Where can I get geolocation data? - ip-geolocation

I want to geolocate people from there IP. I know there are services online with an API.
I want to know if there is any way to calculate this data on my own (In other words, is there any way to manually map to (say) New York)?

First, "calculate" is not the right word for it. There is nothing to calculate, it is simple mapping of IP to location. First, you would have to map IP blocks to ISPs. Then get the location of the ISPs. Manually. This is a huge task, and you need to constantly update the list, especially with IPv6 fast growing.
I see no reason to do the job yourself. There are APIs, use them. Maxmind does a great job at providing accurate information such as country, region, ISP name.

MaxMind's free GeoLite databases are probably your best bet.


HBase - hotspotting check

I am using HBase. And I am suspecting that rowkey has caused hotspoting. Before trying with salting of rowkey, I would like to check if hotspoting has already occurred. Is there any way in HBase to analyze data distribution in region servers to check if hotspoting has occurred?
You can use the HMaster Info Web UI to detect this.
It should be http://master-address:16010 by default.
If it's not available, you can check if the UI is not disabled in the conf (hbase-site.xml) and be sure that hbase.master.info.port is not set to -1.
When you are on it, you have to click on the table that you want to check.
You will be on this page
Then if you see that one region server has a lot more regions than the others, this is a good hint that one of your region server is probably hotspotted.
It means that the regions in this part of the rowkey scope are splitted more often ! The request per second can also be an indicator but to my experience, it's not always really accurate.
But this is just good hints and the only simple good way that I know to be sure that a hotspot is occuring is to bench it. Because when it happens, the write performance are really, REALLY different. So, you should check the througput that you have with an hashed rowkey with the same data then compare. You'll see very quickly if there is an hotspot.

Precise ip localization in cities

I live in city X, but when i try to get my location via ip all the "find location by ip" websites point to city Y. Some ads "Hang tonight with girls in city X" they precisely know my location. How this is possible? Exists some kind of data, a database with ips which those ads site have?
There is no such thing as precise location from an IP... the quality of any such service never reaches 100%... as you write there are several different databases out there - each with some very good and rather weak spots... some databases are updates regularly, some aren't etc.
Those ads use databases which just happen to have their weak spots somewhere where you don't live...
I have never come across any such service that told my city correctly (although it is not small)... they are off by 20-400 miles sometimes even claiming that I am in a very small city far away...
Mostly you can tell the country correctly... although even that can be fooled by proxy/VPN/anonymizer...
For some insight see:
A rather special and different case is this:
One rather precise way to tell the location is when you use a device (usually mobile phone)... these have several sources available (like tower locations, like GPS)... another point are the databases Google and Apple build by using anonymized from phones... they basically aggregate data regarding tower, GPS and WLAN HotSpot/access points reachable... this way they can (with a small margin of error) tell from the WLAN data (like MAC address) the location...

What is a reliable method to record votes from anonymous users, without allowing duplicates

