth-First" Algorithm as a variation of something I've seen in a book.
My issue is that the algorithm is not adding the elements of every node into the queue.
For instance, if I search for "black lab" under the name 'mariela' in the "search()" function, I will get the correct output: "simon is a black lab"
However, I ought to be able to look for "black lab" in "walter", which is connected to "mariela", which is connected to "simon", who is a "black lab'. This is not working.
Have I made a rookie mistake in my implementation of this algorithm, or have I set up my graph wrong?
As always, any/all help is much appreciated!
from collections import deque
# TEST GRAPH -------------
graph = {}
graph['walter'] = ['luci', 'kaiser', 'andrea', 'mariela']
graph['andrea'] = ['echo', 'dante', 'walter', 'mariela']
graph['mariela'] = ['ginger', 'simon', 'walter', 'andrea']
graph['kaiser'] = 'german shepherd'
graph['luci'] = 'black cat'
graph['echo'] = 'pitbull'
graph['dante'] = 'pitbull'
graph['ginger'] = 'orange cat'
graph['simon'] = 'black lab'
def condition_met(name):
if graph[name] == 'black lab':
return name
def search(name):
search_queue = deque()
search_queue += graph[name] # add all elements of "name" to queue
searchedAlready = [] # holding array for people already searched through
while search_queue: # while queue not empty...
person = search_queue.popleft() # pull 1st person from queue
if person not in searchedAlready: # if person hasn't been searched through yet...
if condition_met(person):
print person + ' is a black labrador'
return True
search_queue += graph[person]
return False
You have lots of problems in your implementation - both Python and Algorithm wise.
Rewrite as:
# #param graph graph to search
# #param start the node to start at
# #param value the value to search for
def search(graph, start, value):
explored = []
queue = [start]
while len(queue) > 0:
# next node to explore
node = queue.pop()
# only explore if not already explored
if node not in explored:
# node found, search complete
if node == value:
return True
# add children of node to queue
queue.extend(graph[node]) # extend is faster than concat (+=)
return False
graph = {}
graph['walter'] = ['luci', 'kaiser', 'andrea', 'mariela']
graph['andrea'] = ['echo', 'dante', 'walter', 'mariela']
graph['mariela'] = ['ginger', 'simon', 'walter', 'andrea']
# children should be a list
graph['kaiser'] = ['german shepherd']
graph['luci'] = ['black cat']
graph['echo'] = ['pitbull']
graph['dante'] = ['pitbull']
graph['ginger'] = ['orange cat']
graph['simon'] = ['black lab']
print search(graph, 'mariela', 'walter')
Here is a demo

creating nested dictionary from flat list with python

i have a list of file in this form:
i would like to convert them to a nested dictionary of this sort:
{ "name": "base" , "contents":
[{"name": "images" , "contents":
[{"name": "graphs", "contents":[{"name":"one.png"}] },
{"name":"tikz", "contents":[{"name":"two.png"}]}
{"name": "refs", "contents":
[{"name":"images", "contents": [{"name":"three.png"}]}]
{"name":"one.txt", },
{"name": "chapters", "contents":[{"name":"two.txt"}]
trouble is, my attempted solution, given some input like images/datasetone/grapha.png" ,"images/datasetone/graphb.png" each one of them will end up in a different dictionary named "datasetone" however i'd like both to be in the same parent dictionary as they are in the same directory, how do i create this nested structure without duplicating parent dictionaries when there's more than one file in a common path?
here is what i had come up with and failed:
def path_to_tree(params):
start = {}
for item in params:
parts = item.split('/')
depth = len(parts)
if depth > 1:
if "contents" in start.keys():
start ["contents"] = [create_base_dir(parts[0],parts[1:]) ]
if "contents" in start.keys():
start["contents"] =[ create_leaf(parts[0]) ]
return start
def create_base_dir(base, parts):
if len(parts) >=1:
l["name"] = base
l["contents"] = [ create_base_dir(parts[0],parts[1:]) ]
elif len(parts)==0:
l = create_leaf(base)
return l
def create_leaf(base):
l["name"] = base
return l
d =path_to_tree(b)
from pprint import pprint
In this example you can see we end up with as many dictionaries named "base" as there are files in the list, but only one is necessary, the subdirectories should be listed in the "contents" array.
This does not assume that all paths start with the same thing, so we need a list for it:
from pprint import pprint
def addBits2Tree( bits, tree ):
if len(bits) == 1:
tree.append( {'name':bits[0]} )
for t in tree:
if t['name']==bits[0]:
addBits2Tree( bits[1:], t['contents'] )
newTree = []
addBits2Tree( bits[1:], newTree )
t = {'name':bits[0], 'contents':newTree}
tree.append( t )
def addPath2Tree( path, tree ):
bits = path.split("/")
addBits2Tree( bits, tree )
tree = []
for p in b:
print p
addPath2Tree( p, tree )
Which produces the following for your example path list:
[{'contents': [{'contents': [{'contents': [{'name': 'one.png'},
{'name': 'oneb.png'}],
'name': 'graphs'},
{'contents': [{'name': 'two.png'}],
'name': 'tikz'}],
'name': 'images'},
{'contents': [{'contents': [{'name': 'three.png'}],
'name': 'images'}],
'name': 'refs'},
{'name': 'one.txt'},
{'contents': [{'name': 'two.txt'}], 'name': 'chapters'}],
'name': 'base'}]
Omitting the redundant name tags, you can go on with :
import json
result = {}
records = ["base/images/graphs/one.png", "base/images/tikz/two.png",
"base/refs/images/three.png", "base/one.txt", "base/chapters/two.txt"]
recordsSplit = map(lambda x: x.split("/"), records)
for record in recordsSplit:
here = result
for item in record[:-1]:
if not item in here:
here[item] = {}
here = here[item]
if "###content###" not in here:
here["###content###"] = []
print json.dumps(result, indent=4)
The # characters are used for uniqueness (there could be a folder which name was content in the hierarchy). Just run it and see the result.
EDIT : Fixed a few typos, added the output.
