how do you install the module commands like ins mod,etc - macos

I have to load a kernel module to run a program. I searched online and found out I need to use commands like insmod, etc to do that. But the command doesn't seem to be installed in my laptop. I am working on a Mac. I tried running as a admin by sudo command. tried all commands like whereis, location and find still dont get an ans. Can anyone please help. If there is an alternative to load a kernel module to run some program files on, alternative will be appreciated.
Error: You may need to load a kernel module to support tap.

OS X uses a completely different kernel extension model than Linux. If you have a compatible kernel extension, you can use kextload(8) to load it.


Installing packages in Julia while using Pluto

I would like to use the package HDF5
In my Pluto.jl, I have the line
using HDF5
When I try to evaluate this cell, I get the error message
"ERROR: LoadError: HDF5 is not properly installed. Please run"HDF5") and restart Julia."
I would like to do this, but when I go to the terminal, I can't do this while I have Pluto open.
I've tried running Pluto in the background with a command like &
But this code is completely wrong.
I've also heard that there sometimes appears a cloud icon above the cell, which would allow me to download HDF5 directly.
In any case, it seems to me like any time this happens, I will have to write down which package I need to install, and then kill my Pluto notebook, go to Julia, install, and restart Julia. Surely there is a better way? Can anyone help me find it?
When the package is correctly installed or could be installed without problems, using HDF5 in Pluto itself is sufficient. The built-in Pluto package manager takes care about the installation.
There are edge cases where due to issues with external packages installation does not work out-of-the-box. In this case, it could help to install the package in a temp environment before starting Pluto:
] activate --temp
] add HDF5
follwed by whatever steps required to get the package working in Julia itself, like re-building it.
This should really be a workaround and should be fixed in the corresponding package - consider creating an Issue there if it does not exist already.

How to specify external library file locations when installing CPAN modules

I'm trying to get Perl's Finance::Quote module working after MacOS upgrade to 11.4. One of the dependencies is B::Keywords. B::Keywords installation fails a test with this error:
> sudo cpan B::Keywords
Can't open /System/Library/Perl/5.30/darwin-thread-multi-2level/CORE/keywords.h: No such file or directory at t/11keywords.t line 25
Digging around, I see that keywords.h exists on my system in this location:
Is there a way to tell cpan (or cpanm, or some other installation tool) where to look for these headers? Or, any other approach to get this working would be welcome.
It seems like they removed the keywords.h from the CORE directory (relative to the path given from $Config{archlibexp}) for the system perl on macOS 10.14, see this bug report.
The reason you are not able to install B::Keywords is due to a failed test 11keywords.t see line 24. Some possible solutions:
Install the module without running the tests (sudo cpan -T B::Keywords)
Submit an issue at the GitHub issue tracker so the author of the module can fix the problem.
Install the module with perlbrew instead of using the system perl (I tested this and it worked fine here).

pp (perl compiler) issue - still has a dependency

I'm trying to use pp (the perl compiler) to create an application that can run independent of the perl installed library and interpreter.
It successfully creates a compiled executable although I had to use the -x -c options to get it to find dependencies successfully. It will run on my machine but when I try it on another machine I get this error so clearly there is still some dependency:
501 Protocol scheme 'https' is not supported (LWP::Protocol::https not installed)
I am running it on MacOS 10.14.1 if that makes any difference. Thanks!
LWP::Protocol::https is loaded dynamically when needed, so pp has no way of knowing it's needed by default.
Solution 1
Pass -x to pp, and make sure the module is actually loaded in the run pp uses to determine the modules to include. This would probably be achieved by using LWP to make an HTTPS request during that run. --xargs=... might come in useful for this.
Solution 2
Pass -M LWP::Protocol::https to pp. You could also pass -M 'LWP::Protocol::**' to get all protocols handlers you have installed.
Solution 3
Add use LWP::Protocol::https (); to your script or an included module. Including a comment indicating why you are doing this would be appropriate.
You were building Net::SSLeay on MacOS 10.14 linking it to libssl.44.dylib which is not present on MacOS 10.12 where you try to run it.
I've found it annoying having to switch between build and test systems to find out which of the libraries are missing or incompatible and need to be packed.
I am now using the following strategy:
I use perlbrew instead of system perl.
For alien dependencies I use homebrew instead of the system libraries.
I build the packed executable using pp and run the resulting program with export DYLD_PRINT_LIBRARIES=YES being set (on the development machine)
I examine the list of loaded libraries and add all those referenced in the homebrew directory tree (/usr/local/opt/ and /usr/local/cellar/in my case) using pp -l /full/path/name -l ...
I rebuild the executable.
I still check on a target machine before deploying, but chances are very high now that it just works.

