Visual Studio Just-In-Time Debugger, stops Wamp Server - visual-studio-2010

Please can someone help me, am getting this message whenever I start my windows 7 system:
Visual Studio Just-In-Time Debugger.
An unhandled exception ('System.IO.FileNotFoundException') occured in IAStorDataMgrSvc.exe [5824]. Just-In-Time debugging this exception failed with the following error: No installed debugger has Just-In-Time debugging enabled. In visual Studio, Just-In-Time debugging can be enabled from Tools/Options/Debugging/Just-In-Time.
I have uninstalled Visual Studio yet this challenge persists.
Because of the above error I can no longer properly use my wamp server.

Did you also install IIS when you installed Visual Studio.
IIS and the APache in WAMP are both web servers and both want to use TCP port 80. IIS is probably staring automatically and getting port 80 first so Apache cannot have it.
If you are not using IIS then uninstall it as well.
If you are then you will have to change IIS and probably some other bits so they dont start automaticaly. Do this on the Services dialog.

Ive got the same problem.
I dont know about the relationship betwin Visual studio and Wamp, and I somehow doubt its related, sence at the instal of VS2017 Ive had already instaled Wamp.
What I do know is that, even in offline instal mode this problem persists, my gues is that JustINtimeDebugger got locked.
My solution:
I killed the PowerShell.exe process (under vs_instalershell ) using File Explorer and install it later.
Note, this does not solve the problem it just bypass it.
Theoreticaly, next you should try to unlock the RegisterJustInTimeDebugger.ps1 file from C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Packages\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.JustInTime,version=15.0.26208.0 with (consider changing the path if needed):
Unblock-File -path "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Packages\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.JustInTime,version=15.0.26208.0"
Update the System Variable __PSLockDownPolicy to 1 or delete it if it exists.
But I have failed to make it working even now.


VS2019 install with SQL Server components causes err_connection_reset when viewing the web

I installed Visual Studio 2019 last night with SQL Server components, and now whenever I try to view web pages in Chrome, I get a connection reset error. I assume it has something to do with IIS. I tried uninstalling IIS Express, but that didn’t seem to help. I checked all my connections and everything seems to be fine. I can ping google in the command line, but for some reason I just can’t view the web. Does anyone have any ideas?
Maybe your services are turned off, try entering the task manager with CTRL + ALT + DELETE, and look for SERVICES, the SQL SERVER server you are using, and check if it is stopped.
VS2019 install with SQL Server components causes err_connection_reset
when viewing the web
This is not expected behavior after VS installation. Maybe something in that installing process modified your IE settings.
Try resetting all IE options(IE options=>Advanced=>Reset) and reinstall Chrome browser.
I fixed this by removing all Visual studio installations and reinstalling VS 2019.

Problems getting IIS to work

I have installed Visual Studio 2017 on a Windows 10 PC. I thought this would also install IIS Express. However, when I browse to localhost I get a localhost refused to connect error. The same error occurs when I try to browse to the http://localhost:49247 url for my solution in visual studio. I have tried installing IIS Express 10 separately and also tried turning on the IIS features in windows 10, but with the same results.
I've also tried changing the port number and deleting applicationhost.config, as suggested elsewhere on this site, but these didn't work for me either.
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Visual Studio 2015: MSVSMON.exe does not appear to be running on the remote computer for blank Cordova project

just starting to look at the Cordova tools for Visual studio.
Creating a blank Cordova probject, I am able to run (F5 debug), for Android and IOS (emulators), and also x86 windows, but for either Any CPU or x64 I get the following error..
The Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor (MSVSMON.EXE) does not appear to be running on the remote computer.
So I have seen mentioned elsewhere that VS (32 bit) needs to run the above for 64 bit debugging. I have no problems running and debugging a classic desktop WPF.
I have tried disabling both my firewall (Zone Alarm) and any antivirus (Avast), but made no difference.
Anyone have any ideas what the problem could be here (or how to diagnose)
Thanks in advance for any help!
I have this same problem. I use the same applications as you do, Zone Alarm and Avast. If I try to debug and get that error, disabling or stopping the programs do not help. You need to close VS and restart it with the offending apps already disabled, then you'll be able to continue.
I stumbled across this question because I am looking for a way to keep from doing this.

Intermittent IIS8/Visual Studio 2010 debugging issue

I have an intermittent issue when trying to debug local IIS sites.
Visual will hang and eventually displays the error:
The web server did not respond in a timely manner. This may be because another debugger is already attached to the web server
If I wait a minute and hit "Start Debugging" again it will work (sometimes I may get the error several times but it eventually works).
There is nothing in the Event Viewer around the times I try to debug.
The app pool is .net V4.0 Integrated.
I am running Windows 8 Pro with IIS 8 and Visual Studio 2010.
Also its a site using EpiServer 6 R2.
I have tried IISReset, stopping/starting the site, closing and reopening Visual, rebooting my machine. None of that seems to make a difference, its hit and miss whether the solution will debug or not.
Once the solution is debugging, it runs fine without issue. Until I stop debugging and try and start debugging again.
The site runs fine in all other aspects, its only when I try to debug.
So... I never fixed this issue, but have since upgraded to a solid state drive. So I now have a fresh install of Windows 8 Pro and Visual and the issue has not resurfaced.

Cannot start debugger on Visual Studio 2010 (F5) However, ' attach to process' does work (slow). How to fix?

The environment:
Clean (new) install of Windows 7 64bit.
Clean (new) install of Visual Studio 2010 Professional (10.0.30319.1).
Windows Update is up to date.
The problem:
I cannot start the debugger on Visual Studio 2010 (hit F5): 'Unable to start debugging on the web server. Unable to connect to the web server. Verify that the web server is running and that incomming HTTP requests are not blocked by a firewall.'
However, 'attach to process' (what I usually do) does work, but it is painfully slow to start (Visual Studio 'thinks' a lot of time before the debugging is actually enabled).
On the same hardware, running VS 2008 on good old Windows XP (32bits), this problem never happened.
Trying to debug a site running under the ASP.NET Development Server also fails: 'Unable to connect to ASP.NET Development Server.'.
There are plenty of web pages about these errors (many very outdated and does not apply to my environment), none of them worked for me.
No matter if I run Visual Studio as Administrator or not. The problem is
the same.
The problem happens even when running a brand new blank IIS web site, either created as 'localhost/something' or 'sample.local'.
If I create a 'File System' web site (to try ASP.NET Development Server), when I hit F5, the server starts, but after a long wait Visual Studio says 'Unable to connect to ASP.NET Development Server.'
The 'hosts' file has an explicit entry for 'localhost' and for 'sample.local'
It's the same problem either running .NET 2.0 or 4.0.
It's the same either configuring the application pool with or without 'Enable 32-Bit Applications' true or false.
It's the same either configuring the application pool is classic or integrated mode.
In a desperate attempt, I've added all the IIS 6.0 legacy 'features' stuff (not needed!) and doesn't helped at all.
I don't now what else I can try.
OMG!, I'm so stupid. The most oblivious thing was truly wrong. There was a wrong rule in the firewall. Therefore, even being in 'interactive mode' (as it is was always set), the connection was denied.
