Ignore some classes while scanning PackagesToScan - spring

I've a package (say packagesToScan) containing Classes that I wish to persist annotated with #Entity.
While defining ApplicationContext configuration, I've done as follows.
public class JpaContext {
// Other configurations
public LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean entityManagerFactory() {
LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean emf = new LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean();
return emf;
While developing, I've some classes within packagesToScan which doesn't satisfy requirements for persistence (like no primary keys etc) and due to this I'm not allowed to run test because of ApplicationContext setup failure.
Is there any way that I can scan just some selected classes or ignore some classes within packagesToScan?

I have been trying to solve the same problem and finally got a solution as below:
<bean id="mySessionFactory" class="org.springframework.orm.hibernate4.LocalSessionFactoryBean">
<property name="dataSource" ref="myDataSource"/>
<property name="packagesToScan" value="com.mycompany.bean"/>
<property name="entityTypeFilters" ref="packagesToScanIncludeRegexPattern">
<property name="hibernateProperties">
// ...
<bean id="packagesToScanIncludeRegexPattern" class="org.springframework.core.type.filter.RegexPatternTypeFilter" >
<constructor-arg index="0" value="^(?!com.mycompany.bean.Test).*"/>
I realized that there is a setEntityTypeFilters function on the LocalSessionFactoryBean class which can be used to filter which classes to be included. In this example I used RegexPatternTypeFilter but there are other types of filters as well.
Also note that the filters work with include semantics. In order to convert to exclude semantics I had to use negative lookahead in the regex.
This example shows the xml configuration but it should be trivial to convert to java based configuration.

I stumbled upon a simmilar problem. I needed to add some but not all entities from a package. Here is how I did it:
// add all entities from some package
// add only required enitites from a libray
localContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean.setPersistenceUnitPostProcessors(new PersistenceUnitPostProcessor() {
public void postProcessPersistenceUnitInfo(MutablePersistenceUnitInfo persistenceUnit) {

I found a solution to use setPackagesToScan and then remove unwanted packages. It turns out that persistenceUnit.getManagedClassNames() in PersistenceUnitPostProcessor returns a regular ArrayList which can be manipulated.
em.setPersistenceUnitPostProcessors(new PersistenceUnitPostProcessor() {
public void postProcessPersistenceUnitInfo(MutablePersistenceUnitInfo persistenceUnit) {
List<String> managedClassNames = persistenceUnit.getManagedClassNames();
managedClassNames.removeIf(fullClassName -> fullClassName.startsWith("com.example.twodatasources.product"));
In my case the shown persistanceUnit is responsible for all entities but the ones in com.example.twodatasources.product package. The other one in responsible only for com.example.twodatasources.product.
The code above is for the hibernate part. It's worth to mention that the spring part should also be filtered. This can be achieved by adding a ComponentScan.Filter to #EnableJpaRepositories as shown below:
#PropertySource({ "classpath:application.yml" })
basePackages = "com.example.twodatasources",
excludeFilters = {#ComponentScan.Filter(type = FilterType.REGEX, pattern = "com\\.example\\.twodatasources\\.product\\..*")},
entityManagerFactoryRef = "userEntityManager",
transactionManagerRef = "userTransactionManager"

I also used entityTypeFilters to ignore some classes while scanning PackagesToScan
but as I found out setting entityTypeFilters via
<property name="entityTypeFilters" ref="packagesToScanIncludeRegexPattern">
clears existing default filters which are(according documentation):
Specify custom type filters for Spring-based scanning for entity classes.
Default is to search all specified packages for classes annotated with #javax.persistence.Entity, #javax.persistence.Embeddable or #javax.persistence.MappedSuperclass.
As I checked in debug this is resulted in having all class packages being scanned by spring which match packagesToScan condition except packagesToScanIncludeRegexPattern regex. This has impact on startup time.
As workaround I implemented custom filter with filters as by default puls regexp filter:
public class RegexPatternEntitiesTypeFilter extends AbstractClassTestingTypeFilter {
private final Set<String> entityPackageRegistry;
private final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^(?!my.company.package.exclude).*");
public RegexPatternEntitiesTypeFilter() {
entityPackageRegistry = ImmutableSet.of(Entity.class.getName(), Embeddable.class.getName(),
protected boolean match(ClassMetadata metadata) {
boolean result = true;
if (metadata instanceof AnnotationMetadataReadingVisitor) {
Set<String> annotationTypes = ((AnnotationMetadataReadingVisitor) metadata).getAnnotationTypes();
result = !Sets.intersection(entityPackageRegistry, annotationTypes).isEmpty();
boolean matches = this.pattern.matcher(metadata.getClassName()).matches();
return result && matches;


