PHP possibilities in Slim Template language for Ruby - ruby

In PHP I can do this:
<div class="foo <?php if($a) echo "bar"; ?>">
<?php if ($b) echo "</div>"; ?>
It is incredibly convenient. I can break a string in any place, between any quotes, between any HTML symbols, just wherever I want.
And I need to implement the same in Ruby-HTML. I'm trying to port a PHP project to Ruby. I use the Slim template language. I tried this but it doesn't work, Slim throws errors:
<div class="foo
- if (x == 1)
= bar
For now with Slim I know only one way:
- if (a == true)
<div class="foo"></div>
- else
<div class="foo bar"></div>
Firstly, duplication. Secondly, my HTML-PHP part of code is quite complicated. It is with two loops (for loop and foreach loop inside it) and I use more than one such an embeds to add div's attributes according to conditions. And just cannot imagine how to implement it with Slim. It throws an error even for this, I cannot break long html string:
- if(i != 5)
<div class="foo bar"
- else
Does Slim allow to break strings with conditional ifs between quotes or element attributes? How to do it?

If you're using Rails, you're free to facilitate ActionView::Helpers this way:
= content_tag :li, class: ( a == true ? "foo bar" : "foo") do
inside div
Elsewise you're free to create some helper method to cover this logic for you
Nevertheless it's considered ill practice to include much logic in a view. Consider using some Presenter pattern
Looking into some slim docs found you're able to achieve your goal this way class="#{'bar' if a == true}"
| Text inside div


Result of xpath is object text error, how do i get around this in Ruby on a site built around hiding everything?

My company uses ways to hide most data on their website and i'm tying to create a driver that will scan closed jobs to populate an array to create new jobs thus requiring no user input / database access for users.
I did research and it seems this can't be done the way i'm doing it:
# Scan page and place 4 different Users into an array
String name = [nil, nil, nil, nil]
String compare_name = nil
c = 0
tr = 1
while c < 4
String compare_name = driver.find_element(:xpath, '//*
if compare_name != name[c]
name[c] = compare_name
c = +1
tr = +1
else if compare_name == name[c]
tr = +1
Also i am a newb learning as i go, so this might not be optimal or whatever just how i've learned to do what i want.
Now the website code for the item i want on the screen:
<span ng-if="job.customer.company_name != null &&
job.customer.company_name != ''" class="pointer capitalize ng-scope" data-
toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="" data-original-title="406-962-
<a href="/#/edit_customer/903519"class="capitalize notranslate">
<span class="ng-binding">Name Stuff<br>
<!-- ngIf: ::job.customer.is_cip_user --
<i ng-if="::job.customer.is_cip_user" class="fa fa-user-circle-o ng-scope">
::before == $0
> Diago Stein</span>
Xpath can find the Diago Stein area, but because of it being a text object it doesn't work. Now to note something all the class titles, button names, etc are all the same with everything else on the page. They always do that which makes it even harder to scan because those same things are likely elsewhere that might not have anything to do with this area of the site.
Is there any way to grab this text without knowing what might be in the text area based on the HTML? Note "Name Stuff" is the name of a company i hid it with this generic one for privacy.
Thanks for any ideas or suggestions and help.
EDIT: Clarification, i will NOT know the name of the company or the user name (in this case Diago Stein) the entire purpose of this part of the code is to populate an array with the customers name from this table on the closed page.
You can back your XPath up one level to
//*[#id="job_list"]/tbody/tr[' + tr.to_s + ']/td[2]/span[1]/a/span
then grab the innerText. The SPAN is
<span class="ng-binding">Name Stuff<br>
<!-- ngIf: ::job.customer.is_cip_user --
<i ng-if="::job.customer.is_cip_user" class="fa fa-user-circle-o ng-scope">
::before == $0
> Diago Stein</span>
The problem is that this HTML has some conditionals in it which makes it hard to read, hard to figure out what's actually there. If we strip out the conditional, we are left with
<span class="ng-binding">Name Stuff<br>Diago Stein</span>
If we take the innerText of this, we get
Name Stuff
Diago Stein
What this does is you can split the string by a carriage return and part 0 is the 'Name Stuff' and part 1 is 'Diago Stein'. So you use your locator to find the SPAN, get innerText, split it by a carriage return, and then take the second part and you have your desired string.
This code isn't tested but it should be something like
name = driver.find_element(:xpath => "//*[#id="job_list"]/tbody/tr[' + tr.to_s + ']/td[2]/span[1]/a/span").get_text.split("\n")[1]

