I'm new to Github and I've been using the windows github tool which has proved a great help and handled a lot of things like SSH keys, prompts commits, discard a commit, revert commit, and it has a combined mechanism of pull+merge & push (sync), and a lot!
I'm learning it and trying to get its internal git command level executions. The other day, I merged a hotfix branch and then wanted to delete it -
git branch -d hotfix
I need to know how to delete it from the server as well. What are the git equivalents of the following two actions available in manage branch in the windows tool -
Unpublish a branch - remove only from the server
Delete a branch - remove locally and on server
Another thing I doubt is that the above git command was unable to remove the branch locally. I executed it, it removed the branch (didn't show in $ git branch) but if I restart the tool, the branch was still there! Was that a glitch?
If someone has been using these, can you pls suggest the best approach (I don't want to be totally dependent on the tool, I want to learn git as well).
In addition to
git branch -d hotfix
you also can remove it from GitHub:
git push origin --delete hotfix
You can see more at "How do I delete a Git branch both locally and in GitHub?"
If you have already deleted branches locally, a simple:
git push --prune origin
is enough to clean those same branches on your GitHub repo.
The opposite situation is when you have deleted branches on GitHub, while they are still on your local repo.
In that case:
git remote prune origin
See "cleaning up old remote git branches".
Branch "abcd/child" is created from "abcd/master" . Changes are made to "abcd/child" and meanwhile "abcd/master" also have added changes. Now how to make sure the latest changes are pulled from "abcd/master" is available in "abcd/child" using git commands in git bash?
Assuming abcd is the name of your remote, here's how I'd do it:
git checkout child
git pull
git merge abcd/master
git push
When you checkout child, it'll probably say "set up to track remote abcd" or similar.
The git pull command does two things: It fetches all updates from the server (on all branches) to your local git repo, and it updates your branch to match what's on the remote.
The git merge abcd\master means to specifically bring in all of the commits that are on the remote's copy of the master branch. That's important because you may not have updated your local master to have all those commits.
Note also that you might get conflicts in the git merge if both abcd and master have edited the same sections of the same file. There's lots of help in resolving git merge conflicts.
Also: You want to make sure everything works after the merge. It's possible that the changes on master broke an API that you were using, so you may need to make edits to deal with that.
Update: My assumption about abcd being the name of the remote is wrong.
First, get the name of your remote with the git remote command. Mine goes like this.
git remote
So I only have one remote, and I call it origin. That's pretty common. If you've got more than one remote, it'll be trickier.
So, with "origin" as the remote it goes like this:
git checkout abcd/child
git pull
git merge origin/abcd/master
git push
Obviously substitute the name of your remote if it's not origin.
Same caveats apply about conflicts and making sure it works.
I need to push my modified new java code to my old git repository in github but I do not have old code in my pc. How to do that?
I had push a code before my github account before. Now I don't have that old code in my pc. How do I pull the project into my pc and after making changes, push again to the same repository?
I do not have much experience in github, so please help me to improve skills on github.
Check your remote first to see where it is pointing to by
$ git remote -v
origin ssh://git#<old-git-url>/<project>.git (fetch)
origin ssh://git#g<old-git-url>/<project>.git (push)
Change the pointing to GitHub
$ git remote set-url origin ssh://git#<github-url>/<project>.git
Now your repo is pointing to Github
Now you can make your changes and then add them and do a commit and finally push to remote branch; say you are on master.
git add <file>
git commit -m <commit message>
git push origin master
I had to do just that and achieved it like this.
Setup. I assume you have a new remote repository with files that may not cause a conflict with the directory you currently have locally.
Git clone from the git repository you need to push to. Just make sure you create a new directory for the cloned code.
Copy the contents of the cloned repository into the local directory that has your current code. Make sure to copy the .git (hidden) file.
cd into your local directory and run git remote -v. You should see the remote repository git address.
git add -A to add whatever change you require and commit it.
Finally git push
You need to make sure that your local repository (the one that is on your computer) is connected to the remote repository (the one that is on the GitHub servers).
After this, you need to add the modified file to the staging area. Say, you have a file test.txt that you have modified, you would add it to the staging area by typing
git add test.txt
After that you would need to commit those changes. You can do that by
git commit -m "commit message"
And that's it, you have now saved those changes and recorded them in the version control. But the changes that you made have only been recorded in your local repository and you would need to push these changes to the remote repository (the GitHub servers). You can do this by
git push origin master
It would take a few seconds (depending on your internet speed and the project file size) to push these changes to the remote servers. Once it's done, you can open that repository on GitHub and see the changes for yourself.
