Unable to instantiate HiveMetaStoreClient - hadoop

I have a 3 nodes cluster running hive.
When i try to run some test from outside the cluster i am getting following given below error
FAILED: Error in metadata: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.HiveMetaStoreClient
FAILED: Execution Error, return code 1 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.DDLTask
Logging initialized using configuration in file:/net/slc01nwj/scratch/ashsshar/view_storage/ashsshar_bda_latest_2/work/hive_scratch/conf/hive-log4j.properties
When I login to cluster node and execute hive its working fine.
hive> show databases ;
Following error is genereted in test log files
13/04/04 03:10:49 ERROR security.UserGroupInformation: PriviledgedActionException as:ashsshar {my username }(auth:SIMPLE) cause:java.io.IOException: javax.jdo.JDOFatalDataStoreException: Failed to create database '/var/lib/hive/metastore/metastore_db', see the next exception for details.
java.sql.SQLException: Failed to create database '/var/lib/hive/metastore/metastore_db', see the next exception for details.
My hive-site.xml file contains this connection property ::
<description>JDBC connect string for a JDBC metastore</description>
I have changed the /var/lib/hive/metastore/metastore_db at my cluster node, but still getting the same error
I have also tried removing all *lck files from above directory

Does {username} have the permissions to create
/var/lib/hive/metastore/metastore_db ?
If it is a test cluster you could do
sudo chmod -R 777 /var/lib/hive/metastore/metastore_db
or chown it to the user running it.

Try removing the $HADOOP_HOME/build folder. I had same problem with hive-0.10.0 or above versions. Then I tried hive-0.9.0 and got a different set of errors. Luckily found this thread Hive doesn't work on install. Tried the same trick and it worked for me magically. I am using default derby db.

this is for permissions issue for hive folder. please de the following will work well.
go to hive user ,for me hduser,
sudo chmod -R 777 hive

This issue occur due to abrupt termination of hive shell. Which created a unattended db.lck file.
TO resolve this issue,
browse to your metastore_db location
remove the tmp, dbex.lck and db.lck files.
Open the hive shell again. It will work.
You can see tmp, dbex.lck and db.lck files get created once again.

It worked after i moved the metastore from /var/lib/hive/. I did that by editing: /etc/hive/conf.dist/hive-site.xml
<description>JDBC connect string for a JDBC metastore</description>
<description>JDBC connect string for a JDBC metastore</description>

Pls make sure of that whether you have a MetaStore_db in your hadoop directory already, if have, remove it and format your hdfs again,
and then try to start hive

Yes it's privilege problem. Enter your hive shell by following command:
sudo -u hdfs hive


java.sql.SQLException: Failed to start database '/var/lib/hive/metastore/metastore_db' in hive

I am a starter to hive. When I try to execute any hive commands:
it's showing the below error:
FAILED: Error in metadata: javax.jdo.JDOFatalDataStoreException: Failed to start database '/var/lib/hive/metastore/metastore_db', see the next exception for details.
java.sql.SQLException: Failed to start database '/var/lib/hive/metastore/metastore_db', see the next exception for details.
FAILED: Execution Error, return code 1 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.DDLTask
It looks like derby locking issue. you can temporarily fix this issue by deleting the lock file inside the directory /var/lib/hive/metastore/metastore_db. But this issue will also occur in future also
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/hive/metastore/metastore_db/*.lck
With default hive metastore embedded derby, it is not possible to start multiple instance of hive at the same time. By changing hive metastore to mysql or postgres server this issue can be solved.
See the following cloudera documentation for changing hive metastore
I've encountered similar error when I forgot about another instance of spark-shell running on same node.
update hive-site.xml under ~/hive/conf folder as below name/value and try this:
In my case I needed to create a directory and grant proper permissions:
$ sudo mkdir /var/lib/hive/metastore/
$ sudo chown hdfs:hdfs /var/lib/hive/metastore/

