multiple knockout validators on an observablearray - validation

I tried to define multiple custom validation rules under a observable array, I was referring to
Following is my observablearray with the validation calls:
this.WeeklyData = ko.observableArray([]).extend({
validation: [
validator : fminIncrements,
message: 'use 15 min increments'
validator: ValidateMinMax,
message: "Invalid min/max value"
var ValidateMinMax = function (valueArray) {
var check = true;
ko.utils.arrayFirst(valueArray, function (value) {
if (parseInt(value.Val(), 10) < 0 || parseInt(value.Val(), 10) > 168) {
check = false;
return true;
return check;
var fminIncrements = function (valueArray) {
var check = true;
ko.utils.arrayFirst(valueArray, function (value) {
if (parseInt(value.Val(), 10) % 15 !== 0) {
check = false;
return true;
return check;
when I do this only the first rule fires. I debugged, and it doesn't even hit the second one. Any idea?
Thanks in advance for any help.

I believe its because you are using the ko.utils.arrayFirst(). If you use the ko.utils.arrayForEach() instead to check for every case then it shouldn't return at the first occurrence.


set time interval as a specified value

I want to set the time interval for the given function as a variable value as timeInMilliseconds..
but getting error as undefined..please help me to solve this.
Thank you in advance .
window.setInterval(function(){"user_inactive_mode", function (obj) {
inactiveStatusMode = obj.user_inactive_mode;
if(inactiveStatusMode == 'true') {"user_inactive_time", function (obj) {
var timeInMinuts = obj.user_inactive_time;
var timeInMilliseconds = timeInMinuts * 10;
chrome.idle.queryState(timeInMilliseconds, function (state) {
if (state != "active") {
} , timeInMilliseconds);
Initialize the variable timeInMillisecond outside the function.
Reason why it says undefined, is because it's out of scope
var timeInMilliseconds;
window.setInterval(function(){"user_inactive_mode", function (obj) {
inactiveStatusMode = obj.user_inactive_mode;
if(inactiveStatusMode == 'true') {"user_inactive_time", function (obj) {
var timeInMinuts = obj.user_inactive_time;
timeInMilliseconds = timeInMinuts * 10;
chrome.idle.queryState(timeInMilliseconds, function (state) {
if (state != "active") {
} , timeInMilliseconds);
You can read here about the JS scoping: What is the scope of variables in JavaScript?

How can I check until an element is clickable using nightwatchjs?

How can I check until an element is clickable using nightwatch js? I want to click on an element but when I run nightwatch, selenium does not click on the element because it is not clickable yet.
Something like this should work. Let me know if you have questions
var util = require('util');
var events = require('events');
* This custom command allows us to locate an HTML element on the page and then wait until the element is both visible
* and does not have a "disabled" state. It rechecks the element state every 500ms until either it evaluates to true or
* it reaches maxTimeInMilliseconds (which fails the test). Nightwatch uses the Node.js EventEmitter pattern to handle
* asynchronous code so this command is also an EventEmitter.
function WaitUntilElementIsClickable() {;
this.startTimeInMilliseconds = null;
util.inherits(WaitUntilElementIsClickable, events.EventEmitter);
WaitUntilElementIsClickable.prototype.command = function (element, timeoutInMilliseconds) {
this.startTimeInMilliseconds = new Date().getTime();
var self = this;
var message;
if (typeof timeoutInMilliseconds !== 'number') {
timeoutInMilliseconds = this.api.globals.waitForConditionTimeout;
this.check(element, function (result, loadedTimeInMilliseconds) {
if (result) {
message = '#' + element + ' was clickable after ' + (loadedTimeInMilliseconds - self.startTimeInMilliseconds) + ' ms.';
} else {
message = '#' + element + ' was still not clickable after ' + timeoutInMilliseconds + ' ms.';
self.client.assertion(result, 'not visible or disabled', 'visible and not disabled', message, true);
}, timeoutInMilliseconds);
return this;
WaitUntilElementIsClickable.prototype.check = function (element, callback, maxTimeInMilliseconds) {
var self = this;
var promises =[];
promises.push(new Promise(function(resolve) {
self.api.isVisible(element, function(result) {
resolve(result.status === 0 && result.value === true);
promises.push(new Promise(function(resolve) {
self.api.getAttribute(element, 'disabled', function (result) {
resolve(result.status === 0 && result.value === null);
.then(function(results) {
var now = new Date().getTime();
const visibleAndNotDisabled = !!results[0] && !!results[1];
if (visibleAndNotDisabled) {
callback(true, now);
} else if (now - self.startTimeInMilliseconds < maxTimeInMilliseconds) {
setTimeout(function () {
self.check(element, callback, maxTimeInMilliseconds);
}, 500);
} else {
.catch(function(error) {
setTimeout(function () {
self.check(element, callback, maxTimeInMilliseconds);
}, 500);
module.exports = WaitUntilElementIsClickable;
Add this code as a file to your commands folder. It should be called waitUntilElementIsClickable.js or whatever you want your command to be.
Usage is:
You can also use page elements:
var page =;
You can use waitForElementVisible() combined with the :enabled CSS pseudo-class.
For example, the following will wait up to 10 seconds for #element to become enabled, then click it (note that the test will fail if the element doesn't become enabled after 10 seconds):
.waitForElementVisible('#element:enabled', 10000)
Can you show an example element,usually there should be an attribute name "disabled" if the button is not clickable, this should work.
browser.assert.attributeEquals(yourCSS, 'disabled', true)
I'm unable to comment but there are a couple of issues with the code suggested by Alex R.
First, the code will not work with Firefox as geckodriver does not return a 'status'. So this:
resolve(result.status === 0 && result.value === true)
needs to be changed to this:
resolve(result.value === true).
Second, the line:
self.client.assertion(result, 'not visible or disabled', 'visible and not disabled', message, true);
doesn't work and needs to be commented out in
order to get the code to run.

