Spring cannot load java based configuration - spring

I want to create a Solr data import handler using Spring as the Ioc. When I try to invoke the handler from Solr, I got below error
Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException: Failed to load bean class: com.yoox.shanghai.AppConfig; nested exception is java.io.FileNotFoundException: class path resource **[com/my/app/AppConfig.class]** cannot be opened because it does not exist
Note the path printed in the message. It looks like it is using a relative path. I have no idea what is the cause.
I am using the Java based container configuration, and the compilation passes. And my code works with JUnit4.
appCtx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(AppConfig.class);

Are you sure that you import AppConfig properly? Otherwise make sure that the class has really been deployed (check the deployment directory).

I googled for a long time, but could not find any answer about how spring resolve the class path by default. But I found people are trying to explicitly set the class loader, so I tried.
appCtx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext();
And it works :D
However I am not satisfied with this answer. I hope some one can point out what's wrong with my class loading logic.


spring-integration: SplitterFactoryBean may only be referenced once

I have a Spring project (not using Spring Boot, if that's relevant) that I'm trying to connect to a local database using the Postgres JDBC driver. (The local database is actually Yugabyte, but that should be fully compatible with the Postgres driver.)
When starting the application, I get this error message:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: An AbstractMessageProducingMessageHandler may only be referenced once (org.springframework.integration.config.SplitterFactoryBean#0) - use scope="prototype"
at org.springframework.util.Assert.isTrue(Assert.java:118)
at org.springframework.integration.config.AbstractStandardMessageHandlerFactoryBean.checkReuse(AbstractStandardMessageHandlerFactoryBean.java:168)
at org.springframework.integration.config.AbstractStandardMessageHandlerFactoryBean.createHandler(AbstractStandardMessageHandlerFactoryBean.java:137)
at org.springframework.integration.config.AbstractSimpleMessageHandlerFactoryBean.createHandlerInternal(AbstractSimpleMessageHandlerFactoryBean.java:186)
at org.springframework.integration.config.AbstractSimpleMessageHandlerFactoryBean.getObject(AbstractSimpleMessageHandlerFactoryBean.java:174)
at org.springframework.integration.config.AbstractSimpleMessageHandlerFactoryBean.getObject(AbstractSimpleMessageHandlerFactoryBean.java:59)
at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.FactoryBeanRegistrySupport.doGetObjectFromFactoryBean(FactoryBeanRegistrySupport.java:171)
... 52 more
I can't place this error at all. There is one similar question on Stack Overflow, but there the asker seems to actually know what they're doing and how this is related to spring integration. I, however, am not aware at all that I'm trying to 'reuse' anything. The referenced question also doesn't seem to be related to database configuration.
My setup/configuration is a bit involved, so I'll try to quote the parts that seem relevant.
I have a dao layer project that has the following gradle dependencies (among others):
In the same project, I have some configuration (in Kotlin):
open class Config {
open fun jdbcTemplate(dataSource: DataSource): JdbcTemplate = JdbcTemplate(dataSource)
open fun dslContext(): DSLContext = DefaultDSLContext(SQLDialect.POSTGRES)
open inner class NonTestConfig {
open fun dataSource(): DataSource {
return DriverManagerDataSource().apply {
// Hardcoded properties to be replaced by values from property file
url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5433/demo"
username = "yugabyte"
password = "yugabyte"
(Notes: the DSLContext bean is used for JOOQL, included for completeness' sake. The inner class config is there because there is also a separate unit testing config for an embedded database - that one works fine!)
Now, the above project is used in my top-level project that contains the actual application. It's a maven runtime dependency there. I import the config class in this project's XML configuration, using this method:
<context:annotation-config />
<bean class="my.package.Config" />
Then trying to start the application produces the error message.
I figured out what the problem was, but I still don't know how it relates to a <splitter>.
The problem was that the Config class, apart from the database stuff, also included a bean to encrypt data. It turned out that this bean was also defined in another library used by the top-level project. Fixing this duplicate bean problem made the error go away.
I discovered this in a roundabout way: I included the dao project and its configuration in a different top-level project that uses Spring Boot. This led to a clear error message about the encryptor bean having two definitions.
If anyone can explain why the error message is so cryptic in the non-Boot case, that would be a nice complementary answer.

