Steps to run metro (JAX-WS) on Websphere 6.1 - websphere

Anyone knows the steps to run JAX-WS on Websphere 6.1? JAX-WS website doesn't lists any step. Though other frameworks like Apache cxf do list the steps to configure on Websphere 6.1

The ideal way is to use the free, supported WebSphere Feature Pack for Web Services. Although regrettably, this requires you to create a new Profile in WebSphere. But it provides integrated, supported JAX-WS capability without needing additional libraries.
Are you asking about using a specific JAX-WS implementation? Like the Reference Implementation? If so, is there a particular reason you need to use that one?


WAS is using Axis2 for Webservice client instead of JAXWS

we have to use a third party system which exposes SOAP Services. We developed and tested locally using JAXWS and Jetty. All is working fine. when the same is deployed with in WAS 7.0, it seems, it is using Axis2 library the same is throwing few errors.
Any help\idea on what configuration needs change to make our EAR to use JAXWS instead of Axis2?
Axis2 is the JAX-WS implementation used by WAS 7, and it'll be picked up for any JAX-WS operations run on the server by default.
If your application is dependent on your own JAX-WS provider, as it sounds like you are, the procedure for using third-party web services engines is documented at
I happened to find the 8.5.5 document first, but the procedure is applicable to version 7 as well.

Migrate OSGI application from Karaf 2.3.4 to Websphere Application server

I have an OSGI application deployed in Karaf v2.3.4, it worked well, but I want to migrate it to WebSphere application server, I want to know the difference between these two servers, and the guidlines for doing that
thanks for your help
I've lead the development of OSGi applications on WebSphere, but am less familiar with Karaf. From what I can tell, we share the same Blueprint implementation. I believe that Karaf supports the OSGi application (.eba) packaging model - WebSphere Application Server insists upon it.
You can download free, developer-licensed WebSphere Application Server runtimes and Eclipse-based tooling from The simplest approach would be to import your application source into the tooling, and deploy it onto a runtime from there.
The Karaf home page describes it as 'a small OSGi based runtime which provides a lightweight container onto which various components and applications can be deployed.' WebSphere Application Server is a Java EE-compliant application server. Until the advent of the Liberty Profile, it could not have been described as 'small'. Both runtimes are OSGi based.
We don't have a specific guide for migrating OSGi applications from Karaf to WebSphere, which is why I recommend that you try it and see what happens. Good luck - do let us know how you get on, either here or on the forums.

JBoss portal with an existing application

I have never worked with portals before. So I am confused now. We have an application which is working with Spring and tomcat 5.5. So now they are telling me to use JBoss portal on top of that. My question is that is it possible to link my application which is already done with jsp, spring, etc to the JBoss portal. When I want to install JBoss portal as options it has JBoss7 and tomcat 6 options. This wouldn't interfere with my own app which has to run on tomcat 5.5. Am I right?
The closest you can get is with JSR 329 which allows to bridge JSF1.2 applications with JSR 286 based portal environment. The JBoss implementation of JSR 329 called JBoss Portlet Bridge gives you the flexibility to run SEAM as well in portal environment without knowing the details of the portal technology. In addition to this, you can also explore Spring's Portlet MVC Framework but the limitation with this framework is your portlet implementation would be in JSR 168 style which is earlier/base version of portlet specification. Another option for you is to develop a separate portal application with portlets calling your business layer services directly to get the work done. I am not aware about any other frameworks/technology you can use to run spring applications in portal environment. And so go ahead with detailed requirement analysis session with your team and identify how they really want the portal to function.

Enterprise Application

I am thinking about a platform for study application (it is team work). I mean standard Java EE 5 (or maybe try raw Java EE 6) and Spring. What is your choose? (I don't mean Spring MVC but Spring Beans and EJB 3.0)
Also I would like to know what app server you use? (now I use GlassFish v2)
I would recommend Spring without EJBs.
My favorite choice of Java EE app server is WebLogic, but I don't know if Oracle is as generous as BEA was about making it available to developers.
I'd recommend using Tomcat as your app server. If you need JMS, add ActiveMQ.
As duffymo says, look at Spring without EJBs. Spring is very powerful, regardless of how much/little you use. I don't know of anyone using EJBs now. Having said that, EJBs have changed dramatically over the years, and now resemble ORMs such as Hibernate (which is worth checking out in itself).
For app servers, check out JBoss. It's free/open-source, and you can choose the web component between Tomcat and Jetty. It's JMX backbone allows you to easily monitor its state and to integrate your own JMX beans into that backbone (if you're using Spring, you can JMX-enable any bean with a simple configuration).
If you want Java EE 6 then the choice appears to be either Glassfish 3 or the beta of JBoss 6. As some of the others have said, I also prefer Spring to Java EE's EJBs.
I don't see much point in looking at Java EE 5, unless you think you will be working with it in the future (possible as some companies are conservative in using newer versions of technology).

How to integrate a SpringSource dm Server into another OSGi-based application server?

I would really like to use SpringSource dm Server, but our customer requires us to run our apps on their application server (Websphere). Is there a way to integrate SpringSource dm Server with other application servers? At least dm Server is build on OSGi, and many other application servers (including Websphere) are based on OSGi as well. Is it possible to run a SpringSource dm Server as a websphere component?
SpringSource dm Server is based on the Eclipse Equinox OSGi framework (and should not be confused with the Spring DM technology, included in dm Server, which can run on Equinox, Apache Felix, and Knopflerfish).
However, embedding dm Server in another application server, such as WebSphere Application Server, based on Equinox would be a non-trivial piece of work. It would be necessary to get both products to use the same version of Equinox, which they currently do not, then modify dm Server to support embedding in the server (e.g. to integrate with the host server's application invocation mechanism, thread pools, and class loading scheme).
If you think this support is important, please raise a requirement (which requires a simple registration) against dm Server.
Spring DM is deployed on a Knoplerfish OSGi implementation.
Websphere is deployed on an Equinox OSGi implmentation.
So the question becomes - are the two interchangeable? They both support R4, so I would say, yes, they are.
The next question would be to check dependencies, particularly with respect to things like HttpServices.
I would say this would be ok, but I think the final proof would be try deploying it. Easiest would be to drop the bundles into a Websphere deployment. You'll need your bundles and whatever spring bundles you're using.
I'm also interested in this topic. Another way of looking at this problem is that you want an application depoyable in both Spring dm server and a traditional app server (Websphere, weblogic, JBoss, ...).
The OSGi containers are embeddable inside non-OSGi applications, so it is theoretically possible to deploy an app to both Spring dm server and the same app + OSGi container to a traditional app server.
Now, as usual, the devil's in the details, including such topics of web development and bridging servlets between the outer app server and the OSGi container.
I do not think that this is really the case ...
see the following link for this:
But it seems on the other side, that the trend is clear ... there will be a time when OSGI based application can be deployed on Java EE application servers