Ruby slim inline if

I'm trying to do an inline if with Ruby Slim.
Given my example below...
- if #droppable
.panel data-draggable="true"
span More content here
- else
span More content here
In both cases, the only difference is the presence of the data-draggable attribute on the top-level .panel element. The contents of the .panel is identical, so I'd like to accomplish something like the following:
.panel (#droppable ? data-draggable="true")
span More content here
Is there a way of achieving this in Slim?
There is no need for an if here, and the ternary operator requires three operands, not two.
Both Slim and HAML are designed to omit attributes with nil/false values, intentionally letting you use the && operator to turn a truthy/falsy value to the presence of attribute with a specific value, or its absence:
In Slim:
.panel data-draggable=(#droppable && "true")
span Hello
.panel{data: {draggable: #droppable && "true"}}
%span Hello
In both cases, if #droppable is a truthy value, data-draggable="true" will be added, otherwise the attribute will be omitted.
Use dynamic tags:
def panel!
{tag: 'panel'}.tap do |tag|
tag[:"data-draggable"] = true if #droppable
span hello
You can't have an "inline if" , but you can get the behavior you want with slim in line html support
doing this:
<div class="cool_class"
- if conditional_is_met
| data="must_be_added"
| special_data="#{#my_data.to_json}"
consider that inside the html tag the slim identation is still followed.
and the final | is important to close the if.

XPath in RSelenium for indexing list of values

Here is an example of html:
<li class="index i1"
<ol id="rem">
<div class="bare">
<a class="tlt mhead" href="">
<li class="index i2"
<ol id="rem">
<div class="bare">
<a class="tlt mhead" href="">
I would like to take the value of every href in a element. What makes the list is the class in the first li in which class' name change i1, i2.
So I have a counter and change it when I go to take the value.
i <- 1
stablestr <- "index "
myVal <- paste(stablestr , i, sep="")
so even if try just to access the general lib with myVal index using this
profile<-remDr$findElement(using = 'xpath', "//*/input[#li = myVal]")
or the href using this
profile<-remDr$findElement(using = 'xpath', "/li[#class=myVal]/ol[#id='rem']/div[#id='bare']/h3/a[#class='tlt']")
Is there anything wrong with xpath?
Your HTML structure is invalid. Your <li> tags are not closed properly, and it seems you are confusing <ol> with <li>. But for the sake of the question, I assume the structure is as you write, with properly closed <li> tags.
Then, constructing myVal is not right. It will yield "index 1" while you want "index i1". Use "index i" for stablestr.
Now for the XPath:
//*/input[#li = myVal]
This is obviously wrong since there is no input in your XML. Also, you didn't prefix the variable with $. And finally, the * seems to be unnecessary. Try this:
//li[#class = $myVal]
In your second XPath, there are also some errors:
^ ^ ^
missing $ should be #class is actually 'tlt mhead'
The first two issues are easy to fix. The third one is not. You could use contains(#class, 'tlt'), but that would also match if the class is, e.g., tltt, which is probably not what you want. Anyway, it might suffice for your use-case. Fixed XPath:
/li[#class=$myVal]/ol[#id='rem']/div[#class='bare']/h3/a[contains(#class, 'tlt')]