Hive not fully honoring fs.default.name/fs.defaultFS value in core-site.xml

I have the NameNode service installed on a machine called hadoop.
The core-site.xml file has the fs.defaultFS (equivalent to fs.default.name) set to the following:
I have a very simple table called test_table that currently exists in the Hive server on the HDFS. That is, it is stored under /user/hive/warehouse/test_table. It was created using a very simple command in Hive:
CREATE TABLE new_table (record_id INT);
If I attempt to load data into the table locally (that is, using LOAD DATA LOCAL), everything proceeds as expected. However, if the data is stored on the HDFS and I want to load from there, an issue occurs.
I run a very simple query to attempt this load:
hive> LOAD DATA INPATH '/user/haduser/test_table.csv' INTO TABLE test_table;
Doing so leads to the following error:
FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10028]: Line 1:17 Path is not legal ''/user/haduser/test_table.csv'':
Move from: hdfs://hadoop:8020/user/haduser/test_table.csv to: hdfs://localhost:8020/user/hive/warehouse/test_table is not valid.
Please check that values for params "default.fs.name" and "hive.metastore.warehouse.dir" do not conflict.
As the error states, it is attempting to move from hdfs://hadoop:8020/user/haduser/test_table.csv to hdfs://localhost:8020/user/hive/warehouse/test_table. The first path is correct because it references hadoop:8020; the second path is incorrect, because it references localhost:8020.
The core-site.xml file clearly states to use hdfs://hadoop:8020. The hive.metastore.warehouse value in hive-site.xml correctly points to /user/hive/warehouse. Thus, I doubt this error message has any true value.
How can I get the Hive server to use the correct NameNode address when creating tables?
I found that the Hive metastore tracks the location of each table. You can see the that location be running the following in the Hive console.
hive> DESCRIBE EXTENDED test_table;
Thus, this issue occurs if the NameNode in core-site.xml was changed while the metastore service was still running. Therefore, to resolve this issue the service should be restarted on that machine:
$ sudo service hive-metastore restart
Then, the metastore will use the new fs.defaultFS for newly created tables such.
Already Existing Tables
The location for tables that already exist can be corrected by running the following set of commands. These were obtained from Cloudera documentation to configure the Hive metastore to use High-Availability.
$ /usr/lib/hive/bin/metatool -listFSRoot
Listing FS Roots..
Correcting the NameNode location:
$ /usr/lib/hive/bin/metatool -updateLocation hdfs://hadoop:8020 hdfs://localhost:8020
Now the listed NameNode is correct.
$ /usr/lib/hive/bin/metatool -listFSRoot
Listing FS Roots..

FAILED: Error in metadata: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.HiveMetaStoreClient

I shutdown my HDFS client while HDFS and hive instances were running. Now when I relogged into Hive, I can't execute any of my DDL Tasks e.g. "show tables" or "describe tablename" etc. It is giving me the error as below
ERROR exec.Task (SessionState.java:printError(401)) - FAILED: Error in metadata: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.HiveMetaStoreClient
org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.HiveMetaStoreClient
Can anybody suggest what do I need to do to get my metastore_db instantiated without recreating the tables? Otherwise, I have to duplicate the effort of creating the entire database/schema once again.
I have resolved the problem. These are the steps I followed:
Go to $HIVE_HOME/bin/metastore_db
Copied the db.lck to db.lck1 and dbex.lck to dbex.lck1
Deleted the lock entries from db.lck and dbex.lck
Log out from hive shell as well as from all running instances of HDFS
Re-login to HDFS and hive shell. If you run DDL commands, it may again give you the "Could not instantiate HiveMetaStoreClient error"
Now copy back the db.lck1 to db.lck and dbex.lck1 to dbex.lck
Log out from all hive shell and HDFS instances
Relogin and you should see your old tables
Note: Step 5 may seem a little weird because even after deleting the lock entry, it will still give the HiveMetaStoreClient error but it worked for me.
Advantage: You don't have to duplicate the effort of re-creating the entire database.
Hope this helps somebody facing the same error. Please vote if you find useful. Thanks ahead
I was told that generally we get this exception if we the hive console not terminated properly.
The fix:
Run the jps command, look for "RunJar" process and kill it using
kill -9 command
See: getting error in hive
Have you copied the jar containing the JDBC driver for your metadata db into Hive's lib dir?
For instance, if you're using MySQL to hold your metadata db, you wll need to copy
mysql-connector-java-5.1.22-bin.jar into $HIVE_HOME/lib.
This fixed that same error for me.
I faced the same issue and resolved it by starting the metastore service. Sometimes service might get stopped if your machine is re-booted or went down. You could start the service by running the command:
Login as $HIVE_USER
nohup hive --service metastore>$HIVE_LOG_DIR/hive.out 2>$HIVE_LOG_DIR/hive.log &
I had a similar problem with hive server and followed the below steps:
1. Go to $HIVE_HOME/bin/metastore_db
2. Copied the db.lck to db.lck1 and dbex.lck to dbex.lck1
3. Deleted the lock entries from db.lck and dbex.lck
4. Relogin from hive shell. It is working
For instance, I use MySQL to hold metadata db, I copied
mysql-connector-java-5.1.22-bin.jar into $HIVE_HOME/lib folder
My error resolved
I also was facing the same problem, and figured out that I had both hive-deafult.xml and hive-site.xml(created manually by me),
I moved my hive-site.xml to hive-site.xml-template(as I was not needed this file) then
started hive, worked fine.
I have faced this issue and in my case it was while running hive command from command line.
I resolved this issue by running kinit command as I was using kerberized hive.
kinit -kt <your keytab file location> <kerberos principal>

java.sql.SQLException: Failed to start database 'metastore_db' ERROR, while initializing database using hive

