Ruby 2.0 regex and cyrillic - ruby

Before ruby 2.0, regex worked this way:
/\A[a-zа-я\d]+\z/i =~ 'привет' # => 0
/\A[a-z\p{Cyrillic}\d]+\z/i =~ 'привет' # => 0
I updated ruby 2.0, and it has a bug:
/\A[a-zа-я\d]+\z/i =~ 'привет' # => nil
/\A[a-z\p{Cyrillic}\d]+\z/i =~ 'привет' # => nil
How can I deal with this problem? Without \d in the character class, it works correctly:
/\A[a-zа-я]+\z/i =~ 'привет' # => 0

This bug looks similar and may be related to this bug that I asked about before. I reported it to ruby trunk, and it has been accepted as a bug. Hopefully, it will be fixed.

The bug seems to be fixed in ruby-head:
⮀ rvm use ruby-2.0.0-preview2
Using /home/am/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-preview2
⮀ irb
2.0.0dev :001 > regex = /\A[a-zа-я\d]+\z/i ; regex =~ 'привет'
# ⇒ nil
⮀ rvm use ruby-2.0.0-preview1
Using /home/am/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-preview1
⮀ irb
2.0.0dev :001 > regex = /\A[a-zа-я\d]+\z/i ; regex =~ 'привет'
# ⇒ nil
⮀ rvm use ruby-head
Using /home/am/.rvm/gems/ruby-head
⮀ irb
irb(main):001:0> regex = /\A[a-zа-я\d]+\z/i ; regex =~ 'привет'
# ⇒ 0


How do I match something that is not a letter or a number or a space?

I'm using Ruby 2.4. How do I match something that is not a letter or a number or a space? I tried
2.4.0 :004 > str = "-"
=> "-"
2.4.0 :005 > str =~ /[^[:alnum:]]*/
=> 0
2.4.0 :006 > str = " "
=> " "
2.4.0 :007 > str =~ /[^[:alnum:]]*/
=> 0
but as you can see it is still matching a space.
Your /[^[:alnum:]]*/ pattern matches 0 or more symbols other than alphanumeric chars. It will match whitespace.
To match 1 or more chars other than alphanumeric and whitespace, you can use
Use the negated bracket expression with the relevant POSIX character classes inside.

How to check ARGF is empty or not in Ruby

I want to do with ARGF like this.
# file.rb
if ARGF.???
puts "no redirect."
$ echo "Hello world" | ruby file.rb
Hello world
$ ruby file.rb
no redirect.
I need to do without waiting user input. I tried eof? or closed? doesn't help. Any ideas?
NOTE I was misunderstood ARGF. please see comments below.
Basically you'd examine #filename. One way to do this is:
if ARGF.filename != "-"
puts "no redirect."
And this is the more complete form:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
if ARGF.filename != "-" or (not STDIN.tty? and not STDIN.closed?)
puts "No redirect."
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
if not STDIN.tty? and not STDIN.closed?
puts "No redirect."
There might be a better way, but for me I needed to read the contents of a files being passed as arguments as well as having a files contents redirected to stdin.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
$ my_executable file1.txt # passed as argument
#=> true
$ my_executable < file1.txt # redirected to stdin
#=> true
$ my_executable
#=> false
So I took all three currently suggested solutions:
p (not STDIN.tty? and not STDIN.closed?)
p ARGF.filename
p ARGF.pos
and saw that none of them actually works:
$ ruby temp.rb
$ ruby temp.rb temp.rb
$ echo 123 | ruby temp.rb
temp.rb:3:in `pos': Illegal seek # rb_io_tell - <STDIN> (Errno::ESPIPE)
from temp.rb:3:in `<main>'
because to assume the ability to call the you want to get false/true/true.
So I suppose you have to combine them:
!STDIN.tty? && !STDIN.closed? || ARGF.filename != ?-

Substituting the value of variable inside backtick operator

How can I substitute the value of a variable inside the backtick operator?
script_dir = File.expand_path File.dirname(__FILE__)
p `ruby -e p "$script_dir"` # this does not work
In Ruby, unlike Perl, the dollar sign indicates a global variable, not a plain regular variable to expand in a string. In a string, you need to use the #{} construct:
p `ruby -e "p #{script_dir}"`
An example:
irb(main):011:0> str = '\'howdy\''
=> "'howdy'"
irb(main):012:0> `ruby -e "p #{str}"`
=> "\"howdy\"\n"
Ruby string interpolation works with backtick operator:
p `ruby -e p "#{script_dir}"`

Is there a bug in Ruby lookbehind assertions (1.9/2.0)?

Why doesn't the regex (?<=fo).* match foo (whereas (?<=f).* does)?
"foo" =~ /(?<=f).*/m => 1
"foo" =~ /(?<=fo).*/m => nil
This only seems to happen with singleline mode turned on (dot matches newline); without it, everything is OK:
"foo" =~ /(?<=f).*/ => 1
"foo" =~ /(?<=fo).*/ => 2
Tested on Ruby 1.9.3 and 2.0.0.
See it on Rubular
EDIT: Some more observations:
Adding an end-of-line anchor doesn't change anything:
"foo" =~ /(?<=fo).*$/m => nil
But together with a lazy quantifier, it "works":
"foo" =~ /(?<=fo).*?$/m => 2
EDIT: And some more observations:
.+ works as does its equivalent {1,}, but only in Ruby 1.9 (it seems that that's the only behavioral difference between the two in this scenario):
"foo" =~ /(?<=fo).+/m => 2
"foo" =~ /(?<=fo).{1,}/ => 2
In Ruby 2.0:
"foo" =~ /(?<=fo).+/m => nil
"foo" =~ /(?<=fo).{1,}/m => nil
.{0,} is busted (in both 1.9 and 2.0):
"foo" =~ /(?<=fo).{0,}/m => nil
But {n,m} works in both:
"foo" =~ /(?<=fo).{0,1}/m => 2
"foo" =~ /(?<=fo).{0,2}/m => 2
"foo" =~ /(?<=fo).{0,999}/m => 2
"foo" =~ /(?<=fo).{1,999}/m => 2
This has been officially classified as a bug and subsequently fixed, together with another problem concerning \Z anchors in multiline strings.

Match newline `\n` in ruby regex

I'm trying to understand why the following returns false: (** I should have put "outputs 0" **)
puts "a\nb" =~"a\nb"), Regexp::MULTILINE | Regexp::EXTENDED)
Perhaps someone could explain.
I am trying to generate a Regexp from a multi-line String that will match the String.
Thanks in advance
puts will always return nil.
Your code should work fine, albeit lengthy. =~ returns the position of the match which is 0.
You could also use:
"a\nb" =~ /a\sb/m
"a\nb" =~ /a\nb/m
Note: The m option isn't necessary in this example but demonstrates how it would be used without
Probably, puts caused this
1.9.3-194 (main):0 > puts ("a\nb" =~"a\nb"), Regexp::MULTILINE | Regexp::EXTENDED) )
=> nil
1.9.3-194 (main):0 > "a\nb" =~"a\nb"), Regexp::MULTILINE | Regexp::EXTENDED)
=> 0