Spring Batch CompositeItemProcessor get value from other delegates

I have a compositeItemProcessor as below
<bean id="compositeItemProcessor" class="org.springframework.batch.item.support.CompositeItemProcessor">
<property name="delegates">
<bean class="com.example.itemProcessor1"/>
<bean class="com.example.itemProcessor2"/>
<bean class="com.example.itemProcessor3"/>
<bean class="com.example.itemProcessor4"/>
The issue i have is that within itemProcessor4 i require values from both itemProcessor1 and itemProcessor3.
I have looked at using the Step Execution Context but this does not work as this is within one step. I have also looked at using #AfterProcess within ItemProcessor1 but this does not work as it isn't called until after ItemProcessor4.
What is the correct way to share data between delegates in a compositeItemProcessor?
Is a solution of using util:map that is updated in itemProcessor1 and read in itemProcessor4 under the circumstances that the commit-interval is set to 1?
Using the step execution context won't work as it is persisted at chunk boundary, so it can't be shared between processors within the same chunk.
AfterProcess is called after the registered item processor, which is the composite processor in your case (so after ItemProcessor4). This won't work neither.
The only option left is to use some data holder object that you share between item processors.
Hope this helps.
This page seems to state that there are two types of ExecutionContexts, one at step-level, one at job-level.
You should be able to get the job context and set keys on that, from the step context
I had a similar requirement in my application too. I went with creating a data transfer object ItemProcessorDto which will be shared by all the ItemProcessors. You can store data in this DTO object in first processor and all the remaining processors will get the information out of this DTO object. In addition to that any ItemProcessor could update or retrieve the data out of the DTO.
Below is a code snippet:
public ItemProcessor1<ItemProcessorDto> itemProcessor1() {
log.info("Generating ItemProcessor1");
return new ItemProcessor1();
public ItemProcessor2<ItemProcessorDto> itemProcessor2() {
log.info("Generating ItemProcessor2");
return new ItemProcessor2();
public ItemProcessor3<ItemProcessorDto> itemProcessor3() {
log.info("Generating ItemProcessor3");
return new ItemProcessor3();
public ItemProcessor4<ItemProcessorDto> itemProcessor4() {
log.info("Generating ItemProcessor4");
return new ItemProcessor4();
public CompositeItemProcessor<ItemProcessorDto> compositeItemProcessor() {
log.info("Generating CompositeItemProcessor");
CompositeItemProcessor<ItemProcessorDto> compositeItemProcessor = new CompositeItemProcessor<>();
compositeItemProcessor.setDelegates(Arrays.asList(itemProcessor1(), itemProcessor2(), itemProcessor3), itemProcessor4()));
return compositeItemProcessor;
public class ItemProcessorDto {
private List<String> sharedData_1;
private Map<String, String> sharedData_2;

How to parse spring security expressions programmatically (e.g. in some controller)

