How to Applying operations like bold,italic,color etc on selected text of rich text? - flex4

I have a dragged object(like rectangle).when I double click on rectangle rich text will become visible and I can write text on rich text and applying operations like bold,color etc.After applying all operations and put mouse down on designArea(is a Group container) properties are not preserved.Only updated text in visible.
function foo(e:IndexChangeEvent):void{
var styleObj:TextLayoutFormat=new TextLayoutFormat();


Event for Markup drawing

What is the name of event when we start drawing the markup(circle, arrow, rectangle etc.) on the shape when in edit mode? And can we change the markup type in this event?
Problem is: When we are in edit mode and have selected specific shape and color to draw the markup, and in between if we select any markup, the drawing tool takes up that shape and color for the next markup to be drawn ignoring the markup type and color we selected earlier. Is this the normal behavior. Why does the drawing tool take up the configuration of the last selected markup and overrides the type we define through - new Autodesk.Viewing.Extensions.Markups.Core.EditModeCloud(markupExt);
That's an interesting question. I believe the current behavior of markups is as-designed because one would typically only select a markup if they wanted to move it around, scale it, etc. That's why in the current implementation, selecting a markup automatically enters its edit mode.
At the same time I understand your view where if I already activate a specific edit mode, it seems strange that that edit mode would change after simply selecting another markup.
Let me bring this up with the engineering team, and in the meantime, I'd suggest using the Autodesk.Viewing.Extensions.Markups.Core.EVENT_EDITMODE_CHANGED event to detect a change to the edit mode, and if needed, reset the mode to the one you want.

Oracle Reports-How To Add Field Object To Repeating Frame

I want to add field object to an existing repeating frame.But when I drag the field, new frame is generated.
See Image below.
I want to do is put the field F_PO_NUMBER under R_INVOICE frame.
Doble-click on the Paper Layout node.
Touch R_INVOICE repeating frame on the Object Navigator.
Change Fill colour of R_INVOICE by selecting a different than that already has ( colour palette pointers are located on the left side of the Paper Layout ).
Let's choose gray as fill colour, and then there will appear a great gray box on the Paper Layout.
Just drag F_PO_NUMBER to the inside of that gray box. If some frames or objects slides as you drag F_PO_NUMBER, apply immediately an undo by pressing Ctrl+Z, and play with Flex On/Off or Confine On/Off buttons up to your object is able to be removed into that gray box.
I'd suggest you to
create a backup copy of that RDF file - you might need to restore the report if something goes wrong
go to paper layout editor
turn flex OFF (so that frames wouldn't stretch)
select any field in the R_INVOICE frame (for example, F_INVOICE_NUMBER)
copy/paste it (Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V)
a new item (named F_INVOICE_NUMBER1) will be created slightly right & below from the original item)
move it to a new position
if necessary, switch flex ON (and, possibly, confine ON/OFF), but be very careful because you might spoil current layout, and - if you do that - it might be difficult to revert changes. Undo works only 1 level back
change its name & source so that they are appropriate (i.e. F_PO_NUMBER)
save & run the report. Hopefully, it'll be OK.
P.S. As you already have the R_1 frame (which is useless), I'd suggest you to remove (in paper layout editor) it, as well as current F_PO_NUMBER field (visible on your screenshot).

Background colour in Mailchimp

I have chosen the 'full width' template for mail chimp and I cannot for the life of me change the background colour of each row.
It allows a full width strip of colour for the header, but not for the blocks that follow. I can put inline styles or embedded css in there, but I do not know how to target each row.
I have been sent emails that feature this but I cannot achieve this. Any help would be great.
It seems that background colour can be changed for "boxed text" content sections, but not in other content sections. Even within boxed text, padding is automatically added, so the background colour won't cover the full width (unless you edit the source code.)
If you want all the rows to have the same background, you can change it by clicking on "design" at the top of the right hand menu. Within that section you can set a background for each page section (header, body, footer.)
If you want the rows/content sections within each page section to different colours you'll need to edit the source code directly.
You can do this from within mail chimp by clicking edit for the section you want to change the background for, and then clicking on the source <> icon. If you want to edit it outside of mail chimp, you can export the html by going to your "templates", and on the right hand side there will be an "edit" and a dropdown arrow button. You can export the html by clicking the dropdown.
To edit the html directly, add the style inline.
style="background-color: [color]; padding: 0;"

Access 2010 Query results with image next to it

I have a query that returns a list of items. What I would like is to be able to display this on a form with an image (green/red circle) to indicate if the item is working or not. I'm not sure this is possible but if it is I would appreciate a pointer.
Example of form:
(Green) Truck1
(Green) Truck2
(Red) Truck3
(Red) Car1
(Green) Car2
You can set the contents of a textbox to a wingding and code the colour. In Access 2010, you can set the colour of a toggle button to a colour and if the toggle is bound to a YesNo data type the colour will change nicely.
Create a Continuous form based on the relevant query. I will assume that Working is a YesNo field.
Add a text box in a suitable position and set the control source to ="n"
Set the font of the textbox to WebDings, set the colour of the font to red
Right-click and choose Conditional Formatting:
As you can see, I have chosen Expression Is and entered the name of my YesNo field. I have then selected a font colour of green.

wpf: tabitem header to fit header.content size

I have a tab control and when there are too many itmes, I get tab item headers on multiple lines.
So it will be like
[TabItemAA1] [TabItemAA2]
[ TabItem3 ]
I don't mind them stacking but when this happens, TabItem3's header stretchs to fit the width of tab control.
How can I prevent this or make the tab item content which is TextBlock to fit the extended width?
That's kind of the way people expect to see it, though. The tab labels should be centered so you can easily read them. I assume you want to left or right justify instead. Changing the dominant UI paradigm is only a good idea if you're going to improve upon it.
It could get very messy, but you could nest another container inside the header and explicitly specify the size and alignment of the objects it contains.
For a different UI style where the tabs scroll horizontally instead of splitting into multiple lines, you could also check out this guy's article, titled "WPF Single Row Tab Control":