First of all, I searched as best I could and read all SO questions that seem relevant, but nothing specifically answered this. This is not a duplicate, afaik.
Obviously if anonymous voting on a website is allowed, there is no fool proof way to prevent someone voting more than once.
However, I am wondering if someone with experience can aide me in coming up with a reasonably reliable way of tracking absolutely unique visitors and recording votes against those credentials.
Currently I am ensuring that only one vote per item/session combo is allowed, however this is easily circumvented by restarting browser, changing browsers/computers, or clearing your session data.
Recording against IP seems the next reasonable solution but I wonder if this will get false positives too often (multiple people on same LAN behind a NAT will have same external IP, etc).
Is there a middle ground to be had here or some other method/combination I am overlooking?
I'd collect as much data about the session as possible without asking any questions directly (browser, OS, installed plugins, all with versions numbers, IP address etc) and hash it.
Record the hash and increment a counter if you want multiple votes to be allowed. Include a timestamp (daily, hourly etc) in the salt to make votes time sensitive, say 5 votes per day.
The simplest answer is to use a cookie. Obviously it's vulnerable to people clearing their cookies, but anonymous voting is inherently approximate anyway.
In practice, unless the topic being voted on is in some way controversial or inflammatory, people aren't going to have a motive behind rigging the vote anyway.
IP is more 'reliable' but will produce an unacceptably high level of collisions due to NATs.
How about a more unique identifier composed of IP + user-agent (maybe a hash)? That effectively means for each IP, each exact OS/browser version pair gets 1 vote, which is a lot closer to 1 vote per person. Most browsers provide detailed version information in the user-agent -- I'm not sure, but my gut feel is that this would prevent the majority of collisions caused by NATs.
The only place that would still produce lots of collisions is a corporate environment with a standardised network, where everyone is using an identical machine.
The Chinese have to share one IPv4 address with hundreds of others; Hp/Compaq/DEC has almost 50 million addresses. IPv6 doesn't help as everyone get addresses by the billion. A person just is not the same as an IP address, and that notion is becoming ever more false.
There are just no proper ways to do this on the Internet. Persons are simply a concept unknown on the Internet, and any idea to introduce the concept is unlikely to succeed. (Too many governments would not want this to happen, for instance.)
Of course, you can relate the amount of votes per IP to the amounf of repeat page visits from that IP, especially in combination with cookie tracking. This works best if you estimate that number before you start the voting period. If the top 5% popular articles are typically read 10 times from a single IP, it's likely 10 people share that IP and they should get 10 votes. Cookies can be used to prevent them from stealing each others vote, but on the whole they can't skew your poll. (Note: this fails in small communities where a large group of voters come from a small number of IPs, in particular this happens around universities).
If you're not looking at authenticating voters, then you're going to be getting some duplicate votes no matter what you use. I'd use a cookie, and have done with it for the anonymous users.
UserVoice allows both anonymous voting and voting when logged in, but then allows the admin to filter out anonymous votes - a nice solution to this problem.
Anything based on IP addresses isn't an option - the case of NAT has been mentioned, but this seems to only be in the case of home users. There are many larger installations that use NAT - some corporations can have thousands of users pooled behind a single IP address. There are also ISP's that use proxy servers for their users - another case where you can have many thousands of users appear to your application as a single address. Adding unique UA combinations to this won't help, as there isn't enough variation.
A persistent cookie is going to be your best bet - and you'll have to live with the fact that it is easy to game. At least when the cookie is persistent (as opposed to session based) you'll catch the majority of users who run a single browser.
If you really want to rely on the results, you are going to have to add some form of identification in the process (like e-mail validation, which is still gameable).
At the end of the day any internet survey is going to have flaws (like: http://www.time.com/time/arts/article/0,8599,1894028,00.html), and you'll have to live with this.
Use a persistent cookie to allow only one vote per item
and record the IP, if there are more than 100 (1,000? 10,000?) requests in less than X mins then "soft block" the IP
The "soft block": dont show a page saying "your IP has been blocked" but show your "thank you for your vote" page and DONT record the vote in your DB. You even can increase the counter for that IP only. You want to prevent them to know that you are blocking their IP.
Two ideas not mentioned yet are:
Asking for the user's email address and emailing them a verification link
Using a captcha
Obviously the former can be circumvented with disposable email addresses and so on, but gives you an audit trail, and provides a significant hurdle to casual/bot vote-stuffing. A good captcha likewise severely limits vote-stuffing, but with all the usual caveats surrounding their use.
I have the same problem, and here's what I am planning on doing...
Set a persistent cookie. Check the cookie to decide whether a particular vote could be cast.
Additionally store some data about the vote request in the form of a combination of IP address + User Agent. And then use this value to limit the no. of votes to, say, 10 per day.
What is the best way of going about creating this hash (IP + UA String)?

Finding Websites From Company Name

I've got a list of 6,000 company names (along with their headquarters address) and I need to find the web address for each of them. I'm considering using the Google Web API (obviously this will take a few days as only 1,000 queries per day are allowed) to do this(search for "COMPANY_NAME CITY STATE") and then take the first result. However I'm not 100% sure this will work, and I feel like there's a better way. I can do this in any language I know really, C++, Java, PHP, Python. This only has to be run once.
How would I use WHOIS to do this? I know how I would do it if I already knew the URL, but not the other way around(name to URL). And what would I do if it were privately registered?
BTW, these are US businesses.
You can use WHOIS instead of Google API for it.
Use Amazons Mechanical Turk. It's perfect for these kinds of tasks which can be hard to automate and typically need a person to validate them. It will cost a little but it should be manageable, depending on how bad you want the results.

