this is my formula
Else : cmb1.Text = "Rata - Rata"
' hitung rata-rata
rerata = jumlah / lstData.Items.Count
' menampilkan hasil rerata ke text box
txtRerata.Text = rerata.ToString
cmb1.Text = "Variansi" Then
'inisialisasi variabel variansi
Xi = lstData.Items.Item(index:=counter)
' hitung variansi
For counter = 0 To lstData.Items.Count - 1
variansi = (Xi - rerata) * (Xi - rerata)
'menampilkan hasil variansi ke text box
txtVariansi.Text = variansi.ToString
End If
What's the problem with this ?
I can't get the result.
What if like this ?
ElseIf cmb1.Text = "Variansi" Then
'inisialisasi variabel variansi
Xi = 0
' iterasi sejumlah item dari listbox
For counter = 0 To lstData.Items.Count - 1
Xi = Xi + ((lstData.Items.Item(counter) - rerata) ^ 2)
'kalkulasi variansi dan simpangan baku
variansi = Xi / (txtN.Text - 1)
SD = Math.Sqrt(variansi)
txtSD.Text = SD.ToString
'menampilkan hasil variansi ke text box
txtVariansi.Text = variansi.ToString
can you help me ?
The variance is defined as the sum of the squared distances of each
term in the distribution from the mean, divided by the number of terms
in the distribution.
You need to divide variansi by lstData.Items.Count
As introduced in this work (code), the following code sould refine an image (i.e. a gray scale saliency map).
Refinement Function:
function sal = Refinement(y, dim)
th_2 = graythresh(y);
if dim == 1
sal = y;
sal(y<th_2) = 10*(y(y < th_2))/th_2 - 10;
sal(y>=th_2) = 10*(y(y >= th_2) - th_2)/(1-th_2);
sal = 1 ./ (1 + exp(-sal)) + y;
sal = normalization(sal, 0);
elseif dim == 2
[r, c] = size(y);
y_col = reshape(y,[1 r*c]);
sal_col = y_col;
sal_col(y_col<th_2) = 10*(y_col(y_col < th_2))/th_2 - 10;
sal_col(y_col>=th_2) = 10*(y_col(y_col >= th_2) - th_2)/(1-th_2);
sal_col = 1 ./ (1 + exp(-sal_col)) + y_col;
sal = reshape(sal_col, [r c]);
normalization function:
function matrix = normalization(mat, flag)
% flag: 1 denotes that the mat is a 3-d matrix;
% 0 denotes that the mat is a matrix;
if flag ~= 0
dim = size(mat,3);
matrix = mat;
for i = 1:dim
matrix(:,:,i) = ( mat(:,:,i) - min(min(mat(:,:,i)))) / ( max(max(mat(:,:,i))) - min(min( mat(:,:,i))) + eps);
matrix = ( mat - min(min(mat)))/( max(max(mat)) - min(min(mat)) + eps);
However, after applying the function values of the image matrix will be changed, the result remains the same as the image before the refinement.
Is there a conceptual error with that or the implementation failed?
P.S. The input image (saliency map) for refinery is something like below. in the refined saliency map, the foreground (satrfish in this image) should stand out(becomes homogeneously white as possible) and the background noise should be removed (becomes homogenously black as possible):
I am implementing a fast optimization algorithm using fixed point method in matlab. The goal of that method is that find optimal value of u. Denote u={u_i,i=1..2}. The optimal value of u can be obtained as following steps:
Sorry about my image because I cannot type mathematics equation in here.
To do that task, I tried to find u follows above steps. However, I don't know how to implement the term \sum_{j!=i} (u_j-1) in equation 25. This is my code. Please see it and could you give me some comment or suggestion about my implementation to correct them. Currently, I tried to run that code but it give an incorrect answer.
function u = compute_u_TV(Im0, N_class)
% Initialization
N_class=2; % only have u1 and u2
% Iterative segmentation process
for i=1:N_class
v(:,:,i) = Im0/max(Im0(:)); % u between 0 and 1.
