Unlink Remote Debugging Machine - visual-studio-2010

I want to unlink remote debugging machine in VS 2012 for Windows Store App. I am unable to find way to do so. Please help me.

Removing the remote device for C# and Visual Basic projects
Select the project name in Solution Explorer and then choose Properties from the shortcut menu by right clicking on it.
Select Debug.
Choose other option except Remote Machine from the Target Device list.
Remove the network name of the remote device in the Remote Machine text box.
Removing the remote device for JavaScript and C++ projects
Select the project name in Solution Explorer and then choose Properties from the shortcut menu by right clicking on it.
Expand the Configuration Properties node and then select Debugging.
Choose other option except Remote Debugger from the Debugger to launch list.
Remove the network name of the remote device in the Machine Name text box.


How do you enable Microsoft Terminal Service Client Control in Visual Studio?

I found this article on how to setup and use RDP client for MFC. But where do you get the dialog they show in step 2? Here's the link to RDP Remote Desktop ActiveX Controls
Well, I found one way to do it, open the toolbox window, right-click, "choose items" and it brings up that dialog to choose the various components. I never knew any of that existed.

Visual Studio 2017 - Open in Visual Studio from Explorer - Permission Error

I am using VS 2017 Enterprise.
I have it setup to open/run in Administrator mode which is working for SLN files.
However I'm trying out the new "Open in Visual Studio" feature by right clicking on a folder in Explorer. I'm receiving the following permission error. It's happening for every folder I try.
VS Code has no problem however.
Is there something more I need to enable?
My first guess would be that the VS 2017 application itself (devenv.exe) is configured on that machine to always Run as Administrator see https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff431742.aspx on how to change it:
To mark an application to always run as an administrator, do the following:
1. On the Start menu, locate the program that you want to always run as an administrator.
2. Right-click the application’s shortcut, and then click Properties.
3. In the Properties dialog box, click the Compatibility tab.
4. Do one of the following:
- To apply the setting to the currently logged-on user, select the Run This Program As An Administrator check box, and then click OK.
- To apply the setting to all users on the computer and regardless of which shortcut is used to start the application, click Change Setting For All Users to display the Properties dialog box for the application’s .exe file, select the Run This Program As An Administrator check box, and then click OK twice.
See also list of things that you can't do without administrator account https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj662724.aspx. What typically makes Web-developers to make VS always run as administrator is "Deploying a web application to Internet Information Services (IIS) on a local computer." and "Debugging applications that a run under a different user account, such as ASP.NET websites."
For me it has worked as it should, at least this can help you.
First question is how you "setup to open/run in Administrator mode" ?
Using the "Advanced button" of the Visual Studio 2017 shortcut is not enough because methods with the right mouse button don't use this shortcut.
Using the method of the compatibility tab as mentioned already by SergGr
(https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff431742.aspx) has worked for me, and I have been able to use it for folders as well as for solution files !
I am logged in as a member of the local admin group and UAC standard setting into Win 8.1 .
Another possibility instead of using the compatibility page would be to inject an own manifest into devenv.exe. Neither of the two is very clean (I am no fan of the whole compat layer, but it helps here a bit).
Have you tried to switch UAC off temporarily for a test? Or how you have configured UAC?
If you have done it the way described, the explorer should come up with a correct UAC message.
This works for me if not for you then refer to (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=GregTrevellick.OpeninVisualStudio2017Enterprise):
1. open notepad.exe and paste this into it:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
#="\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft VS Code\\Code.exe\" \"%1\""
here is my registry file exported just incase you need it (you shouldnt):
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
2. save as VSElevated.reg
3. go to where you saved the .reg file and double click, yes to everything and ok.
4. This is how your Registry should look like afterwards:
The reason i think is the %1 is missing in your launch command. This should solve it.

How do I add a default Run As Administrator when I open a sln file from the command prompt or Windows 7/8 Jump List menu?

