using client side validation with telerik controls - validation

Can you use client side validation with telerik controls? The examples show validation using standard html input controls. I have forms with RadTextBoxes, RadComboboxes etc and would like to add validation.

You can access the Telerik client-side api by using
var ctrl = $find('<%= txtSomeTextBox.ClientID %>');
then you can get the current value of the textbox by calling the .get_value() function. Use your browser's debug tool to see which methods are available in the object that is returned or consult Telerik's help site.

Go to Telerik's online demos: and you will find examples for almost anything. This one shows how to use the built-in client-side validation with the RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX.


Links postbacks to the same page?

I have multiple links on my page, when i click on any link, it first loads the same page using get or post and then go to the clicked url. I want to avoid the postback to the same url, what can be done?
Note, My application uses Telerik controls.
This is completely going to depend on which Telerik controls you are using but the general rule of thumb would be to use the OnClientClicking (see Telerik Documentation) using set_cancel(true); to prevent a postback.
If your links aren't telerik controls you could use javascript or JQuery (if being used) to cancel the postback using the onclick event and return false; to cancel the postback.

MVC3 AjaxHelper choosing selected DDL values without custom javascript

I'm creating a site where I don't want anything to be done via custom javascript/jquery code at all, and I'm not sure it's going to be possible so need some advice.
The things that I want to be able to do are:
Load a JQuery (or Jquery style) dialog box containing a partial view.
Have a button that will select the "SelectedValue" from a dropdown list and render a partial view. (e.g. select a user from a dropdown and then click a button to add them to a list)
Append a partial view to an existing div.
I'm sure that all the above can be done using custom javascript, but what I want to is to use the standard Ajax and Html helpers that come with MVC3.
Main reason is that I've been struggling to get to grips with jQuery, but I also thought it would be nice to see if it can all be done without having to add a new script to the site.
As always, any help is greatly appreciated (even if it's just pointing me to articles).
The standard Ajax and Html helpers that come with MVC3 are for handling server-side stuff. Even the #Html.ValidationMessageFor helper usually uses their unobtrusive validation lib for jQuery validate.
Keep trying at jQuery, you'll get it. There is a reason it is so popular!
I believe you can do #3 using #Ajax.ActionLink, but don't think you can do 1 or 2 out of the box with the Ajax html helper.
It seems that you can use the Ajax.BeginForm method to do this.
There are issues with the fact that it has been in a separate form as I can't nest the forms though. MVC Ajax - Disabling button in ajax.beginform?

I'm using microsoft ajax and ajax.beginform.
It's working great for model binding my partial view, but I need to conditionally disable some of the buttons in my form itself depending on what comes back from the server.
How can I go about this without using JQuery?
Have you thought instead about using two separate views instead, and have your conditional logic in your controller determine which view to display.

Using mvc 3 + Razor with Ajax and jquery

I'm trying to make the "Google Instant" like experience (I'm not looking for Auto-complete).
Google instant is the dynamically change the "search result" as you type (not the suggestions, which can be achieved with auto complete).
The page will simply have a text input control, in which as your type, you get result below the text input control.
I know, I must make some async calls on "onKeyPress": So first how can I do that in jquery?
Second, any good tutorials on combining MVC with Razor and Ajax?
edited: as people were confusing auto-complete with instant result
The term that you should use is 'autocomplete'
Have a look at the link below:
It's server independant. Basically, on the server side, you must create a service, given a string return the possible values that relate to that string.
Hope this helps.
There is a great article here on how to create an instant search with Jquery, PHP and HTML
The one caveat I encountered was that you need to put the Javscript code inside a
/*Your JS Instant Search goes here */
which wasn't clear from the article.
For ASP.NET MVC 3, create a controller/action that returns a JSON or JSONP object. If you're a beginner, this might trip you up as you will get CrossSiteJson errors. This link will help:
Ajax json post to Controller across domains, "not allowed by" Access-Control-Allow-Headers
From doing these two, I was able to do the instant search in MVC3 and it works really well.
Using Firebug or WebKit Web Inspector and Fiddler really helps.
It is still a variant of autocomplete, if you break it down:
Fire autocomplete on key presses.
Fire Ajax search on autocomplete success/load (whatever the event might be).
Writing number 2 is minimal work for you unless somebody has written a plugin that does both. It's a nice little project - write a plugin that combines a text box and div and does autosearch.

Live Search using ASP.NET MVC and AJAX

I am looking to implement a live search in my MVC app similar to this site when you type in a question and results come up that are similar or like the search on
I have the search code all working and results updated. I just need to know how to add the AJAX to the MVC framework (I know this site was built using it) so that when I type the results are updated.
I had this all working in normal ASP.NET Forms app.
what you need to do it attach to Jquery onchage event handler, and then call some ajax method of jquery ($.load , $.ajax etc...) and the information from a specified controller. mvc controller can return json results so you can later manipulate it in your javascript code.
if you have any other questions go ahead and ask.
An ASP.NET MVC site will have AJAX and JQuery available by default.
Mike Bosch's Blog can give you some pointers on this