nightwatch assert ALL elements, not ANY

I'm trying to test that, when the Submit button is clicked on an empty form, all the "please fill in this field" labels are displayed.
I'm doing so with this:'#btn_submit');
where #validation_label_required is represented by the CSS selector:
input[required] ~ p.error-message-required
However, this test passes if ANY of the validation labels are visible. The test should only pass if they ALL are.
How can I achieve this?
You will need to create a custom assertion for that where you locate all elements by selenium commands and then loop to verify condition. It should look something like this
var util = require('util');
exports.assertion = function (elementSelector, expectedValue, msg) {
this.message = msg || util.format('Testing if elements located by "%s" are visible', elementSelector);
this.expected = expectedValue;
this.pass = function (value) {
return value === this.expected;
this.value = function (result) {
return result;
this.command = function (callback) {
var that = this.api;
this.api.elements('css selector',elementSelector, function (elements) {
return this;
I've just ended up with another custom assertion that check how many elements are visible by given css selector.
* Check how many elements are visible by given css selector.
var util = require('util');
exports.assertion = function(elementSelector, expectedCount, msg) {
this.message = msg || util.format('Asserting %s elements located by css selector "%s" are visible', expectedCount, elementSelector);
this.expected = expectedCount;
this.count = 0;
this.pass = function(value) {
return value === this.expected;
this.value = function(result) {
return this.count;
this.command = function(callback) {
var me = this, elcount = 0;
this.count = 0;
this.api.elements('css selector', elementSelector, function(elements) {
if(elements.value && elements.value.length > 0){
elcount = elements.value.length;
return callback(false);
elements.value.forEach(function(element) {
me.api.elementIdDisplayed(element.ELEMENT, function(result) {
if (result.value) {
if (elcount === 0) {

Filter plugin without data-attribute

How to filter or sort info without data-attribute by plugin of MixItUp/Isototpe?
Maybe filter will be an #url and sort will be class.
Assuming you have a JSON set, you can filter against the values like so (I'm also assuming you have taken the filter/sort value from the DOM already):
Haven't run this so apologies if not exact - and I'm not used to stack overflow formatting yet but any issues and I'll edit. I think the logic should be OK
var dataset = [
{url: '/test'},
{url: '/test2'}
var filterValue = '/test2'; // pass this to function or get from DOM
var sortBy = 'url'; // again, pass in somewhere or get from DOM
var sortType = 'asc';
function filter(data, filter) {
var filteredResults = data.filter(function (el) {
return (filter !== '' && el.url.toLowerCase().indexOf(filter.toLowerCase())) !== -1;
return filteredResults;
function sort(data, sortBy, sortType) {
var sortIndex = sortType === "asc" ? 1 : -1;
data.sort(function (a, b) {
if (a[sortBy] < b[sortBy]) {
return -1 * sortIndex;
} else if (a[sortBy] > b[sortBy]) {
return 1 * sortIndex;
return 0;
var filteredResults = filter(dataset, filterValue);
sort(dataset, sortBy, sortType); //dataset will be sorted

Validation of file input type using mootools in joomla

Anybody has any idea how to validate a file input type using mootools. I want to validate for file type and the size of the file.
window.addEvent('domready', function() {
function (value) {
if (value.length == "") {
return false;
var parts = value.split('.');
ext = parts[parts.length - 1];
// check file type is valid as given in 'exts' array
if (!(ext=='pdf' || ext=='doc' || ext=='docx')){
return false;
var fsize = value.files[0].size;
return false;
return true;
The first check works but the other two don't.
