How to create a big file to fill disk to the full on windows phone? - windows-phone-7

For example, I have a Lumia 920, its total space is 32G, and available free space is 24G.
Now I want to create some files to filling disk to the full, how can I create 24G files as quickly as possilbe? I tried, but very slowly. :-(
As far as I know, one app (see below link) can do that, but I really can't understand how does he do it? Write isolated storage is very slow slow. Could you give me some advices?

You just need to create the file like thisand write a single byte:
FileStream fs = new FileStream(#"c:\tmp\yourfilename", FileMode.CreateNew);
fs.Seek(2048L * 1024 * 1024, SeekOrigin.Begin);
This example will create a 2GB file with a single byte of content !


Using SetFilePointer to change the location to write in the sector doesn't work?

I'm using SetFilePointer to rewrite the second half of the MBR with something, its a user-mode application and i opened a handle to PhysicalDrive
At first i tried to set the size parameter in WriteFile to 256 but the writefile gave the INVALID_PARAMETER error, as it turns out based on some search on other questions here it seems like this is because we are forced to write in multiplicand of the sector size when the handle is PhysicalDrive for some reason
then i tried to set the filePointer to 256, and Write 512 bytes, both of them return no error, but for some unknown reason it writes from the beginning of the sector! as if the SetFilePointer didn't work even tho the return value of SetFilePointer is OK and it returns 256
So my questions is :
Why the write size have to be multiplicand of sector size when the handle is PhysicalDrive? which other device handles are like this?
Why is this happening and when I set the file pointer to 256, WriteFile still writes from the start?
isn't this really redundant, considering that even if I want to change 1 byte then I have to read the entire sector, change the one byte and then write it back, instead of just writing 1 byte, it seems like 10 times more overhead! isn't there a faster way to write a few bytes in a sector?
I think you are mixing the file system and the storage (block device). File system stays above storage device stack. If your code obtains a handle to a file system device, you can write byte by byte. But if you are accessing storage device stack, you can only write sector by sector (or block size).
Directly writing to block device is definitely slow as you discovered. However, in most cases, people just talk to file systems. Most file system drivers maintain cache and use algorithms for both read and write to improve performance.
Can't comment on file pointer based offset before seeing the actual code. But I guess it might be not sector aligned or it's not used at all.

Writing last N bytes to file opened with FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING

When writing lots of sequential data to disk I found that having an internal 4MB buffer and when opening the file for writing I specify [FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING][1], so that my internal buffer is used.
But that also creates a requirement to write in full sector blocks (512 bytes on my machine).
How do I write the last N<512 bytes to disk?
Is there some flag to WriteFile to allow this?
Do I pad them with extra NUL characters and then truncate the file size down to the correct value?
(With SetFileValidData or similar?)
For those wondering the reason for trying this approach. Our application logs a lot. To handle this a dedicated log-thread exists, which formats and writes logs to disk. Also if we log with fullest detail we might log more per second than the disk-system can handle. (Usually noticed for customers with SAN systems that are not well tweaked.)
So, the goal is log write as much as possible, but also notice when we start to overload the system, and then hold back a bit, like reducing the details of the logs.
Hence the idea to have a fill a big memory-block and give that to the OS, hoping to reduce the overheads.
As the comments suggest, doing file writing this way is probably not the best solution for real world situations. But if writing with FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING is used,
SetFileInformationByHandle is the way to mark the file shorter than whole blocks.
int data_len = len(str);
int len_last_block = BLOCKSIZE%datalen;
int padding_to_fill_block = (data_last_block == BLOCKSIZE ? 0 : (BLOCKSIZE-len_last_block);
str.append('\0', padding_to_fill_block);
ULONG bytes_written = 0;
::WriteFile(hFile, data, data_len+padding_to_fill_block, &bytes_written, NULL));
m_filesize += bytes_written;;
LARGE_INTEGER end_of_file_pos;
end_of_file_pos.QuadPart = m_filesize - padding_to_fill_block;
if (!::SetFileInformationByHandle(hFile, FileEndOfFileInfo, &end_of_file_pos, sizeof(end_of_file_pos)))
HRESULT hr = ::GetLastErrorMessage();