How do you perform address validation? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Is it even possible to perform address (physical, not e-mail) validation? It seems like the sheer number of address formats, even in the US alone, would make this a fairly difficult task. On the other hand it seems like a task that would be necessary for several business requirements.
Here's a free and sort of "outside the box" way to do it. Not 100% perfect, but it should reject blatantly non-existent addresses.
Submit the entire address to Google's geocoding web service. This service attempts to return the exact coordinates of the location you feed it, i.e. latitude and longitude.
In my experience if the address is invalid you will get a result of 602 from the service. There's definitely a possibility of false positives or false negatives, but used in conjunction with other consistency checks it could be useful.
(Yahoo's geocoding web service, on the other hand, will return the coordinates of the center of the town if the town exists but the rest of the address is bogus. Potentially useful as long as you pay close attention to the "precision" field in the result).
There are a number of good answers in here but most of them make the assumption that the user wants an "API" solution where they must write code to connect to a 3rd-party service and/or screen scrape the USPS. This is all well and good, but should be factored into the business requirements and costs associated with the implementation and then weighed against the desired benefits.
Depending upon the business requirements and the way that the data is received into the system, a real-time address processing solution may be the best bet. If a real-time solution is required, you will want to consider the license agreement and technical limitations of the Google Maps/Bing/Yahoo APIs. They typically limit the number of calls you can make each day. The USPS web tools API is the same in additional they restrict how/why you can use their system and how you are allowed to use the data thereafter.
At the same time, there are a handful of great service providers that can easily process a static list of addresses. Essentially, you give the service provider a CSV file or Excel file, they clean it up and get it back to you. It's a one-time deal with no long-term commitment or obligation—usually.
Full disclosure: I'm the founder of SmartyStreets. We do address verification for addresses within the United States. We are easily able to CASS certify a list and we also offer a address verification web service API. We have no hidden fees, contracts, or anything. You use our service until you no longer need it and you can walk away. (Unlike cell phone companies that require a contract.)
USPS has an address cleaner online, which someone has screen scraped into a poor man's webservice. However, if you're doing this often enough, it'd be a better idea to apply for a USPS account and call their own webservice.
I will refer you to my blog post - A lesson in address storage, I go into some of the techniques and algorithms used in the process of address validation. My key thought is "Don't be lazy with address storage, it will cause you nothing but headaches in the future!"
Also, there is another StackOverflow question that asks this question entitled How should international geographic addresses be stored in a relational database.
In the course of developing an in-house address verification service at a German company I used to work for I've come across a number of ways to tackle this issue. I'll do my best to sum up my findings below:
Free, Open Source Software
Clearly, the first approach anyone would take is an open-source one (like openstreetmap.org), which is never a bad idea. But whether or not you can really put this to good and reliable use depends very much on how much you need to rely on the results.
Addresses are an incredibly variable thing. Verifying U.S. addresses is not an easy task, but bearable, but once you're going for Europe, especially the U.K. with their extensive Postal Code system, the open-source approach will simply lack data.
Web Services / APIs
Enterprise-Class Software
Money gets it done, obviously. But not every business or developer can spend ~$0.15 per address lookup (that's $150 for 1,000 API requests) - a very expensive business model the vast majority of address validation APIs have implemented.
What I ended up integrating: streetlayer API
Since I was not willing to take on the programmatic approach of verifying address data manually I finally came to the conclusion that I was in need of an API with a price tag that would not make my boss want to fire me and still deliver solid and reliable international verification results.
Long story short, I ended up integrating an API built by apilayer, called "streetlayer API". I was easily convinced by a simple JSON integration, surprisingly accurate validation results and their developer-friendly pricing. Also, 100 requests/month are entirely free.
Hope this helps!
I have used the services of http://www.melissadata.com Their "address object" works very well. Its pricey, yes. But when you consider costs of writing your own solutions, the cost of dirty data in your application, returned mailers - lost sales, and the like - the costs can be justified.
For us-based address data my company has used GeoStan. It has bindings for C and Java (and we created a Perl binding). Note that it is a commercial product and isn't cheap. It is quite fast though (~300 addresses per second) and offers features like CASS certification (USPS bulk mail discount), DPV (Delivery point verification) flagging, and LON/LAT geocoding.