How do you parse spring (web) security expressions like hasRole('admin') programmatically (without using tags, annotations or ...)? (reference doc)
I've found Spring: What parser to use to parse security expressions - but I don't know how to find or build the EvaluationContext e.g. inside a spring controller.
Without providing an EvaluationContext gives
org.springframework.expression.spel.SpelEvaluationException: EL1011E:(pos 0): Method call: Attempted to call method hasRole(java.lang.String) on null context object
you need to add several things in order to get this thing working. You have to plug into the Spring's security API. Here's how I did it and it is working fine with Spring 3.2.
First as it was stated before you must have similar configuration in your spring-context.xml:
<security:http access-decision-manager-ref="customAccessDecisionManagerBean">
<bean id="customWebSecurityExpressionHandler"
<bean id="customAccessDecisionManagerBean"
<property name="decisionVoters">
<bean class="org.springframework.security.web.access.expression.WebExpressionVoter">
<property name="expressionHandler" ref="customWebSecurityExpressionHandler" />
This defines a new expressionHandler to override the default one for the WebExpressionVoter. Then we add this new decision voter to the decision manager. CustomWebSecurityExpressionHandler's purpose it to control the creation of SecurityExpressionRoot. So far so good. The question is why do you need a CustomWebSecurityExpressionRoot and the answer is simple as that - you define your custom security methods there. Having this in mind we can write the following classes:
public class CustomWebSecurityExpressionHandler extends DefaultWebSecurityExpressionHandler {
protected SecurityExpressionOperations createSecurityExpressionRoot(
Authentication authentication, FilterInvocation fi) {
CustomWebSecurityExpressionRoot expressionRoot =
new CustomWebSecurityExpressionRoot(authentication, delegationEvaluator);
return expressionRoot;
public class CustomWebSecurityExpressionRoot extends WebSecurityExpressionRoot {
public CustomWebSecurityExpressionRoot(Authentication auth, FilterInvocation fi) {
super(auth, fi);
// in here you must define all of the methods you are going to invoke in #PreAuthorize
// for example if you have an expression with #PreAuthorize('isBoyan(John)')
// then you must have the following method defined here:
public boolean isBoyan(String value) {
//your logic goes in here
return "Boyan".equalsIgnoreCase(value);
If you want to get a reference to the ExpressionParser you can use the following method AbstractSecurityExpressionHandler.getExpressionParser(). It is accessible through CustomWebSecurityExpressionHandler. Also you can take a look at its API if you want to do something more specific.
I hope this answers you question.

