Social networks buttons callback - social-networking

Is there any way to make sure that a user has truly shared a link on a social network?
I am using AddThis buttons, where am using '' event which only raised if a user clicked on the button without the need to really login and post to the social network, my questiton is not only about AddThis plugin, but in general is it possible to have a callback or to initiate a request to check whether the user really shared the contents?
My website scenario is that i want to inform my server side code that the user truly posted or shared a link on his/her profile, am not sure if i can accomplish this, please provide your suggestions.


How does my user access a ServiceNow application that I created?

I am researching ServiceNow, I know next to nothing about it. Funny how the most obvious questions seem to be the hardest to Google. My specific question is about applications.
ServiceNow runs as SaaS, correct? So, if I build a ServiceNow application, for a user to access that application, they would open the ServiceNow platform in their browser, then they would have a menu of applications they could launch, correct?
Is it possible to host a ServiceNow application on a specific page, or on a website, or embed it in a SharePoint page, so I can give out a URL for a user to run the application? Or do they always have to navigate through the ServiceNow portal to run my application?
I know this sounds like a dumb question. But everything I have read assumes you already know this information, so a dumb, obvious question it has to be.
ServiceNow assumes that it is managing the entire window (or tab). You might be able to get something to work using HTML frames, but there is a good chance it would break with a future ServiceNow upgrade.
On the other hand, it possible to redirect a user into a specific ServiceNow page by constructing the appropriate URL. If the user does not already have an active session cookie then ServiceNow will prompt them to authenticate. You can redirect to a specific Service Portal page, or a specific catalog item or a specific record. You can redirect to a ServiceNow Dashboard. If you want to show a list of records, you can dynamically build a query. You can redirect into Agent Workspace or the classic platform UI. If directing into the classic platform UI you can show or hide the ServiceNow navigation menu based on whether or not your URL contains
There is a bit of an introduction on this page, although it really only scratches the surface:
If you want to drive ServiceNow from a web site or from SharePoint, then you just need to construct the right URL which will open ServiceNow in a new browser tab.

Google+ API - Moments visibility

I am currently researching Google+ REST API to post to a user's stream.
The basic requirements are:
The post should be created without user's review using server side request (user should give his permission to post on his behalf in the future).
The post must be visible to all user's friends.
As i understand from reading the documentation, posting to the stream without actually getting permission in creation time from the user is impossible, however, creating 'moments' doesn't require permission upon-posting, so the user should give his permission when authorizing the app.
Since i didn't find anything that explains how can a moment be created to be visible to all user's friends - can someone who is familiar with this API explain how visibility of a moment is being determined and on which step? reference to an API documentation would be good as well, but i didn't find any.
The moment methods do not write directly to a user's Google+ stream. They instead write to a user's profile, and are not necessarily viewable by others depending on the user's preferred sharing settings.
Manage app activities in Google
During authorization the user chooses who their activity is visible to.
Once authorized a user should be able to see their own activities on Google+ and you can view other people's activities by clicking on an app from their profile about page.

Google+ Share as Fanpage

I've researched really a lot, but found no way to embed a share button which posts directly on the fanpage, not the personal profile.
I'm working with the JS API and also tried the direct link, neither worked. There is also no way to change account directly in the popup. Settings the publisherid also didn't work.
Is there any way to embed a share button which will share something on my fanpage?
That's nothing you as the website owner can take influence on. It depends on how the user is logged in on Google+.
As a page owner you can create a username/password for the page and login as the page on Google+. Here is a post describing that:

Legal Issue: Remove/Hide links on Google Login page

For the background:
I'm developing a device application which offers connection to Google Drive. My end-users will need to login to their Google Account and authorize my application to access their Google Drive.
I'm using OAuth 2.0 to do this. But my concern is that I don't want users to navigate away from my application using the links on the Google Login page. Basically, I don't want them to use my application to browse the internet.
Will I violate any terms of service/usage if I hide or change the href the links using GreaseMonkey or TamperMonkey? The changes will only be on the client side and I won't alter any processing at all.
I already checked but I found no item related to modifying the pages on client side.
Thanks in advance.
What kind of device? If you’re on Android, check out the Google Drive API and GoogleAuthUtil, you probably don’t need to code your own OAuth 2 support. On iOS we’ve been shipping a bunch of library-ware to help you similarly.
But if you’re doing OAuth 2 via a browser, it would be highly inappropriate to screw around with the Google Login page. Also I suspect that the page will try to resist such attempts, but I don’t know the details.

How to share only on twitter?

I'm aware I can use the ShareLinkTask class to share something on my favourite social network. I'm trying to add a button to share on twitter only. I don't want to enable the user to chose.
I can't find a workaround for that class, is it possible to do that?
There are many ways to share something with social networks. Few are:
User will not have to SIgnIn, but would be presented with many networks.
External Browser Mechanism (Recommended)
You can launch a popup with BrowserControl in it and redirect it to URL of form
User will be asked to SIgnIN with all text filled and ready to Tweet, as shown (Desktop Browser)
Dedicated WP Libraries such as TweetSharp, LINQtoTwitter n others.
These will require you to use API 1.1 and send OAuth authenticated requests. Its a little comples if you only want Share capability.
It is not possil using the ShareLinkTask. You need to implement it by yourself, e.g: using TweetSharp.
