How to avoid custom url generation from joomla SH404SEF component? - joomla

I have been using joomla Sh404sef component in my site,what is my problem is its generating two url for the same content so it produces the problem with google search engine as both url pointing to the same content.
Here is the examples of url generated from the component
URL: - Automatic URLS - Custom URLS
When I go and do the purge url from the component option it eliminated the non html (.html) urls from the db but it creates the url again when we post new page etc.
any body come across this issue and could give a suggestion on it?
thanks in advance

I think you'll find this is Joomla generating the url not SH404SEF. It has a habit of generating extras especially where you have blog style views etc. The way I get around this problem is 3 fold.
Create a solid menu structure (Now harder on Joomla2.5 where aliases are created with date/time). This should take care of most issues. Make sure you make unnecessary levels as noindex-nofollow
Use a 3rd party tool to mark secondary urls with a canonical tag. Look at ITPMetaPro but many others are available.
Work in Webmaster Tools to remove urls from index after following step 1 & 2.


SEO with angularjs and restfull service

I have developed a website using angularjs and web api.
The problem is that the ajax rendered content is not crawable by google. And no one can find the website using google search.
After reading many articles regarding this issue, including:
This one with all links of explanation going out,
Google ajax crawling protocol, and also stack over flow question, I couldn't find the proper solution. Those that mention solutions, are talking about mvc, and I need only the simple REST by web api, other articles are not talking about
Is there any simple explanation?
I'm the one who asked this same question long ago, so I will answer from my experience:
Firstly, if all your content are accessible via unique URIs (including the hashbang if you use it), modern search engines should index it just fine. In fact Google can index javascript generated content now. You can try that via the Google Webmaster tool and see how your site is indexed.
Secondly, there are libraries that help you to serve parsed content to search engines if you need to, but in my case I didn't bother much with it since Google is indexing js nicely.
I've seen others ask this question, and maybe I'm missing something or this is outdated, but I don't see why AngularJS needs to be an issue with SEO.
Say you have a landing page and it has a bunch of links. Assuming you're using html5 mode in AngularJS (and I'm not sure that's 100% necessary) and something like ng-route then the links on the landing page can work both as "angular" (JavaScript) links and "old school" (full page load) links.
If you're a human user you can click a link and it will do angular magic and adjust the content without loading the full page. Ok, all fine.
But if you instead copy the link and paste it in a new tab or new browser, it will still work - assuming you've set up routes correctly.
I'm not an SEO expert by any stretch of the imagination, but as I understand it, having links that load pages and having those pages have real and useful content is the core of SEO, and done this way, AngularJS should work fine. The key thing to check is if you copy and paste the link (not just click it) that it works.

Google crawl ajax / dynamically generated content - SEO

I've got a very unique situation that I don't believe any of the other topics here can relate.
I have a ecommerce module that is dynamically loaded / embedded into third party sites, no iframe straight JSON to web client into content. I have no access to these third part sites at all, other then my javascript file being loaded from their page and dynamically generating the content.
I'm aware of the #! method, but that's no good here, my JS does generate "urls" within the embedded platform, but they're fake and for the address bar only, and I don't believe google crawlers can reach this far.
So my question is, is there a meta that we can set to point outside the url to i.e. back to my server with static crawlable content. I.e. pointing the canonical to my server... but again I don't think that would work.
If you implement #! then you have to make sure the url your embedded in supports the fragment parameter versions, which you probably can't. It's server side stuff.
You probably can't influence the canonical tag of the page either. It again has to be done server side. Any meta tag you set via JavaScript will not be seen by a bot.
Disqus solved the problem by providing an API so the embedding websites could get there comments server side and render then in plain html. WordPress has a plugin to do this. Disqus are also one of the few systems that Google has worked out how to crawl their AJAX pages.
Some plugins request people to also include a plain link with the JavaScript. Be careful with this as you may break Google Guidelines if you do it wrong. But you may be able to integrate the plain link with your plugin so that it directs bots and users to a crawlable version of the content.
Look into Google's crawlable ajax standard (and why it's a bad idea) and canonical URLs.
Now you can actually do this. A complete guide and examples can be found here:

