Using Safenet HASP in VisualStudio unit test - visual-studio-2010

I have been using HASP 5.0 in my .Net 4.0 (VS2010, Win 7) application with no problems.
I am adding some new functionality and am trying to create unit tests for it. I am not able to run code from the test project that logs into the hasp license. After logging in with vendor code, I get HaspStatus.HaspDotNetDllBroken {652}. The same code does run OK from the main project.
I copied the following files:
hasp_windows_NNNNN.dll (my client DLL)
into the test execution directory, and added a reference to hasp_net_windows.dll into the test project.
I also tried to have the problematic code in the test function (not the main code base) but have the same problem.
Any ideas


Xcode 7: Can't create a Swift command line tool with a unit test target

Oh, Xcode!
I'm stymied. If I create a Mac OS Cocoa app, I get a unit test target for free. But I want to write a command line tool (or even a library that I can link into a command line tool) and write some unit tests against it. I'll be darned if I can figure it out.
I've gotten far enough that I have a command line target, and a test target. I can "#testable import" my commnd line module and use the code in the test code with no errors in Xcode. However, as soon as I try to run my test (Cmd-U), I get a link error. None of the classes in the main module can be linked. What?
I've been messing with this for hours, and the Great Google has been no help. (I'm using Xcode 7, and Xcode 6 seems very different.) Can anyone help me?
So far the only solution I've found for this problem is to manually add all the files containing code that you want to test to unit test target manually:
This is something you wouldn't do when testing an application target. I think the fact that the command line target cannot be selected as the test host for a unit test target might be related with this issue:
Another option you have, which might require a bit more work, is to define all your logic into a Framework, and write the command line app as a consumer of the APIs it provides.
This way you can easily unit test the framework the usual way, and then write integration tests for the command line app in the form of scripts that call it and assert the results.
After struggling with this here is the solution that worked for me:
Step 1: Add a testing bundle. Editor > Add Target, Cocoa Testing Bundle
Step 2: Edit the scheme. Product > Scheme > Edit Scheme. Select Test, click +. Under “Choose targets to test as part of this scheme”, select your test target.
Step 3: Try with you simple test
There are cases when adding the same file to both utility and the test target is not possible (some kind of loops resulting in redefinitions).
However, it's possible to create an additional application target, add all files of the utility except for main.swift to the app, and then use this app as a hosting app for the tests (and also enable "Allow testing Host Application APIs checkbox).

How to create a Qt-Quick Test

I have to create a Unit-Test.
But first, I´ve to get clear what to do.
There is a QtQuick2-App written and now I would like to do Unit-Tests with the GUI. What are the steps for Unit-Tests with GUI? After reading the Qt-documents, I could not create any ideas for starting with the test.
Hope somebody can help me.
Edit: I was able to run some tests, after adding tst_button.qml and tst_test.cpp to my Project (main.cpp is in comments now). Is this the right way, or should I create a new project just for the Tests? If yes, what kind of project is needed?
And the last question: Do I need to build up my MainForm for pressing buttons for example?
import QtQuick 2.4
import QtTest 1.0
id: myRec
property var myMainForm: null
function test_init(){
var createMyWindow = "import QtQuick 2.0; MainForm{id:myForm}"
var myMainForm = Qt.createQmlObject(createMyWindow,myRec)
myRec.myMainForm = myMainForm
#include <QtQuickTest/quicktest.h>
Testing and Debugging lists two ways:
Qt Test (also known as testlib) - a framework for unit tests of C++ code
Qt Quick Test - a framework for unit tests of QML code
You can use Qt Test for testing Qt Quick applications, but that's generally better for when you need access to C++ API that isn't available in QML.
Do I just add a *.qml file to my project and fill it with my code? If yes, what do I have to do to start the test?
You'll first need to make the tests a separate project, unless you're planning on using qmltestrunner (I have no idea why that tool isn't documented by Qt itself).
The Running Tests section of Qt Quick Test's documentation details how to get a test up and running.
I was able to run some tests, after adding tst_button.qml and tst_test.cpp to my Project (main.cpp is in comments now). Is this the right way, or should I create a new project just for the Tests?
If your application is pure QML and only intended to be run with qmlscene, for example, then doing it that way is fine. However, if you intend to deploy/ship your application, you'll probably need to have an executable, which means making separate projects for the application and the tests.
If yes, what kind of project is needed?
You could have a SUBDIRS project, so that your tests and the application itself can all be opened at once in Qt Creator. Something like this:
And the last question: Do I need to build up my MainForm for pressing buttons for example?
No. The .ui feature is just a format that allows Qt Creator to enforce certain constraints to make it easier to design Qt Quick UIs with Qt Quick Designer. MainForm.ui.qml is therefore just a convenience. If you already have an existing component in QML, you can create instances of that and test it.

