My question is in reference to the FB HackerCup 2013 QualificationRound problem - BalancedSmileys.
Problem Statement: (copy here too:
I figured how to solve this problem using the BruteForce method which has exponential running time.
As per the official solutions posted, there is a solution with linear running time. It is described here:
Essentially, it maintains two counters: minOpen and maxOpen. Whenever a open parenthesis "(" is encountered, maxOpen is incremented. If the "(" was NOT a part of a smiley, minOpen is also incremented. Similar strategy for handling ")" as well, as described in the explanation link above.
I can see that the linear time method works, but it is not crystal clear in my head - how? So I am polling this group to find out if anyone can give an alternate "explanation" of the linear running time solution.
Many thanks!
Preprocessing: tokenize the input and convert each token to a list containing the possible effects on the open parenthesis count.
The inputs
i am sick today (:()
[[0], [0], ..., [0], [1], [0, 1], [-1]]
[[0, 1], [-1, 0], [-1]]
. Now, your brute force algorithm is something like this.
def solution1(lst, opencnt=0, i=0):
if opencnt < 0:
return False
elif i >= len(lst):
return opencnt == 0
for delta in lst[i]:
if solution1(lst, opencnt + delta, i + 1):
return True
return False
The function solution1 always gives the same output for a given input. For a given lst with entries in {-1, 0, 1}, there are only a linear number of possibilities for each of opencnt (-1 to len(lst)) and i (0 to len(lst) - 1), so by caching the output for a given input, namely, memoizing, we get the quadratic-time algorithm.
The linear-time algorithm turns the control flow inside out. Instead of making a separate recursive call for each delta, we make opencnt a set.
def solution2(lst, opencnt={0}, i=0):
opencnt = {x for x in opencnt if x >= 0}
if i >= len(lst):
return 0 in opencnt
return solution2(lst, {x + delta for x in opencnt for delta in lst[i]}, i + 1)
This implementation isn't linear time yet. The final optimization is that opencnt is always an interval, i.e., [minOpen, maxOpen], and can be manipulated in constant time.
If it weren't for the colon in rule #2, the obvious algorithm would be a finite state machine with two states, which loops over the string and maintains a parentheses count:
pcount = 0
for each character:
if it is ':': discard next character
if it is '(': pcount++
if it is ')': pcount-- if pcount > 0, otherwise immediately return "NO"
The fact that rule #2 allows colons makes it a bit more challenging, since messages of the form "(:)" or, say, "( foo :)" may be regarded to have balanced parentheses as well. What this rule essentially says is that "you find it hard to tell if a parenthesis really is a parenthesis or part of an emoticon", and you shall determine whether "there is a way to interpret his message while leaving the parentheses balanced".
To put it more clearly: We don't actually care for the emoticons at all. We shall find out whether the parentheses may be balanced.
The naive approach is to maintain an array of parentheses counters. Initially, it contains only one parentheses counter. Each time you encounter '(' or ')', you append the current parentheses counter array to itself, in-/decrementing the first half as suggested in the simple algorithm above. Once you reach the end of the string, you check whether the array contains zeros. If it does, there's a way for the string to be regarded as having balanced parentheses. Otherwise, there's not.
There might be room for improvements to this 2nd algorithm, and there may even be a jaw-droppingly elegant solution that won't run out of memory if the message consists of 1000 parentheses. However, given enough RAM, this naive approach will determine the correct answer in linear time (and, sadly, exponential space).
I have come across the following problem statement:
You have a sentence written entirely in a single row. You would like to split it into several rows by replacing some of the spaces
with "new row" indicators. Your goal is to minimize the width of the
longest row in the resulting text ("new row" indicators do not count
towards the width of a row). You may replace at most K spaces.
You will be given a sentence and a K. Split the sentence using the
procedure described above and return the width of the longest row.
I am a little lost with where to start. To me, it seems I need to try to figure out every possible sentence length that satisfies the criteria of splitting the single sentence up into K lines.
I can see a couple of edge cases:
There are <= K words in the sentence, therefore return the longest word.
The sentence length is 0, return 0
If neither of those criteria are true, then we have to determine all possible combinations of splitting the sentence and the return the minimum of all those options. This is the part I don't know how to do (and is obviously the heart of the problem).