Unable to install a kernel even though it compiled successfully

I'm trying to install a linux-Kernel version 4.9.228 in my ubuntu 20.04.
The kernel compiled successfully, without any errors. I also executed the command:
sudo make modules_install install
When I rebooted my system, to check whether it made correct entry, I checked the files under the /boot/ directory:
I don't know why but when I ran uname -r. It hasn't updated my version. It still says 5.4.0-37-generic.
Please guide me if I am missing something.
Note: The sole purpose of doing all this, is to learn how to add a system call and how to compile a kernel. I'm open to suggestions, if you got any. Thanks.
You might have successfully installed a different kernel version, but in order to boot into it, you need to tell the bootloader to do so.
I'm going to assume that you are using GRUB2 as bootloader, since it's standard on most distributions including Ubuntu. In order to boot the new kernel, you have multiple options.
Option 1
This is the safest and recommended option.
Edit the GRUB configuration file /etc/default/grub (you need to be root, so use something like sudo vi or sudo nano) and make sure that you have GRUB_TIMEOUT=N where N is a number of seconds. If you don't, then just add it in a new line. You want N to be at least 5 or 10 so that you have time to select the correct kernel version when GRUB starts.
Additionally, make sure that you do not have any of the following lines (you shouldn't have them, but if you do, remove or comment them):
Save the changes to /etc/default/grub and run sudo update-grub. This will detect currently installed kernels and add them to the bootable list when you start the computer and enter GRUB.
Reboot your PC, when GRUB starts you will see a list of options. If you don't do anything, your default kernel will boot, otherwise you can use the arrow keys and the ENTER key to navigate to "Advanced options for Ubuntu", where you will find the list of available kernels and you will be able to select the one you prefer.
It should look something like this:
Option 2
Use only as fallback if option 1 does not work (it should, but you never know). This is not as clean as option 1 because it changes the default kernel, and changes are also probably going to be overridden by an upgrade of your current kernel (which technically does exactly this to update the default version).
Make the kernel you want the default one by changing the two symlinks /initrd.img and /vmilunuz to point to the right versions of the kernel and initrd image. This can be done either manually or through the linux-update-symlinks command.
$ linux-version list --paths
... grab the correct VERSION and PATH ...
$ sudo linux-update-symlinks install VERSION PATH
Run sudo update-grub to let GRUB detect the changes.
Reboot your PC.
Option 3
Manually boot into the kernel you want from the GRUB command line. This is an advanced option and I'm listing it only as a last resort, you should never need to do this unless you have completely broken your system configuration.
Reboot the PC into GRUB, and as soon as you see it, press C to enter the GRUB command line.
Follow this answer from now on.
In any case, remember that playing around with kernel development on your own machine is not a good idea if you are not sure what you are doing. I recommend you use a virtual machine to experiment with the kernel, that way if anything goes wrong you can just throw it away and create a new one.

Mathematica won't find SerialIO package

I'm following a guide from The Mathematica Journal that describes how to use Mathematica with the Lego Mindstorms NXT. I have some trouble getting started and got stuck with the SerialIO package.
I use Mac OSX and I have installed the package to:
The command Needs["SerialIO`"] gives me the following error message:
LinkOpen::linke: Could not find MathLink executable.
And trying
SetDirectory[FileNameJoin[{$InstallationDirectory, "AddOns", "ExtraPackages", "SerialIO", $SystemID}]];
Does not help either, it gives:
SetDirectory::cdir: Cannot set current directory to /Applications/
There seem to be some problem with the alias/symbolic link in the SerialIO folder. By default they pointed to an absolute directory on the machine that this library was built on:
MacOSX-x86-64 -> /Files/schofield/Packages/SerialIO/Build/Mac/build/Deployment/Package/SerialIO/MacOSX
I tried deleting the alias and creating a symbolic link in the terminal:
ln -s MacOSX MacOSX-x86-64
Running the SetDirectory command again result in... no result, so I guess thats good. The commands seem to have been loaded as when typing Serial it want to autocomplete to SerialOpen etc.
However, using the command mybrick = SerialOpen["name of serial port"] does not put the NXT in connected mode (<> on NXT display). Does anyone else got it to work?
There was a problem in SerialIO in combination with Mathematica9. After some correspondence in may 2013, Wolfram Support find the problem and updated SerialIO for me. It seems logical that they also update SerialIO on their site. Please have a try and download SerialIO again and update. My OS is MaxOSX.
