How to build multimodule project faster in maven 2? - maven

I have a multimodule maven project in which there are 7 several modules.
Every time I modify a code in one of the module and run mvn clean install, it takes some time and I think there might be a way to reduce time of builds since I only change small part of the code and I think it effects only limited area.
So I guess instead of running "mvn clean install" there is a better command option.
I am using maven 2.x.
Any better ideas?

The "clean" goal deletes all the target folders which contain the compiled classes, it should not be necessary to run that goal as part of the modify-compile-test cycle that you may run many times per day. In your case most of the time is probably spent re-compiling all the Java files, due to the class files having been deleted during the "clean" goal. So I would use "mvn install" when testing local changes, and "mvn clean install" only periodically, like when you get other developers changes to integrate with, or when testing immediately before a release.

I would suggest to use the following:
mvn -pl TheModuleYouHaveChanged -amd install
or maybe a
mvn -pl TheModuleYouHaveChanged -amd package
is enough.


Why should run first mvn clean clover2:setup install clover2:clover, then: mvn sonar:sonar

Based on the question Sonar + Clover only runs on src-instrumented, it is suggested using first mvn clean clover2:setup install clover2:clover, then: mvn sonar:sonar.
Just wonder why we cannot use mvn clean clover2:setup install clover2:clover sonar:sonar?
In the past it was the recommended way to run goal sonar:sonar alone. This is no more the case since SonarQube Scanner for Maven stopped trying to run unit tests + collect coverage for you by forking a new Maven lifecycle.
General advice is now to run goals in a single command. For example mvn clean package sonar:sonar
In the case of Clover the clover:setup goal will alter the Maven Model to make all other plugins (like surefire) use instrumented classes instead of original source code. This is indeed a problem because it will prevent SonarQube to match class files. So in your case you should either stick with two separate goals, or manually configure sonar.sources to refer to original source code.
Compared the maven logs and found the possible reason:
The "mvn clean clover2:setup install clover2:clover sonar:sonar" seems having issue to find the Source dirs. The log shows it uses ${project}\target\clover\src-instrumented and ${project}\target\generated-sources\annotations as the source dirs.
If explicitly specify src/main/java, then this single command works well. The only tricky thing is why running the goals separately doesn't need to specify sonar.sources but the plugin can still find the right folder for source dirs.

Maven plugin execution change Maven properties or skip build lifecycle steps

When I build my application with maven, I run mvn clean install. As a part of the install lifecycle, I run appengine:devserver_start from Google's GAE Maven plugin. This appears to be already bound to a step in the lifecycle and therefore it reruns some build steps from the beginning, even though me running mvn install did those. For example, the resources step is rerun. I had my own Java script run to download the latest resources for my build. But because of appengine:devserver_stop, I need to uselessly run this cript again because the resources step is re-executed.
I can think of two ways I can avoid this, but I'm not sure how to configure both ways. The first would be to somehow skip re-running build steps that I've already run. The other way would be to change the Maven POM properties just for the plugin execution. I have a Maven property set, either to true or false, that I can use to set the skip setting for the Java script I use during resources (because I run this script using the exec-maven-plugin). Think of this as a Maven property that can be set with the -D flag. Can I have this property changed just for the plugin?
If you are having trouble thinking about my scenario, consider what happens when you run mvn compile install. All build lifecycle steps until compile will run, then all compile steps until install will run, including compile.
A common/easy way to solve this kind of problems is to use maven profile. Just create a new profile that includes the plugin with preferred phases.
You should probably don't fight with it and just run clean appengine:devserver_start instead of clean install. Read my answer here for a more detailed explanation:

Best practice wrt. `mvn install`, multi-module projects, and running one submodule

