I have the following code that returns the # of days in any given month, which works fine unless someone types in something that isn't a date, or they format the date wrong. To remedy this I want to send out an error message for an invalid input, but I don't know how. So how do I create an error message for this small app?
#type in the month and year you want like so ---> "Feb 2034"
require 'date'
input = gets.chomp
inputArray = input.split(" ").to_a
textMonth = inputArray[0]
textYear = inputArray[1]
startOfMonth = Date.strptime(input, "%b %Y")
nextMonth = startOfMonth.next_month
endOfMonth = nextMonth - 1
daysInMonth = (endOfMonth - startOfMonth + 1).to_i
puts "#{textMonth} of year #{textYear} has #{daysInMonth} days!"
Probably the best way to do this is putting your input in a while loop, prompting for a new answer every time the input isn't what you expected it to be.
To check the input you should use a Regexp. Here's an explanation
how to write a regexp to match a date.
For Creating a Custom Error refer below code:
Here I create and raise InvalidDateError for the wrong date input.
#type in the month and year you want like so ---> "Feb 2034"
class InvalidDateError < StandardError
require 'date'
require 'pry-byebug'
input = gets.chomp
inputArray = input.split(" ").to_a
textMonth = inputArray[0]
textYear = inputArray[1]
startOfMonth = Date.strptime(input, "%b %Y")
nextMonth = startOfMonth.next_month
endOfMonth = nextMonth - 1
daysInMonth = (endOfMonth - startOfMonth + 1).to_i
puts "#{textMonth} of year #{textYear} has #{daysInMonth} days!"
rescue StandardError=> e
raise InvalidDateError.new("Invalid Date : #{input}")
If you don't want to raise an error and only want to show error message then replace raise InvalidDateError.new("Invalid Date : #{input}")
with puts "Invalid Date : #{input}"
As suggested by Viktor, and stolen :) from crantok
require 'date'
date_valid = false
while !date_valid
puts 'Insert date as yyyy-mm-dd:'
input_date = gets.chomp
parsed_date = Date.parse(input_date)
date_valid = true
rescue ArgumentError
puts 'format error'
month = parsed_date.month
year = parsed_date.year
days_in_month = Date.new(year, month, -1).day
puts "In #{year} month #{month} has #{days_in_month} days"
So I'm trying to build a program which tells me how many days are left till someone's birthday. I have a text file that I'm drawing data from. The problem is the save method is not working for some reason, and nothing is being printed to the output file. Thank you so much in advance!
require 'date'
Person = Struct.new(:name, :bday)
module Family
Member = Hash.new
File.readlines("bday_info.txt").each do |line|
name, bday = line.split(',')
person = Person.new(name, bday)
Member[name] = bday
def self.next_bday(name)
birthday = Date.parse(Family::Member[name])
this_year = Date.new(Date.today.year, birthday.month, birthday.day)
next_year = Date.new(Date.today.year + 1, birthday.month, birthday.day)
if this_year > Date.today
puts "\n#{(this_year - Date.today).to_i} days to #{name}'s birthday"
puts "\n#{(next_year - Date.today).to_i} days to #{name}'s birthday"
def self.save(name)
File.open("days_left.txt", "w") do |file|
file.puts "#{next_bday(name)}"
loop do
puts "\nName:"
response = gets.chomp.capitalize
if response.downcase == "quit"
elsif Family::Member.has_key?("#{response}") == false
puts "\nYou ain't on the list"
Family.save(response) #WHY IS THIS LINE NOT WORKING???
Your Family.next_bday does not return anything (to be more precise - it's returning nil that last puts returns), thus nothing is written to the file.
Other notes(not directly related):
No reason in calling Family.next_bday(response) twice, just save return value from the first call
Family::Member constant looks more like a variable, more clean design will be to make the whole thing a class that takes input file name, reads data in initializer and then stores into a instance variable
What is the easiest way to convert military (24 hour time) to HH:MM format in Ruby?
I have two 24 hour time values stored in a record and I want to display them in the view as something like "2:00 - 4:00" when starting with two integer values, say 1400 and 1600.
