Hadoop data locality, counter-intuitive observation - hadoop

Can anyone help me understand following observation that is opposite to my understand of Hadoop data locality.
A Hadoop cluster with 3 nodes:
run a task successfully. From job console:
Task Attempts:attempt_201304030122_0003_m_000000_0
Machine: /default-rack/<p>
Task log: INFO: consuming hdfs://
We know 224 node is processing /input/22.seq data. By command:
$hadoop fsck /input -files -blocks -locations |grep -A 1 "22.seq"
/input/22.seq 61731242 bytes, 1 block(s): OK
0. blk_-8703092405392537739_1175 len=61731242 repl=1 []
22.seq fits in one block which is smaller than default HDFS block size (64MB) and not replicated to other node.
Question: since 22.seq is not local to 224 node, why Hadoop assigns 224 node processing data remotely on 202?
Note: this is not an exception. I notice many data files are fetched remotely, and observe huge network traffic on eth0 at both nodes. I am expecting near-zero traffic between two nodes, since all my data files are <64MB, and data should processed locally.
FYI: This is observed on Amazon's AWS EMR.

I am not sure if this will answer your question fully, but I will attempt to shine some light.
The network traffic you encountered above may have been influenced by the process by which the mapreduce framework submits a job; part of which transfers by default 10 copies of your job jar and all libraries contained therein across the cluster (in cases like yours where there are not 10 nodes I am not sure how it would behave): there are heatbeats and getting input split info and reporting progress which seem like small bandwidth operation although I am ignorant about the specifics on their network resource consumption.
Regarding the job you are running: If it is a map only job then Hadoop tries (tries because there may be resource limiting factors running on the data-local node) for data locality optimization and runs the job where the input split is located. It sounds like in your case, the file is less than the default 64MB so 1 split should equal your data which in turn should result in one map since the number is maps is directly proportional to the number of splits you have, but if your job is a Map and Reduce job then the network traffic may be picking up some of the reduce copy and sort phase HTTP network traffic which can end up on separate nodes.
N Input Splits = N Maps --output--> M partitions = M Reducers
Of course the network traffic and data locality optimizations are dependent on the availability of the nodes resources so your test assumptions should take this into consideration.
Hope I was a tiny bit helpful.

Short answer - because Hadoop scheduler sucks. It has no up-front global plan on which file split should go where. As nodes ask for work - it looks at the available splits - and gives out the best match. There are parameters that tune how aggressive Hadoop is in finding a best match (ie. - when a request for work arrives - does it give the best match available at that time? or does it wait for sometime to see if other, better matching nodes also send requests?)
By default (and I am pretty sure this is the case with EMR) - the scheduler would always give back some work to a requesting node - if there was any work available. You can see that if your input is small (spans only a few blocks/nodes), but the number of nodes are larger (in comparison) - then you will get very poor locality. On the other hand - if the size of input is large - then your odds of getting good locality goes up a lot.
The FairScheduler has parameters to delay scheduling - so as to get better locality. However i don't think that is the default scheduler with EMR.


Confusion of how hadoop splits work

We are Hadoop newbies, we realize that hadoop is for processing big data, and how Cartesian product is extremely expensive. However we are having some experiments where we are running a Cartesian product job similar to the one in the MapReduce Design Patterns book except with a reducer calculating avg of all intermediate results( including only upper half of A*B, so total is A*B/2).
Our setting: 3 node cluster, block size = 64M, we tested different data set sizes ranging from
5000 points (130KB) to 10000 points (260KB).
1- All map tasks are running on one node, sometimes on the master machine, other times on one of the slaves, but it never processed on more than one machine.Is there a way to force hadoop to distribute the splits therefore map tasks among machines? Based on what factors dose hadoop decide which machine is going to process the map tasks( in our case once it decided the master, in another case it decided a slave).
2- In all cases where we are testing the same job on different data sizes, we are getting 4 map tasks. Where dose the number 4 comes from?since our data size is less than the block size, why are we having 4 splits not 1.
3- Is there a way to see more information about exact splits for a running job.
Thanks in advance
What version of Hadoop are you using? I am going to assume a later version that uses YARN.
1) Hadoop should distribute the map tasks among your cluster automatically and not favor any specific nodes. It will place a map task as close to the data as possible, i.e. it will choose a NodeManager on the same host as a DataNode hosting a block. If such a NodeManager isn't available, then it will just pick a node to run your task. This means you should see all of your slave nodes running tasks when your job is launched. There may be other factors blocking Hadoop from using a node, such as the NodeManager being down, or not enough memory to start up a JVM on a specific node.
2) Is your file size slightly above 64MB? Even one byte over 67,108,864 bytes will create two splits. The CartesianInputFormat first computes the cross product of all the blocks in your data set. Having a file that is two blocks will create four splits -- A1xB1, A1xB2, A2xB1, A2xB2. Try a smaller file and see if you are still getting four splits.
3) You can see the running job in the UI of your ResourceManager. https://:8088 will open the main page (jobtracker-host:50030 for MRv1) and you can navigate to your running job from there, which will get you to see individual tasks that are running. If you want more specifics on what the input format is doing, add some log statements to the CartesianInputFormat's getSplits method and re-run your code to see what is going on.

