I'm working on an inventory of all of our Visual Studio installations. Microsoft has a record of a number of licenses for two versions of Pro with these part numbers: 77D-00110 and 77D-00111. I'd like to determine which is installed on each of our laptops, but I have no idea where I can find this license to determine which Pro version is which. Any idea where it can be found?
77D-00110 refers to: Microsoft Visual Studio Professional Edition - license & software assurance
77D-00111 refers to: Microsoft Visual Studio Professional Edition - software assurance
I know I know that there is a link which explain Visual Studio editions https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/compare/ this link explains only 2019 edition of community, enterprise and professional but I do not find enough information about Visual Studio 2012 Premium(with Blend) edition and I want to know if can it be used for commercial purposes for free and what are the restrictions and limitations of using it in commercial?
Quick answer: YES (By IANAL applies!)
Professional & Premium edition (and Enterprise/Ultimate) have always been usable for any commercial purpose. It is only Community editions that have specific limits (because free).
We have installed Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition on several Computer on my company. And now , as we are going to work on closed-source projects :
is it possible to switch to standard professional license (just like if we did install the professionnal edition) ?
or do we have to reinstall the VS 2015 professional edition on all the computers !
In short, is it possible to switch without reinstall all my 10 PC ?
Best regards.
It is not possible to just enter the VS Professional license key, but you don't have to necessarily uninstall the Community version.
However, you will have to run the VS Professional installer that will upgrade the Community version to the Professional one. This is also suggested here [1].
You will find here [2] an answer to a similar question, stating that although running the installer will upgrade the existing Community edition, uninstalling and reinstalling is recommended.
[1] https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/6202c332-bf73-4073-8ee6-70a3c5402467/upgrading-from-community-to-professional-seems-impossible-how?forum=vssetup
[2] Can Visual Studio Community 2015 be easily updated to Visual Studio Professional 2015
I've seen How can I check what version/edition of Visual Studio is installed programmatically?, but the question remains, what will I find if the version installed is the 2010 Ultimate or Premium?
The answer selected as correct says "go to the registry and find":
Where [version] can be:
For Visual Studio 2005: 8.0
For Visual Studio 2008: 9.0
For Visual Studio 2010: 10.0
For Visual Studio 2012: 11.0
And [edition] can be:
For the Standard Edition: Std
For the Professional Edition: Pro
For the Team Edition for Software Architects: VSTA
For the Team Edition for Software Testers: VSTT
For the Team Edition for Software Developers: VSTD
For the Team Suite Edition: VSTS
For the Premier Partner Edition (2005) or Shell Edition (2008): IDE
For the Visual Studio 2005 Tools for the Microsoft Office System: VSTO
But it does not speak of Premium or Ultimate editions released (that I know of) for 2010 and 2012 at least.
Ok so I went to the registry on a machine with 2010 Ultimate and on
I've only found VSTS so, Ultimate is covered.
VSTS is the name of Ultimate in the registry
(But premium is still a question).
(And that's why this isnt an accepted answer yet).
I need to figure out which version of Visual Studio 2008 is installed on particular computers.
Is there a way I can differentiate between Visual Studio Team System 2008 vs Visual Studio 2008 Development Edition?
Are there particular files installed for one that are not installed for the other?
To Clarify my question, I would like to differentiate between:
Visual Studio 2008 Standard Edition
Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition
Visual Studio Team System 2008 Architecture Edition
Visual Studio Team System 2008 Database Edition
Visual Studio Team System 2008 Development Edition
Visual Studio Team System 2008 Test Edition
Visual Studio Team System 2008 Team Suite
I think the registry would be your best bet. I've found the following key:
Under this there's a key for each product installed:
Crystal Reports
Microsoft Silverlight Projects
Team Explorer
Team System - Database Edition
I don't know whether there's enough there to go on to uniquely identify each version, but it might get you most of the way there.
I've read from a non reliable source that purchasing VS2010 Upgrade Edition (As opposed to full retail) is a valid licensing route when 'upgrading' from VS Express (free) - Can anyone confirm or refute this?
Thank you
It looks like this is true:
Before you buy
Eligible for upgrade with any previous
version of Visual Studio or any other
developer tool.
Visual Studio 2010 Professional
includes a 12-month MSDN Essentials
subscription. MSDN Essentials gives
you access to core Microsoft
platforms: Windows 7 Ultimate, Windows
Server 2008 Enterprise R2, and
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Datacenter
Special information for trial users
If you're using a trial version of
Visual Studio Professional and you buy
the Visual Studio 2010 Professional
Upgrade, you can use the product key
you get on the receipt page to convert
your trial version to a full version.
This seems to say that you can upgrade from any competing product or any existing version of Visual Studio, even a trial one. It doesn't explicitly mention the Express edition, but you could always install the trial version and upgrade that instead.
I sell software and didn't want to violate the license agreement. So, I chatted with a MS rep (and have the chat log), then called the licensing number and was told the same thing from both. The upgrade license is valid from ANY prior version (including express). I asked about express specifically and more than once and was told this was just fine.