How to get registered filesystems list? - linux-kernel

On debugging linux kernel 3.6.11 with - "ddd vmlinux /proc/kcore" , the "file_systems" list present in fs/filesystems.c is shown empty, containing the address 0x0 .
It is supposed to contain file_system_type structures of all the registered file systems .
Why the list is empty or where else can I see the list of registered file systems ?

Debugging the kernel is not needed for that. There is a proc API that provides the information:
cat /proc/filesystems


Is it possible to log the output of a uboot command into a file from u-boot prompt?

I am working with an embedded board which supports u-boot.
I am trying to write and read the emmc device connected to the board,
After read, i need to have a look at the contents and compare it with the data that I have written to it.
Is there a way I can log the output of the a u-boot command, when I read a block from eMMC and store it in an address and try to view the contents of
it using:
mmc read 0x10700000 133120 1
mm.l 0x10700000
into a file and then can store the file in an emmc partition or a tftp server ?
Thank you for your time,
The save command can be used to write memory to a file.
save file to a filesystem
save <interface> <dev[:part]> <addr> <filename> bytes [pos]
- Save binary file 'filename' to partition 'part' on device
type 'interface' instance 'dev' from addr 'addr' in memory.
'bytes' gives the size to save in bytes and is mandatory.
'pos' gives the file byte position to start writing to.
If 'pos' is 0 or omitted, the file is written from the start.
Of cause this requires the file system to be writable. For FAT this implies building with CONFIG_FAT_WRITE=y.

Is it possible to figure Linux kernel version from a snapshot of system physical memory?

I was wondering if given a snapshot of the physical memory os system running Linux OS it is possible the figure out what is the Kernel version it was running? I don't have access to the image or anything.
The kernel version is into the physical memory dump of the kernel as returned by /proc/version from the struct new_utsname defined into include/uapi/linux/utsname.h. I suggest to first try the 'strings' command on your kernel dump and try to identify part of the pattern usually returned by /proc/version.
The Linux source init/version.c define this:
const char linux_banner[] =
"Linux version " UTS_RELEASE " (" LINUX_COMPILE_BY "#"
So a search of the string "Linux version" into the dump should give you the location of the linux_banner string that contain the information returned by /proc/version.

Unable to get full user-mode stacktrace while kernel debugging in windbg

I have a virtual Windows 7 x64 machine on a Windows 10 host, and I kernel debug it with windbg 10.0.10586.567. I'm running my own application on it, which I have full source and private symbols for. Whenever I break in and ask for stack traces of the app's threads, the backtrace always stops when one of my application's binaries are "hit."
So for instance, if I break in, switch to the process, and request a stacktrace with !thread [thread address] 1f, I get something like this (note the "early" zero return address at the last line):
fffff880`0534e870 fffff800`026d6992 nt!KiSwapContext+0x7a
fffff880`0534e9b0 fffff800`026d81a2 nt!KiCommitThreadWait+0x1d2
fffff880`0534ea40 fffff800`029c7a2e nt!KeDelayExecutionThread+0x186
fffff880`0534eab0 fffff800`026d08d3 nt!NtDelayExecution+0x59
fffff880`0534eae0 00000000`76e7165a nt!KiSystemServiceCopyEnd+0x13 (TrapFrame # fffff880`0534eae0)
00000000`00276708 000007fe`fcf91203 ntdll!NtDelayExecution+0xa
00000000`00276710 00000001`410e7dd9 KERNELBASE!SleepEx+0xab
00000000`002767b0 00000000`00000000 MyApp!MainMessageLoop+0x4b1 [d:\whatever\path\myapplication.cpp # 3024]
This looks very similar to when you you are missing a binary while debugging a user-mode dump (lack of unwind data) of an x64 process, except in that case the stack trace usually does not stop "this sudden", rather it goes astray at that point, and shows bogus values.
Some extra info/things I tried:
I have the correct symbol paths set up (both the Microsoft symbol server, and a local folder on the host with matching PDBs, even though the latter is not needed for just the stack trace)
I have a binary path set up (.exepath) containing matching binaries on the host (I've made absolutely sure of this; copied the binaries directly from the guest to the host machine)
If I put a breakpoint in one of the app's exported DLL functions, then when the debugger breaks in, I get a one-liner stack trace like this: 0000000000274b40 0000000000000000 MyAppDLL!SomeExportedFunction+0x32 [d:\whatever\path\myapplicationDLL.cpp # 232]
I've tried virtually every combination of commands to get a stacktrace (.process /i, .process /r /p, !process -1 7, .reloads, .reload /users, .reload /f MyApp.exe, !thread [address] 1f, etc.) with no success
Tried with an older version of windbg (6.11.0001.404) as well, same result
Also tried on Windows 8.1 as a guest with the very same binaries, same result
!sym noisy output (irrelevant lines omitted):
0: kd>.process /i [address]
0: kd>g
0: kd>.reload /user
0: kd> !process -1 2
0: kd> !thread [address] 1f
DBGHELP: d:\symbolcache\MyApp.pdb\76931C5A6C284779AD2F916CA324617E1\MyApp.pdb already cached
DBGHELP: MyApp - private symbols & lines
lmvm MyApp output:
Loaded symbol image file: MyApp.exe
Image path: C:\MyApp\MyApp.exe
Any ideas?
I accidentally stumbled into a linker switch that solves this problem: /DEBUGTYPE with the PDATA argument. If you link your binaries with this switch, unwind information will be copied into your PDBs.
I recompiled/relinked the application in question with /DEBUGTYPE:CV,PDATA (/DEBUGTYPE:CV is the default if /DEBUG is specified, see the documentation), now everything works like a charm, I always get full call stacks.
One strange aspect of this: windbg happily uses unwind data found in the PDBs, but ignores the very same data in the mapped binaries (both on the host machine).
This is not a perfect solution to the problem (or any solution at all, one might say), but I'm providing this provisional answer with a workaround.
You should be able to get the information you want, albeit not so well-formatted using something like dps #rsp L10.
In x86-64 you don't have a parallel of the x86 ebp-chain, but the return addresses are still on the stack. Those will give you the functions in the stack, and the values between them will be the arguments passed to the functions (and saved registers on the stack, etc.). A random example from Google (as I'm not on my Windows machine right now):
0:017> dps #rsp
00000000`1bb0fbb8 00000000`00000020
00000000`1bb0fbc0 00000000`00000000
00000000`1bb0fbc8 00000000`008bc6c6 Dolphin!ReadDataFromFifoOnCPU+0xb6 [d:\sources\comex\source\core\videocommon\fifo.cpp # 245]
00000000`1bb0fbd0 00000000`1ba0ffeb
00000000`1bb0fbd8 00000000`00000020
00000000`1bb0fbe0 00000000`00000020
00000000`1bb0fbe8 00000000`00000800
00000000`1bb0fbf0 00000000`1ba0ffeb
00000000`1bb0fbf8 00000000`008c2ff5 Dolphin!InterpretDisplayListPreprocess+0x45 [d:\sources\comex\source\core\videocommon\opcodedecoding.cpp # 87]
00000000`1bb0fc00 00000000`00000000
00000000`1bb0fc08 00000000`008bc041 Dolphin!RunGpu+0x81 [d:\sources\comex\source\core\videocommon\fifo.cpp # 389]
00000000`1bb0fc10 00000000`8064cbc0
00000000`1bb0fc18 00000000`1bb0fcc0
00000000`1bb0fc20 00000000`00000000
00000000`1bb0fc28 00000000`008c2dda Dolphin!OpcodeDecoder_Preprocess+0x14a [d:\sources\comex\source\core\videocommon\opcodedecoding.cpp # 326]
00000000`1bb0fc30 00000000`8064cbe0
Given that you have symbols, the return addresses are easily distinguishable.
The unwind data is lazy loaded for user mode modules, so it's not going to be mapped unless someone needs it. Unfortunately the kernel debugger doesn't force the information to be present for user images, so sometimes you get this behavior. You can see if the data is mapped or not by dumping the PE header (!dh) and checking the state of the Exception Directory (!pte imagename+offset).
Given that you own the app, try forcing the information to be resident by doing a stack walk NOP somewhere in your app:
PVOID stack[2];
(VOID)CaptureStackBackTrace(0, 2, (PVOID*)&stack, NULL);
That doesn't guarantee the entire directory will be present, but usually good enough.