How HDFS works when running Hadoop on a single node cluster?

There is a lot of content explaining data locality and how MapReduce and HDFS works on multi-node clusters. But I can't find much information regarding a single node setup. In the past three months that I'm experimenting with Hadoop I'm always reading tutorials and threads regarding number of mappers and reducers and writing custom partitioners to optimize jobs, but I always think, does it apply to a single node cluster?
What is the loss of running MapReduce jobs on a single node cluster comparing to a multi-node cluster?
Does the parallelism that is provided by splitting the input data still applies in this case?
What's the difference of reading input from a single node HDFS and reading from the local filesystem?
I think due to my little experience I can't answer these questions clearly, so any help is appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: I understand Hadoop is not suitable for a single node setup because of all the factors listed by #TC1. So, what's the benefit of setting up a pseudo-distributed Hadoop environment?
I'm always reading tutorials and threads regarding number of mappers and reducers and writing custom partitioners to optimize jobs, but I always think, does it apply to a single node cluster?
It depends. Combiners are run between mapping and reducing and you'd definitely feel the impact even on a single node if they were used right. Custom partitioners -- probably no, the data hits the same disk before reducing. They would affect the logic, i.e., what data your reducers receive, but probably not the performance
What is the loss of running MapReduce jobs on a single node cluster comparing to a multi-node cluster?
Processing capability. If you can get by with a single node setup for your data, you probably shouldn't be using Hadoop for your processing in the first place.
Does the parallelism that is provided by splitting the input data still applies in this case?
No, the bottleneck typically is I/O, i.e., accessing the disk. In this case, you're still accessing the same disk, only hitting it from more threads.
What's the difference of reading input from a single node HDFS and reading from the local filesystem?
Virtually non-existent. The idea of HDFS is to
store files in big, contiguous blocks, to avoid disk seeking
replicate these blocks among the nodes to provide resilience;
both of those are moot when running on a single node.
The difference between "single-node" and "pseudo-distributed" is that in single-mode all the Hadoop processes run on a single JVM. There's no network communication involved, not even through localhost etc. Even if simply testing a job on small data, I'd advise to use pseudo-distributed since that is essentially the same as a cluster.

How does Hadoop/MapReduce scale when input data is NOT stored?

The intended use for Hadoop appears to be for when the input data is distributed (HDFS) and already stored local to the nodes at the time of the mapping process.
Suppose we have data which does not need to be stored; the data can be generated at runtime. For example, the input to the mapping process is to be every possible IP address. Is Hadoop capable of efficiently distributing the Mapper work across nodes? Would you need to explicitly define how to split the input data (i.e. the IP address space) to different nodes, or does Hadoop handle that automatically?
Let me first clarify a comment you made. Hadoop is designed to support potentially massively parallel computation across a potentially large number of nodes regardless of where the data comes from or goes. The Hadoop design favors scalability over performance when it has to. It is true that being clever about where the data starts out and how that data is distributed can make a significant difference in how well/quickly a hadoop job can run.
To your question and example, if you will generate the input data you have the choice of generating it before the first job runs or you can generate it within the first mapper. If you generate it within the mapper then you can figure out what node the mapper's running on and then generate just the data that would be reduced in that partition (Use a partitioner to direct data between mappers and reducers)
This is going to be a problem you'll have with any distributed platform. Storm, for example, lets you have some say in which bolt instance will will process each tuple. The terminology might be different, but you'll be implementing roughly the same shuffle algorithm in Storm as you would Hadoop.
You are probably trying to run a non-MapReduce task on a map reduce cluster then. (e.g. IP scanning?) There may be more appropriate tools for this, your know...
A thing few people do not realize is that MapReduce is about checkpointing. It was developed for huge clusters, where you can expect machines to fail during the computation. By having checkpointing and recovery built-in into the architecture, this reduces the consequences of failures and slow hosts.
And that is why everything goes from disk to disk in MapReduce. It's checkpointed before, and it's checkpointed after. And if it fails, only this part of the job is re-run.
You can easily outperform MapReduce by leaving away the checkpointing. If you have 10 nodes, you will win easily. If you have 100 nodes, you will usually win. If you have a major computation and 1000 nodes, chances are that one node fails and you wish you had been doing similar checkpointing...
Now your task doesn't sound like a MapReduce job, because the input data is virtual. It sounds much more as if you should be running some other distributed computing tool; and maybe just writing your initial result to HDFS for later processing via MapReduce.
But of course there are way to hack around this. For example, you could use /16 subnets as input. Each mapper reads a /16 subnet and does it's job on that. It's not that much fake input to generate if you realize that you don't need to generate all 2^32 IPs, unless you have that many nodes in your cluster...
Number of Mappers depends on the number of Splits generated by the implementation of the InputFormat.
There is NLineInputFormat, which you could configure to generate as many splits as there are lines in the input file. You could create a file where each line is an IP range. I have not used it personally and there are many reports that it does not work as expected.
If you really need it, you could create your own implementation of the InputFormat which generates the InputSplits for your virtual data and force as many mappers as you need.

