Kendo TreeView select function and event misbehaviour - kendo-ui

For the ones who might spend hours trying to understand why they don't get the same behaviour from the select callback whether it is triggered by the select event or by the select method.
I couldn't understand why this was working perfectly when I picked an item manually, while there was no reaction if I was using the method. I have tried to trigger the event on the tree element, on the widget itself as it seemed it was not triggered at all.
select: function(e){
var item = e.node;"admin/object_editor/obj/" +
( typeof(item.class) !== "undefined" ? "object" : "field" ) +
"/" + + "/" + item.uid, {partial:1}, $("#object_cfg_container"));

The function is triggered but returns an error from the first line when the select method is used.
Actually what happens is that the event is sent as the function's argument, in which you can find the node property, which is the newly selected object.
However when you use the select method the event argument doesn't have anymore the node property.
So maybe you found out that the select() method used without arguments returns the selected element.
But a new problem appears, this function will return the old selected item when launched during the event, while it will return the newly selected item if it's launched as a method...
My solution:
select: function(e){
var item = e.node ? e.node :,
data = this.dataItem(item);


need to get value of dropdown menu without using onChange callback - (material-ui reactjs)

i am using material UI dropdown component and trying to run a callback function only when user fills all the form and submits the form. On the call back function i intend to collect all the form field and generate url to call to api.
My problem is that i can not use onChange as stated solution in #560 as i want to collect all the detail only when user clicks the submit button. It is also weird that at the moment, i am able to get value of all the other form element like slider, textfield which uses material-ui but only dropdown does not seem to be working.
My call back function:
handleFilter: function(event){
var location = this.refs.location.getValue();
var posted_date = this.refs.posted_date.getValue();
var radius = this.refs.distance.getValue();
var salary = this.refs.salary.getValue();
var jobtype = this.refs.jobtype.getValue();
In the above function "location, posted_date, radius, salary" returns value but "jobtype" which happens to be dropdown does not seem to return any value. It returns this error in console:
"Uncaught TypeError: this.refs.jobtype.getValue is not a function"
Here is my dropdown component :
<DropDownMenu menuItems={menuItems} ref="jobtype" />
May not be the right way but i figured out that
console.log(this.refs.jobtype) (jobtype is the refs value of dropdown in my case)
was giving the following result.
R…s.c…s.Constructor {props: Object, context: Object, state: Object, refs: Object, _reactInternalInstance: ReactCompositeComponentWrapper}
Inpecting it i found value of payload index (index number of selected item) inside state object within "selectedIndex" property. I used following code to access the selected index:
var jobtype = this.refs.jobtype.state.selectedIndex;
If there is a better way to do this please suggest.

Add or trigger event after inner content to page

I have links on a table to edit or delete elements, that elements can be filtered. I filtered and get the result using ajax and get functions. After that I added (display) the result on the table using inner.html, the issue here is that after filtering the links on the elements not work, cause a have the dojo function like this
var rowToDelete = dojo.attr(this,"name");
if(confirm("Really delete?")){
I need to trigger the event after filtering, any idea?
(I'm assuming that you're using Dojo <= 1.5 here.)
The quick answer is that you need to extract the code in your dojo.ready into a separate function, and call that function at the end of your Ajax call's load() callback. For example, make a function like this:
var attachDeleteEvents = function()
var rowToDelete = dojo.attr(this,"name");
if(confirm("Really delete?")){
Then you call this function both in dojo.ready and when your Ajax call completes:
dojo.ready(function() { attachDeleteEvents(); });
var filter = function(someFilter) {
url: "some/url.html?filter=someFilter",
handleAs: "text",
load: function(newRows) {
getTableBody().innerHTML = newRows;
That was the quick answer. Another thing that you may want to look into is event delegation. What happens in the code above is that every row gets an onclick event handler. You could just as well have a single event handler on the table itself. That would mean there would be no need to reattach event handlers to the new rows when you filter the table.
In recent versions of Dojo, you could get some help from dojo/on - something along the lines of:
require(["dojo/on"], function(on) {
on(document.getElementById("theTableBody"), "a:click", function(evt) {...});
This would be a single event handler on the whole table body, but your event listener would only be called for clicks on the <a> element.
Because (I'm assuming) you're using 1.5 or below, you'll have to do it a bit differently. We'll still only get one event listener for the whole table body, but we have to make sure we only act on clicks on the <a> (or a child element) ourselves.
dojo.connect(tableBody, "click", function(evt) {
var a = null, name = null;
// Bubble up the DOM to find the actual link element (which
// has the data attribute), because the may be a
// child element (e.g. the span). We also guard against
// bubbling beyond the table body itself.
for(a =;
a != tableBody && a.nodeName !== "A";
a = a.parentNode);
name = dojo.attr(a, "data-yourapp-name");
if(name && confirm("Really delete " + name + "?")) {
alert("Will delete " + name);

