jQuery Masonry making Ajax call removes class masonry-brick - ajax

I'm using the jQuery plugin Masonry and I'm having an issue that happens when I make an ajax call to another page to load in images for a gallery. The ajax call works and the images load in but when the call is made, something happens that removes one of the classes that Masonry appends too one of my divs.
Here is how my html looks on the first page. Everything is fine here and shows the class masonry-brick, which I need to render out the appropriate css to make everything look nice and it also renders out the inline css.
<a href="/system/images/series_uploads/15/original/berkshire_25585_walnut_famousdaves03.jpg?1330115640" rel="lightbox['gallery']">
**<div class="item masonry-brick" style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px;">**<img alt="" src="/system/images/series_uploads/15/gallery/berkshire_25585_walnut_famousdaves03.jpg?1330115640" title="Berkshire" />
<div class="gallery-text">
<p>HDP – High Definition Porcelain</p>
When I click on the link to make the ajax call, the images load in fine and it works on all the links but the class masonry-brick is removed and the images lose their css.
jQuery("#project-galleries-navigation li.load-category a").on("click", function(){
var href = jQuery(this).attr("href");
return false;
This is the code i'm using for masonry.
var $container = jQuery('#copy-wrapper-gallery');
itemSelector : '.item',
isAnimated: true
This is what ends up happening to my html when the page loads in the new data. The class masonry-brick is no longer present and the inline css disappears as well.
<a href="/system/images/series_uploads/7/original/ashton_23931_smokey_beige_.jpg?1330114250" rel="lightbox['gallery']">
**<div class="item">**<img alt="" src="/system/images/series_uploads/7/gallery/ashton_23931_smokey_beige_.jpg?1330114250" title="Ashton" />
<div class="gallery-text">
Has anyone had this problem or knows a way to fix this issue?

I was able to get it to work by modifying this jquery and putting in a callback function for it.
jQuery("#gallery").fadeOut(300).remove("img").load(href, function(){


Scroll to <a> on page load

I have a div with an un-ordered navigation list in it. The div it is in has a set height and the overflow set to auto to give me a scroll bar. What I want is to have the "current" navigation link scrolled to the top of the div on page load. Each list items has the class 'current-menu-item' when current. Here is what the code looks like.
<div class="menu-portfolio-container">
<ul id="menu-portfolio" class="menu">
<li id="menu-item-174" class="menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom current-menu-item menu-item-174 has-image">
<a href="http://dnb.khcreativemedia.com/hinton/">
Here is the jQuery I tried.
$(document).ready(function () {
// Handler for .ready() called.
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: $('.current-menu-item').offset().top
}, 'slow');
Here's the link to jQuery in the head:
<script src="http://dnb.khcreativemedia.com/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js?ver=1.11.1" type="text/javascript">
Can anyone tell me what I would need to do to get this working? This is a wordpress site using the genesis framework.
Thanks to Tim's help, I've got it working. You can check the js fiddle page to see it in action. jsfiddle.net/KHCreative/2rn7otax
Thanks again for your help Tim.

Is it possible to open CKEditor Insert-Image Component programmatically?

For example, if I have a ready instance of CKEDITOR, and on that same page I have a list of pictures, with this markup:
<div class="galleryPictures">
<a href="#image-id-1" data-id="1" data-img-src="/pictures/image-1.jpg" class="galleryPicture">
<img src="/pictures/image-1.jpg" />
<a href="#image-id-2" data-id="2" data-img-src="/pictures/image-2.jpg" class="galleryPicture">
<img src="/pictures/image-2.jpg" />
<a href="#image-id-3" data-id="3" data-img-src="/pictures/image-3.jpg" class="galleryPicture">
<img src="/pictures/image-3.jpg" />
And I have following jQuery click handler delegated to these a.galleryPicture items:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.galleryPictures').on('click', 'a.galleryPicture', function() {
// when this accours I would like to open CKEditor's
// Insert-Image Component, and to get the "url" field filled with
// $(this).data('img-src'); value
Is it possible to trigger / open Insert-Image programmatically?
Found it. Might be of help to someone else:
With a simple inspection with Firebug I've seen that the <a> which on click triggers the opening of the Insert-Image component contains this function call in it's onclick attribute:
// second argument is {} (an empty js-object), it the original the <a> onclick it was like this:
// CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(51, this); meaning it was sending the instance of that element
After this call it is possible to do something like this:
// a failsafe if jQuery doesn't find the specified element after the function is executed
setTimeout(function() {
}, 50);

Ajax back to previous page

I have a form inserted by jQuery Ajax to a page's div (say, 'content') and when the user finishes filling the form and hits 'submit' button, the result will be shown for further verification. The html and ajax code are as follows:
<form id="userForm" action="..." method="post">
$(document).ready(function() {
success: function(returnData) {
The 'returnData' is the filled form (without input fields) for further confirmation. Now, how do I implement a 'back' button such that the user may go back and modify the previously entered data?
I am working on Google App Engine with Python. Thanks.
I wouldn't replace the form with new HTML.
I would rather hide the form with display: none and add the new HTML for viewing alongside. If you want to go back, then you can just hide the "viewing div" and show again the form, without the need to refill any input elements.
Something along these lines should work
<div id="content">
<div id="user-form-container">
<form id="userForm" ...>...</form>
<div id="viewing-container"></div>
#viewing-container {
display: none;
The viewing part contains some sort of back-button, which hides the viewing area and shows the form again
$(document).ready(function() {
success: function(returnData) {
$('#viewing-container #back-button').click(function() {

Setting div visibility on image click

So I've got an image that inside a tag, and I've also got a div that is centred in the middle of the screen.
How do I make this div invisible until the image is clicked?
Preview of page when the div is visible:
So that added to cart is a div in the middle of the screen. I want that to only show up when the "Add to cart" button has been clicked.
I want the div to go away again after 2 seconds. Transitions would be nice (eg fade into visibility), but I don't mind.
Set the display of the div to none and do a onclick event for the image which sets the display of the div to block. I would recommend using JQuery to add in any transitions or animations.
Something like (without animations):
<div id="cart" style="display:none">
<img src="imgsource" onClick="document.getElementById('cart').style.display = 'block'"/>
Worked it out. Had to use jQuery.
In the < head> :
In the < body> :
<div class="addedcartbg" style="display:none"><div class="addedcart"> Successfully added to cart. </div></div>
<div class="hide">
// put content here
<img class="hide-show" src="site.com/image.png" alt=""/>

Loading an Image in s:div in a jsp page

I have an s:div ajax in jsp page:
loadingText="Please Wait"
errorText="Problem in loading"
In this i want to load an image instead of the "please wait" text.
To display a "wait until the page loads" image
you will need to:
Every time your page loads a init() function will load.
<body onLoad="init()">
Define a div named loading right after section.
<div id="loading" style="position:absolute; width:100%; text-align:center;
<img src="loading.gif" border=0></div>
The loading.gif image should be an animated gif that suggests that the page is still loading.
Place this javascript code right after you define the div.
var ld=(document.all);
var ns4=document.layers;
var ns6=document.getElementById&&!document.all;
var ie4=document.all;
if (ns4)
else if (ns6)
else if (ie4)
function init()
else if (ns6||ie4) ld.display="none";