There is a Perl module Geo::PostalAddress, but it uses heuristics and doesn't have the other features mentioned for GeoStan.
Edit: some have mentioned 'doing it yourself', if you do decide to do this, a good source of information to start with is the US Census Tiger Data Set, which contains a lot of information about the US including address information.
As seen on reddit:
$address = urlencode('1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC');
$json = json_decode(file_get_contents("http://where.yahooapis.com/geocode?q=$address&flags=J"));
Fixaddress.com service is available that provides following services,
1) Address Validation.
2) Address Correction.
3) Address spell correcting.
4) Correct addresses phonetic mistakes.
Fixaddress.com uses USPS and Tiger data as reference data.
For more detail visit below link,
One area where address lookups have to be performed reliably is for VOIP E911 services. I know companies reliably using the following services for this:
Bandwidth.com 9-1-1 Access API MSAG Address Validation
MSAG = Master Street Address Guide
SmartyStreet US Street Address API
There are companies that provide this service. Service bureaus that deal with mass mailing will scrub an entire mailing list to that it's in the proper format, which results in a discount on postage. The USPS sells databases of address information that can be used to develop custom solutions. They also have lists of approved vendors who provide this kind of software and service.
There are some (but not many) packages that have APIs for hooking address validation into your software.
However, you're right that its a pretty nasty problem.
As mentioned there are many services out there, if you are looking to truly validate the entire address then I highly recommend going with a Web Service type service to ensure that changes can quickly be recognized by your application.
In addition to the services listed above, webservice.net has this US Address Validation service. http://www.webservicex.net/WCF/ServiceDetails.aspx?SID=24
We have had success with Perfect Address.
Their database has all the US street names and street number ranges. Also acts as a pretty decent parser for free-form address fields, if you are lucky enough to have that kind of data.
Validating it is a valid address is one thing.
But if you're trying to validate a given person lives at a given address, your only almost-guarantee would be a test mail to the address, and even that is not certain if the person is organised or knows somebody at that address.
Otherwise people could just specify an arbitrary random address which they know exists and it would mean nothing to you.
The best you can do for immediate results is request the user send a photographed / scanned copy of the head of their bank statement or some other proof-of-recent-residence, because at least then they have to work harder to forget it, and forging said things show up easily with a basic level of image forensic analysis.
There is no global solution. For any given country it is at best rather tricky.
In the UK, the PostOffice controlls postal addresses, and can provide (at a cost) address information for validation purposes.
Government agencies also keep an extensive list of addresses, and these are centrally collated in the NLPG (National Land and Property Gazetteer).
Actually validating against these lists is very difficult. Most people don't even know exactly how their address as it is held by the PostOffice. Some businesses don't even know what number they are on a particular street.
Your best bet is to approach a company that specialises in this kind of thing.
Yahoo has also a Placemaker API. It is good only for locations but it has an universal id for all world locations.
It look that there is no standard in ISO list.
You could also try SAP's Data Quality solutions which are available in both a server platform is processing a large number of requests or as an embeddable SDK if you wanted to run it in process with your application. We use it in our application and it's very robust and scalable.
NAICS.com is coming out with an API that will add all kinds of key business data including street address. This would happen on the fly as your site's forms are processed. https://www.naics.com/business-intelligence-api/
You can try Pitney Bowes “IdentifyAddress” Api available at - https://identify.pitneybowes.com/
The service analyses and compares the input addresses against the known address databases around the world to output a standardized detail. It corrects addresses, adds missing postal information and formats it using the format preferred by the applicable postal authority. I also uses additional address databases so it can provide enhanced detail, including address quality, type of address, transliteration (such as from Chinese Kanji to Latin characters) and whether an address is validated to the premise/house number, street, or city level of reference information.
You will find a lot of samples and sdk available on the site and i found it extremely easy to integrate.
For US addresses you can require a valid state, and verify that the zip is valid. You could even check that the zip code is in the right state, but beyond that I don't think there are many tests you could run that wouldn't provide a lot of false negatives.
What are you trying to do -- prevent simple mistakes or enforcing some kind of identity check?