Spring Data Solr multiple cores and repository

I have apache solr with multiple cores e.g. currency, country etc... So using Spring Data Solr I can retrieve information from one core. I have got this XML configuration right now queries against 'currency' core. If I wanted to query against 'country' core how can I set this up?
<!-- Enable Solr repositories and configure repository base package -->
<solr:repositories base-package="com.acme.repository" solr-template-ref="solrCurrencyTemplate"/>
<solr:solr-server id="solrCurrencyServer" url="http://localhost:8983/solr/currency"/>
<bean id="solrCurrencyTemplate" class="org.springframework.data.solr.core.SolrTemplate">
<constructor-arg ref="solrCurrencyServer" />
and have the repository defined as
public interface CurrencyRepository extends SolrCrudRepository<Currency, String> {
and from my service I can do this
public List<Currency> getCurrencies() {
Page<Currency> currencies = (Page<Currency>) currencyRepository.findAll();
return currencies.getContent();
I have also tried using #SolrDocument(solrCoreName = "currency") but this din't work.
#SolrDocument(solrCoreName = "currency")
public class Currency {
public static final String FIELD_CURRENCY_NAME = "currency_name";
public static final String FIELD_CURRENCY_CODE = "currency_code";
public static final String FIELD_DECIMALS = "decimals";
private String currencyCode;
private String currencyName;
#Field(value = FIELD_DECIMALS)
private String decimals;
I need help on this asap... otherwise I will have to go back to the RestTemplate Solution :-(
Hope someone can help.
Thought I would share, We spend lot of time recently configuring multiple cores. We did in java, not xml.
As part of spring #configuration add following.
public SolrTemplate solrCore1Template() throws Exception {
EmbeddedSolrServer embeddedSolrServer = new EmbeddedSolrServer(getCoreContainer(), "core1");
return new SolrTemplate(embeddedSolrServer);
public SolrTemplate solrCore2Template() throws Exception {
EmbeddedSolrServer embeddedSolrServer = new EmbeddedSolrServer(getCoreContainer(), "core2");
return new SolrTemplate(embeddedSolrServer);
public CoreContainer getCoreContainer() throws FileNotFoundException{
String dir = <path_to_solr_home>;
System.setProperty("solr.solr.home", dir);
CoreContainer.Initializer initializer = new CoreContainer.Initializer();
return initializer.initialize();
And to use each template use like below in service classes.
private SolrTemplate solrCore1Template;
Embedded server can be relaced with HTTP using below code.
HttpSolrServer httpSolrServer = new HttpSolrServer(getSolrURL());
return new SolrTemplate(httpSolrServer, "core1");
Hope this helps. I know it's a very late reply for the question asked.
multicore support via namespace config is unfortunately an open issue. You'll need to have a separate SolrTemplate for each core and create repositories manually.
private SolrTemplate solrCurrencyTemplate;
private SolrTemplate solrCountryTemplate;
CurrencyRepository currencyRepo = new SolrRepositoryFactory(this.solrCurrencyTemplate)
CountryRepository countryRepo = new SolrRepositoryFactory(this.solrCountryTemplate)
Spring Data now supports multiple cores with their respective repositories.
The multicoreSupport flag needs to be true in #EnableSolrRepositories annotation and the corresponding document needs to be told what core they belong to. Like:
#SolrDocument(solrCoreName = "currency")
public class Currency
// attributes
the other class should be
#SolrDocument(solrCoreName = "country")
public class Country
// attributes
The respective repositories should know what pojo they are working with.
public interface CurrencyRepository extends SolrCrudRepository<Currency,String>
public interface CountryRepository extends SolrCrudRepository<Country,String>
and configuration should be
#EnableSolrRepositories(value = "com.package.name",multicoreSupport = true)
public class SolrConfig
public SolrServer solrServer() throws Exception
HttpSolrServerFactoryBean f = new HttpSolrServerFactoryBean();
return f.getSolrServer();
public SolrTemplate solrTemplate(SolrServer solrServer) throws Exception
return new SolrTemplate(solrServer());
With Spring Data Solr 1.1.0.RC1 multiple cores works as described by Christoph Strobl with #EnableSolrRepositories. It works also with an XML configuration by set multicore-support="true".
<solr:repositories base-package="your.solr.repo.package" repository-impl-postfix="Impl" multicore-support="true"/>
<solr:solr-server id="solrServer" url="${solr.server.base.connection.url}" />
<bean id="solrTemplate" class="org.springframework.data.solr.core.SolrTemplate">
<constructor-arg index="0" ref="solrServer" />
<solr:solr-server id="solrServer" timeout="1000" maxConnections="1000" url="${solr.server.1},${solr.server.2}"/>
<bean id="solrServerFactory" class="org.springframework.data.solr.server.support.MulticoreSolrServerFactory">
<constructor-arg ref="solrServer" />
<constructor-arg name="cores">
<bean id="solrTemplate" class="org.springframework.data.solr.core.SolrTemplate">
<constructor-arg ref="solrServerFactory" />
<solr:repositories base-package="com.deve.pig.solr" multicore-support="true" solr-template-ref="solrTemplate" />