You can solve it by inverting the problem. Let's say I fix the length of the longest split to L. Can you compute the minimum number of breaks you need to satisfy it?
Yes, you just break before the first word that would go over L and count them up (O(N)).
So now that we have that we just have to find a minimum L that would require less or equal K breaks. You can do a binary search in the length of the input. Final complexity O(NlogN).
First Answer
What you want to achieve is Minimum Raggedness. If you just want the algorithm, it is here as a PDF. If the research paper's link goes bad, please search for the famous paper named Breaking Paragraphs into Lines by Knuth.
However if you want to get your hands over some implementations of the same, in the question Balanced word wrap (Minimum raggedness) in PHP on SO, people have actually given implementation not only in PHP but in C, C++ and bash as well.
Second Answer
Though this is not exactly a correct approach, it is quick and dirty if you are looking for something like that. This method will not return correct answer for every case. It is for those people for whom time to ship their product is more important.
You already know the length of your input string. Let's call it L;
When putting in K breaks, the best scenario would be to be able to break the string to parts of exactly L / (K + 1) size;
So break your string at that word which makes the resulting sentence part's length least far from L / (K + 1);
My recursive solution, which can be improved through memoization or dynamic programming.
def split(self,sentence, K):
if not sentence: return 0
if ' ' not in sentence or K == 0: return len(sentence)
spaces = [i for i, s in enumerate(sentence) if s == ' ']
res = 100000
for space in spaces:
res = min(res, max(space, self.split(sentence[space+1:], K-1)))
return res
I'm working on a homework problem that asks me this:
Tiven a finite set of numbers, and a target number, find if the set can be used to calculate the target number using basic math operations (add, sub, mult, div) and using each number in the set exactly once (so I need to exhaust the set). This has to be done with recursion.
So, for example, if I have the set
{1, 2, 3, 4}
and target 10, then I could get to it by using
((3 * 4) - 2)/1 = 10.
I'm trying to phrase the algorithm in pseudo-code, but so far haven't gotten too far. I'm thinking graphs are the way to go, but would definitely appreciate help on this. thanks.
This isn't meant to be the fastest solution, but rather an instructive one.
It recursively generates all equations in postfix notation
It also provides a translation from postfix to infix notation
There is no actual arithmetic calculation done, so you have to implement that on your own
Be careful about division by zero
With 4 operands, 4 possible operators, it generates all 7680 = 5 * 4! * 4^3
possible expressions.
5 is Catalan(3). Catalan(N) is the number of ways to paranthesize N+1 operands.
4! because the 4 operands are permutable
4^3 because the 3 operators each have 4 choice
This definitely does not scale well, as the number of expressions for N operands is [1, 8, 192, 7680, 430080, 30965760, 2724986880, ...].
In general, if you have n+1 operands, and must insert n operators chosen from k possibilities, then there are (2n)!/n! k^n possible equations.
Good luck!
import java.util.*;
public class Expressions {
static String operators = "+-/*";
static String translate(String postfix) {
Stack<String> expr = new Stack<String>();
Scanner sc = new Scanner(postfix);
while (sc.hasNext()) {
String t =;
if (operators.indexOf(t) == -1) {
} else {
expr.push("(" + expr.pop() + t + expr.pop() + ")");
return expr.pop();
static void brute(Integer[] numbers, int stackHeight, String eq) {
if (stackHeight >= 2) {
for (char op : operators.toCharArray()) {
brute(numbers, stackHeight - 1, eq + " " + op);
boolean allUsedUp = true;
for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
if (numbers[i] != null) {
allUsedUp = false;
Integer n = numbers[i];
numbers[i] = null;
brute(numbers, stackHeight + 1, eq + " " + n);
numbers[i] = n;
if (allUsedUp && stackHeight == 1) {
System.out.println(eq + " === " + translate(eq));
static void expression(Integer... numbers) {
brute(numbers, 0, "");
public static void main(String args[]) {
expression(1, 2, 3, 4);
Before thinking about how to solve the problem (like with graphs), it really helps to just look at the problem. If you find yourself stuck and can't seem to come up with any pseudo-code, then most likely there is something that is holding you back; Some other question or concern that hasn't been addressed yet. An example 'sticky' question in this case might be, "What exactly is recursive about this problem?"