I tend to avoid using mvn install in my multi-module projects because I feel like I then don't know which exact version of a submodule is then used when building / launching other submodules (particularly when switching between branches very often).
I tend to use mvn package a lot and then mvn verify.
I'm now facing the issue in a FOSS project (a Maven archetype moreover) where I'd like to use Maven's best practices.
It's a multi-module project with a webapp submodule depending on the other modules, and what worries me is the ease of development along with mvn jetty:run (or jetty:start).
Currently, I defined 2 profiles:
prod, the default one, declares dependencies on the other submodules;
dev on the other hand does not depend on the other modules, and configures the jetty-maven-plugin by adding the other modules' output directories as extraClasspath and resourcesAsCSV.
That way, I can mvn package once and then cd webapp && mvn jetty:start -Pdev and quickly iterate, reloading the webapp without the need to even stop the server.
AFAICT, extraClasspath was added for that exact purpose (JETTY-1206).
I've been pointed at the tomcat7-maven-plugin which can resolve modules from the reactor build when using Maven 3 (and I raised an issue to bring the same to Jetty: JETTY-1517), but that hardly solve my
If I hadn't removed the dependency on the other submodules from in dev profile, I'd have had to do an mvn install first so that validating the POM doesn't fail, even if jetty:start doesn't use those dependencies afterwards.
So here's my question: is mvn install really that common? or my approach of putting the intra-reactor dependencies only in the prod profile OK?
(note that I have the exact same problem with the gwt-maven-plugin, so please don't tell me to simply switch to Tomcat; that wouldn't even work actually, details here)
The mvn install is common in particular in relationship with multi-module builds, cause it will give you the chance to run a single module from your multi-module build.
This can be achieved by using:
mvn -pl submodule LifeCycle
I just found a workaround (which seems logical as an afterthought):
In brief: skip the plugin by default in the parent module then re-enable it where needed.
This however only works if the plugin can be skipped (i.e. has a skip configuration) and is only used in one specific submodule, and it has to be selectively done for each plugin you need/want to run that way (in my case, jetty:run and gwt:run).
I do most of my development on my laptop. For the projects I'm currently working on, my local repository is really more of a temporary holding area. I run mvn install all the time. Putting artifacts in one's local repo is the only way I know of to share built artifacts between projects, especially if you are working on projects which are related but are not (and should not be) part of the same multi-module build.
When I'm done developing I commit changes to the shared SCM and let Jenkins build & deploy the code to the shared remote repo. Then I either blow away the changed projects in my local repository so the next build brings down the freshly built artifacts, or I run Maven with -U to force updates.
This works well for me, YMMV.

What exactly happens during this command: mvn -pl <project list >

What exactly happens during this command:
mvn -pl ABC –am -amd?
Does it compile the code?
The reason I asked is I have purposely put an invalid file and when I run mvn -pl ABC -am -amd option I get successful result and I'm confused why Maven is not complaining about the errored file?
But if I use mvn install command it errors!
-pl or --projects allows you to select a specific set of projects to apply your goal, (e.g. clean install) this way saving the time you would spend waiting for a full build on a big project if you just need to build a couple modules.
You might wanna check the following section:
Specifying a Subset of Projects
-pl makes maven build only specified modules and not the whole project (in this case it's only ABC).
-am makes maven figure out what modules our target depends on and build them too(in this case it's ABC's dependencies).
If you say mvn -pl, and give no argument to -pl, you are asking maven to do absolutely nothing.
-pl assumes that you are sitting in a project with multiple modules, and want to build a subset. You just asked for the null subset.
You haven't actually given it a goal to run. mvn -pl Abc:Xyz -am -amd has two problems with it.
First of all, -amd implies -am, so you don't need both.
Secondly, you haven't given it a goal to run, like install, package, test, or compile.

mvn test on multi module project?

I have a strange issue and I don't know if my conclusion is correct. I have a multi module project with two children:
Rector build order:
core depends on test (so the build order is correct). Of course, running 'mvn test' doesn't install any artifacts locally. When running it, maven complaints (correctly) that ~/.m2/respositories/...../mvn-project-test-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar is missing and the core build fails.
Shouldn't maven use the dependencies from the target folder of other multimodule children? Or must I always use 'mvn test install' on multi module projects? (Or third, I'm completely wrong and my whole project configurationis somehow broken)
Finally, the test project hasn't any content, yet, just dependencies so the jar is empty. But that shouldn't be a problem, right?
There were ideas for Maven 3 to allow the various mojos to see the whole build and do magic like "if none of my upstream projects changed, skip my tests" and things like that.
But as it is, each module is independent. Dependencies will only be resolved from the local repository. So if you don't mvn install, your tests won't work.