I have been researching around the web trying to figure out how to add Run As Administrator as the default menu item for a Visual Studio solution when you:
right-click the solution in Windows Explorer
right-click on a pinned application, such as Visual Studio 2013, to bring up the Jump List and then select the solution
The instructions that I have found so far:
show how to easily add the Run As Administrator menu item to an existing file type. You just have to find the right registry keys for the Visual Studio version that you're working with. For example, Visual Studio 2013's registry key for its solution file type is:
Then you just copy the Open command under the shell key, then paste it in as a new key whose name is runas.
After that change, when you right-click on the solution in Windows Explorer, Run As Administrator is in the list of commands. But it is not the default.
To open the solution as Administrator from the Jump List menu, when you right-click on Visual Studio as a pinned icon, you have to right-click on the solution file in the Jump List, then select Run As Administrator.
But I couldn't find anywhere about how to make the Run As Administrator the default command in this menu.
So how do you do that?
Easiest way is doing this:
Right click visual studio and open file location.
(If it's the shortcut, right click then click properties. On the bottom click on "Open File Location")
This should lead you to devenv.exe.
Right click this and select troubleshoot compatiblity.
Select troubleshoot program and check off the box for "The program requires additional permissions" and select next.
Now if you open visual studio from where ever, it'll open it as an administrator.
It actually turns out to be one additional registry entry that needs to be set. In the shell key under the file type, change the value of (Default) to be the same name as the command in the registry under the shell folder.
For example, to set Run As Administrator to be the default, you would set the value of (Default) in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\VisualStudio.sln.12.0\shell to be runas.
When exported, this setting looks like this:
Now when you right-click the solution in Windows Explorer, or when you right-click the solution after right-clicking to bring up the Jump List on the Visual Studio 2013 pinned icon, Run As Administrator is the default command instead of Open.
So you can confidently open the solution itself from Windows Explorer or the Jump List menu and watch as Visual Studio opens as Administrator.
Updating answer for Visual Studio 2015 (under covers version "14.0"). Tested on on Windows 10 Pro v1703 Creators Update. Picture below illustrates the first registry change. Second change goes one better - no need to right-click the jump list item at all.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
;To add "Run As Administrator" to Visual Studio 2015 Taskbar Jump List solution right-clicks
#="\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\\Common7\\IDE\\devenv.exe\" \"%1\""
;To make Jump List solutions open As Administrator by default

Install Shortcut from VS2010 setup

VS2010 contains a ‘setup’ project that creates an installation package.
I need a short cut to the app that will be installed on the user’s desktop. The shortcut I know how to create with the setup/Install is a ‘special’ shortcut and I can’t use it to drop files onto it (and launch the app from it).
Anyone knows how to create a full-features-shortcut that will follow the user’s specified installation path (if he changes it)?
To create a shortcut in a Visual Studio setup project, you can try this:
go to the File System Editor
select "User's Desktop" folder
right-click in the right pane (the files list)
select "Create New Shortcut" context menu item
select the target file when prompted
I'm not sure what you mean by "special shortcut", but this is the only type of shortcut you can create with Visual Studio.
You probably have to disable advertised shortcuts with a tool like Orca. More info here: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/forums/en-US/winformssetup/thread/d87e8737-dc71-4a5d-a3e7-6653888dd129/?prof=required

Cannot see go online option in tfs

I opened a solution in offline mode. But now I am trying to go online and connect to tfs but I cannot seem to see the "Go Online" Button under File-> Source Control.
I connected to TFS using Team-> Connect to Team Foundation Server option but I still don't see "Go Online" button in File-> Source Control.
Is there any other way to go online in TFS?
Version used : Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate, connecting Team Foundation Server 2010.
I found out that the "File > Source Control > Go Online" menu item doesn't appear when the "Source Control Explorer" window is active.
So you will have to open a different window and\or file.
In my case, when I opened a .cs file within a project of the open solution, the "Go Online" menu item was available once again.
Try File > Source Control > Change Source Control, and then bind your solutions/projects.
You may have to delete the bindings of existing projects that failed to bind correctly.
Then close the binding dialog.
Now you can add each of the disconnected projects from your solution explorer.
This ranges somewhere between buggy and pathetic, but if you click around on sufficiently many seemingly unrelated menus, context menus, and dialogs, you may guess how to repair the TFS connection like this
This is not ideal, but another option is to close Visual Studio and open it again.
In my case whenever I get disconnected (we use TFS online) then after a drop in connectivity my VS thinks it is still offline, I cant convince it otherwise so when I restart VS it then forces it to check connectivity and then my solution is automatically back "online".
I faced the same problem when i worked on my solution when i was disconnected from tfs.
I unloaded and loaded the project i worked offline and suddenly go online option showed.
I think doing that checks out the project so that unknown bindings are removed.
