Spring roo jams at create new spring roo project - spring

just wanted to know if anyone had encountered this problem in the past and whether they had resolved it.
I use the STS program on my mac but any time I try to create a new roo project the program stalls at packaging the JAR files. Please refer to the image below thanks


Getting spring boot project working, no sources were created

Hi guys I just downloaded intellij idea version 2016.3.1 in mac os x el capitan
and try to create spring boot project. I did everything according to Creating Spring Boot Projects tutorial however I sources are totally different and does not have any resources or default java class.
Someone had similar problems over here but his solution did not help me Difficulty Getting Spring Boot Project Working
Problem was with maven in intellij to fix this go to
1. Preferences, Build, Executins, Deployment
2. Maven
3. Runner
under GRE tab specify your JRE path
Hope it will help you

How to use Maven, Spring, Hibernate (JPA) on Netbeans or Eclipse

Being extremely very new to Java EE, I am trying to build a rest api with a database layer.
I am using Netbeans 7.2 and Glassfish because they were easy to install on my Mac OSX Lion. From netbeans I open a project with Maven, choosing archetype weby. What I am going for is Maven, Spring, and Hibernate with JPA. Also I am using restlet for my Rest API layer. Anyway, the tutorials I find online, along with the book Spring persistence with Hibernate [electronic resource] / Paul Tepper Fisher and Brian D. Murphy keep refering to /src/main/resources/META-INF/spring/spring-master.xml. But the project has no such folder. Instead the project has the /main/resources/hibernate.cfg.xml and a folder about jdbc connection.
Basically I am stuck. Some questions:
Am I using the correct Maven Archetype? Is there another way to get what I am looking for (using Netbeans or Eclipse on my Mac)?
I don't want to spin around too much, which is why I have not manually added the /src/main/resources/META-INF/spring/spring-master.xml, especially since I am not sure what to put in it.
Others opinions is greatly appreciated.

Spring Roo says "Version is required for org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin"

I am trying out Spring Roo 1.2.2 and can't get past this error:
roo> hint
Version is required for org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin
My maven version: Apache Maven 2.2.1
Appreciate any help.
Changing the directory and trying again makes it disappear! But I would still like to know what it was looking at, thanks.
Roo 1.2.2 has issues working with maven plugin versions. You will need to make sure that all your plugin declarations in every module have version tag specified. Similar problem is described here http://forum.springsource.org/showthread.php?132520-Multimodule-application-issue-Spring-Roo-1-2-2
Besides that I assume that you are trying to use Roo 1.2.2. on existing codebase. Than you need to follow this http://static.springsource.org/spring-roo/reference/html/existing.html
Although it is not said in this documentation, you possibly will need Maven 3 (3.0.4 comes with Roo/STS distribution) I suggest using this. It would be better first to migrate your project to Maven 3.
You should always start roo in an empty directory (or already existing roo project directory) because the working directory is scanned by roo. In your case a POM is probably detected.
Also notice that roo becomes very slow when working from a "crowded" directory.

No AspectJ getter/setter -- upgrade Roo from 1.1.5 to 1.2.1

I am upgrading current project from Roo 1.1.5 to 1.2.1.
I have noticed there are some new features in Roo 1.2.1 to facilitate JPA functionality, i.e. #RooEntity to #RooJpaActiveRecord, but I thought when I open Roo shell in STS it could handler that conversion automatically...I can still achieve that manually, however, after I change the annotation name, no matter I use poll now or re-build the project, all the getter/setter/finder/entityManager are error out due to no AspectJ injection, actually I can see the aspectJ files are generated, STS just cannot identify them with the entity java file. So suddenly the whole project falls apart.
Please, geniuses on the stack, let me know how to fix that. Many thanks in advance.
I have figured out the solution:
Simply speaking: make sure running the project as a Maven project.
How: Right click project->Configure->Convert to Maven Project. Then run Right click project -> Maven -> Update Project Configuration.
Maven will build the project once again with aspect injection. I think the problem is previously my project is compiled under Spring Tools -> Update Maven Dependencies where if the STS/AspectJ Tool stop working, then the project will suffer from missing aspect injection(still thinking it is could be a remaining bug of STS, this issue may be very specific but still STS fail the job).
Sorry I have to answer my own question
Make sure you clean your project eclipse style. That is run Project->Clean.

How can I update Spring and Hibernate libraries in NetBeans IDE?

Probably, it's a common and obvious issue, but I couldn't find the answer, so, a short tutorial or a link would be appreciated. My NetBeans has been recently updated, but if I create a new project, that uses Spring and Hibernate, the IDE provides options for Spring 3.0.2 (and even 2.5.6) and Hibernate 3.2.5. Of course, I could add manualy all the new libraries for each project, but it doesn't seem like a good idea. Just in case it's important, I use Ubuntu.
I think I've found a way to do that. In NetBeans's menu Tools/Libraries there are options for creating new libraries and adding its jar files or folders. I tried to add new Spring libraries (I didn't have a chance to put spaces in its name) and they appeared as an option of Spring MVC version when creating a new project.