Before you read the next paragraph, try to answer this question first. If you knew what was recursive about the problem, then writing a recursive method to solve it might not be very difficult.
You want to know if some expression that uses a set of numbers (each number used only once) gives you a target value. There are four binary operations, each with an inverse. So, in other words, you want to know if the first number operated with some expression of the other numbers gives you the target. Well, in other words, you want to know if some expression of the 'other' numbers is [...]. If not, then using the first operation with the first number doesn't really give you what you need, so try the other ops. If they don't work, then maybe it just wasn't meant to be.
Edit: I thought of this for an infix expression of four operators without parenthesis, since a comment on the original question said that parenthesis were added for the sake of an example (for clarity?) and the use of parenthesis was not explicitly stated.
Well, you didn't mention efficiency so I'm going to post a really brute force solution and let you optimize it if you want to. Since you can have parantheses, it's easy to brute force it using Reverse Polish Notation:
First of all, if your set has n numbers, you must use exactly n - 1 operators. So your solution will be given by a sequence of 2n - 1 symbols from {{your given set}, {*, /, +, -}}
st = a stack of length 2n - 1
n = numbers in your set
a = your set, to which you add *, /, +, -
v[i] = 1 if the NUMBER i has been used before, 0 otherwise
void go(int k)
if ( k > 2n - 1 )
// eval st as described on Wikipedia.
// Careful though, it might not be valid, so you'll have to check that it is
// if it evals to your target value great, you can build your target from the given numbers. Otherwise, go on.
for ( each symbol x in a )
if ( x isn't a number or x is a number but v[x] isn't 1 )
st[k] = x;
if ( x is a number )
v[x] = 1;
go(k + 1);
Generally speaking, when you need to do something recursively it helps to start from the "bottom" and think your way up.
Consider: You have a set S of n numbers {a,b,c,...}, and a set of four operations {+,-,*,/}. Let's call your recursive function that operates on the set F(S)
If n is 1, then F(S) will just be that number.
If n is 2, F(S) can be eight things:
pick your left-hand number from S (2 choices)
then pick an operation to apply (4 choices)
your right-hand number will be whatever is left in the set
Now, you can generalize from the n=2 case:
Pick a number x from S to be the left-hand operand (n choices)
Pick an operation to apply
your right hand number will be F(S-x)
I'll let you take it from here. :)
edit: Mark poses a valid criticism; the above method won't get absolutely everything. To fix that problem, you need to think about it in a slightly different way:
At each step, you first pick an operation (4 choices), and then
partition S into two sets, for the left and right hand operands,
and recursively apply F to both partitions
Finding all partitions of a set into 2 parts isn't trivial itself, though.
Your best clue about how to approach this problem is the fact that your teacher/professor wants you to use recursion. That is, this isn't a math problem - it is a search problem.
Not to give too much away (it is homework after all), but you have to spawn a call to the recursive function using an operator, a number and a list containing the remaining numbers. The recursive function will extract a number from the list and, using the operation passed in, combine it with the number passed in (which is your running total). Take the running total and call yourself again with the remaining items on the list (you'll have to iterate the list within the call but the sequence of calls is depth-first). Do this once for each of the four operators unless Success has been achieved by a previous leg of the search.
I updated this to use a list instead of a stack
When the result of the operation is your target number and your list is empty, then you have successfully found the set of operations (those that traced the path to the successful leaf) - set the Success flag and unwind. Note that the operators aren't on a list nor are they in the call: the function itself always iterates over all four. Your mechanism for "unwinding" the operator sequence from the successful leaf to get the sequence is to return the current operator and number prepended to the value returned by recursive call (only one of which will be successful since you stop at success - that, obviously, is the one to use). If none are successful, then what you return isn't important anyhow.
Update This is much harder when you have to consider expressions like the one that Daniel posted. You have combinatorics on the numbers and the groupings (numbers due to the fact that / and - are order sensitive even without grouping and grouping because it changes precedence). Then, of course, you also have the combinatorics of the operations. It is harder to manage the differences between (4 + 3) * 2 and 4 + (3 * 2) because grouping doesn't recurse like operators or numbers (which you can just iterate over in a breadth-first manner while making your (depth-first) recursive calls).
Here's some Python code to get you started: it just prints all the possible expressions, without worrying too much about redundancy. You'd need to modify it to evaluate expressions and compare to the target number, rather than simply printing them.
