Why pagination is not applied to grid when using common data source - kendo-ui

I referred Kendo articles and did goggling ,But I couldn't found any solution.
step 1:
Is it possible that when we are using common data source and binding the whole data to chart and grid with pagination this is to happen when the page is loading.
step 2:
later on based on the filter condition applied on grid the data in chart should change.
Any help or suggest me whether it is possible or not..
var common = new kendo.data.DataSource({
type : "odata",
transport: {
read: "http://demos.kendoui.com/service/Northwind.svc/Orders"
schema : {
model: {
fields: {
OrderDate: { type: "date" }
var grid = $("#grid").kendoGrid({
dataSource: common,
pageSize : 10,
pageable : {
refresh : true,
pageSizes: [10, 20]
columns : [
field : "OrderID",
filterable: false
field : "OrderDate",
title : "Order Date",
width : 100,
format: "{0:MM/dd/yyyy}",
filterable: true
field: "ShipName",
title: "Ship Name",
width: 200,
filterable: true
field: "ShipCity",
title: "Ship City",
filterable: true
dataSource : common,
autoBind : false,
categoryAxis: {
field: "OrderID"
legend : {
position: "right", visible: true
seriesDefaults: { type: "area" },
series : [
{ field: "OrderDate", name: "OrderDate" },
{ field: "Freight", name: "Freight" },
{ field: "ShipVia", name: "ShipVia" }
valueAxis : [
name : "OrderID",
max : 5.0,
min : 0,
labels : {
format: "{0}"
tooltip: { visible: true }
Here is fiddle up to now I have tested with : http://jsfiddle.net/D3rSk/189/

The grid doesn't have a pageSize option. You need to set the page size in the data source configuration:
var common = new kendo.data.DataSource({
pageSize : 10,
type : "odata",
transport: {
read: "http://demos.kendoui.com/service/Northwind.svc/Orders"
schema : {
model: {
fields: {
OrderDate: { type: "date" }
Here is the updated jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/D3rSk/192/


kendo grid server re filtering the data source

$(document).ready(function () {
var agenciesData = new kendo.DataToken.DataSource({
type: 'webapi',
transport: {
read: { url: "/api/Agencies/", dataType: "json", data: { activity: getActivity() } },
create: { url: "/api/Agencies", type: "POST", dataType: "json" },
destroy: { url: "/api/Agencies/{0}", type: "DELETE" },
update: { url: "/api/Agencies/{0}", type: "PUT" },
idField: "ID"
filter: [{ field: "Activity", operator: "eq", value: getActivity() }],
pageSize: 15,
page: 1,
total: 0,
serverPaging: true,
serverSorting: true,
serverFiltering: true,
schema: {
data: "Data",
total: "Total",
model: {
id: "ID",
fields: {
ID: { editable: false, type: "number" },
AgencyName: { type: "string" },
AgentName: { type: "string" },
Address: { type: "string" },
City: { type: "string" },
Tel1: { type: "string" },
Tel2: { type: "string" },
Pele: { type: "string" },
Activity: { type: "number" },
ToDate: { type: "date" }
dataSource: agenciesData,
toolbar: [{ text: "valid", className: "validAgents" }, { text: "not valid", className: "notValid" }, { text: "all", className: "allAgents" }, { text: "potential", className: "potetial" }],
editable: false,
navigatable: true,
sortable: true,
autoBind: false,
height: 430,
pageable: { refresh: true },
columns: [
{ field: "ID", hidden: true },
{ field: "AgencyName", title: "agency", width: 150, filterable: { cell: { operator: "contains" } } },
{ field: "AgentName", title: "agent", width: 150, filterable: { cell: { operator: "contains" } } },
{ field: "Address", title: "address", width: 200, template: "#= Address + ' ' + City #", filterable: false },
{ field: "Tel1", title: "phones", width: 300, template: "#= Tel1 + ' : ' + Tel2 + ' : ' + Pele #", filterable: false },
{ field: "Activity", title: "active", width: "90px" },
{ field: "ToDate", title: "end Contract", type: "date", width: 90, format: "{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", parseFormats: ["yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss"] }
$(".validAgents").click(function () { //valid
$('#agenciesGrid').data().kendoGrid.dataSource.read({ activity: "1" });
$(".notValid").click(function () {//notValid
$('#agenciesGrid').data().kendoGrid.dataSource.read({ activity: "2" });
$(".potetial").click(function () {//potetial
$('#agenciesGrid').data().kendoGrid.dataSource.read({ activity: "3" });
function getActivity(){
var myActivity = $("#myActivity").val();
return myActivity;
When I use kendo grid already filtered by parameter like : $('#someGrid').data().kendoGrid.dataSource.read({ activity: value });
i see the get: https://localhost:44305/api/Agencies/?sort=&page=1&pageSize=15&group=&filter=&activity=1
The grid is filter as expected but, when I want to do paging, sorting, refresh - I get the whole data ignoring the filter that i made.
and I see the get: https://localhost:44305/api/Agencies/?sort=&page=1&pageSize=15&group=&filter=
How can I save my filter state to do paging and sorting on the data came from the server side ?
even when i used differen approach like "scrollable: { virtual: true }" and when i scroll down - every request is without the filtering...
Did you try
var agenciesData = new kendo.DataToken.DataSource({
filter : function () {
return object;
I mean try using filter as a function and you can do your logic inside the function depending on the situation.

