Paging with PagedList -

This is my repository layer:
public List<Section> GetAllSections()
return context.Sections.Include("Groups").Include("Groups.Classes").ToList();
This is my application layer:
public List<Section> GetAllSections()
return cacheSectionRepo.GetAllSections();
And in controller I have:
SectionApplication sectionApp = new SectionApplication();
public ActionResult Index()
return View(sectionApp.GetAllSections());
Now I want to make my Index view paged.I want to use from PagedList.How should I do this?
For example I want every page shows 5 records.

You could pass a page number and page size to the repository layer, and then use the Skip and Take Linq statements to filter out the rows you need:
public List<Section> GetAllSections(int pageSize=5, int pageNo)
return cacheSectionRepo.GetAllSections().Skip(pageSize * pageNo).Take(pageSize);;
alternatively you could perform that filtering in you r repository layer. Then with every request to the controller, you would send the pageNo to the controller, preferably through an AJAX request.


Mvc6 versioned api actions with custom constraints

I'm making a versioned api with mvc6 and to do that I want to be able to specify for an action on which api version it should work.
My api route is: /api/{version}/... and so I want at a certain action to inspect the version route value and to see if this action is available for that version.
I want to be able to specify that as an attribute on the api action, so for example:
// This is the base api controller
public abstract class ApiControllerBase { ... }
// This is an action in one of the sub classes
[ApiVersion("0.1", "0.2")] // Here! (this is params string[])
public object Foo()
// return
// This is an action in another sub class
public object Foo()
// return
My question is what should ApiVersion implement or extend for this to work? I don't believe action filters work as I want because I don't want to return a 404 when this doesn't match because other actions inside other controllers might be able to handle this (Later I might have HomeController with common actions and Home2Controller with extended actions that work only for 1.0).
Note that I'm not asking for an implementation of ApiVersionAttribute, I just need to know what mvc infrastructure I should hook into (action filters, route constraints, ...) that will let me create an attribute that can look into route values and say if this action is a match.
It took 4 hours analyzing the mvc6 source but it was worth it. I solved this using an action attribute implementing Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.ActionConstraints.IActionConstraint.
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = true)]
public class ApiVersionAttribute : Attribute, IActionConstraint
public ApiVersionAttribute(string version)
Version = version;
public string Version { get; }
public int Order => 0;
public bool Accept(ActionConstraintContext context)
var routeData = context.RouteContext.RouteData;
// return ...
And then on a certain action:
public object Foo()
// return ...

send data between actions with redirectAction and prg pattern

how can i send data between actions with redirectAction??
I am using PRG pattern. And I want to make something like that
public ActionResult Success(PersonalDataViewModel model)
//model ko
if (model == null)
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Account");
//model OK
return View(model);
public ActionResult SuccessProcess(PersonalDataViewModel model)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
ModelState.AddModelError("", "Error");
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Account");
//model OK
return RedirectToAction("Success", new PersonalDataViewModel() { BadgeData = this.GetBadgeData });
When redirect you can only pass query string values. Not entire complex objects:
return RedirectToAction("Success", new {
prop1 = model.Prop1,
prop2 = model.Prop2,
This works only with scalar values. So you need to ensure that you include every property that you need in the query string, otherwise it will be lost in the redirect.
Another possibility is to persist your model somewhere on the server (like a database or something) and when redirecting only pass the id which will allow to retrieve the model back:
int id = StoreModel(model);
return RedirectToAction("Success", new { id = id });
and inside the Success action retrieve the model back:
public ActionResult Success(int id)
var model = GetModel(id);
Yet another possibility is to use TempData although personally I don't recommend it:
TempData["model"] = model;
return RedirectToAction("Success");
and inside the Success action fetch it from TempData:
var model = TempData["model"] as PersonalDataViewModel;
You cannot pass data between actions using objects, as Darin mentioned, you can only pass scalar values.
If your data is too large, or does not consist only of scalar values, you should do something like this
public ActionResult Success(int? id)
if (!(id.HasValue))
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Account");
//id OK
model = LoadModelById(id.Value);
return View(model);
And pass that id from RedirectToAction
return RedirectToAction("Success", { id = Model.Id });
RedirectToAction method returns an HTTP 302 response to the browser, which causes the browser to make a GET request to the specified action. So you can not pass complex objects like you calling other methods with complex objects.
Your possible solution is to pass an id using with the GET action can build the object again. Some thing like this
public ActionResult SuccessProcess(PersonViewModel model)
//Some thing is Posted (P)
//Save the data and Redirect (R)
return RedirectToAction("Index",new { id=model.ID});
return View(model)
public ActionResult Index(int id)
//Lets do a GET (G) request like browser requesting for any time with ID
PersonViewModel model=GetPersonFromID(id);
return View(id);
You can keep data (The complex object) between This Post and GET request using Session also (TempData is internally using session even). But i believe that Takes away the purity of PRG Pattern.