Just to amend this a bit. I believe "master" is now "main" in some instances or platforms. If this answer isn't working for you, try swapping that out. It worked for me.
pushing to github was working fine. I think this problem started when i checked out a branch from github. How do i fix this? When i try to push to github now, i get the error "The current branch could not be determined."
Also, all my local commits do not show up with comments in either of my local branches. at least not in xcode 9 UI. I don't really know how to use the local git to check these things, so if someone wants to point me to documentation that would be helpful too.
I had this issue, you need to get down and dirty in Terminal :)
The issue is most likely a detached HEAD
This recovery is based on you have made changes whilst head detached and you want to keep these changes.
Navigate to your project directory and execute: git status
If you have a HEAD detached message then:
Commit changes: git commit -a -m "you commit comment here"
Create a local temp branch: git branch temp
Check out the previous branch (the branch you want to use i.e. master): git checkout master
now merge your recent changes (from the temp branch): git merge temp
Your all done, go back into Xcode and your back on your branch and everything as you left it :)
Hope this helps.
Type these commands (1-4) sequentially in your Command Prompt :
git commit -a -m "you commit message here"
git branch temporary
git checkout master
git merge temporary
Now head over to source control navigator pane in your Xcode project and delete the "temporary" branch from Branches Tab
Source Control navigator pane image
I had the same issue after checking out a previous commit and have found a fix.
In Xcode go to Source Control > Clone > Clone the repository you are trying to push and save it, then delete your old Xcode project and replace it with the cloned project and it should work as normal.
I have searched everywhere and tried various solutions but am still getting the error:
Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge
i have nothing to commit as status tells me the following:
# On branch develop
# Your branch is behind 'origin/develop' by 1 commit, and can be fast-forwarded.
# (use "git pull" to update your local branch)
nothing to commit, working directory clean
So then I do a git pull, then get the following:
Updating 67020e6..6dd23de
error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:
Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can merge.
But as I have nothing to commit and if I do a git stash I get No local changes to save
So how can I fix the problem and download and update my local machine with my remote amends.
Bit of history incase:
I have to local machines one at home and work I have done the amends at home and pushed them and I am now trying to update my local work machine with these updates.
As I cannot answer my own question for a while I found what for me solved this answer:
on the branch I wrote:
git reset --hard
Then the pull worked.
While looking around i tried the following that seemed to fix my issue at the time.
While on the branch i wrote.
git reset --hard
Had you ever previously done git update-index --assume-unchanged <file>? That could be a potential reason for your situation.
To fix, you do git update-index --no-assume-unchanged <file>. Then you should be able to stash your changes and continue with the merge.
Faced exactly the same problem. I was used to CVS before I started exploring git. I think running git pull --rebase origin master is the way to go for the kind of workflow that you and I use.
Refer to https://www.atlassian.com/git/workflows#!workflow-centralized for a more detailed explanation. I definitely know the answer is somewhere in that article, but I didn't understand the article completely.
OK, total noob question, for msysgit on Windows 7, but I have a remote repository (on unfuddle), create on one PC, and now I want to pull it down to another PC. I tried 'Fetch' using Git Gui, but the folder still only has a .git subfolder. It took a while pulling it down, so I assume there is something in the repo, but how do I check it out to a working copy. Nothing I have tried seems to work.
It's not directly in his answer, but VonC below pointed me to the unfuddle help documentation for Git, which is as terse as the Git man-pages are dense. The follwing single command got me the working copy and local repository I needed:
$ git clone git#subdomain.unfuddle.com:subdomain/abbreviation.git
Following the Git documentation on Unfuddle, did you declare your unfunddle repo as a remote?
$ cd /path/to/repository
$ git remote add unfuddle git#subdomain.unfuddle.com:subdomain/abbreviation.git
Try also gitk --all: if the fetch has succeded, you should the remote tracking branches (like unfuddle/master). You can then merge it to your master branch in order to finally see files in your (still empty) working tree.
You could also have done a git pull to combine the two steps together (fetch+merge). See this blog post for illustration.
Actually, the OP ProfK reports a cloning issue:
I did already have the unfuddle remote added
git clone git#subdomain.unfuddle.com:subdomain/abbreviation.git
is more suited to get a local repo with the right remote already added to it.