Is there a framework to manage iPhone home page icons? - cocoa

Is there a framework, or are there some good tutorials that can help me to work with the home icons in iOS? I need to make an app that can group all the applications I have made.

Apple doesn't allow developers any access to the home screen, icons, icon positions or anything like that. Unless you're talking about on a jailbroken device, there is no way to do what you're asking.


Google play tablet 7-inch screenshots

Google play console wants me to add some 7-inch tablet screenshots in order to make the app easily accessible to tablets. But I don't have any tablet. Don't understand what's the problem. I have made screenshots in the final phase of development, testing the game in the Unity editor. I suppose these .png images are as good as if they were made from a phone. I don't even know how to make screenshots from a phone.
Is there a hidden feature to identify a screenshot as being made from the 7-inch tablet? Why don't they simply state the image resolution they want for the tablet "screenshot"??
Actually, it doesn't matter what resolution your image is. Just upload the images to that section, the purpose of that section is only to let your users have a first look of what your app looks like before they install it. If you don't intend to make your app for Tablet, just let that section empty, upload images only to Phone's section.
If you are using an Android phone such as Samsung, I would recommend you have a look at Settings/Advanced Features/ Smart Capture (turn it on). Then you can swipe your screen to take a screenshots (it has a tutorial there)

Chromecast home screen development options?

I've been reading through Google's Chromecast developer documentation and I can't seem to find any developer docs that discuss how to develop customizations for the Chromecast home screen, such as HTML overlays, etc.
There are Chromecast apps available that do show stuff on the Chromecast home screen, such as Dashboard Cast,
Does anyone know what approaches can be used with the Receiver API to allow this?
You cannot customize the home screen (backdrop); users can change what sort of feeds (images) can be used to be shown there. You, as a developer, do not have control over that and if it seems that some developers have customized that, in reality they have not; they are running an app there (like any other chromecast app).

Custom Color action buttons, transparent card background,full screen custom layout notifications.Changing card color

Custom Color action buttons, transparent card background,full screen custom layout notifications.Changing card color,ttf fonts for texts. changing text color . placing on different areas.
are these things possible ??
if its , why we cant use .
if its not how these peoples used these things
I really wanted to develop apps with these features. but current public api is really bad.
it provides nothing at all.but when we see screenshots new beautiful features exists.
I liked google wear and i see future about it . but when we compare with samsung galaxy gear or sony smartwatch, development in public goes slow.Maybe google devs doing things at the background,but if we don't have resources,how can developers can build apps for it.
I shared a basic app with my wishes and ideas.nobody answered about 2 days on google+ no one cares about posts on google+.public support of google wear for developers is sucks at the moment.
I need more customizable things for android wear to build apps.
but in current stage,i can't do much things with it.
i wish we had these features in screenshots below..
Those things are still not possible with the current preview release of AndroidWear.
If you look closely, you'll see that they've been using photoshop (or some other photo editing software)
Using these templates to design an app for Android Wear.
And for testing the design on the watch they used Android Design Preview which is a tool that lets you mirror a portion of your desktop to your device:

Blackberry and Windows phone 7 publishing of trivial app

We have a mobile version of our web site which works well on all mobile screen resolutions and sizes. Now, we would like to build a very simple app for Blackberry and Windows Phone 7. The app would be trivial - after you click on its icon, it opens a web browser and send you to our mobile web site. Just like a Windows OS shortcut that you place on your desktop.
Can you tell me if Blackberry and Windows Phone 7 policies allow such app be published? For example, Apple rejected us.
I can't speak for Blackberry, but Requirement 2.10 from the WP7 Application Certification Requirements:
Your application must have distinct,
substantial and legitimate content and
purpose other than merely launching a webpage.
So the answer seems to be no on the WP7 marketplace. Is there a reason you want to create an app like that anyway? On WP7, users can pin a tile to their home screen that will launch the website they've pinned. You could simply encourage users to do that on their WP7 and you'll get the same effect (except your site won't appear in the app list).
Seems this is okay for BlackBerry. See section 4.b of the App World FAQ.
Very strange. Our company has placed a similar application on Android Market and the Appstore and they have been resolved and now they available at stores. Also, I had a similar application for Windovs Phone, and it was also allowed.
P.S. Our application is not just a browser window, it has custom control panel in bottom. Also it has the communication protocol with the site - such a sending pictures from camera and phone and access to phone contacts.

iPad - Test an HTML5 site on a Win7 PC

I'm looking to target a website specifically for an iPad but we don't have any Macs in house for testing. What's the most accurate way to test the site on a PC? I image I could use the Safari browser and shrink the window down to approximate the iPad screen size but I wonder if there's a better method out there.
If you target a website specifically for a particular device, buy that particular device. This doesn't only apply to iPad.
Two caveats I noticed a lot of websites have for a touch-oriented device like an iPad, iPhone:
The mouse-hover event isn't generated. So, the HTML/CSS/Javascript menu structure which works without clicking on a WebKit browser (like Safari) on a mouse-oriented device might stop working completely.
The scrolling event (coming from a flick of a finger) is not passed to elements inside a page; instead it just scrolls the entire page. A subelement shown with a scroll bar on a non-touch-oriented device might be shown without the scroll bar at all. So, sometimes you lose the ability to scroll inside a subelement.
There might be other caveats. It's really difficult to imagine all the way a device might behave differently from a mouse-oriented device; so, buy an iPad.
By the way, it's of no use to buy a Mac in this situation: Safari on a Mac still behaves (as far as the mouse/touch events are concerned) rather differently from Safari on an iPad/iPhone. An iPad can be paired with a Windows PC.
See this Apple document for a few advices for preparing a web page for the iPad.
I'd just use Safari, as the mobile version uses the same rendering engine (though possibly modified to fit the iPads resources).
It should display the same, if not close.
You can try to use online imitation services.
For example, or They provide lots of imitations environments, for different devices and OS. You can test the site, that is already in the web, or your local files.
I myself am working currently with for the first time. It really shows the problem, that the client encountered on his iPad. Also have good notices about these services from experienced developer, a friend of mine.