Can I reuse a remote validation action in MVC3

I am using a Remote validation attribute on my view model to validate a Bank Account that is specified for my Company:
[Remote("CheckDefaultBank", "Company")]
public string DefaultBank
This in the controller I have:
public JsonResult CheckDefaultBank(string defaultBank)
bool result = BankExists(defaultBank);
return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
That all works well. But, I have two other banks related to my company as well. However, when the remote validation js calls the action it uses a parameter mactching the field name of "DefaultBank"... so I use that as a parameter in my action.
Is there some attribute I can add in the view so that it will use a parameter of say "bankId" on the ajax get so I don't need an action for each field which are basically exactly the same?
The goal here is to eliminate now having to have this in my controller:
public JsonResult CheckRefundBank(string refundBank)
bool result = BankExists(defaultBank);
return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
public JsonResult CheckPayrollBank(string payrollBank)
bool result = BankExists(defaultBank);
return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
I was hoping I could do something like this in the view:
#Html.EditorFor(model => model.DefaultBank, new { data-validate-parameter: bankId })
This way I could just use the same action for all of the Bank entries like:
public JsonResult CheckValidBank(string bankId)
bool result = BankExists(bankId);
return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
For just such a situation, I wrote a RemoteReusableAttribute, which may be helpful to you. Here is a link to it: Custom remote Validation in MVC 3
Since MVC uses the default model binder for this, just like a normal action method. You could take a FormsCollection as your parameter and lookup the value. However, I personally would find it much easier to just use several parameters to the function, unless you start having dozens of different parameters.
You could also write a custom model binder, that would translate the passed parameter to a generic one.
Consider encapsulating the logic, "BankExists" in this case into a ValidationAttribute (Data Annotations Validator). This allows other scenarios as well.
Then use a wrapper ActionResult like the one below, which lets you pass in any validator.
public ActionResult CheckRefundBank(string refundBank)
var validation = BankExistsAttribute();
return new RemoteValidationResult(validation, defaultBank);
Here is the code for the ActionResult that works generically with Validators.
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Web.Mvc;
public class RemoteValidationResult : ActionResult
public RemoteValidationResult(ValidationAttribute validation, object value)
this.Validation = validation;
this.Value = value;
public ValidationAttribute Validation { get; set; }
public object Value { get; set; }
public override void ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context)
var json = new JsonResult();
json.JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet;
if (Validation.IsValid(Value))
json.Data = true;
json.Data = Validation.FormatErrorMessage(Value.ToString());
As an extra enhancement consider creating a Controller Extension method to dry up your return call even more.

Using DataView as a dynamic search result table in Wicket 1.4

I'm fairly new to Wicket but I've already run into a very strange problem.
I'm creating a page with a pretty basic search form and a results table (a DataView) which is initially empty. When the user enters data into the fields and clicks "Search", the app calls some backend services which are then used to populate the DataView.
However the user has to click "Search" twice for the data to be displayed.
I finally tracked this down, and it's because Wicket is using zero for the number of items to be displayed for the first "Search" click. At the second click, the rows have already been added and Wicket has already calculated the proper number of rows to display, so it decides it will show the data.
In AbstractPageableView.getItemModels(), the size of the results to display is initially zero, because I don't load the table with any initial data probably.
I got around this problem by loading the DataView with empty rows on page load. This seems to trick the DataView into using the displaying the data for the first "Search" click.
My question is: am I doing this right? Is there another repeater that is better for this task? Is this a bug or something?
Finally cracked it: it was because I was loading the data in my data provider only in the iterator() method, and the data provider's size() method is usually called before the iterator() method is. I should have been loading the data in its own method and calling that method from iterator() and size(). Doing that fixed it.
Data Provider before (Splc is the DTO):
SearchResultsDataProvider implements IDataProvider<Splc> {
* The list of search results
private List<Splc> models;
public void detach() {
// Do nothing
public Iterator<Splc> iterator(int first, int count) {
// load the data into the list of models
models = service.getSplcModels();
return models.subList(....).iterator();
public IModel<Splc> model(Splc object) {
return new Model<Splc>(object);
public int size() {
return models.size();
Data Provider after:
SearchResultsDataProvider implements IDataProvider<Splc> {
private List<Splc> getModels() {
// load the data into the list of models
return service.getSplcModels();
public void detach() {
// Do nothing
public Iterator<Splc> iterator(int first, int count) {
return getModels().subList(....).iterator();
public IModel<Splc> model(Splc object) {
return new Model<Splc>(object);
public int size() {
return getModels().size();