AJAX URLs & URL Rewriting

I am starting to set up a personal website, and I would like it's layout to look something like
- Page Header & Menus Go Here -
- Main Contents -
- Footers -
The main question is that I would like it to be a single-page interface in which the main contents are loaded and displayed with a combination of AJAX and jQuery to produce a nice effect. However, I would, of course, like to have the contents bookmark-enabled and indexed by search engines. I have skimmed throught the Single Page Interface Manifesto which explains some nice ways of achieving this, but I wouldn't really like to have my URLs like!section=section1!section=section2
I would, of course, like to re-write them as
My questions are this whether this approach is correct/doable and if AJAX URLs are compatible with URL rewriting. What URLS would be indexed by, say, Google anyway?
If you want your page to work without reloading and update at the same time the page's URL, the only way to archieve this is by changing the hash in the URL (location.hash = 'whatever').
URL rewriting cannot be used since the hash is not sent to the server, it's only available in the browser's scope.
Check Facebook or Twitter URLs. They are prettier than #!section=section1 but still need the hash.
If you want to load different content/tabs/some content of page without reloading browser,
Now It is possible with pjax..
you can use something like
you can try it, go to the link and click on any of links home,dinosaurs,aliens
and you will see It will change url and some content without reloading full page
It is achieved using ajax+push/pop of url in browser
I'm looking for a solution myself for a similar problem (I have a client site with an AJAXed wordpress theme, and these dreadful #! stuff on the URL prevent all the Social sharing plugins I have tried so far, from working correctly).
Apparently, there is a solution (with some drawbacks ofc..). I found about it here:
I know it's like two years since you've asked, but it could be helpful for someone else, or you may wanna check it out just for the sake of the curiosity itself! :-)

Get URI fragment (hash) to affect SEO? Get indexed by SEs?

I am building a forum site where the post is retrieved on the same page as the listing via AJAX. When a new post is shown, the URI fragment is changed (ex: .php#1_This-is-the-first-post). Also the title and meta tags are changed.
My question is this. I have read that search engines aren't able to use #these-words. So therefore, my entire site won't be able to be indexed (as it will look like one page).
What can i do to get around this, or at least make my sub-pages be able to get indexed?
NOTE: I have built almost all of the site, so radically changes would be hard. SEO is my weakest geek-skill.
Add non-AJAX versions of every page, and link to them from your popups as "permalinks" (or whatever you want to call them). Not only aren't your pages available to search engines, they can't be bookmarked or emailed to friends. I recently worked with some designers on a site and talked them out of using an AJAX-only design. They ended up putting article "teasers" in popups and making users go to a page with a bookmarkable URL to read the complete texts.
As difficult as it may be, the "best" answer may be to re-architect your site to use the hash tag URL scheme more sparingly
Short of that, I'd suggest the following:
Create an alternative, non-hash based URL scheme. This is a must.
Create a site-map that allows search engines to find your existing pages through the new URL scheme.
Slowly port your site over. You might consider adding these deeper links on the page, or encourage users to share those links instead of the hash-based ones, etc.
Hope this helps!

Does Wicket hamper SEO or search engines ability to crawl?

We're coming from GWT projects and because of problems with SEO not liking GWT for our next project we're going to move clear of GWT (mainly because seo is a high priority for this next project). In choosing a new framework, I'm looking at Wicket and liking what I've seen so far. I've only done a few tutorials, but in looking at the war layout (from these tutorials) it looks like most of the html pages are in the WEB-INF folder.
It this going to cause problems for SEO and search engines crawling through the sites files?
Ideally, I'd like to use Wicket with some AJAX and deploy to Google App Engine.
It does not matter if your .jsps (or whatever) are stored in /WEB-INF. It just means they cannot be accessed directly by going to http://webapp/path/to/jsp.
For SEO think about:
Meaningful URLs and link text (i.e. URLs should be similar to expected search engine queries)
Crawlable pages (make sure all your content can be reached by a non-JS enabled bot... i.e. don't make content only available through AJAX, for instance). A sitemap might help
Look into Wicket's Bookmarkable page links and UrlCodingStrategies for a very powerful combination to use in SEO. Basicly all your links and parameters can be encoded as/a/static/url, regardless of (changing) implementation on the backend.
if you project SEO is really important than you might reconsider using a lot of ajax since crawler wont execute javascript they are not gonna read all the return of your ajax calls... that being said the SEO quality of your site is not really based on the framework you will be using ... jsut always think about img alts, links, meta, title, h1 ... in every pages and you should be fine ... also always try to post links to your site on other websites to gain visibility and get importance for crawlers