The basic idea is: given a set S of numbers, partition S into two subsets left and right in all possible ways (where we don't care about the order or the elements in left and right), such that left and right are both nonempty. Now for each of these partitions, find all ways of combining the elements in left (recursively!), and similarly for right, and combine the two resulting values with all possible operators. The recursion bottoms out when a set has just one element, in which case there's only one value possible.
Even if you don't know Python, the expressions function should be reasonably easy to follow; the splittings function contains some Python oddities, but all it does is to find all the partitions of the list l into left and right pieces.
def splittings(l):
n = len(l)
for i in xrange(2**n):
left = [e for b, e in enumerate(l) if i & 2**b]
right = [e for b, e in enumerate(l) if not i & 2**b]
yield left, right
def expressions(l):
if len(l) == 1:
yield l[0]
for left, right in splittings(l):
if not left or not right:
for el in expressions(left):
for er in expressions(right):
for operator in '+-*/':
yield '(' + el + operator + er + ')'
for x in expressions('1234'):
print x
pusedo code:
Works(list, target)
for n in list
return Works(tmp,target+n) or Works(tmp,target-n) or Works(tmp, n-target) or ...
then you just have to put the base case in. I think I gave away to much.
This is something that I routinely err in while solving problems. How do we decide what is the value of a recursive function when the argument is at the lowest extreme. An example will help:
Given n, find the number of ways to tile a 3xN grid using 2x1 blocks only. Rotation of blocks is allowed.
The DP solution is easily found as
f(n): the number of ways of tiling a 3xN grid
g(n): the number of ways of tiling a 3xN grid with a 1x1 block cut off at the rightmost column
f(n) = f(n-2) + 2*g(n-1)
g(n) = f(n-1) + g(n-2)
I initially thought that the base cases would be f(0)=0, g(0)=0, f(1)=0, g(1)=1. However, this yields a wrong answer. I then read somewhere that f(0)=1 and reasoned it out as
The number of ways of tiling a 3x0 grid is one because there is only one way we cannot use any tiles(2x1 blocks).
My question is, by that logic, shouldn't g(0) be also one. But, in the correct solution, g(0)=0. In general, when can we say that the number of ways of using nothing is one?
About your specific question of tiling, think this way:
How many ways are there to "tile a 3*0 grid"?
I would say: Just one way, don't do anything! and you can't "do nothing" any other way. (f(0) = 1)
How many ways are there to "tile a 3*0 grid, cutting that specific block off"?
I would say: Hey! That's impossible! You can't cut the specific block off since there is nothing. So, there's no way one can solve the task anyhow. (g(0) = 0)
Now, let's get to the general case:
There's no "general" rule about zero cases.
Depending on your problem, you may be able to somehow "interpret" the situation, and find the reasonable value. Most of the times (depending on your definition of "ways") number of ways of doing "nothing" is 1, and number of ways of doing something impossible is 0!
Warning! Being able to somehow "interpret" the zero case is not enough for the relation to be correct! You should recheck your recursive relation (i.e. the way you get the n-th value from the previous ones) to be applicable for the zero-to-one case as well, since most of the time this would be a "tricky" case.
You may find it easier to base your recursive relation on some non-zero case, if you find the zero-case being tricky, or confusing.
The way I see it, g(0) is invalid, since there is no way to cut a 1x1 block out of a 3x0 grid.
Invalid values are typically represented as 0, -∞ or ∞, but this largely depends on the problem. The number of ways to place something would make sense to be 0 to represent invalid values (otherwise your counts will be off). When working with min, you'd generally use ∞. When working with max, you'd generally use -∞ (or possibly 0).
Generally, the number of ways to place 0 objects or objects in a 0-sized space makes sense to be 1 (i.e. placing no objects) (so f(0) = 1). In a lot of other cases valid values would be 0.
But these are far from rules (and avoid blindly following rules, because you'll get hurt with exceptions); the best advice I can give - when in doubt, throw a few values in and see what happens.