How does Hadoop dfs.replicate work?

I have a 2 node hadoop (1 is the master/slave and another slave) setup and 4 input files each of size 1GB.
When i set dfs.replicate to 2, then the entire data is copied over to both the nodes which is understandable. But my question is that, how do i see an improved performance (almost twice as better) over a single node setup since in the 2 node case, map-reduce will still run over the complete data set on both the systems along with the added overhead of channeling the inputs from 2 mappers to reducers.
Also when i set the replication as 1, the entire data exists only on the master node which is also understandable to avoid ethernet overhead. But even in this case, i see a performance improvement compared to single node setup which i find confusing, since map-reduce runs on local data sets, this scenario should essentially be similar to single node setup with one map-reduce program running on master node on the entire data set ??
Can someone help me understand what i am missing here ???
In the two node case the map reduce job will not run on entire dataset. MapReduce operates in HDFS blocks which will be of size 64 MB or more based on your configuration. Your 1 GB is split into blocks and distributed on the cluster nodes. some of these blocks are processed on node 1 and the other on node 2 but no duplications. The replication factor only increases the availability of data and more tolerance towards node failures. It will not duplicate the tasks.
resultantly what's happening is, from the processing perspective the data is split between the node 1 and node 2 and being processed. Which means, if your are utilizing your processing power fully and rightly, your are doubling your speed theoritically.

Why submitting job to mapreduce takes so much time in General?

So usually for 20 node cluster submitting job to process 3GB(200 splits) of data takes about 30sec and actual execution about 1m.
I want to understand what is the bottleneck in job submitting process and understand next quote
Per-MapReduce overhead is significant: Starting/ending MapReduce job costs time
Some process I'm aware:
1. data splitting
2. jar file sharing
A few things to understand about HDFS and M/R that helps understand this latency:
HDFS stores your files as data chunk distributed on multiple machines called datanodes
M/R runs multiple programs called mapper on each of the data chunks or blocks. The (key,value) output of these mappers are compiled together as result by reducers. (Think of summing various results from multiple mappers)
Each mapper and reducer is a full fledged program that is spawned on these distributed system. It does take time to spawn a full fledged programs, even if let us say they did nothing (No-OP map reduce programs).
When the size of data to be processed becomes very big, these spawn times become insignificant and that is when Hadoop shines.
If you were to process a file with a 1000 lines content then you are better of using a normal file read and process program. Hadoop infrastructure to spawn a process on a distributed system will not yield any benefit but will only contribute to the additional overhead of locating datanodes containing relevant data chunks, starting the processing programs on them, tracking and collecting results.
Now expand that to 100 of Peta Bytes of data and these overheads looks completely insignificant compared to time it would take to process them. Parallelization of the processors (mappers and reducers) will show it's advantage here.
So before analyzing the performance of your M/R, you should first look to benchmark your cluster so that you understand the overheads better.
How much time does it take to do a no-operation map-reduce program on a cluster?
Use MRBench for this purpose:
MRbench loops a small job a number of times
Checks whether small job runs are responsive and running efficiently on your cluster.
Its impact on the HDFS layer is very limited
To run this program, try the following (Check the correct approach for latest versions:
hadoop jar /usr/lib/hadoop-0.20/hadoop-test.jar mrbench -numRuns 50
Surprisingly on one of our dev clusters it was 22 seconds.
Another issue is file size.
If the file sizes are less than the HDFS block size then Map/Reduce programs have significant overhead. Hadoop will typically try to spawn a mapper per block. That means if you have 30 5KB files, then Hadoop may end up spawning 30 mappers eventually per block even if the size of file is small. This is a real wastage as each program overhead is significant compared to the time it would spend processing the small sized file.
As far as I know, there is no single bottleneck which causes the job run latency; if there was, it would have been solved a long time ago.
There are a number of steps which takes time, and there are reasons why the process is slow. I will try to list them and estimate where I can:
Run hadoop client. It is running Java, and I think about 1 second overhead can be assumed.
Put job into the queue and let the current scheduler to run the job. I am not sure what is overhead, but, because of async nature of the process some latency should exists.
Calculating splits.
Running and syncronizing tasks. Here we face with the fact that TaskTrackes poll the JobTracker, and not opposite. I think it is done for the scalability sake. It mean that when JobTracker wants to execute some task, it do not call task tracker, but wait that approprieate tracker will ping it to get the job. Task trackers can not ping JobTracker to frequently, otherwise they will kill it in large clusters.
Running tasks. Without JVM reuse it takes about 3 seconds, with it overhead is about 1 seconds per task.
Client poll job tracker for the results (at least I think so) and it also add some latency to getting information that job is finished.
I have seen similar issue and I can state the solution to be broken in following steps :
When the HDFS stores too many small files with fixed chunk size, there will be issues on efficiency in HDFS, the best way would be to remove all unnecessary files and small files having data. Try again.
Try with the data nodes and name nodes:
Stop all the services using stop-all.sh.
Format name-node
Reboot machine
Start all services using start-all.sh
Check data and name nodes.
Try installing lower version of hadoop (hadoop 2.5.2) which worked in two cases and it worked in hit and trial.