Partial ViewModels, Controllers, in Razor

Trying to get my ducks in a row with MVC3 + Razor!
I finally understand the concept of a 'View-Model' to wrap my entity classes and tailor them to a View.
Now I'm assembling a page with partial views representing different elements necessary to the page (such as drop down lists, forms, etc.) each of these will be represented by a 'View-Model' that maps to an entity class and back to my database.
First I am trying to create a partial view representing a component that is a drop-down list of elements in the database, that when selected will render another partial view, etc.
I just can't put together why I can't generate this drop-down list, and once I do how the main 'controller' maps all this together?
In short I'm curious - does each partial view need a controller even if it's based on a strongly typed model?
Breaking it down:
My Entity Model-View Wrapper (getting all the elements available from the database
*Updated* - to a working example now, note I don't think I was asking the right question before, but this will give you an idea of what I was trying to accomplish! Next step is to move all these operations 'off' the controller (and populate them in the models default constructor, for ease of use later).
Going to move avoid the 'View Model' for now until I get a little more comfortable
Creating a partial view that displays a drop down list with the Characters' ID as a value, and name as the text, create strongly-typed view, partial view
controller for main-page in section:
public class HistoryController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
var list = new List<SelectListItem>();
using (var _database = new fff_newEntities())
foreach(Character c in (from c in _database.Characters select c)){
list.Add(new SelectListItem(){Text = c.CharacterName, Value = c.Id.ToString()});
ViewBag.Clients = list;
// GET: /History/Details/5
public ActionResult Details(int id)
return View();
// GET: /History/Create
public ActionResult Create()
return View();
// POST: /History/Create
public ActionResult Create(FormCollection collection)
// TODO: Add insert logic here
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View();
// GET: /History/Edit/5
public ActionResult Edit(int id)
return View();
// POST: /History/Edit/5
public ActionResult Edit(int id, FormCollection collection)
// TODO: Add update logic here
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View();
public ActionResult Delete(int id)
return View();
// POST: /History/Delete/5
public ActionResult Delete(int id, FormCollection collection)
// TODO: Add delete logic here
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View();
The index to display the whole page including the partial component (my drop down list)
ViewBag.Title = "Index";
#Html.DropDownListFor(x => x.CurrentCharacterId, (IEnumerable<SelectListItem>)ViewBag.Clients);
On the last line here, #Html.Action(...) where do I actually create the drop-down list?
Sorry if this seems trivial but I can't wrap my head around it and I really want to learn MVC3 + Razor correctly!
A partial view is meant to abstract out some HTML/View Logic so that it can be re-used either in multiple places or for repeating (looping).
Though you can have an action that maps to the partial and if the partial in question does some explicit data access this might be the way to go but if you're just passing down all the data it needs from the controller itself then - no, you don't need a Controller/Action for it.
Since you're doing some explicit data access I would probably make an action for it...
public ActionResult Characters()
using (var _database = new entities())
CharactersViewModel viewModel = new CharactersViewModel();
viewModel.Characters = _database.Characters.ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => c.CharacterName);
return PartialView(viewModel);
In your view...
Of course there's nothing wrong with the way you're doing it but I find having it map to an action can make things easier down the road if you ever wanted to retrieve the HTML from this rendered partial view via an ajax request or something of the sort.
Try to wrap your entity context object in a using so it can dispose of the connection.
You can use ToDictionary to select your dictionary directly from the query scope.