My hack-y solution was to create a helper function:
def format_time(time)
if (time-1200 < 1000)
if (time-1200 < 100)
return time.to_s.insert(2, ":")
return (time-1200).to_s.insert(1, ":")
return (time-1200).to_s.insert(2, ":")
I'm not even sure that works all the time. I'm assuming there is a better way to do this.
UPDATE: I also need this to work on values that do not end in '00'. IE 1430 or 830.
You could parse the string with Time.strptime to get a time object. This can be used to be printed with Time.strftime:
require 'time'
%w{1400 1600}.each{|t|
p Time.strptime(t, '%H%M').strftime('%l:%M')
Advantage: Changes of input and output format are quite easy.
require 'date' #load DateTime.strptime
%w{1400 1600}.each{|t|
p DateTime.strptime(t, '%H%M').strftime('%l:%M')
I hope the solution with DateTime works also with ruby 1.8.
Update for 830:
This solution will not work with 830 - strptime does not accpt %l. But 0830 would work fine. For this case you need an adapted solution:
require 'date' #load DateTime
%w{1400 1600 830}.each{|t|
t = '%04i' % t
p DateTime.strptime(t, '%H%M').strftime('%l:%M')
This will work, and it's easier o read
def fomat_time(time)
You could do something like this:
def format_time(time)
t = (time <= 1200)?time : time - 1200
return (t.to_s.size == 3)?t.to_s.insert(1,":") : t.to_s.insert(2,":")
That should work...
If you always have the times in the form of integers like eg like 1600, 1630, 930 or 130, then this might be a solution:
require 'time'
def format_time(time)
# normalize time
time = time.to_s.rjust(4, '0') if time[0] !~ /[12]/
time = time.to_s.ljust(4, '0') if time[0] =~ /[12]/
Time.strptime(time, '%H%M').strftime('%l:%M').strip
time = 900
p format_time(time) # "9:00"
time = 1630
p format_time(time) # "4:30"
time = 930
p format_time(time) # "9:30"
time = 130
p format_time(time) # "1:30"
I'm parsing some RSS feeds that aggregate what's going on in a given city. I'm only interested in the stuff that is happening today.
At the moment I have this:
require 'rubygems'
require 'rss/1.0'
require 'rss/2.0'
require 'open-uri'
require 'shorturl'
source = "http://rss.feed.com/example.xml"
content = ""
open(source) do |s| content = s.read end
rss = RSS::Parser.parse(content, false)
t = Time.now
day = t.day.to_s
month = t.strftime("%b")
rss.items.each do |rss|
if "#{rss.title}".include?(day)&&(month)
# does stuff with it
Of course by checking whether the title (that I know contains the date of event in the following format: "(2nd Apr 11)") contains the day and the month (eg. '2' and 'May') I get also info about the events that happen on 12th May, 20th of May and so on. How can I make it foolproof and only get today's events?
Here's a sample title: "Diggin Deeper # The Big Chill House (12th May 11)"
today = Time.now.strftime("%d:%b:%y")
if date_string =~ /(\d*).. (.*?) (\d\d)/
article_date = sprintf("%02i:%s:%s", $1.to_i, $2, $3)
if today == article_date
#this is today
#this is not today
raise("No date found in title.")
There could potentially be problems if the title contains other numbers. Does the title have any bounding characters around the date, such as a hyphen before the date or brackets around it? Adding those to the regex could prevent trouble. Could you give us an example title? (An alternative would be to use Time#strftime to create a string which would perfectly match the date as it appears in the title and then just use String#include? with that string, but I don't think there's an elegant way to put the 'th'/'nd'/'rd'/etc on the day.)
Use something like this:
def check_day(date)
t = Time.now
day = t.day.to_s
month = t.strftime("%b")
if date =~ /^#{day}nd\s#{month}\s11/
puts "today!"
puts "not today!"
check_day "3nd May 11" #=> today!
check_day "13nd May 11" #=> not today!
check_day "30nd May 11" #=> not today!
