Specify multiple versions in manifest file - joomla

I've developed an extension(component + plugin) that is compatible with both joomla versions 2.5 and 3.0.
Now, my question is how to declare the version attribute in extension tag in manifest file, since same extension will be used for joomla 2.5 and 3.0 installs. Or does it not matter?
<extension version="2.5" ... ></extension>
<extension version="3.0" ... ></extension>
Although during install, it doesn't create any problem, as I've tried setting it to 2.5 for joomla 3.0 also
Thanx in advance...

Ok, so not having received even a single response in so much time, I checked the versions mentioned in other commercially successfdully extensions from joomla site those were supporting both the joomla versions, and found out that they were mentioning 2.5.
Hence, im going by the same...


Joomla 2.5 (3.x) extension manager not finding update of extensions

I have an issue with Joomla 2.5 extensions updates.
I've released a new version for a plugin made by myself and installed into my site. I have made the xml update server but inclusive other extensions that has a lot of updates aren't detected.
What could be the issue for this?
I previously found there was an issue with the version numbers: I had to use a 4-level version number ( ) to get the automatic update to work. You could try that...
Good, 1 year later I could see the issue (for my extensions): on update server xml the tag element had a typo (minimum typo) and Joomla update manager were not able to find the updates to my extension.
the value for element tag had a plugin_name value (look at the underscore) but plugin is pluginname
for third party extensions, was a Joomla bug and I update the site to the current Joomla version.

500 - JHtmlBehavior::mootools not found when i upgrade joomla template 2.5 to 3.0

I have a gantry template for Joomla 2.5 and I converted this template to make it Joomla 3.0 compatible.
The Joomla 2.5 to 3.0 upgrade was successful, but template does not work, why? .
I get the following error:
500 - JHtmlBehavior::mootools not found
Somewhere in your template, you are using:
This has been removed as of Joomla 3 and therefore needs to be changed to:
Instead of trying to fix the extensions the following plugin can be used (and it will provide the JHtml::_('behavior.mootools') API call): J25 Legacy plugin for Joomla 3.X
I agree with denis post above. I had this same problem with upgrading from j2.5 to j3X and used j25 legacy plugin from pluginaria. Found here: http://www.pluginaria.com/j25-legacy.html and got rid of the error for me. There may be a better way.... Find and replace plugin to the change code? But this is a quick and easy way to solve this issue. Make sure to activate the plugin under plugin manager after you install.... and of course make sure you have a backup before upgrading from 2.5 to 3. You should expect their to be problems.

jupgrade-joomla upgrade from 1.5 to 2.5

Long time back I used jUpgrade plugin for joomla upgrade.
But now the plugin / component is not in use to upgrade the joomla version from 1.5 to 2.5
Is there any other freeware plugin for migration?
I used following components.
Gavick Pro
Joomfish and
Pleas give some suggesstions to upgrade the joomla from 1.5 to 2.5
jUpgrade has been unpublished due to a broken download link, however things have changed on their official website and it can still be downloaded:
I forgot to mention that jUpgrade does not upgrade your 3rd party extensions such as JEvents. You will have to download the Joomla 2.5 compatible version for each one unfortunately. The same goes for the site template.
I know this is an old question, but things have changed on redComponent again. They now don't have an installer available on the site.
However, if redMigrator (the JUpgrade replacement) doesn't meet your needs (as in my particular case, today), they have put the JUpgrade source on GitHub
Just clone the repo down and then run releases/make_release.sh
It's still available from the makers website. Just been unpublished on JED for some reason. Keep on using it as before as far as I'm concerned.
There are no other well recognized freeware upgrades just the paid SP Upgrade (note the support on this extension as it is a paid extension is much better however for a generic upgrade stick with jUpgrade). However free upgrades do exist and can be found under this section on JED.

How to develop Joomla 1.5 componenets?

How can I start developing a component for the Joomla 1.5 framework? Does anyone know of a good tutorial, or has a good reference?
I have read the tutorial on the wiki and I didn't understand it well, so if you could point me to another one, that would be great.
I know that ideally I should work with Joomla 2.5 or 3.0 but I am being asked to develop this for an existing website, I can't decide which version to work on.
I think the official tutorials in Joomla! Documentation really do cut it. Give it a try - http://docs.joomla.org/Component_Development
I can't decide which version to work on
I personally would use Joomla 2.5 as it's the long term lease of the Joomla series and has much more documentation and support. Joomla 3.0 is the short term release, therefore is a beta version of 3.5 so to speak.
Seeing as you are using Joomla 1.5 at the moment, you could always upgrade to Joomla 2.5 using JUpgrade which is a free extension. Note that this won't upgrade 3rd party extensions, so you will need to install the Joomla 2.5 compatible versions for each one (providing there is one).
To get you started on a Joomla 2.5 component, have a look at the Joomla 2.5 MVC Documentation. This also provides zip files of a HelloWorld component for you to download at various stages.
You might also be interested in a Component Generator.
Hope this helps.

joomla 3.0 extension manager not finding update of module

I developed a module that can be updated in Joomla 2.5 Extension Manager.
I can't find information anywhere that indicates that something needs to be different in order to work properly in Joomla 3.0
I don't intend to advertise this module by providing the link to it, I'm just trying to find help to fix this problem.
Here is the page where you can download it:
If you install v1.1 on Joomla 2.5, the Extension Manager will find the new update v1.2.
If you install it on Joomla 3.0, the Extension Manager won't find the new version.
Can anyone help?
I found the solution for my problem.
This looks so easy.. I don't know how I couldn't find this earlier.
I had to add another tag to the manifest file on the update server targeting Joomla 3.0, like this:
<targetplatform name="joomla" version="3.0"/>
I had renamed everything to the respective plugin name but still joomla wasn't finding the new copied and modified plugin that I had created.
Finally I found out that the plugin attribute of the XML object, needs to be the same name that of the plugin. So lets say that the new plugin name is xxyyzz, As shown below with the other respective changes, the plugin attribute should also be updated.
<filename plugin="xxyyzz">xxyyzz.php</filename>