Kendo Grid In a Kendo Grid

I am displaying Grid and using detailTemplate to expandRow. But when expand the row, I want to pass the row ID and get datasource and display another grid.
I think detailTemplate won't work in this case. How can I do this ?
Here is my Code
$(document).ready(function () {
var dataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({
pageSize: 20,
data: [
{ id: "1", name: "Andrew", age: "30" },
{ id: "2", name: "Robert", age: "29" },
{ id: "3", name: "Frank", age: "35" }
autoSync: true,
schema: {
model: {
id: "id",
fields: {
id: { editable: false, nullable: true, type: "number" },
name: { editable: false },
age: {
validation: { min: 0, required: true },
editable: true,
nullable: true,
type: "number"
dataSource: dataSource,
pageable: true,
height: 550,
editable: "inline",
columns: [
{ field: "name",title: "Name" },
{ field: "age", title: "Age", width: "180px"},
{ command: ["edit"] }
detailTemplate: "<div>Name: #: name #</div><div>Age: #: age #</div>"
Did you checked this demo from Kendo UI ?
Similar to your scenario, detail grid is created in detailInit function and data for detail grid is filtered for the current employee using e.data.EmployeeID

Saving a Kendo datasource using jStorage

I'm adding and removing data to a Kendo dataSource. I wish to save it localStorage, and be able to read it again from localStorage.
Here I've attempted to use jStorage for the saving and loading of data.
How it's loaded:
if ($.jStorage.get('favoritter') != null) {
var datakilde_favoritter = $.jStorage.get('favoritter');
} else {
var data = [
{id: 5, name: "LINK ONE", url: "http://www.linkone.com" }
var datakilde_favoritter = new kendo.data.DataSource({
data: data,
sort: { field: "name", dir: "asc" }
How it's saved:
$.jStorage.set('favoritter', datakilde_favoritter);
Define your DataSource as:
var ds = new kendo.data.DataSource({
transport: {
read : function (op) {
var data = $.jStorage.get('favoritter');
if (!data) {
data = [
{id: 5, name: "LINK ONE", url: "http://www.linkone.com" }
update : function (op) {
$.jStorage.set("favoritter", ds.data());
destroy: function (op) {
console.log("destroy", ds.data());
$.jStorage.set("favoritter", ds.data());
create : function (op) {
$.jStorage.set("favoritter", ds.data());
sort : { field: "name", dir: "asc" },
pageSize : 10,
schema : {
model: {
id : "id",
fields: {
id : { type: 'number' },
name: { type: 'string' }
You might consider removing create and destroy if not needed.
And your grid would be something like:
var grid = $("#grid").kendoGrid({
dataSource: ds,
editable : "popup",
pageable : true,
toolbar : ["create"],
columns : [
{ command: ["edit", "destroy"], width: 100 },
{ field: "id", width: 90, title: "#" },
{ field: "name", width: 90, title: "URL Name" }
Basically when updating you need to invoke op.success with the data returned from the server. In your case since it is the browser itself, you don't need just to return the original data.