qxv(:,:,i) = zeros(size(Im0));
qyv(:,:,i) = zeros(size(Im0));
u(:,:,i) = v(:,:,i);
for iteration=1:10000
% Update v
Divqi = ( BackwardX(qxv(:,:,i)) + BackwardY(qyv(:,:,i)) );
Term = Divqi - u(:,:,i)/ (theta*gamma);
TermX = ForwardX(Term);
TermY = ForwardY(Term);
Norm = sqrt(TermX.^2 + TermY.^2);
Denom = 1 + tau*Norm;
%Equation 24
qxv(:,:,i) = (qxv(:,:,i) + tau*TermX)./Denom;
qyv(:,:,i) = (qyv(:,:,i) + tau*TermY)./Denom;
v(:,:,i) = u(:,:,i) - theta*gamma* Divqi; %Equation 23
% Update u
u(:,:,i) = (v(:,:,i) - theta* gamma* Divqi -theta*gamma*sigma*(sum(u(:))-u(:,:,i)-1))./(1+theta* gamma*sigma);
u(:,:,i) = max(u(:,:,i),0);
u(:,:,i) = min(u(:,:,i),1);
% Sub-functions- X.Berson
function [dx]=BackwardX(u);
[Ny,Nx] = size(u);
dx = u;
dx(2:Ny-1,2:Nx-1)=( u(2:Ny-1,2:Nx-1) - u(2:Ny-1,1:Nx-2) );
dx(:,Nx) = -u(:,Nx-1);
function [dy]=BackwardY(u);
[Ny,Nx] = size(u);
dy = u;
dy(2:Ny-1,2:Nx-1)=( u(2:Ny-1,2:Nx-1) - u(1:Ny-2,2:Nx-1) );
dy(Ny,:) = -u(Ny-1,:);
function [dx]=ForwardX(u);
[Ny,Nx] = size(u);
dx = zeros(Ny,Nx);
dx(1:Ny-1,1:Nx-1)=( u(1:Ny-1,2:Nx) - u(1:Ny-1,1:Nx-1) );
function [dy]=ForwardY(u);
[Ny,Nx] = size(u);
dy = zeros(Ny,Nx);
dy(1:Ny-1,1:Nx-1)=( u(2:Ny,1:Nx-1) - u(1:Ny-1,1:Nx-1) );
% End of sub-function
You should do
u(:,:,i) = (v(:,:,i) - theta* gamma* Divqi -theta*gamma*sigma* ...
(sum(u(:,:,1:size(u,3) ~= i),3) -1))./(1+theta* gamma*sigma);
The part you were searching for is
sum(u(:,:,1:size(u,3) ~= i),3)
Let's decompose this :
1:size(u,3) ~= i
is a vector containing all values from 1 to the max size of u on the third dimension except i.
u(:,:,1:size(u,3) ~= i)
is all the matrix of the third dimension of u except for j = i
is the sum of all the matrix by the thrid dimension.
Let me know if it does help!
correlation = zeros(length(s1), 1);
sizeNum = 0;
for i = 1 : length(s1) - windowSize - delta
s1Dat = s1(i : i + windowSize);
s2Dat = s2(i + delta : i + delta + windowSize);
if length(find(isnan(s1Dat))) == 0 && length(find(isnan(s2Dat))) == 0
if(var(s1Dat) ~= 0 || var(s2Dat) ~= 0)
sizeNum = sizeNum + 1;
correlation(i) = abs(corr(s1Dat, s2Dat)) ^ 2;
What's happening here:
Run through every values in s1. For every value, get a slice for s1
till s1 + windowSize.
Do the same for s2, only get the slice after an intermediate delta.
If there are no NaN's in any of the two slices and they aren't flat,
then get the correlaton between them and add that to the
correlation matrix.
This is not an answer, I am trying to understand what is being asked.
Take some data:
N = 1e4;
s1 = cumsum(randn(N, 1)); s2 = cumsum(randn(N, 1));
s1(randi(N, 50, 1)) = NaN; s2(randi(N, 50, 1)) = NaN;
windowSize = 200; delta = 100;
Compute correlations:
corr_s = zeros(N - windowSize - delta, 1);
for i = 1:(N - windowSize - delta)
s1Dat = s1(i:(i + windowSize));
s2Dat = s2((i + delta):(i + delta + windowSize));
corr_s(i) = corr(s1Dat, s2Dat);
inds = isnan(corr_s);
corr_s(inds) = 0;
corr_s = corr_s .^ 2; % square of correlation coefficient??? Why?
sizeNum = sum(~inds);
This is what you want to do, right? A moving window correlation function? This is a very interesting question indeed …
I'm using matlab to implement a multilayer neural network. In the code I represent
the value of each node AS netValue{k}
the weight between layer k and k + 1 AS weight{k}
Since these data is three-dimensional, I have to use cell to hold a 2-D matrix to enable matrix multiply.