Heritrix 3.2.0: Writing and Adding Extensions

I am currently working with Heritrix and I have a standard installation (this one: http://builds.archive.org/maven2/org/archive/heritrix/heritrix/3.2.0/) and it works fine.
But now I want to write and add my own extensions e.g. change the priority of urls which should be crawled or just a simple extractor. I can inspect the java code of an existing extractor but how can I add it to the crawler?
I tried to export my java test project to a jar file and put this file in the lib folder of Heritrix (where the other libraries are). Furthermore I added a bean to my job's cxml file.
But after starting I got this error: 2014-11-07T19:51:40.296Z SEVERE Could not instantiate bean class [myModule.TestClass]: No default constructor found; nested exception is java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: myModule.TestClass.(); Can't create bean 'myModule.TestClass#0'
It is just the extractorHTML renamed and in a new project and exported to a jar file.
Any idea what is wrong? I read all the documentations but there are only explanations how to write extensions and not how to add it?
Greetings and thank you :-)
I think the issue is the class loader requires a default constructor (A constructor - which takes no arguments) Add a default constructor
public YourClass() { }
and the required getters and setters for setting the member variables.

Inject constructor argument Spring Resource file with Grails/Groovy

From our Grails/Groovy app we need to use a service from a legacy Java service class, the constructor of which has a parameter of type org.springframework.core.io.Resource, e.g.
public ServiceClass(Resource someResource)
We need to inject an instance of the service class into a Groovy class of our app using Spring DSL, with the Resource referring to an XML file within our /src/main/resources. I tried to create the Spring config for this purpose, but so far I couldn't find a working solution. The relevant part of the config file looks like this
beans = {
xmlns aop:"http://www.springframework.org/schema/aop",
serviceClass(com.somepackage.ServiceClass) {
//here we need to refer to the constructor arg XML file some way
I have tried multiple syntaxes found in various tutorials, e.g. closure for beanDefinition.constructorArgs, but unfortunately without success so far. Although neither the app compilation (grails:war) nor the startup (grails:run-app) indicates any problems with the bean wiring, when the app is actually loaded into the browser, we receive a NPE stating that our Groovy class into which the service class is injected, is a null object. So it seems that the bean wiring was not successful after all. Any help is appreciated
After fixing various issues with the project setup itself and multiple cleanups/recompiles, it seems that the following two approaches are both OK
serviceClass(com.somepackage.ServiceClass, '/WEB-INF/constructor-arg-xml-file.xml') {}
serviceClass(com.somepackage.ServiceClass) { bean ->
bean.constructorArgs = [