filter kendo ui grid with filed type object

I have this grid
dataSource: {
transport: {
read: {
url: "operations/get_sales_reps_addresses.php?salesRepsId=" + salesRepsId,
type: "GET"
update: {
url: "operations/edit_address.php?salesRepsId=" + salesRepsId,
type: "POST",
complete: function (e) {
destroy: {
url: "operations/delete_address.php",
type: "POST",
complete: function (e) {
create: {
url: "operations/add_address.php?salesRepsId=" + salesRepsId,
type: "POST",
complete: function (e) {
schema: {
data: "data",
total: "data.length", //total amount of records
model: {
id: "SalesRepId",
fields: {
AddressType: {
defaultValue: {
AddressTypeid: 1,
AddressTypeName: "Work"
Country: {
defaultValue: {
CountryId: 38,
CountryName: "Canada"
State: {
defaultValue: {
StateId: 4223,
StateName: "British Colombia"
City: {
defaultValue: {
CityId: 59450,
CityName: "Vancouver"
PostalCode: {
type: "string"
AddressText: {
type: "string"
IsMainAddress: {
type: "boolean"
AddressId: {
type: "integer"
pageSize: 3,
ignoreCase: true,
height: 250,
filterable: true,
sortable: true,
pageable: true,
reorderable: false,
groupable: false,
batch: true,
navigatable: true,
toolbar: ["create", "save", "cancel"],
editable: true,
columns: [{
field: "AddressType",
title: "Type",
editor: AddressTypeDropDownEditor,
template: "#=AddressType.AddressTypeName#",
}, {
field: "Country",
title: "Country",
editor: CountryDropDownEditor,
template: "#=Country.CountryName#",
}, {
field: "State",
title: "State",
editor: StateDropDownEditor,
template: "#=State.StateName#",
}, {
field: "City",
title: "City",
editor: CityTypeDropDownEditor,
template: "#=City.CityName#",
}, {
field: "PostalCode",
title: "Postal Code",
}, {
field: "AddressText",
title: "Address",
}, {
field: "IsMainAddress",
title: "Main?",
width: 65,
template: function (e) {
if (e.IsMainAddress == true) {
return '<img align="center" src ="images/check-icon.png" />';
} else {
return '';
// hidden: true
}, {
command: "destroy",
title: " ",
width: 90
The problem is when I try to filter by Country or State or City I got an error
TypeError: "".toLowerCase is not a function
I tried to change the type of Country to string, I use comobox, so the values were undefined. I also tried to change the type to Object, the values displayed correctly but I couldn't filter. I got the same error( toLowerCase)
How can I fix this ??
My grid is very similar this example
and here is the jsFiddle . I've just added the filter. and I still get previous error
I want to filter on the Category, any help ??
This is how you filter a dataSource Kendo dataSource , filter
So get the dataSource of your grid,
var gridDatasource = $("#address-grid").data('kendoGrid').dataSource;
and filter it like this example.
gridDatasource.filter({ ... });
If you provide a working jsFiddle, you may get a more specific answer.
Specific answer:
You added the filter, so for Category it didn't work because as I said, it is an observable, not a filed you can filter as a string.
So you must specify better your filter for this column, like this:
field: "Category",
title: "Category",
width: "160px",
editor: categoryDropDownEditor,
template: "#=Category.CategoryName#",
filterable: {
extra: false,
operators: {
string: {
startswith: "Starts with",
eq: "Is equal to",
neq: "Is not equal to"
see this jsFiddle -- > http://jsfiddle.net/blackjim/Sbb5Z/463/

Display the popup view when the filtering is under process

In my group's project, we had a one grid and export button. We came across an issue which is that when exopt the data in excel format fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/SZBrt/11/ need to display the pop up message stating that 'The data is getting filtered' to be displayed so that the we can know the filtering is under process. I appreciate your help in advance.
And My Code:
var grid = $("#grid").kendoGrid({
dataSource: {
type : "odata",
transport : {
read: "http://demos.kendoui.com/service/Northwind.svc/Orders"
schema : {
model: {
fields: {
OrderID : { type: "number" },
Freight : { type: "number" },
ShipName : { type: "string" },
OrderDate: { type: "date" },
ShipCity : { type: "string" }
pageSize : 10
filterable: true,
sortable : true,
pageable : true,
columns : [
field : "OrderID",
filterable: false
field : "OrderDate",
title : "Order Date",
width : 100,
format: "{0:MM/dd/yyyy}"
field: "ShipName",
title: "Ship Name",
width: 200
field: "ShipCity",
title: "Ship City"
Add to the DataSource definition an event handler for requestStart and requestEnd.
dataSource: {
requestStart : function() {
// Add code for displaying your own "loading" message
requestEnd: function() {
// Add code for hiding your own "loading" message
type : "odata",
transport : {
read: "http://demos.kendoui.com/service/Northwind.svc/Orders"
schema : {
model: {
fields: {
OrderID : { type: "number" },
Freight : { type: "number" },
ShipName : { type: "string" },
OrderDate: { type: "date" },
ShipCity : { type: "string" }
pageSize : 10
You did not specify how that Loading message looks like, it might be as simple as adding / removing visibility:
requestStart: function () {
$("#loading-msg").css("visibility", "visible");
requestEnd: function () {
$("#loading-msg").css("visibility", "hidden");
or open / close a window:
requestStart: function () {
requestEnd: function () {