Programmatic access to properties created by property-placeholder

I'm reading properties file using context:property-placeholder. How can I access them programatically (#Value doesn't work - I don't know property titles at the moment of developing)?
The main problem is I can't change applicationContext.xml file because it's setted up by "parent" framework
ps. It's strange but Environment.getProperty returns null
No you can't. PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer is a BeanFactoryPostProcessor, it is only "alive" during bean creation. When it encounters a ${property} notation, it tries to resolve that against its internal properties, but it does not make these properties available to the container.
That said: similar questions have appeared again and again, the proposed solution is usually to subclass PropertyPlaceHolderConfigurer and make the Properties available to the context manually. Or use a PropertiesFactoryBean
We use the following approach to access properties for our applications
<util:properties id="appProperties" location="classpath:app-config.properties" />
<context:property-placeholder properties-ref="appProperties"/>
Then you have the luxury of just autowiring properties into beans using a qualifier.
public class PropertyAccessBean {
private Properties properties;
public void setProperties(Properties properties) {
this.properties = properties;
public void doSomething() {
String property = properties.getProperty("code.version");
If you have more complex properties you can still use ignore-resource-not-found and ignore-unresolvable. We use this approach to externalise some of our application settings.
<util:properties id="appProperties" ignore-resource-not-found="true"
<context:property-placeholder ignore-unresolvable="true" properties-ref="appProperties"/>
annotation works on new releases of Spring (tested on v3.2.2)
Here is how it is done:
Map your properties file in spring configuration file
<!--Import Info:
<context:property-placeholder location="classpath:/app-config.properties" />
Create app-config.properties inside (root) your source folder
Create a controller class
public class XRDSBuilder
private String myProperty;
public String getMyProperty() { return myProperty; }
Spring will automatically map the content of my.property to your variable inside the controller
Mapping to a list
Property value:
Controller class configuration:
private List<String> myListProperty;
Advanced mapping
public class PropertySplitter {
* Example: one.example.property = KEY1:VALUE1,KEY2:VALUE2
public Map<String, String> map(String property) {
return this.map(property, ",");
* Example: one.example.property = KEY1:VALUE1.1,VALUE1.2;KEY2:VALUE2.1,VALUE2.2
public Map<String, List<String>> mapOfList(String property) {
Map<String, String> map = this.map(property, ";");
Map<String, List<String>> mapOfList = new HashMap<>();
for (Entry<String, String> entry : map.entrySet()) {
mapOfList.put(entry.getKey(), this.list(entry.getValue()));
return mapOfList;
* Example: one.example.property = VALUE1,VALUE2,VALUE3,VALUE4
public List<String> list(String property) {
return this.list(property, ",");
* Example: one.example.property = VALUE1.1,VALUE1.2;VALUE2.1,VALUE2.2
public List<List<String>> groupedList(String property) {
List<String> unGroupedList = this.list(property, ";");
List<List<String>> groupedList = new ArrayList<>();
for (String group : unGroupedList) {
return groupedList;
private List<String> list(String property, String splitter) {
return Splitter.on(splitter).omitEmptyStrings().trimResults().splitToList(property);
private Map<String, String> map(String property, String splitter) {
return Splitter.on(splitter).omitEmptyStrings().trimResults().withKeyValueSeparator(":").split(property);
Property value:
Controller class:
Map<String, String> myComplexProperty;
Spring follows Inversion Of Control approach, this means that we can simply inject particular property into POJO. But there are some cases, when you would like to access property given by name directly from your code - some might see it as anti-pattern - this is palpably true, but lets concentrate on how to do it.
The PropertiesAccessor below provides access to properties loaded by Property Placeholder and encapsulates container specific stuff. It also caches found properties because call on AbstractBeanFactory#resolveEmbeddedValue(String) is not cheap.
public class PropertiesAccessor {
private final AbstractBeanFactory beanFactory;
private final Map<String,String> cache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
protected PropertiesAccessor(AbstractBeanFactory beanFactory) {
this.beanFactory = beanFactory;
public String getProperty(String key) {
return cache.get(key);
String foundProp = null;
try {
foundProp = beanFactory.resolveEmbeddedValue("${" + key.trim() + "}");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
// ok - property was not found
return foundProp;
Found answer at below site:
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer" id="propertyConfigurer">
<property name="properties" ref="props" />
<bean id="props" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertiesFactoryBean">
<property name="location" value="file:C:/CONFIG/settings.properties"/>
<util:properties id="prop" location="location of prop file" />
This return java.util.Properties object
In JAVA Code
Properties prop = (Properties) context.getBean("prop");
Now you can access ,
This works if you need to scan multiple locations for your properties ...
<bean id="yourProperties" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertiesFactoryBean">
<property name="locations">
<array value-type="org.springframework.core.io.Resource">
<property name="ignoreResourceNotFound" value="true" />
<context:property-placeholder properties-ref="yourProperties" ignore-unresolvable="true"/>
And then in your actual classes ...
Properties yourProperties;
Tested using Spring 5.1.4
Create beans for your properties before putting them in property-placeholder to make the properties easy to access in-code.
<bean id="configProperties" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertiesFactoryBean">
<property name="resources" value="classpath:META-INF/spring/config.properties" />
<context:property-placeholder properties-ref="configProperties" ignore-unresolvable="true"/>
private PropertiesFactoryBean configProperties;
You can also use #Resource(name="configProperties")
Let's asume that you the properties file defined in that "parent" framework
<bean id="applicationProperties" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertiesFactoryBean">
<property name="location" value="classpath:main.properties" />
You can use the #Value annotation in this way:
#Value( value = "#{applicationProperties['my.app.property']}" )
private String myProperty;