Windows (ReFS,NTFS) file preallocation hint

Assume I have multiple processes writing large files (20gb+). Each process is writing its own file and assume that the process writes x mb at a time, then does some processing and writes x mb again, etc..
What happens is that this write pattern causes the files to be heavily fragmented, since the files blocks get allocated consecutively on the disk.
Of course it is easy to workaround this issue by using SetEndOfFile to "preallocate" the file when it is opened and then set the correct size before it is closed. But now an application accessing these files remotely, which is able to parse these in-progress files, obviously sees zeroes at the end of the file and takes much longer to parse the file.
I do not have control over the this reading application so I can't optimize it to take zeros at the end into account.
Another dirty fix would be to run defragmentation more often, run Systernal's contig utility or even implement a custom "defragmenter" which would process my files and consolidate their blocks together.
Another more drastic solution would be to implement a minifilter driver which would report a "fake" filesize.
But obviously both solutions listed above are far from optimal. So I would like to know if there is a way to provide a file size hint to the filesystem so it "reserves" the consecutive space on the drive, but still report the right filesize to applications?
Otherwise obviously also writing larger chunks at a time obviously helps with fragmentation, but still does not solve the issue.
Since the usefulness of SetEndOfFile in my case seems to be disputed I made a small test:
char buf='A';
DWORD written=0;
DWORD tstart;
std::cout << "creating file\n";
tstart = GetTickCount();
size.QuadPart = 100000000LL;
SetFilePointerEx(f, size, &a, FILE_BEGIN);
printf("file extended, elapsed: %d\n",GetTickCount()-tstart);
printf("writing 'A' at the end\n");
tstart = GetTickCount();
SetFilePointer(f, -1, NULL, FILE_END);
WriteFile(f, &buf,1,&written,NULL);
printf("written: %d bytes, elapsed: %d\n",written,GetTickCount()-tstart);
When the application is executed and it waits for a keypress after SetEndOfFile I examined the on disc NTFS structures:
The image shows that NTFS has indeed allocated clusters for my file. However the unnamed DATA attribute has StreamDataSize specified as 0.
Systernals DiskView also confirms that clusters were allocated
When pressing enter to allow the test to continue (and waiting for quite some time since the file was created on slow USB stick), the StreamDataSize field was updated
Since I wrote 1 byte at the end, NTFS now really had to zero everything, so SetEndOfFile does indeed help with the issue that I am "fretting" about.
I would appreciate it very much that answers/comments also provide an official reference to back up the claims being made.
Oh and the test application outputs this in my case:
creating file
file extended, elapsed: 0
writing 'A' at the end
written: 1 bytes, elapsed: 21735
Also for sake of completeness here is an example how the DATA attribute looks like when setting the FileAllocationInfo (note that the I created a new file for this picture)
Windows file systems maintain two public sizes for file data, which are reported in the FileStandardInformation:
AllocationSize - a file's allocation size in bytes, which is typically a multiple of the sector or cluster size.
EndOfFile - a file's absolute end of file position as a byte offset from the start of the file, which must be less than or equal to the allocation size.
Setting an end of file that exceeds the current allocation size implicitly extends the allocation. Setting an allocation size that's less than the current end of file implicitly truncates the end of file.
Starting with Windows Vista, we can manually extend the allocation size without modifying the end of file via SetFileInformationByHandle: FileAllocationInfo. You can use Sysinternals DiskView to verify that this allocates clusters for the file. When the file is closed, the allocation gets truncated to the current end of file.
If you don't mind using the NT API directly, you can also call NtSetInformationFile: FileAllocationInformation. Or even set the allocation size at creation via NtCreateFile.
FYI, there's also an internal ValidDataLength size, which must be less than or equal to the end of file. As a file grows, the clusters on disk are lazily initialized. Reading beyond the valid region returns zeros. Writing beyond the valid region extends it by initializing all clusters up to the write offset with zeros. This is typically where we might observe a performance cost when extending a file with random writes. We can set the FileValidDataLengthInformation to get around this (e.g. SetFileValidData), but it exposes uninitialized disk data and thus requires SeManageVolumePrivilege. An application that utilizes this feature should take care to open the file exclusively and ensure the file is secure in case the application or system crashes.