In this case you can easily determine what the actual values for g(1), f(1), g(2) and f(2) should be, and use these to calculate g(0) and f(0):
g(1) = 1
f(1) = 0
g(2): (all invalid, since ? is not populated)
|X |X ?X
|? || --
-- ?| --
g(2) = 0, thus g(0) = 0 - f(1) = 0 - 0 = 0
|| -- --
|| -- ||
-- -- ||
f(2) = 3, thus f(0) = 3 - 2*g(1) = 3 - 2 = 1
Given a long string L and a shorter string S (the constraint is that L.length must be >= S.length), I want to find the minimum Hamming distance between S and any substring of L with length equal to S.length. Let's call the function for this minHamming(). For example,
minHamming(ABCDEFGHIJ, CDEFGG) == 1.
minHamming(ABCDEFGHIJ, BCDGHI) == 3.
Doing this the obvious way (enumerating every substring of L) requires O(S.length * L.length) time. Is there any clever way to do this in sublinear time? I search the same L with several different S strings, so doing some complicated preprocessing to L once is acceptable.
Edit: The modified Boyer-Moore would be a good idea, except that my alphabet is only 4 letters (DNA).
Perhaps surprisingly, this exact problem can be solved in just O(|A|nlog n) time using Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs), where n is the length of the larger sequence L and |A| is the size of the alphabet.
Here is a freely available PDF of a paper by Donald Benson describing how it works:
Fourier methods for biosequence analysis (Donald Benson, Nucleic Acids Research 1990 vol. 18, pp. 3001-3006)
Summary: Convert each of your strings S and L into several indicator vectors (one per character, so 4 in the case of DNA), and then convolve corresponding vectors to determine match counts for each possible alignment. The trick is that convolution in the "time" domain, which ordinarily requires O(n^2) time, can be implemented using multiplication in the "frequency" domain, which requires just O(n) time, plus the time required to convert between domains and back again. Using the FFT each conversion takes just O(nlog n) time, so the overall time complexity is O(|A|nlog n). For greatest speed, finite field FFTs are used, which require only integer arithmetic.
Note: For arbitrary S and L this algorithm is clearly a huge performance win over the straightforward O(mn) algorithm as |S| and |L| become large, but OTOH if S is typically shorter than log|L| (e.g. when querying a large DB with a small sequence), then obviously this approach provides no speedup.
UPDATE 21/7/2009: Updated to mention that the time complexity also depends linearly on the size of the alphabet, since a separate pair of indicator vectors must be used for each character in the alphabet.
Modified Boyer-Moore
I've just dug up some old Python implementation of Boyer-Moore I had lying around and modified the matching loop (where the text is compared to the pattern). Instead of breaking out as soon as the first mismatch is found between the two strings, simply count up the number of mismatches, but remember the first mismatch:
current_dist = 0
while pattern_pos >= 0:
if pattern[pattern_pos] != text[text_pos]:
if first_mismatch == -1:
first_mismatch = pattern_pos
tp = text_pos
current_dist += 1
if current_dist == smallest_dist:
pattern_pos -= 1
text_pos -= 1
smallest_dist = min(current_dist, smallest_dist)
# if the distance is 0, we've had a match and can quit
if current_dist == 0:
return 0
else: # shift
pattern_pos = first_mismatch
text_pos = tp
If the string did not match completely at this point, go back to the point of the first mismatch by restoring the values. This makes sure that the smallest distance is actually found.
The whole implementation is rather long (~150LOC), but I can post it on request. The core idea is outlined above, everything else is standard Boyer-Moore.
Preprocessing on the Text
Another way to speed things up is preprocessing the text to have an index on character positions. You only want to start comparing at positions where at least a single match between the two strings occurs, otherwise the Hamming distance is |S| trivially.
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
import bisect
def char_positions(t):
pos = defaultdict(list)
for idx, c in enumerate(t):
return dict(pos)
This method simply creates a dictionary which maps each character in the text to the sorted list of its occurrences.
The comparison loop is more or less unchanged to naive O(mn) approach, apart from the fact that we do not increase the position at which comparison is started by 1 each time, but based on the character positions:
def min_hamming(text, pattern):
best = len(pattern)
pos = char_positions(text)
i = find_next_pos(pattern, pos, 0)
while i < len(text) - len(pattern):
dist = 0
for c in range(len(pattern)):
if text[i+c] != pattern[c]:
dist += 1
if dist == best:
c += 1
if dist == 0:
return 0
best = min(dist, best)
i = find_next_pos(pattern, pos, i + 1)
return best
The actual improvement is in find_next_pos:
def find_next_pos(pattern, pos, i):
smallest = sys.maxint
for idx, c in enumerate(pattern):
if c in pos:
x = bisect.bisect_left(pos[c], i + idx)
if x < len(pos[c]):
smallest = min(smallest, pos[c][x] - idx)
return smallest
For each new position, we find the lowest index at which a character from S occurs in L. If there is no such index any more, the algorithm will terminate.
find_next_pos is certainly complex, and one could try to improve it by only using the first several characters of the pattern S, or use a set to make sure characters from the pattern are not checked twice.