I have a Time object and would like to find the next/previous month. Adding subtracting days does not work as the days per month vary.
time = Time.parse('21-12-2008 10:51 UTC')
next_month = time + 31 * 24 * 60 * 60
Incrementing the month also falls down as one would have to take care of the rolling
time = Time.parse('21-12-2008 10:51 UTC')
next_month = Time.utc(time.year, time.month+1)
time = Time.parse('01-12-2008 10:51 UTC')
previous_month = Time.utc(time.year, time.month-1)
The only thing I found working was
time = Time.parse('21-12-2008 10:51 UTC')
d = Date.new(time.year, time.month, time.day)
d >>= 1
next_month = Time.utc(d.year, d.month, d.day, time.hour, time.min, time.sec, time.usec)
Is there a more elegant way of doing this that I am not seeing?
How would you do it?
Ruby on Rails
Note: This only works in Rails (Thanks Steve!) but I'm keeping it here in case others are using Rails and wish to use these more intuitive methods.
Super simple - thank you Ruby on Rails!
Time.now + 1.month
Time.now - 1.month
Or, another option if it's in relation to the current time (Rails 3+ only).
Personally I prefer using:
Time.now.beginning_of_month - 1.day # previous month
Time.now.end_of_month + 1.day # next month
It always works and is independent from the number of days in a month.
Find more info in this API doc
you can use standard class DateTime
require 'date'
dt = Time.new().to_datetime
=> #<DateTime: 2010-04-23T22:31:39+03:00 (424277622199937/172800000,1/8,2299161)>
dt2 = dt >> 1
=> #<DateTime: 2010-05-23T22:31:39+03:00 (424282806199937/172800000,1/8,2299161)>
t = dt2.to_time
=> 2010-05-23 22:31:39 +0200
There are no built-in methods on Time to do what you want in Ruby. I suggest you write methods to do this work in a module and extend the Time class to make their use simple in the rest of your code.
You can use DateTime, but the methods (<< and >>) are not named in a way that makes their purpose obvious to someone that hasn't used them before.
If you do not want to load and rely on additional libraries you can use something like:
module MonthRotator
def current_month
def month_away
new_month, new_year = current_month == 12 ? [1, year+1] : [(current_month + 1), year]
Time.local(new_year, new_month, day, hour, sec)
def month_ago
new_month, new_year = current_month == 1 ? [12, year-1] : [(current_month - 1), year]
Time.local(new_year, new_month, day, hour, sec)
class Time
include MonthRotator
require 'minitest/autorun'
class MonthRotatorTest < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase
describe "A month rotator Time extension" do
it 'should return a next month' do
next_month_date = Time.local(2010, 12).month_away
assert_equal next_month_date.month, 1
assert_equal next_month_date.year, 2011
it 'should return previous month' do
previous_month_date = Time.local(2011, 1).month_ago
assert_equal previous_month_date.month, 12
assert_equal previous_month_date.year, 2010
below it works
previous month:
next month:
I just want to add my plain ruby solution for completeness
replace the format in strftime to desired output
You can get the previous month info by this code
require 'time'
time = Time.parse('2021-09-29 12:31 UTC')
time.prev_month.strftime("%b %Y")
You can try convert to datetime.
Time gives you current date, and DateTime allows you to operate with.
Look at this:
irb(main):041:0> Time.new.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")
=> "21/05/2015"
irb(main):040:0> Time.new.to_datetime.prev_month.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")
=> "21/04/2015"
Here is a solution on plain ruby without RoR, works on old ruby versions.
prevmon=(Time.local(t.year,t.mon,1,0,0,0,0)-1).mon ;
puts "#{curmon} #{prevmon}"
Some of the solutions assume rails. But, in pure ruby you can do the following
require 'date'
d = Date.now
last_month = d<<1
Im using the ActiveSupport::TimeZone for this example, but just in case you are using Rails or ActiveSupport it might come in handy.
If you want the previous month you can substract 1 month
time = Time.zone.parse('21-12-2008 10:51 UTC')
$ irb
irb(main):001:0> time = Time.now
=> 2016-11-21 10:16:31 -0800
irb(main):002:0> year = time.year
=> 2016
irb(main):003:0> month = time.month
=> 11
irb(main):004:0> last_month = month - 1
=> 10
irb(main):005:0> puts time
2016-11-21 10:16:31 -0800
=> nil
irb(main):006:0> puts year
=> nil
irb(main):007:0> puts month
=> nil
irb(main):008:0> puts last_month
=> nil