How to use WER to create a dump with the application data and the handles

Here is my registry:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\LocalDumps]
According to this article DumpType=0 means custom dump and then CustomDumpFlags is taken into account. According to this article CustomDumpFlags=6 means MiniDumpWithFullMemory | MiniDumpWithHandleData, where:
MiniDumpWithFullMemory - Include all accessible memory in the process. The raw memory data is included at the end, so that the initial structures can be mapped directly without the raw memory information. This option can result in a very large file.
MiniDumpWithHandleData - Include high-level information about the operating system handles that are active when the minidump is made.
Now I have a crash-me application, so I run it, it crashes, the dump is created in %userprofile%\AppData\Local\CrashDumps, I open it in windbg and see the following line there:
User Mini Dump File with Full Memory: Only application data is
Which is equivalent to CustomDataFlags=2
So, how am I expected to create a dump with the handle data in it? If possible, I would like to use no third parties.
My OS is Windows 8 or Windows 2008R2 server or higher.
Try .dumpdebug, which is an undocumented command. At the top of the output there should be the flags:
0:006> .dumpdebug
----- User Mini Dump Analysis
MINIDUMP_HEADER: Version A793 (62F0) NumberOfStreams 15 Flags 41826
0002 MiniDumpWithFullMemory
0004 MiniDumpWithHandleData
0020 MiniDumpWithUnloadedModules
0800 MiniDumpWithFullMemoryInfo
1000 MiniDumpWithThreadInfo
40000 MiniDumpWithTokenInformation
If you dislike the verbose output, you can filter it with a find command on the shell:
.shell -ci ".dumpdebug" find "MiniDumpWith"


In some of the uboot files I have seen this declaration:
right below the includes.... does anyone know what/why is this done ?
That is a macro declaration that a resource (for example, a CPU register) will be reserved for pointing to a struct global_data. For ARM, the macro is defined in arch/arm/include/asm/global_data.h, and it reserves CPU register r8.
See README l. 4602+ which describe resource constraints in early boot. The global data pointer gives easy access to the data elements which are most useful in this boot phase.
Global means that this data is generally available. C source files use this declaration before any compiled code, to tell the compiler to not use that register (e.g. ARM CPU r8) for anything else.
By the end of booting, for example in common/main.c main_loop(), I see that DECLARE_GLOBAL_DATA_PTR is used only in a few particular configurations. So, perhaps other code for actions driven by console commands (for example) would not need to reserve that resource. Of the C source files, looks like 25% use it, 75% do not use it.
~/u-boot-2012.10$ find . -name "*.c" | wc -l
~/u-boot-2012.10$ find . -name "*.c" | xargs grep DECLARE_GLOBAL_DATA_PTR | wc -l