Internationalized drop downs using Spring 3

I have a select control that represents user access level. I'm looking for a way to internationalize it. The label should be loaded from a message resource and the value should be used as is. I prepare all my drop down lists in controllers using a simple SelectOption class that has a label and a value properties. This way, my select's look consistent accross all jsp's.
I've found some examples but they are based on logic within jsp. Developer loops through his labels and manually constructs the option tag using a message resource. While this works, there just has to be a better way. I've also found some comments that Spring 3 will have support for internationalizing option labels but I can't find anything concrete on that.
Controller logic
Collection<SelectOption> optionList = new ArrayList<SelectOption>();
optionList.add(new SelectOption("-SELECT-", "-"));
optionList.add(new SelectOption("Administrator", "ADMIN"));
optionList.add(new SelectOption("Editor", "EDIT"));
JSP logic
<form:select path="filterUserAccessLevel" items="${bean.filterUserAccessLevelOptionList}" itemLabel="label" itemValue="value"/>
I would like to add options in my controller in this way: optionList.add(new SelectOption("userAccessLevelAdministratorLabel", "ADMIN")); and have Spring convert userAccessLevelAdministratorLabel to a value from a message resource. Is this possible?
If Spring 3 cannot do this for me, how else can this be achieved without manually constructing the option tag within jsp?
=== 2012-01-15 ==============================================================
Still trying to work out a solution using aweigold's idea.
public class UserController {
private UserService userService;
SelectOptionListBuilder listBuilder;
public ModelAndView getUserList(#PathVariable Integer pageNumber, #ModelAttribute("userIndexBean") UserIndexBean phantomBean, Locale locale, Model model) {
UserIndexBean bean = new UserIndexBean();
// prepare filter form
Collection<SelectOption> optionList = listBuilder.getUserAccessLevelOptionList(true, SortOrder.NONE, locale);
public class SelectOptionListBuilderImpl implements SelectOptionListBuilder, MessageSourceAware {
private MessageSource messageSource;
public void setMessageSource(MessageSource messageSource) {
this.messageSource = messageSource;
public List<SelectOption> getUserAccessLevelOptionList(boolean addSelectPrompt, SortOrder sortOrder, Locale locale) {
List<SelectOption> optionList = new ArrayList<SelectOption>();
if(addSelectPrompt) {
optionList.add(new SelectOption(messageSource.getMessage("common.selectPromptLabel", null, locale), "-"));
messageSource mapping
<bean id="messageSource" class="org.springframework.context.support.ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource">
<property name="basename" value="/WEB-INF/i18n/messages" />
<property name="defaultEncoding" value="UTF-8"/>
<property name="UseCodeAsDefaultMessage" value="true"/>
org.springframework.context.NoSuchMessageException: No message found under code 'common.selectPromptLabel' for locale 'en_CA'
When I need to do operations like this in a Controller outside of a jsp, I've been making my Controllers MessageSourceAware. Spring will then inject a new MessageSource when they are swapped, and you can interrogate it much like Spring does. In your example, you would do something like this:
public class someController implements MessageSourceAware {
private MessageSource messageSource;
public void setMessageSource(MessageSource messageSource) {
this.messageSource = messageSource;
// Pass in the locale from the LocaleResolver
public void someMapping(Locale locale){
optionList.add(new SelectOption(
messageSource.getMessage("userAccessLevelAdministratorLabel", null, locale),
Have a look at a spring roo project. They managed this kind of problem by creating tagx tags. This tags do what you already descibed (it contains a litte logic to load the messages from ressources and build the option tags). But because the logic is witten once and you can use this tags like normal tags in you jspx files, it feels like a tag that do what you want to have.