Which method is faster largely depends on your dataset. The more diverse your alphabet is, the larger will be the jumps. If you have a very long L, the second method with preprocessing might be faster. For very, very short strings (like in your question), the naive approach will certainly be the fastest.
If you have a very small alphabet, you could try to get the character positions for character bigrams (or larger) rather than unigrams.
You're stuck as far as big-O is concerned.. At a fundamental level, you're going to need to test if every letter in the target matches each eligible letter in the substring.
Luckily, this is easily parallelized.
One optimization you can apply is to keep a running count of mismatches for the current position. If it's greater than the lowest hamming distance so far, then obviously you can skip to the next possibility.
Most sort algorithms rely on a pairwise-comparison the determines whether A < B, A = B or A > B.
I'm looking for algorithms (and for bonus points, code in Python) that take advantage of a pairwise-comparison function that can distinguish a lot less from a little less or a lot more from a little more. So perhaps instead of returning {-1, 0, 1} the comparison function returns {-2, -1, 0, 1, 2} or {-5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5} or even a real number on the interval (-1, 1).
For some applications (such as near sorting or approximate sorting) this would enable a reasonable sort to be determined with less comparisons.
The extra information can indeed be used to minimize the total number of comparisons. Calls to the super_comparison function can be used to make deductions equivalent to a great number of calls to a regular comparsion function. For example, a much-less-than b and c little-less-than b implies a < c < b.
The deductions cans be organized into bins or partitions which can each be sorted separately. Effectively, this is equivalent to QuickSort with n-way partition. Here's an implementation in Python:
from collections import defaultdict
from random import choice
def quicksort(seq, compare):
'Stable in-place sort using a 3-or-more-way comparison function'
# Make an n-way partition on a random pivot value
segments = defaultdict(list)
pivot = choice(seq)
for x in seq:
ranking = 0 if x is pivot else compare(x, pivot)
# Recursively sort each segment and store it in the sequence
for ranking, segment in sorted(segments.items()):
if ranking and len(segment) > 1:
quicksort(segment, compare)
seq += segment
if __name__ == '__main__':
from random import randrange
from math import log10
def super_compare(a, b):
'Compare with extra logarithmic near/far information'
c = -1 if a < b else 1 if a > b else 0
return c * (int(log10(max(abs(a - b), 1.0))) + 1)
n = 10000
data = [randrange(4*n) for i in range(n)]
goal = sorted(data)
quicksort(data, super_compare)
print(data == goal)
By instrumenting this code with the trace module, it is possible to measure the performance gain. In the above code, a regular three-way compare uses 133,000 comparisons while a super comparison function reduces the number of calls to 85,000.
The code also makes it easy to experiment with a variety comparison functions. This will show that naïve n-way comparison functions do very little to help the sort. For example, if the comparison function returns +/-2 for differences greater than four and +/-1 for differences four or less, there is only a modest 5% reduction in the number of comparisons. The root cause is that the course grained partitions used in the beginning only have a handful of "near matches" and everything else falls in "far matches".
An improvement to the super comparison is to covers logarithmic ranges (i.e. +/-1 if within ten, +/-2 if within a hundred, +/- if within a thousand.
An ideal comparison function would be adaptive. For any given sequence size, the comparison function should strive to subdivide the sequence into partitions of roughly equal size. Information theory tells us that this will maximize the number of bits of information per comparison.
The adaptive approach makes good intuitive sense as well. People should first be partitioned into love vs like before making more refined distinctions such as love-a-lot vs love-a-little. Further partitioning passes should each make finer and finer distinctions.
You can use a modified quick sort. Let me explain on an example when you comparison function returns [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]. Say, you have an array A to sort.