Page Object Gem. Making accessors for elements without ids

Lets say I have a simple page that has less IDs than I'd like for testing
<div class="__panel_body">
<div class="__panel_header">Real Estate Rating</div>
<div class="__panel_body">
<div class="__panel_header">Property Rating Info</div>
<a class="icon.edit"></a>
<a class="icon.edit"></a>
<div class="__panel_body">
<div class="__panel_header">General Risks</div>
<a class="icon.edit"></a>
<a class="icon.edit"></a>
<div class="__panel_body">
<div class="__panel_header">Amenities</div>
<a class="icon.edit"></a>
<a class="icon.edit"></a>
I'm using Jeff Morgan's Page Object gem and I want to make accessors for the edit links in any given section.
The challenge is that the panel headers differentiate what body I want to choose. Then I need to access the parent and get all links with class "icon.edit". Assume I can't change the HTML to solve this.
Here's a start
module RealEstateRatingPageFields
div(:general_risks_section, ....)
def general_risks_edit_links
general_risks_section_element.links(class: "icon.edit")
How do I get the general_risks_section accessor to work, though?
I want that to represent the parent div to the panel header with text 'General Risks'...
There are a number of ways to get the general risk section.
Using a Block
The accessors can take a block where you can more programatically describe how to locate the element. This allows you to locate a distinguishing element and then traverse the DOM to the element you actually want. In this case, you can locate the header with the matching text and navigate to its parent.
div(:general_risks_section) { div_element(class: '__panel_header', text: 'General Risks').parent }
Using XPath
While harder to read and write, you could also use an XPath locator. The concept and thought process is the same as using the block. The only benefit is that it reduces the number of element calls, which slightly improves performance.
div(:general_risks_section, xpath: './/div[#class="__panel_body"][./div[#class="__panel_header" and text() = "General Risks"]]')
The XPath is saying:
.//div # Find a div element that
[#class="__panel_body"] # Has the class "__panel_body" and
[./div[ # Contains a div element that
#class="__panel_header" and # Has the class "__panel_header" and
text() = "General Risks" # Has the text "General Risks"
Using the Body Text
Given the HTML, you could also just locate the section directly based on its text.
div(:general_risks_section, class: '__panel_body', text: 'General Risks')
Note that this assumes that the HTML given was not simplified. If there are actually other text nodes, this probably would not be the best option.

Building an HTML document with content from another

I'm have a document A and want to build a new one B using A's node values.
Given A looks like this...
<div id="section0">
<h1>Section 0</h1>
<p>Some <b>important</b> info here</p>
<div>Some unimportant info here</p>
<div id="section1">
<h1>Section 1</h1>
<p>Some <i>important</i> info here</p>
<div>Some unimportant info here</div>
When building a B document, I'm using method a.at_css("#section#{n} h1").text to grab the data from A's h1 tags like this:
require 'nokogiri'
a = Nokogiri::HTML(html) do |doc|
doc.h1 a.at_css("#section#{n} h1").text
So there are three questions:
How do I grab the content of <p> tags preserving tags inside
Currently, once I hit a.at_css("#section#{n} p").text it
returns a plain text, which is not what's needed.
If, instead of .text I hit .to_html or .inner_html, the html appears escaped. So I get, for example, <p> instead of <p>.
Is there any known true way of assigning nodes at the document building stage? So that I wouldn't dance with text method at all? I.e. how do I assign doc.h1 node with value of a.at_css("#section#{n} h1") node at building stage?
What's the profit of Nokogiri::Builder.with(...) method? I wonder if I can get use of it...
How do I grab the content of <p> tags preserving tags inside <p>?
Use .inner_html. The entities are not escaped when accessing them. They will be escaped if you do something like builder.node_name raw_html. Instead:
require 'nokogiri'
para = Nokogiri.HTML( '<p id="foo">Hello <b>World</b>!</p>' ).at('#foo')
doc = do |d|
d.body do
d.div(id:'content') do
d.parent << para.inner_html
puts doc.to_html
#=> <body><div id="content">Hello <b>World</b>!</div></body>
Is there any known true way of assigning nodes at the document building stage?
Similar to the above, one way is:
puts{ |d| d.body{ d.parent << para } }.to_html
#=> <body><p id="foo">Hello <b>World</b>!</p></body>
Voila! The node has moved from one document to the other.
What's the profit of Nokogiri::Builder.with(...) method?
That's rather unrelated to the rest of your question. As the documentation says:
Create a builder with an existing root object. This is for use when you have an existing document that you would like to augment with builder methods. The builder context created will start with the given root node.
I don't think it would be useful to you here.
In general, I find the Builder to be convenient when writing a large number of custom nodes from scratch with a known hierarchy. When not doing that you may find it simpler to just create a new document and use DOM methods to add nodes as appropriate. It's hard to tell how much hard-coded nodes/hierarchy your document will have versus procedurally created.
One other, alternative suggestion: perhaps you should create a template XML document and then augment that with details from the other, scraped HTML?