File System Block Size while creating the File System using mkfs

I am trying to use BUSE (with NBD) to create a block device in user space. I am not clearly understanding the block access patterns when creating a file system. As shown in the example when I mount the nbd device and create a ext4 file system with a block size of 4096, I am seeing the reads and writes are in multiples of 1024 and not 4096.
However once the file system is created, when I mount the device and try to read/write files the requests are being sent in multiples of 4096.
So it looks like, while creating the file system using mkfs.ext4, the block device is accessed with 1024 as block size and only after the file system is created, the user specified block size will be used. I am correct in making this inference? If so, can someone explain what happens at the backend and why 1024 is chose initially?
Thanks and Regards,

How do they read clusters/cylinders/sectors from the disk?

I needed to recover the partition table I deleted accidentally. I used an application named TestDisk. Its simply mind blowing. I reads each cylinder from the disk. I've seen similar such applications which work with MBR & partitioning.
I'm curious.
How do they read
clusters/cylinders/sectors from the
disk? Is there some kind of API for this?
Is it again OS dependent? If so whats the way to for Linux & for windows?
Well, I'm not just curious I want a hands on experience. I want to write a simple application which displays each LBA.
Cylinders and sectors (wiki explanation) are largely obsoleted by the newer LBA (logical block addressing) scheme for addressing drives.
If you're curious about the history, use the Wikipedia article as a starting point. If you're just wondering how it works now, code is expected to simply use the LBA address (which works largely the same way as a file does - a linear array of bytes arranged in blocks)
It's easy due to the magic of *nix special device files. You can open and read /dev/sda the same way you'd read any other file.
Just use open, lseek, read, write (or pread, pwrite). If you want to make sure you're physically fetching data from a drive and not from kernel buffers you can open with the flag O_DIRECT (though you must perform aligned reads/writes of 512 byte chunks for this to work).
For *nix, there have been already answers (/dev directory); for Windows, there are the special objects \\.\PhisicalDriveX, with X as the number of the drive, which can be opened using the normal CreateFile API. To actually perform reads or writes you have then to use the DeviceIoControl function.
More info can be found in "Physical Disks and Volumes" section of the CreateFile API documentation.
I'm the OP. I'm combining Eric Seppanen's & Matteo Italia's answers to make it complete.
*NIX Platforms:
It's easy due to the magic of *nix special device files. You can open and read /dev/sda the same way you'd read any other file.
Just use open, lseek, read, write (or pread, pwrite). If you want to make sure you're physically fetching data from a drive and not from kernel buffers you can open with the flag O_DIRECT (though you must perform aligned reads/writes of 512 byte chunks for this to work).
Windows Platform
For Windows, there are the special objects \\.\PhisicalDriveX, with X as the number of the drive, which can be opened using the normal CreateFile API. To perform reads or writes simply call ReadFile and WriteFile (buffer must be aligned on sector size).
More info can be found in "Physical Disks and Volumes" section of the CreateFile API documentation.
Alternatively you can also you DeviceIoControl function which sends a control code directly to a specified device driver, causing the corresponding device to perform the corresponding operation.
On linux, as root, you can save your MBR like this (Assuming you drive is /dev/sda):
dd if=/dev/sda of=mbr bs=512 count=1
If you wanted to read 1Mb from you drive, starting at the 10th MB:
dd if=/dev/sda of=1Mb bs=1Mb count=1 skip=10