Unable to set focus on autocomplete

I have an autocomplete inside of a panelBar. When a panelBar is activated, I would like to set the focus to the autoComplete input. I have tried several ways to get this to work, but cannot find a way to do this.
The method is invoked and I can find the autocomplete. However, I am unable to set focus.
//Kendo PanelBar
function onPanelBarActivate(e) {
var $autoComplete = $('input .txtProductText', e);
var $panelBar = $('#panelbar').kendoPanelBar({ expandMode: "single", expand: onPanelBarActivate }).data("kendoPanelBar");
This returns empty jQuery object:
$('input .txtProductText', e);
First e is the event argument of the activate event. It cannot be used as the context of jQuery. You should use e.item instead. Second 'input .txtProductText' means 'child of an input whose class is txtProductText'. This is probably not what you need since 'input' elements can't really have children.
Try this instead:
$('.txtProductText', e.item);

How to enable click in edit action button if new row is saved jqgrid

Edit formatter action button is placed to jqgrid column:
colModel: [{"fixed":true,"label":" change ","name":"_actions","width":($.browser.webkit == true? 37+15: 32+15)
"formatoptions":{"keys":true,"delbutton":false,"onSuccess":function (jqXHR) {actionresponse = jqXHR;return true;}
,"afterSave":function (rowID) {
cancelEditing($('#grid'));afterRowSave(rowID,actionresponse);actionresponse=null; }
,"onEdit":function (rowID) {
if (typeof (lastSelectedRow) !== 'undefined' && rowID !== lastSelectedRow)
lastSelectedRow = rowID;
New row is added to jqgrid in loadcomplete event
var newRowData = {};
var newRowId = '_empty' + $.jgrid.randId();
$('#grid').jqGrid('addRowData', newRowId, newRowData);
and its id is updated if save action button is clicked:
function aftersavefunc(rowID, response) {
var json = $.parseJSON(response.responseText);
$("#" + rowID).attr("id", json.Id);
lastSelectedRow = json.Id;
$("#grid").jqGrid('setSelection', lastSelectedRow);
After clicking save action button edit action button clicks are ignored. It is not possible to re-enter to edit mode after first editing.
How to fix this so that row can edited by edit button click again after saving ?
I added $(this).focus() as suggested in Oleg answer and also wrapped id change into setTimeout as Oleg recommends in other great answer:
function aftersavefunc(rowID, response) {
var json = $.parseJSON(response.responseText);
setTimeout(function () {
$("#" + rowID).attr("id", json.Id);
lastSelectedRow = json.Id;
$("#grid").jqGrid('setSelection', lastSelectedRow);
}, 50);
Problem persists. The problem may related to row id change since:
It occurs only in last row (where id is changed after save). It does not occur for saved rows where responseText returns same id and row id is actually not changed.
It does not occur if cancel action button is pressed.
Maybe row id needs additional reset id addition to resetSelection or needs updated in somewhere other place also.
I added code form updated answer to errorfunc and used only english characters and numbers id ids. This allows to click multiple times but introduces additional issue:
extraparam is no more passed. If rowactions() calls are commented out, extraparam is passed with with rowactions calls extraparam is not passed.
I changed jqGrid source code and added alert to rowactions method:
alert( cm.formatoptions);
if (!$.fmatter.isUndefined(cm.formatoptions)) {
op = $.extend(op, cm.formatoptions);
In first clicks alert outputs 'Object'. In succeeding clicks to Save button it outputs undefined. So for unknown reason formatoptions is cleared.
Remarks to comment:
Absolute url in testcase is not used. Datasource is set to localarray.
I verified that testcase works in IE and FF without external url access.
For extraparam issue I can create new testcase.
Without image directory buttons are shown in cursor is moved over them.
Missing image directory still allows to reproduce the issue.
FormData function is defined in js file.
Since new issue occurs after adding rowactions() calls and does not occur if those calls are removed, this seems to be related to the code proposed in answer.
I suppose that the problem exist because one hide a button which has currently focus. Look at the code from the answer. If one remove the line $(this).focus(); // set focus somewhere one has the same problem as you describes. So I suggest that you just try to set somewhere, for example in restoreActionsIcons the focus to any the table element of the grid after hiding the button having currently the focus. I can't test this, but I hope it will help.
UPDATED: I examined your problem one more time and I hope I can suggest you a solution.
You problem can be divided on two sub-problems. The main your problem is the the changing of the id of the row. So it is not common problem which everybody has.
The problem is that "actions" formatter create onclick functions directly in the HTML code (see for example here):
ocl = "onclick=$.fn.fmatter.rowactions('"+rowid+"','"+opts.gid+"','edit',"+opts.pos+");..."
So the functions will contains the original rowid. To fix the problem you can modify the code fragment of your aftersavefunc inside of setTimeout from
$("#" + rowID).attr("id", json.Id);
lastSelectedRow = json.Id;
$("#grid").jqGrid('setSelection', lastSelectedRow);
to something like the following:
var $tr = $("#" + rowID),
$divEdit = $tr.find("div.ui-inline-edit"),
$divDel = $tr.find("div.ui-inline-del"),
$divSave = $tr.find("div.ui-inline-save"),
$divCancel = $tr.find("div.ui-inline-cancel");
$tr.attr("id", json.Id);
if ($divEdit.length > 0) {
$divEdit[0].onclick = function () {
if ($divDel.length > 0) {
$divDel[0].onclick = function () {
if ($divSave.length > 0) {
$divSave[0].onclick = function () {
if ($divCancel.length > 0) {
$divCancel[0].onclick = function () {
lastSelectedRow = json.Id;
$("#grid").jqGrid('setSelection', lastSelectedRow);
The second problem is that you use special characters inside of ids. I found a bug in the $.fn.fmatter.rowactions which need be fixed to support special characters in ids. The problem is that in the line 407 of jquery.fmatter.js the original rowid parameter rid will be changed:
rid = $.jgrid.jqID( rid )
and later everywhere will be used modified id. For example in the id is the encoded version will be my\\.id. It's correct for the most places of the $.fn.fmatter.rowactions code (see here), but it' s incorrect as the rowid parameter of the editRow, saveRow, restoreRow, delGridRow, setSelection and editGridRow (see the lines 433-453). So the code must be fixed to use the original not escaped (not encoded) rid value with which the $.fn.fmatter.rowactions was called.
I think I will post tomorrow the corresponding bug report with the suggestions in the trirand forum.
UPDATED 2: The code $.fn.fmatter.rowactions(newId,'grid','edit',0); which I wrote above is just an example. I took it from the test demo which you send me. You should of course modify the code for your purpose. How you can see for example from the line the second parameter of the $.fn.fmatter.rowactions in the id of the grid which you use: 'grid', 'list' of something like myGrid[0].id. The last parameter should be the index of the column having formatter:'actions' in the colModel. You can use getColumnIndexByName function from the answer on your old question to get the index by column name.