Create 5 empty arrays - Aminus2, Aminus1, A0, Aplus1, Aplus2.
Pick an arbitrary element of A, X.
For each element of the array, compare it with X.
Depending on the result, place the element in one of the Aminus2, Aminus1, A0, Aplus1, Aplus2 arrays.
Apply the same sort recursively to Aminus2, Aminus1, Aplus1, Aplus2 (note: you don't need to sort A0, as all he elements there are equal X).
Concatenate the arrays to get the final result: A = Aminus2 + Aminus1 + A0 + Aplus1 + Aplus2.
It seems like using raindog's modified quicksort would let you stream out results sooner and perhaps page into them faster.
Maybe those features are already available from a carefully-controlled qsort operation? I haven't thought much about it.
This also sounds kind of like radix sort except instead of looking at each digit (or other kind of bucket rule), you're making up buckets from the rich comparisons. I have a hard time thinking of a case where rich comparisons are available but digits (or something like them) aren't.
I can't think of any situation in which this would be really useful. Even if I could, I suspect the added CPU cycles needed to sort fuzzy values would be more than those "extra comparisons" you allude to. But I'll still offer a suggestion.
Consider this possibility (all strings use the 27 characters a-z and _):
1/ now_is_the_time
2/ now_is_never
3/ now_we_have_to_go
4/ aaa
5/ ___
Obviously strings 1 and 2 are more similar that 1 and 3 and much more similar than 1 and 4.
One approach is to scale the difference value for each identical character position and use the first different character to set the last position.
Putting aside signs for the moment, comparing string 1 with 2, the differ in position 8 by 'n' - 't'. That's a difference of 6. In order to turn that into a single digit 1-9, we use the formula:
digit = ceiling(9 * abs(diff) / 27)
since the maximum difference is 26. The minimum difference of 1 becomes the digit 1. The maximum difference of 26 becomes the digit 9. Our difference of 6 becomes 3.
And because the difference is in position 8, out comparison function will return 3x10-8 (actually it will return the negative of that since string 1 comes after string 2.
Using a similar process for strings 1 and 4, the comparison function returns -5x10-1. The highest possible return (strings 4 and 5) has a difference in position 1 of '-' - 'a' (26) which generates the digit 9 and hence gives us 9x10-1.
Take these suggestions and use them as you see fit. I'd be interested in knowing how your fuzzy comparison code ends up working out.
Considering you are looking to order a number of items based on human comparison you might want to approach this problem like a sports tournament. You might allow each human vote to increase the score of the winner by 3 and decrease the looser by 3, +2 and -2, +1 and -1 or just 0 0 for a draw.
Then you just do a regular sort based on the scores.
Another alternative would be a single or double elimination tournament structure.
You can use two comparisons, to achieve this. Multiply the more important comparison by 2, and add them together.
Here is a example of what I mean in Perl.
It compares two array references by the first element, then by the second element.
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
my #array = (
[a => 2],
[b => 1],
[a => 1],
[c => 0]
say "$_->[0] => $_->[1]" for sort {
($a->[0] cmp $b->[0]) * 2 +
($a->[1] <=> $b->[1]);
} #array;
a => 1
a => 2
b => 1
c => 0
You could extend this to any number of comparisons very easily.
Perhaps there's a good reason to do this but I don't think it beats the alternatives for any given situation and certainly isn't good for general cases. The reason? Unless you know something about the domain of the input data and about the distribution of values you can't really improve over, say, quicksort. And if you do know those things, there are often ways that would be much more effective.
Anti-example: suppose your comparison returns a value of "huge difference" for numbers differing by more than 1000, and that the input is {0, 10000, 20000, 30000, ...}
Anti-example: same as above but with input {0, 10000, 10001, 10002, 20000, 20001, ...}
But, you say, I know my inputs don't look like that! Well, in that case tell us what your inputs really look like, in detail. Then someone might be able to really help.
For instance, once I needed to sort historical data. The data was kept sorted. When new data were added it was appended, then the list was run again. I did not have the information of where the new data was appended. I designed a hybrid sort for this situation that handily beat qsort and others by picking a sort that was quick on already sorted data and tweaking it to be fast (essentially switching to qsort) when it encountered unsorted data.
The only way you're going to improve over the general purpose sorts is to know your data. And if you want answers you're going to have to communicate that here very well.