Unit tests failing without any message if linked to a custom framework

Update (From Build log):
"The bundle “Lib2Tests” couldn’t be loaded because it is damaged or missing necessary resources."
Library not loaded: #rpath/Lib1.framework/Lib1
It seems the lib2.framework project only linked the Lib1.framework and it didn't embed it, and there's no option to embed the framework inside another cocoa touch framework, that's why at the end unit test failed as it couldn't find the referenced Lib1.framework.
put simply if FrameworkB is dependent on FrameworkA for some functionality down the road, UnitTests of FrameworkB will cease to run - if FrameworkA is linked to FrameworkB
I've created a simple isolated case to demonstrate and reproduce the problem.
I've 2 Swift Cocoa Touch Frameworks (Lib1 & Lib2 - Lib2 is dependent on Lib1 - single swift file with single unit test in each)
Lib2 unit tests will only work if you remove the linked Lib1. Interestingly both projects works on their own if run independently.
Question: is this a bug in Xcode? any workarounds?
Smallest Reproducible Example Project:
I'm attaching a screenshot, it's weird, no error messages or failure details in the console, all I get is a notification on the side the unit test failed. The test is not complicated, single line instantiating a class and it's runs successfully if I remove the link to my custom framework. (the custom framework itself also simple and runs/tests successfully on it's own) To observer this behavior simply delete the linked framework from the project files and run "Test" again. I believe the error is related to project files settings etc. and the solution requires to look into project file itself.

Xcode 4, breakpoints not working in unit tests for Mac OS command line tool

I have a simple Mac OS X Command Line Tool project in Xcode 4.5. I manually added a unit test target off of the Cocoa Unit Testing Bundle template (the Command Line Tool template doesn't have an Include Unit Tests switch). The problem: I can't get the debugger to stop on a breakpoint when running tests (Product > Test).
As I did a google search before asking, these are some things I already tried/checked:
The unit tests do run (they correctly fail on e.g. STFail()).
The master Breakpoints switch on the top bar is on (turning it off and on doesn't help).
Build Configuration is set to Debug on the test target (debugger is LLDB, changing to GDB doesn't help).
Debugging in general works. In the main console app target breakpoints are hit just fine so it's just the unit tests that have a problem. Also, I made a test iOS app with unit tests included -- both the app and unit tests break fine.
The build settings look fine (let me know if there are other I ought to check):
Generate Debug Symbols = Yes
Optimization Level = None [-O0] (for Debug)
Setting a symbolic breakpoint (on -[NSException raise] or objc_exception_throw) doesn't help.
Reloading project or restarting Xcode doesn't help.
What else can I do to hit a breakpoint in my unit tests?
Check your "Test after build" build setting (under "Unit Testing") for your unit testing target.
If this setting is set to "Yes" then after your target is built the tests will be executed through a shell script "outside" of Xcode before being executed (again) via Xcode. So if your tests are failing when the script is being executed then the second execution ("inside" Xcode) will not occur and so your breakpoints will not be hit.
If the test you are trying to debug is a failing test, it's possible that failure is occurring in your -setUp method. This might happen if you are using OCMock in your setUp and you have forgotten to stub a method that happens to be called during the setup.
I was in a similar hole with my unit-tests for an ios app. Using a new copy of the code at a different location fixed this for me.
Update: The problematic state seems to be in the xcuserdata directory inside the project/workspace. Clearing this fixed the problem when I ran into it again. But note you will lose all previous state (e.g., breakpoints set, open windows, etc)

How to unit test a class defined in a Metro executable

Using VS11 RC. I have a client executable written in C++ that I am trying to test with a C# Unit Test Library (Metro Style apps) project. The test fails with exception Class not registered HRESULT 0x80040154 (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTRG); I believe this is related to a warning in the test project: The executable 'Client.exe' is specified as the implementation for winmd file 'C:.Client.winmd'. Only in-process servers are supported for generation of registration information in the app manifest. You will need to specify the out-of-process server registration information in the app manifest.
It appears to me that MSTest is looking for the class as a COM object, and that the warning is telling me that I need to specify it as an out-of-process server. Unfortunately, I don't think I want to do that as it is an executable, and even if that is what I want, I can't figure out how to do it.
I could simply move the class under test into a different project, but I don't want to do that without a reason better than "I can't get this to work".
Is there any way to unit test a class defined in a Metro executable?
The code to be tested needs to be moved into a DLL.
A native Windows Runtime type must be defined in a DLL in order to be activatable (this effectively means "instantiable through Windows Runtime"). Your executable doesn't need to go through Windows Runtime to instantiate types that it defines itself, but your unit test executable does need to go through Windows Runtime to instantiate those types.
I would suggest defining everything that you can in a DLL, and keeping your EXE as small as possible: have it just bootstrap your application, and put all of your real code in DLLs.