Titanium Mobile: reference UI elements with an ID?

How do you keep track of your UI elements in Titanium? Say you have a window with a TableView that has some Switches (on/off) in it and you'd like to reference the changed switch onchange with a generic event listener. There's the property event.source, but you still don't really know what field of a form was just toggled, you just have a reference to the element. Is there a way to give the element an ID, as you would with a radiobutton in JavaScript?
Up to now, registered each form UI element in a dictionary, and saved all the values at once, looping through the dictionary and getting each object value. But now I'd like to do this onchange, and I can't find any other way to do it than create a specific callback function for each element (which I'd really rather not).
just assign and id to the element... all of these other solution CAN work, but they seem to be over kill for what you are asking for.
// create switch with id
var switcher0 = Ti.Ui.createSwitch({id:"switch1"});
then inside your event listener
myform.addEventListener('click', function(e){
var obj = e.source;
if ( == "switch1" ) {
// do some magic!!
A simple solution is to use a framework that helps you keep track of all your elements, which speeds up development quite a bit, as the project and app grows. I've built a framework of my own called Adamantium.js, which lets you use a syntax like jQuery to deal with your elements, based on ID and type selectors. In a coming release, it will also support for something like classes, that can be arbitrarily added or removed from an element, tracking of master/slave relationships and basic filter methods, to help you narrow your query. Most methods are chainable, so building apps with rich interaction is quick and simple.
A quick demo:
// Type selector, selects all switches
// Bind a callback to the change event on all switches
// This callback is also inherited by all new switch elements
$(':Switch').bind('change', function (e) {
alert(e.type + ' fired on ' + + ', value = ' + e.value);
// Select by ID and trigger an event
$('#MyCustomSwitch').trigger('change', {
foo: 'bar'
Then there's a lot of other cool methods in the framework, that are all designed to speed up development and modeled after the familiar ways of jQuery, more about that in the original blog post.
I completely understand not wanting to write a listener to each one because that is very time consuming. I had the same problem that you did and solved it like so.
var switches = [];
function createSwitch(i) {
switches[i] = Ti.UI.createSwitch();
switches[i].addEventListener('change', function(e) {'switch '+i+' = '+e.value);
return switches[i];
for(i=0;i<rows.length;i++) {
row = Ti.UI.createTableViewRow();
However keep in mind that this solution may not fit your needs as it did mine. For me it was good because each time I created a switch it added a listener to it dynamically then I could simply get the e.source.parent of the switch to interact with whatever I needed.
module Id just for the hold it's ID. When we have use id the call any another space just use . and use easily.
Try This
var but1 = Ti.Ui.createButton({title : 'Button', id:"1"});
window.addEventListener('click', function(e){
var obj = e.source;
if ( == "1" ) {
// do some magic!!
I, think this is supported for you.
how do you create your tableview and your switcher? usually i would define a eventListener function while creating the switcher.
// first switch
var switcher0 = Ti.Ui.createSwitch();
// second switch
var switch1 = ..
so no generic event listener is needed.