I installed Hadoop and Hive on 3 cluster. I have able to login to hive from my cluster node where HIVE is running.
root#NODE_3 hive]# hive Logging initialized using configuration in
Hive history
file=/tmp/root/hive_job_log_root_201304020248_306369127.txt hive> show
tables ; OK Time taken: 1.459 seconds hive>
But when i try to run some hive test on my cluster nodes , I am getting following given below error.
Here it is trying to initilize data base as user =ashsshar{my username}
3/04/02 02:32:44 INFO mapred.JobClient: Cleaning up the staging area
hdfs://scaj-ns/user/ashsshar/.staging/job_201304020010_0080 13/04/02
02:32:44 ERROR security.UserGroupInformation:
PriviledgedActionException as:ashsshar (auth:SIMPLE)
cause:java.io.IOException: javax.jdo.JDOFatalDataStoreException:
Failed to create database '/var/lib/hive/metastore/metastore_db', see
the next exception for details. NestedThrowables:
java.sql.SQLException: Failed to create database
'/var/lib/hive/metastore/metastore_db', see the next exception for
details. java.io.IOException: javax.jdo.JDOFatalDataStoreException:
Failed to create database '/var/lib/hive/metastore/metastore_db', see
the next exception for details. NestedThrowables:
java.sql.SQLException: Failed to create database
'/var/lib/hive/metastore/metastore_db', see the next exception for
I have tried two things .
1 . Giving permission to cd /var/lib/hive/metastore/metastore_db
Removing rm /var/lib/hive/metastore/metastore_db/*lck
But still i am getting the same error
It seems to be an issue with creating the metastore. I solved this by creating a directory and setting the value to that directory as follows:
step-1: create a directory on home say its: hive-metastore-dir
step-2: being super user edit the hive-site.xml (its in: /usr/lib/hive/conf) as follows:
step-3: start the CLI as sudo hive and perform your queries.
You may login to hive client from a directory where the user has write access. By default, hive will try to create temporary directory in local and HDFS when a shell is opened up.
follow this steps if you are using CDH
1. copy /usr/lib/hive/conf/hive-site.xml and paste into /usr/lib/spark/conf/
This will solve the problem of "metastore_db" error

FAILED: Error in metadata: MetaException(message:Got exception: java.net.ConnectException Call to localhost/ failed

I am using Ubuntu 12.04, hadoop-0.23.5, hive-0.9.0.
I specified my metastore_db separately to some other place $HIVE_HOME/my_db/metastore_db in hive-site.xml
Hadoop runs fine, jps gives ResourceManager,NameNode,DataNode,NodeManager,SecondaryNameNode
Hive gets started perfectly,metastore_db & derby.log also created,and all hive commands run successfully,I can create databases,table,etc. But after few day later,when I run show databases,or show tables, get below error
FAILED: Error in metadata: MetaException(message:Got exception: java.net.ConnectException Call to localhost/ failed on connection exception: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused) FAILED: Execution Error, return code 1 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.DDLTask
I had this problem too and the accepted answer did not help me so will add my solution here for others:
My problem was I had a single machine with a pseudo distributed set up installed with hive. It was working fine with localhost as the host name. However when we decided to add multiple machines to the cluster we also decided to give the machines proper names "machine01, machine 02 etc etc".
I changed all the hadoop conf/*-site.xml files and the hive-site.xml file too but still had the error. After exhaustive research I realized that in the metastore db hive was picking up the URIs not from *-site files, but from the metastore tables in mysql. Where all the hive table meta data was saved are two tables SDS and DBS. Upon changing the DB_LOCATION_URI column and LOCATION in the tables DBS and SDS respectively to point to the latest namenode URI, I was back in business.
Hope this helps others.
reasons for this
If you changed your Hadoop/Hive version,you may be specifying previous hadoop version (which has ds.default.name=hdfs://localhost:54310 in core-site.xml) in your hive-0.9.0/conf/hive-env.sh
$HADOOP_HOME may be point to some other location
Specified version of Hadoop is not working
your namenode may be in safe mode ,run bin/hdfs dfsadmin -safemode leave or bin/hadoop dsfadmin -safemode leave
In case of fresh installation
the above problem can be the effect of a name node issue
try formatting the namenode using the command
hadoop namenode -format
1.Turn off your namenode from safe mode. Try the commands below:
hadoop dfsadmin -safemode leave
2.Restart your Hadoop daemons:
sudo service hadoop-master stop
sudo service hadoop-master start