So it becomes really really slow to train the model, which I expect to have resulted from the usage of cell.
Can anyone tell me how to accelerate this code? Thanks
close all;
clear all;
input = [-2 : 0.4 : 2;-2:0.4:2];
ican = 4;
depth = 4; % total layer - 1, by convension
[featureNum , sampleNum] = size(input);
levelNum(1) = featureNum;
levelNum(2) = 5;
levelNum(3) = 5;
levelNum(4) = 5;
levelNum(5) = 2;
weight = cell(0);
for k = 1 : depth
weight{k} = rand(levelNum(k+1), levelNum(k)) - 2 * rand(levelNum(k+1) , levelNum(k));
threshold{k} = rand(levelNum(k+1) , 1) - 2 * rand(levelNum(k+1) , 1);
runCount = 0;
sumMSE = 1; % init MSE
minError = 1e-5;
afa = 0.1; % step of "gradient ascendence"
% training loop
while(runCount < 100000 & sumMSE > minError)
sumMSE = 0; % sum of MSE
for i = 1 : sampleNum % sample loop
netValue{1} = input(:,i);
for k = 2 : depth
netValue{k} = weight{k-1} * netValue{k-1} + threshold{k-1}; %calculate each layer
netValue{k} = 1 ./ (1 + exp(-netValue{k})); %apply logistic function
netValue{depth+1} = weight{depth} * netValue{depth} + threshold{depth}; %output layer
e = 1 + sin((pi / 4) * ican * netValue{1}) - netValue{depth + 1}; %calc error
assistS{depth} = diag(ones(size(netValue{depth+1})));
s{depth} = -2 * assistS{depth} * e;
for k = depth - 1 : -1 : 1
assistS{k} = diag((1-netValue{k+1}).*netValue{k+1});
s{k} = assistS{k} * weight{k+1}' * s{k+1};
for k = 1 : depth
weight{k} = weight{k} - afa * s{k} * netValue{k}';
threshold{k} = threshold{k} - afa * s{k};
sumMSE = sumMSE + e' * e;
sumMSE = sqrt(sumMSE) / sampleNum;
runCount = runCount + 1;
x = [-2 : 0.1 : 2;-2:0.1:2];
y = zeros(size(x));
z = 1 + sin((pi / 4) * ican .* x);
% test
for i = 1 : length(x)
netValue{1} = x(:,i);
for k = 2 : depth
netValue{k} = weight{k-1} * netValue{k-1} + threshold{k-1};
netValue{k} = 1 ./ ( 1 + exp(-netValue{k}));
y(:, i) = weight{depth} * netValue{depth} + threshold{depth};
plot(x(1,:) , y(1,:) , 'r');
hold on;
plot(x(1,:) , z(1,:) , 'g');
hold off;
Have you used the profiler to find out what functions are actually slowing down your code? It shows what lines take the most time to execute.
what is the algorithm (or rather formula) which, for each pair integers i and j with j >= i, gives an integer k = k(i,j) such that
k(0,0) = 0
k(i,j2) = k(i,j1)+1 for j2 = j1 + 1
k(i,0) = k(i-1,i-1) + 1 , i >= 1
In other words, if you fill up the left-lower part of matrix row by row from left to right with the natural numbers, starting at 0, how can you compute the value of a cell given the index of its row i and the column index j <= i?
Thank you very much!
proof of Alleo answer:
first write your second formula from j to 1
k(i,j)= k(i,j-1) + 1
k(i,j-1) = k(i,j-2) + 1
k(i,1) = k(i,0) + 1
sum up these formulas you get :
k(i,j) = k(i,0) + 1+1 ..+1 = k(i,0) + j (1)
now from your 3rd formula:
k(i,0) = k(i-1,i-1) + 1
using (1) :
k(i-1,i-1) = k(i-1,0) + i-1
k(i,0) = k(i-1,0) + i
then since k(0,0) = 0
k(i,0) = sum(p for p=0 to i) = i*(i+1)/2 (2)
(1) & (2) => k(i,j) = i*(i+1)/2 + j
This is i*(i+1)/2 + j. You are welcome to check