Getting error with Spring batch

I am getting below error when I am executing my Java application :
Exception in thread "main" org.springframework.beans.factory.parsing.BeanDefinitionParsingException: Configuration problem: org.springframework.transaction.annotation.TransactionManagementConfigurationSelector was imported as a Configuration class but is not annotated with #Configuration nor does it declare any #Bean methods. Update the class to meet either of these requirements or do not attempt to import it.
Offending resource: class path resource [org/springframework/transaction/annotation/TransactionManagementConfigurationSelector.class]
at org.springframework.beans.factory.parsing.FailFastProblemReporter.error(FailFastProblemReporter.java:68)
at org.springframework.context.annotation.ConfigurationClassBeanDefinitionReader.doLoadBeanDefinitionForConfigurationClassIfNecessary(ConfigurationClassBeanDefinitionReader.java:153)
at org.springframework.context.annotation.ConfigurationClassBeanDefinitionReader.loadBeanDefinitionsForConfigurationClass(ConfigurationClassBeanDefinitionReader.java:120)
at org.springframework.context.annotation.ConfigurationClassBeanDefinitionReader.loadBeanDefinitions(ConfigurationClassBeanDefinitionReader.java:111)
at org.springframework.context.annotation.ConfigurationClassPostProcessor.processConfigBeanDefinitions(ConfigurationClassPostProcessor.java:188)
at org.springframework.context.annotation.ConfigurationClassPostProcessor.postProcessBeanDefinitionRegistry(ConfigurationClassPostProcessor.java:132)
at org.springframework.context.support.AbstractApplicationContext.invokeBeanFactoryPostProcessors(AbstractApplicationContext.java:584)
at org.springframework.context.support.AbstractApplicationContext.refresh(AbstractApplicationContext.java:405)
at org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext.<init>(AnnotationConfigApplicationContext.java:65)
at org.sbq.batch.mains.SchedulerRunner.<init>(SchedulerRunner.java:46)
at org.sbq.batch.mains.SchedulerRunner.main(SchedulerRunner.java:52)
I don't have any clue about this kind of exception. Please help.
I think you are mixing different versions of springbatch. Try downloading the latest version of all the jars and execute it.
Similar problem was posted by someone in the SpringSource Forum, in this link
Yes, using different versions of the spring and spring batch jars might produce 'offending resource' exception

XSLT ClassCastException in WebSphere when Spring tries to create an AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter

When starting WebSphere, I get this exception:
Could not instantiate bean class [org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.annotation.AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter]:
Constructor threw exception; nested exception is java.lang.ClassCastException:
com.ibm.xtq.xslt.jaxp.compiler.TransformerFactoryImpl incompatible with
Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: com.ibm.xtq.xslt.jaxp.compiler.TransformerFactoryImpl
incompatible with javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory
at javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at org.springframework.http.converter.xml.AbstractXmlHttpMessageConverter.<init>(AbstractXmlHttpMessageConverter.java:47)
at org.springframework.http.converter.xml.SourceHttpMessageConverter.<init>(SourceHttpMessageConverter.java:45)
at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.annotation.AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter.<init>(AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter.java:197)
This doesn't seem have any impact on any beans in my applicationContext.xml but it's still odd. For me, this looks as if IBM classes are leaking into my application.
How can I fix this? I already set the option "Access to internal server classes" to "Restrict".
It was indeed a class-loading issue, however this cannot be solved by changing class-loader settings.
The problem was that the xml-apis and javax.xml jars were being imported over some maven dependencies.
Since we already set the class loader policies for the application to PARENT_LAST, the javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory was being loaded from the WebApp-Class loader from our jar files.
However its implementation 'com.ibm.xtq.xslt.jaxp.compiler.TransformerFactoryImpl' was coming from the server class loader, this one was linked to the javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory provided by the JDK/JRE.
Since the classes were loaded from different sources a ClassCastException was thrown.
Removing all dependencies to xml-apis / xerces / javax.xml jars solved the problem.
Since these APIs are now part of the JDK they no longer need to be imported.
... and if you wonder why I know so much about this issue: I work together with Aaron. ;)
I can't speak for Restrict as I have no personal experience with it,But I think the problem is more to do with IBM Class Loader. The class you are referring to is part of IBM Java implementation of TransformerFactory, I think you can try one of the following to solve this issue on hand
Either change the server class loader policy to PARENT_LAST (This way class loader will find the class from application's local class path, before going to up the chain all the way to java run time)
The other option would be look at the jaxp.properties file, I think it is located in (was_root\java\jre\lib), I only read about this option never actually used it
Why do you say IBM classes are leaking into your application?
The TransformerFactory is asked to create a newInstance. It follows a sequence of steps to determine which TransformerFactory to use. If none of the config is specified, it simply chooses to use the default factory.
Here is the javadoc for TransformerFactory:
What is the OS ? Is that AIX?
Looking at this doc (link above) for AIX it tells me that this is the default Impl:
Selects the XSLT processor. Possible values are:
Use the XL TXE-J compiler. This value is the default.
Post back additional information so that we can try and troubleshoot this.
